Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 65.07
Liaison Yumiko Jakobcic
Submission Date Feb. 28, 2014
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Grand Valley State University
AC-6: Sustainability Literacy Assessment

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 0.12 / 4.00 Amanda Rodgers
Graduate Assistant
Sustainable Community Development Initiative
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

The percentage of students assessed for sustainability literacy (directly or by representative sample) and for whom a follow-up assessment is conducted:

The percentage of students assessed for sustainability literacy (directly or by representative sample) without a follow-up assessment:

A copy of the questions included in the sustainability literacy assessment(s):
The questions included in the sustainability literacy assessment(s) :
2011 Sustainability Survey Data Set Question 1 – Have you heard the term “sustainability” used at Grand Valley State University? a. Yes b. No c. Not sure Question 2 – If you said “yes” to the above question, please list the places or describe the instances where you have encountered the term “sustainability” at Grand Valley State University. a. Personal response to be written by student respondents Question 3 – For the following issues, indicate how KNOWLEDGEABLE you feel you are about them as it pertains to sustainability. Rate on a scale of 1-5 where 1 is you don’t have any knowledge about this issue and 5 is you are very knowledgeable about this issue. a. Waste b. Safety and Security c. Unemployment d. Resource Consumption e. Education f. Inflation g. Water Use h. Health and Wellness i. Local Business/Local Economy Question 4 – Please indicate how CONCERNED you are about each of the following issues as they pertain to sustainability. Rate on a scale of 1-5 where 1 is you are not at all concerned about this issue and 5 is you are very concerned about this issue. a. Waste b. Safety and Security c. Unemployment d. Resource Consumption e. Education f. Inflation g. Water Use h. Health and Wellness i. Local Business/Local Economy Question 5 – Please indicate how SIGNIFICANT you feel your personal effort might affect change(s) regarding the following issues as they pertain to sustainability. Rate on a scale of 1-5 where 1 is how your personal effort is insignificant and 5 is how your personal effort is very significant. a. Waste b. Safety and Security c. Unemployment d. Resource Consumption e. Education f. Inflation g. Water Use h. Health and Wellness i. Local Business/Local Economy Question 6 – Please respond to this statement: I have a personal responsibility to help make a difference on ENVIRONMENTAL issues like waste, resource consumption, and water use. a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Slightly Disagree d. Slightly Agree e. Agree f. Strongly Agree Question 7 - Please respond to this statement: I have a personal responsibility to help make a difference on SOCIAL issues like safety and security, education, and health and wellness. a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Slightly Disagree d. Slightly Agree e. Agree f. Strongly Agree Question 8 - Please respond to this statement: I have a personal responsibility to help make a difference on ECONOMIC issues like unemployment, inflation, and local business/local economy. a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Slightly Disagree d. Slightly Agree e. Agree f. Strongly Agree Question 9 – Which of the following choices or activities describe your current lifestyle? (Check all that apply) a. Take public transit b. Carpool c. Bike/walk d. Buy locally grown, seasonal products e. Buy organic foods when available f. Eat lower on the food chain (less meat) g. Purchase recycled or bulk products) h. Participate in student organizations i. Exercise j. Seek relationships with diverse groups of people k. Vote l. Volunteer with nonprofit organizations m. Turn off lights when not in use n. Turn the heat down when not home o. Wash clothes in cold or warm water (instead of hot) p. Take short showers (5 minutes or less) q. Drink tap water instead of bottled r. Use a reusable water bottle s. Reduce/Reuse/Recycle t. Double-side copies and print jobs u. Use green cleaning products v. None of these Question 10 – Which of the following sustainability related activities or resources are you AWARE of and/or PARTICIPATE in on GVSU’s campus? (Please check all that apply) a. Biodegradable plates and utensils in Campus Dining areas b. Campus Dining $1 refill policy c. Campus Dining Composting Project d. Campus Sustainability Week (October 16 – 23, 2011) e. Energy conservation housing competitions f. Environemtnal studies minor/Liberal studies sustainability emphasis g. Free bus rides on the Rapid h. Green roofs, rain gardens i. GVSU Farmer’s Market (summer) j. Hiking trails in the Ravines and