Historic Documents

Please note that we are in the process of rebuilding this archive. Many of the links below are not functional at the moment. If you are in need of a specific document, please email stars@aashe.org.

Before launching the current version of STARS, AASHE released several prior versions as well as earlier drafts for public comment and piloting. Key documents from throughout the STARS development process are posted below.



AASHE launched the STARS 2.0 Technical Manual (early release version) in August 2013. AASHE made minor administrative updates that were incorporated into the version of the Technical Manual (Administrative Update One) that accompanied the launch of STARS 2.0 in October 2013.


AASHE released STARS 1.2 in February 2012.  Like the changes from STARS 1.0 to STARS 1.1, this version of STARS included minor updates to the system.


AASHE launched STARS 1.1 Administrative Update One in February 2011. This Administrative Update contains basic system maintenance changes to STARS 1.1, such as additional language to clarify credits and correction of typographical errors.


AASHE incorporated additional support information in the Technical Manual after the early release and launched the completed STARS 1.0 Technical Manual, website, and Reporting Tool in January 2010. AASHE issued an Administrative Update to this version in June 2010 and November 2011.

AASHE launched the STARS 1.0 Early Release Technical Manual in September 2009 that included all of the credits but limited supporting information as a sneak peek to those interested in participating. AASHE made minor administrative updates after releasing this document that were incorporated in STARS 1.0 that launched in January 2010.

Learn how credits were organized and weighed in each of the STARS 1.x versions of the Technical Manual.

STARS International Pilot Project

The STARS International Pilot project took place from October 2011 and December 2013.  All institutions of higher education outside of the US and Canada were welcome to register for the current STARS system, completed a STARS Report as a STARS Reporter, and give feedback on how STARS could be shaped to better fit international needs. Learn more about the STARS International Pilot.

STARS Pilot Project

The STARS pilot project took place from February 2008 to January 2009 and involved 66 institutions in the US and Canada. Learn additional details about the STARS Pilot Project including the overall approach, participating institutions, and notes from conference calls.  

STARS 0.4-0.5

AASHE released STARS 0.5 in April 2008.

AASHE released STARS 0.4 in September 2007.

Predecessors of STARS

Summary Notes from Conference Workshops

Other Historic Documents