Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 56.90
Liaison Paul Mathisen
Submission Date April 16, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Worcester Polytechnic Institute
PA-2: Sustainability Planning

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 4.00 / 4.00 Liz Tomaszewski
Facilities Systems Manager/Sustainability Coordinator
Facilities Department
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have current and formal plans to advance sustainability in the following areas? Do the plans include measurable objectives?:
Current and Formal Plans (Yes or No) Measurable Objectives (Yes or No)
Curriculum Yes Yes
Research (or other scholarship) Yes Yes
Campus Engagement Yes Yes
Public Engagement Yes Yes
Air and Climate Yes Yes
Buildings Yes Yes
Dining Services/Food Yes Yes
Energy Yes Yes
Grounds Yes No
Purchasing Yes Yes
Transportation Yes Yes
Waste Yes Yes
Water Yes Yes
Diversity and Affordability No No
Health, Wellbeing and Work No No
Investment No No
Other No No

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Curriculum:
WPI's 2013 Sustainability Plan establishes the following goals: "WPI's graduates will leave campus with the understanding and abilities to develop sustainable solutions to the world's problems. All WPI students, undergraduate and graduate, will have the opportunity to incorporate and critically evaluate significant aspects of sustainability in their education.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Curriculum plan(s):
1)Increased visibility and financial support for the global project centers by FY14 and ongoing. 2)Achieving social justice and meet basic human needs in sustainable global development through integration with academic programs by FY15 and ongoing. 3)The role of sustainability is explicit in WPI's Statement of Value for Undergraduate Education and Learning Outcomes by FY14/15. 4)Track the activities that address social justice and basic human needs in sustainable global development by FY15 and ongoing. 5)Track and coordinate sustainability content of IQPs, MQPs, GPS, and Humanities and Arts requirements by FY14/FY15 and ongoing. 6)Formalize and highlight the significance of sustainability issues in the Great Problems Seminars, with consideration to the completion of the GPS by all students, by FY14 and ongoing. 7)Define the role of sustainability in the disciplines for all undergraduate and graduate academic majors by FY14/FY15 and ongoing. 8)Assist students in incorporating sustainability into their majors by FY14/FY15 and ongoing. 9)Create a major energy project center with substantial external collaboration, FY14. 10)Establish a project center dedicated to supporting student projects that address on-campus sustainability, FY 14. 11)Define and document the sustainability component of each student's education, FY14/FY15 12)Track and report faculty expertise and interest in sustainability, FY14/FY15 and ongoing.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Curriculum plan(s):
Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Division, Sustainability Studies Program, Humanities and Arts Department, Director of Sustainability, Undergraduate Studies, WPI Task Force on Sustainability, Associate Dean for the First Year, department heads, Academic Advising, Director of the major energy project center, Director of the project center, Office of the Provost

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Research (or other scholarship):
WPI's 2013 Sustainability Plan establishes the following goal: "Through our research and scholarly activities WPI will make significant contribution to the technologies, the policies, and the attitudes that will help assure a sustainable world."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Research plan(s):
1)WPI is recognized for its contribution in one or more areas of sustainability research, by FY14 and ongoing. 2)All of WPI's sustainability-related researchwork is visible and accessible via the web, by FY14 and ongoing. 3)Appoint a coordinator for sustainability related research, FY14 4)Identify and establish one or more major center(s) of the WPI's current strengths in sustainability. 5)Establish a lecture series to address sustainability-related topics, by FY14 and ongoing. 6)Initiate a series of sustainability conferences in areas of WPI's research strength, by FY15 and ongoing.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Research plan(s):
Director of Sustainability, WPI Task Force on Sustainability, Marketing and Communications, Office of the Provost, Sustainability Research Coordinator, Graduate Dean

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Campus Engagement around sustainability:
"WPI's students, faculty, and staff will be actively engaged in promoting a culture of sustainability to enhance the current and future welfare of our communities: on campus, in Worcester, for our nation, and globally."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Campus Engagement plan:
Objectives: 1)At least 50% of the campus community is engaged in sustainability efforts, by FY15 and ongoing. 2)Sustainability-related project centers involve both the WPI campus and local communities, by FY15 and ongoing 3)Implement a sustainability training and education program for students/faculty/staff (i.e. new staff, faculty, and student orientation program), by FY 16 and ongoing. 4)Incorporate sustainability targets into key students/staff/faculty roles, by FY16 and ongoing. 5)Development a mechanism for engaging all constituents in sustainability planning activities on campus and beyond, by FY15 and ongoing. 6)Develop award/recognition program to support on-campus and off-campus sustainability efforts, by AY14 and ongoing

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Campus Engagement plan(s):
Director of Sustainability, Sustainability Advisory and Working groups, Human Resources, Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Divison, Project Center Directors, Government Relations, Office of the First Year and Insight Program

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Public Engagement around sustainability:
"WPI's students, faculty, and staff will be actively engaged in promoting a culture of sustainability to enhance the current and future welfare of our communities: on campus, in Worcester, for our nation and globally."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Public Engagement plan(s):
1)Sustainability-related project center involve both the WPI campus and local communities, by FY15 and ongoing. 2)WPI's expertise is available via projects and other mechanisms to assist community, governments, and non-profit groups, by FY15 and ongoing. 3)Development mechanism for engaging all constituents in sustainability planning activities on campus and beyond, by FY15 and ongoing 4)Develop award/recognition program to support on-campus and off-campus sustainability efforts, by FY14 and ongoing. 5)Develop a transportation plan for the WPI community to decrease reliance on single-occupancy vehicles, by FY14 and ongoing.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Public Engagement plan(s):
Director of Sustainability, Sustainability Advisory and Working groups, Human Resources, Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Division, Project Center Directors, Faculty Leaders, Library, Continuing and Professional Education, Government Relations