Arboterum k. LEED certified buildings l. Meatless Mondays m. Project Donation n. Recyclemania! o. Recycling on campus p. Service and Advocacy week q. Student Sustainability partnership r. Sustainable Agriculture Project (Community Garden) s. Sustainable Community Development Initiative project and volunteer opportunities t. Sustainable Community Reinvestment Fund Question 11 – In what areas of sustainability would you say GVSU is strongest? a. Personal response to be written by student respondents Question 12 – In what areas of sustainability would you say GVSU is weakest? a. Personal response to be written by student respondents Question 13 – On what sustainability efforts would you like to see GVSU focus? a. Personal response to be written by student respondents Question 14 – Are you interested in learning more about sustainability? a. Yes b. No c. Not Sure Question 15 – How do you currently access information about sustainability on campus? a. Blackboard b. Email c. Sustainable Community Development Initiative website d. Facebook e. Lanthorn Articles f. Newsletters g. Posters/fliers h. Sidewalk Chalk i. Speakers and events j. Professors in class k. Twitter l. Word of mouth Question 16 – What would be the best ways for students to access information about sustainability on campus? a. Blackboard b. Email c. Sustainable Community Development Initiative website d. Facebook e. Lanthorn Articles f. Newsletters g. Posters/fliers h. Sidewalk Chalk i. Speakers and events j. Professors in class k. Twitter l. Word of mouth Question 17 – In your opinion, on a scale from 1 – 10, with one (1) being seriously deficient and ten (10) being exceeding your expectations, how SUPPORTIVE of sustainability is Grand Valley? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 f. 6 g. 7 h. 8 i. 9 j. 10 Question 18 - In your opinion, on a scale from 1 – 10, with one (1) being seriously deficient and ten (10) being exceeding your expectations, how successful has Grand Valley been at PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES on campus for YOU to be engaged in sustainability? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 f. 6 g. 7 h. 8 i. 9 j. 10 Question 19 (Optional) – Academic Year a. Freshman b. Sophomore c. Junior d. Senior e. 5+ Year Senior f. Graduate Student Question 20 (Optional) – Age a. Personal response to be written by student respondents Question 21 (Optional) – Gender a. Male b. Female c. Transgender Question 22 (Optional) – Where do you live? a. On Campus b. Off Campus Question 23 (Optional) – In which college is your major area of study? a. Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies b. College of Community and Public Service c. College of Education d. College of Health Professions e. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences f. Kirkhof College of Nursing g. Padnos College of Engineering and Computing h. Seidman College of Business i. Undecided/Unsure Question 24 (Optional) – Race a. White/Non-Hispanic b. Black/Non-Hispanic c. Hispanic d. American Indian or Alaskan Native e. Asian or Pacific Islander f. Other or Mixed Race
+ Date Revised: April 30, 2014

A brief description of how the assessment(s) were developed:
Working directly with GVSU Information Technology, the 2009 survey was re-vamped (with new questions) to create the 2011 survey. Before sending the survey to the student population, we asked a handful of students, faculty, and staff what they thought of the survey (i.e. if the survey wording was clear, options were understandable, questions were relevant, etc.). With their comments/thoughts/suggestions as well as with IT’s comments/thoughts/suggestions, the 2011 survey was created.

A brief description of how the assessment(s) were administered:
Working directly with GVSU Information Technology (IT), IT was able to send out the survey link to every registered student. The survey was anonymous.

A brief summary of results from the assessment(s):
1,333 students completed the survey, which was an increase of 1,011 from the previous 2009 survey. The survey asked students not only what they personally felt was most important to them regarding sustainability, but also to relate to us what sustainable programs/activities/events that they either knew of or participated in. One of the most important aspects of the 2011 sustainability survey was the students’ opportunity to tell GVSU what they thought GVSU was strongest in, as well as weakest in, in regards to sustainability. The 2011 sustainability survey literacy assessment was a great tool for GVSU to help faculty and staff understand what students think and feel regarding campus sustainability.

The website URL where information about the literacy assessment(s) is available:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Survey is not currently available online.

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