Overall Rating Platinum - expired
Overall Score 87.10
Liaison Alex Davis
Submission Date March 5, 2020

STARS v2.2

Arizona State University
OP-5: Building Energy Efficiency

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 4.53 / 6.00 Alex Davis
Asst. Director
University Sustainability Practices
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Electricity use, performance year (report kilowatt-hours):
kWh MMBtu
Imported electricity 249,629,433.87 Kilowatt-hours 851,735.63 MMBtu
Electricity from on-site, non-combustion facilities/devices (e.g., renewable energy systems) 36,869,557 Kilowatt-hours 125,798.93 MMBtu

Stationary fuels and thermal energy, performance year (report MMBtu):
Stationary fuels used on-site to generate electricity and/or thermal energy 932,292 MMBtu
Imported steam, hot water, and/or chilled water 47,574 MMBtu

Total site energy consumption, performance year:
1,957,400.56 MMBtu

Gross floor area of building space, performance year:
24,300,504 Gross square feet

Floor area of energy intensive space, performance year:
Floor area
Laboratory space 1,710,230 Square feet
Healthcare space 32,721 Square feet
Other energy intensive space 41,496 Square feet

EUI-adjusted floor area, performance year:
27,827,902 Gross square feet

Degree days, performance year:
Degree days
Heating degree days 1,226 Degree-Days (°F)
Cooling degree days 4,713 Degree-Days (°F)

Total degree days, performance year:
5,939 Degree-Days (°F)

Start and end dates of the performance year (or 3-year period):
Start date End date
Performance period July 1, 2018 June 30, 2019

Total site energy consumption per unit of EUI-adjusted floor area per degree day, performance year:
11.84 Btu / GSF / Degree-Day (°F)

Electricity use, baseline year (report kWh):
kWh MMBtu
Imported electricity 281,491,396 Kilowatt-hours 960,448.64 MMBtu
Electricity from on-site, non-combustion facilities/devices (e.g., renewable energy systems) 0 Kilowatt-hours 0 MMBtu

Stationary fuels and thermal energy, baseline year (report MMBtu):
Stationary fuels used on-site to generate electricity and/or thermal energy 852,575 MMBtu
Imported steam, hot water, and/or chilled water 18,079 MMBtu

Total site energy consumption, baseline year:
1,831,102.64 MMBtu

Gross floor area of building space, baseline year:
17,419,855 Gross square feet

Start and end dates of the baseline year (or 3-year period):
Start date End date
Baseline period July 1, 2006 June 30, 2007

A brief description of when and why the energy consumption baseline was adopted:
To coincide with Arizona State University's first formal Greenhouse Gas inventory.

Source-site ratio for imported electricity:

Total energy consumption per unit of floor area:
Site energy Source energy
Performance year 0.08 MMBtu per square foot 0.15 MMBtu per square foot
Baseline year 0.11 MMBtu per square foot 0.22 MMBtu per square foot

Percentage reduction in total source energy consumption per unit of floor area from baseline:

Documentation to support the performance year energy consumption figures reported above:

A brief description of the institution's initiatives to shift individual attitudes and practices in regard to energy efficiency:

A brief description of energy use standards and controls employed by the institution:
Approximately 75% of Arizona State University's buildings at the Tempe campus can be scheduled through the building automation system. This is a Johnson Controls Metasys system that is used to turn air handlers and pumps, etc. on and off according to the scheduling needs for a particular building or zone within a building. Building occupancy needs are determined by academic, research, and administrative staff, then equipment schedules are optimized to prevent unnecessary run-time.

The Polytechnic campus employs a system called Direct Digital Control (DDC). It’s an Alerton system that controls and maintains temperature ranges and generates reports on our energy usage, remote monitoring, and alarms.

West campus buildings have been upgraded to Computerized Direct Digital Controls. Buildings are operated based on the needs of the customer reducing building systems operating hours by over 50%.

Non-critical program spaces are designed around ASHRAE design conditions at 99% for heating and 2% for cooling. This results in less energy consumption to condition outdoor air.

Other typical strategies include, but are not limited to, outdoor air economizer control, occupancy/vacancy sensors, demand-control ventilation, and energy recovery.

A brief description of Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting and other energy-efficient lighting strategies employed by the institution:
Arizona State University continues its rollout of LED technologies in both new construction projects as well as tenant improvements. In many cases, ASU leverages its Sustainability Initiatives Revolving Fund (SIRF) as a financial resource to implement these upgrades due to the quick return on investment of these projects. To date, ASU has updated over 10,000 fixtures with LEDs and has saved over 1,500,000 kWh annually.

A brief description of passive solar heating, geothermal systems, and related strategies employed by the institution:

A brief description of co-generation employed by the institution:
An 8.8 MW natural gas-fired combined heat & power plant provides nearly 45,000 MWh of electricity to ASU's research community at the Tempe Campus and is able to provide 6,000 tons of chilled water and 80,000 lbs of steam to the whole campus.

A brief description of the institution's initiatives to replace energy-consuming appliances, equipment, and systems with high efficiency alternatives:
ASU currently recommissions 30 buildings from the Energy Savings Performance Contract – Phase II on a rotational basis every 4 years. This portfolio equates to 2,929,643 square feet of space, approximately 13% of ASUs gross square footage.

ASU is currently evaluating a third Energy Savings Performance Contract - Phase III which will provide Energy Conservation Measures in approximately 34 buildings, equating to 3,343,302 square feet of space, approximately 14% of ASU's gross square footage.

ASU has set up an Energy Innovations Team that is actively pursuing and implementing other energy savings opportunities at all campuses, such as LED retrofits, central plant optimization, motor replacements, control strategies, etc.

Website URL where information about the institution’s energy conservation and efficiency program is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Under "Electricity from on-site, non-combustion facilities/devices (e.g., renewable energy systems)," the 36,869,557 kWh represents electricity generated by ASU's 24 MW of on-campus solar. We do not retain the RECs for these systems. However, this electricity feeds directly into our campus buildings and as such does not suffer from transmission and distribution losses. Please note that this reported electricity for on-site systems is only that which is directly consumed by our campus buildings. Any electricity that was exported to the regional grid because instantaneous on-site generation exceeded instantaneous on-site demand was not included. Additionally, please note that for GHG accounting purposes, this electricity is reported in OP-6 as grid mix that is matched with Green-e RECs.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.