Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 53.85
Liaison Aimee Lemrise
Submission Date Jan. 10, 2020
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Southern Illinois University Carbondale
AC-1: Academic Courses

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 8.60 / 14.00
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Figures required to calculate the percentage of courses offered by the institution that are sustainability course offerings:
Undergraduate Graduate
Total number of courses offered by the institution 2,991 1,787
Number of sustainability courses offered 141 48
Number of courses offered that include sustainability 297 107

Percentage of courses that are sustainability course offerings:

Total number of academic departments (or the equivalent) that offer courses (at any level):

Number of academic departments (or the equivalent) that offer at least one sustainability course and/or course that includes sustainability (at any level):

Percentage of academic departments with sustainability course offerings:

A copy of the institution’s inventory of its sustainability course offerings and descriptions:
Do the figures reported above cover one, two, or three academic years?:

A brief description of the methodology used to determine the total number of courses offered and to identify sustainability course offerings, including the definitions used and the process for reviewing and/or validating the course inventory :
The following steps were taken to identify a list of "Sustainability Courses" and "Courses That Include Sustainability:" 1. A Sustainability Fellow reviewed processes used by other universities and reported them to the Sustainability Director. The following process was agreed upon by the Sustainability Council as the most appropriate for our university and was followed. 2. A Sustainability Fellow identified and created a list of sustainability keywords. These keywords were reviewed by the Sustainability Council. The Council made suggested changes to the list and the finalized list was voted on and approved by the Council on February 18, 2019. This keyword list is at the bottom of this section. 3. A Sustainability Fellow searched the course directory catalog for the 2018-19 school year using the keywords to identify a list of sustainability courses. 4. The Sustainability Fellow reviewed the course descriptions and completed an initial coding process for each course and identified it with a “1” as appropriate in columns titled as follows: “undergraduate sustainability course (SC),” “undergraduate course that includes sustainability (IS),” “graduate sustainability course (SC),” and “graduate course that includes sustainability (IS).” For courses the Fellow was not clear about, a “1” was coded into the “Double Check” column for the following step. Not all courses that included identified keywords made it to the original list. The Sustainability Fellow excluded some courses that were not related to sustainability, even if they included the keywords. 5. A team of 4 individuals (the 3 faculty members from the Sustainability Council and the Sustainability Director) met to review the course list created by the Sustainability Fellow. (This list included the Department, Area of Study, Course Title, Level, and Catalog Description, in addition to the Double Check” column.) The team of 4 reviewed the STARS definitions V 2.1 for "Sustainability Courses" and "Courses That Include Sustainability." The team discussed the definitions to level set, focusing on courses with a “1” in the “Double Check” column. 6. The entire course list was divided into 4 groups. Each of the 4 members of this small team was responsible for reviewing a list of 100-175 courses. Even with the definitions offered by STARS, it was not always clear what category the course should fall into. As such, the team used evidence in the course description and any personal knowledge of the course to determine if it should be a "Sustainability Course,” a "Course That Includes Sustainability," or if it should be removed from the list. If the majority of words included in the course description were sustainability terms, the course was coded as a "Sustainability Course." If the keywords identified courses that could not be coded as a "Sustainability Course" or a "Course That Includes Sustainability," they were deleted from the list. After courses in the “Double Check” column were reviewed, that column was deleted from the spread sheet. The course list was finalized after each of the 4 individuals completed their task. Sustainability Keywords 1. Agriculture 2. Alternative 3. Awareness 4. Balance 5. Behavior Change 6. Biodiversity 7. Bioenergy 8. Biomass 9. Carbon (to detect Carbon offset) 10. Change 11. Climate 12. Communit (to detect “community”, “communities”) 13. Conservation 14. Conserve 15. Collaboration 16. Culture 17. Coastal 18. Crisis 19. Social responsibility (to detect “social responsibility”, “social responsibilities”) 20. Democra (to detect “democracy”, “democratic”) 21. Diversity 22. Drought 23. Development 24. Design 25. Deforestation 26. Disaster 27. Discrimination 28. Economy 29. Ecolog (to detect “ecology”, “ecological”) 30. Ecosystem 31. Eco-system 32. Energ (to detect “energy”, “energies”) 33. Environment (to detect “environment”, “environmental”, “environmentally”) 34. Engage 35. Entrepreneurship 36. Equality 37. Equit (to detect “equity”, “equitable”) 38. Endangered 39. Electric 40. Electronic (waste) 41. Efficiency 42. Ethical (consumerism) 43. Farming 44. Finance 45. Flood 46. Food ( to detect foodchain, food systems, foot prints) 47. Future 48. Fossil Fuels 49. Footprint 50. Fair Trade 51. Gender 52. Geothermal 53. Global 54. Governance 55. Green 56. Growth 57. Human (to detect Human conditions, Rights, Environment) 58. Hybrid 59. Innovat (to detect innovation, innovative) 60. Indigen (to detect “indigenous”, “indigene”) 61. Intergenerational 62. Inter-generational 63. Invest 64. Index (for human development index) 65. Justice 66. Land 67. Landscape 68. LEED 69. Life 70. Local 71. Marine 72. Minority 73. Modernization 74. Movements 75. Multidisciplinary 76. Natural Systems 77. Nature 78. Nutrition 79. Outreach 80. Ocean 81. Planning 82. Policy 83. Poverty 84. Public 85. Prosperity 86. Pollut (to detect “pollution”, “polluting”) 87. Resilien (to detect “resilience”, “resiliency”, “resilient”) 88. Resource 89. Race 90. Recycle 91. Renewable 92. Resilience 93. Rights 94. Rural 95. Scarce 96. Scarcity 97. Sustainab (to detect “sustainable”, “sustainability”) 98. Solutions 99. Stakeholder 100. Social 101. Stewardship 102. System thinking 103. Systems thinking 104. Triple bottom line 105. Technology 106. Transdisciplinary 107. Transformation 108. Transit 109. Transparency 110. Undeserved 111. Urban agriculture 112. Urbanization 113. Waste 114. Water 115. Welfare 116. Wealth 117. Wildlife 118. Wind 119. Women

How were courses with multiple offerings or sections counted for the figures reported above?:
Each course was counted as a single course regardless of the number of offerings or sections

A brief description of how courses with multiple offerings or sections were counted (if different from the options outlined above):

Are the following course types included in the inventory? :
Yes (included) or No (not included)
Internships Yes
Practicums Yes
Independent study Yes
Special topics No
Thesis / dissertation Yes
Clinical No
Physical education Yes
Performance arts Yes

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
https://catalog.siu.edu/_common/documents/ugradcatalog1819.pdf - undergraduate catalog 2018-2019 https://gradschool.siu.edu/_common/documents/catalog/catalog-18-19/18-19-graduate-catalog.pdf - graduate catalog 2018-2019 Methodology for calculating all total university courses: The Sustainability Fellow responsible for coding courses was also responsible for counting total courses as she progressed, following guidelines for counting courses that ensured consistency in methodology between the two lists. Sustainability Fellow work completed by student Gabby Robles.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.