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Air and Climate:
"The operation of WPI's campus and facilities will demonstrate that the principles of sustainability guide our actions as well as our academic and research programs." Objectives focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions are included under this broad goal.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Air and Climate plan(s):
1)Measure GHG emissions and report Scope 1 and 2 emissions annually by FY 14 and ongoing. 2)Establish a methodology and timeline for reducing GHG emissions, by FY14/FY15

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Air and Climate plan(s):
Facilities, Director of Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Buildings:
The operation of WPI's campus and facilities will demonstrate that the principles of sustainability guide our actions as well as our academic and research programs. Objectives focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions are included under this broad goal.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Buildings plan(s):
1)In addition to new construction, all major buildings renovations on campus are LEED certifiable, by FY15 and ongoing. 2)Define building usage and assess building schedules to efficiently manage heating and cooling, by FY14/FY15

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Buildings plan(s):
Director of Sustainability, Facilities

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Dining Services/Food:
"The operations of WPI's campus and facilities will demonstrate that the principles of sustainability guide our actions as well as our academic and research programs." Sustainability dining is included under this broad goal.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Dining Services/Food plan(s):
1)Develop and implement purchasing guidelines to select products manufactured, packaged, and distributed in sustainable manners, by FY15. 2)Eliminate disposable/single-use plastic water bottles from the campus by FY15

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Dining Services/Food plan(s):
Director of Sustainability, Director of Food Services

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Energy:
"The operation of WPI's campus and facilities will demonstrate that the principles of sustainability guide our actions as well as our academic and research programs." Sustainable energy systems are included under this broad goal.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Energy plan(s):
1)Reduce utility consumption by 25% over 5 years, by FY18. 2)Invest in energy programs (focus on deferred maintenance with support from utility incentives), by FY15 and ongoing. 3)Monitor energy use real-time with submetering, by FY16 and ongoing. 4)Define building usage and assess building schedules to efficiently manage heating and cooling, by FY14/FY15 5)Increase sustainability in computing by using sustainable principles in the purchasing and operations of data centers, and through community education and awareness programs, by FY15 and ongoing.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Energy plan(s):
Facilities, Director of Sustainability, IT

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Grounds:
"The operations of WPI's campus and facilities will demonstrate that the principles of sustainability guide our actions as well as our academic and research programs." Sustainable grounds management is part of this broad goal.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Grounds plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Grounds plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Purchasing:
"The operations of WPI's campus and facilities will demonstrate that the principles of sustainability guide our actions as well as our academic and research programs." Sustainable purchasing is part of this broad goal.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Purchasing plan(s):
1)Develop and implement purchasing guidelines to select products manufactured, packaged, and distributed in sustainable manners, and/or are made from recycled goods, by FY15. 2)To increase sustainability in computing by using sustainable principles in the purchasing and operation of data centers, and through community education and awareness programs, by FY15 and ongoing.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Purchasing plan(s):
Director of Sustainability, Purchasing, IT, Departments

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Transportation:
"The operation of WPI's campus and facilities will demonstrate that the principles of sustainability guide our actions as well as our academic and research programs." Sustainable transportation systems are part of this broad goal.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Transportation plan(s):
1)Develop a transportation plan for the WPI community to decrease the reliance on single-occupancy vehicles, by AY14 and ongoing.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Transportation plan(s):
Director of Sustainability, Advisory Council, Human Resources, Government Relations

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Waste:
"The operation of WPI's campus and facilities will demonstrate that the principles of sustainability guide our actions as well as our academic and research programs." Waste minimization is part of this broad goal.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Waste plan(s):
1)Evaluate how recycling and trash pick-up is managed, including disposal contractors and research opportunities, by FY14. 2)Improve campus recycling infrastructure by purchasing and installing user-friendly recycling containers and adding solar compactors to campus outdoor trash receptacles, by FY15. 3)Develop a marketing campaign to tell the story of recycling at WPI, by FY15. 4)Eliminate disposable/single-use plastic water bottles from the campus, by FY15. 5)Install water bottle filling stations on campus, by FY15

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Waste plan(s):
Director of Sustainability, Facilities, Marketing and Communications, Chartwells

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Water:
"The operations of WPI's campus and facilities will demonstrate that the principles of sustainability guide our actions as well as our academic and research programs." Sustainable water use is part of this broad goal.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Water plan(s):
1)Utility consumption is reduced by 25% over 5 years, by FY18

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Water plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Diversity and Affordability:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Diversity and Affordability plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Diversity and Affordability plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Health, Wellbeing and Work:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Health, Wellbeing and Work plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Health, Wellbeing and Work plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Investment:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Investment plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Investment plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in other areas:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the other plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the other plan(s):

The institution’s definition of sustainability:
Sustainability at WPI encompasses three mutually complementary components: Ecological Stewardship embodies the principle that human activities must respect the need to preserve our natural world. Economic Security represents the understanding that all members of society deserve access to the means to support themselves and their families. Social Justice represents our belief that respect for the dignity of every human being leads to the assurance of equitable rights and opportunities for everyone.

Does the institution’s strategic plan or equivalent guiding document include sustainability at a high level?:

A brief description of how the institution’s strategic plan or equivalent guiding document addresses sustainability:

The website URL where information about the institution’s sustainability planning is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.