Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 49.75
Liaison Keaton Schrank
Submission Date April 26, 2016
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Westminster University - Utah
EN-3: Student Life

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Jeri Gravlin
Sustainability Fellow
Environmental Center
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have one or more co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives that fall into the following categories?:
Yes or No
Active student groups focused on sustainability Yes
Gardens, farms, community supported agriculture (CSA) or fishery programs, or urban agriculture projects where students are able to gain experience in organic agriculture and sustainable food systems Yes
Student-run enterprises that include sustainability as part of their mission statements or stated purposes No
Sustainable investment funds, green revolving funds or sustainable microfinance initiatives through which students can develop socially, environmentally and fiscally responsible investment and financial skills No
Conferences, speaker series, symposia or similar events related to sustainability that have students as the intended audience Yes
Cultural arts events, installations or performances related to sustainability that have students as the intended audience Yes
Wilderness or outdoors programs that follow Leave No Trace principles Yes
Sustainability-related themes chosen for themed semesters, years, or first-year experiences No
Programs through which students can learn sustainable life skills Yes
Sustainability-focused student employment opportunities offered by the institution Yes
Graduation pledges through which students pledge to consider social and environmental responsibility in future job and other decisions No
Other co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives Yes

The name and a brief description of each student group focused on sustainability:
Eco Team: student volunteers who live in the residence halls and encourage sustainability on campus. Sustainability Fellows: 2-6 student employees who chose two sustainability related projects to improve on-campus sustainability. Bicycle Collective: a group of student employees working to help students commute via bicycle and help students with mechanical bike needs. Organic Garden: student run organic garden that encourages local eating and sustainable gardening practices. Also, includes an employee that takes care of the garden compost. Chicken Co-op: a student employee who takes care of chickens and receive eggs in return. Themed Housing: a floor in residence halls that focuses on green living, from composting and recycling practices to learning about social and economic sustainability in a residential experience. Westminster Bee Hive: collecting honey and teaching students the importance of bee's in an ecosystem. Westminster Organic Orchard: a start up initiative to create a Westminster Orchard where organic fruits will be grown along with student incentive to learn about sustainable tree growing practices. All are student governed with supervision of the Environmental Center Director, Assistant Director and Residence Hall Advisers. Institute for Mountain Research: A research institute at Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah encouraging conversations and research about mountains and our lives in them. Sustainability in Action: A program of small grants that students can apply for, in order to work with a sustainability focused program in the community like Real Food Rising which runs a urban farm with youth programs, creating garden spaces at local schools or working with the National Parks to create sustainability focused educational resources for their visitors.

The website URL where information about student groups is available:
A brief description of gardens, farms, community supported agriculture (CSA) or fishery programs, and urban agriculture projects where students are able to gain experience in organic agriculture and sustainable food systems:
Westminster Organic Garden: Westminster's organic garden is a space for students to collectively grow healthy, local produce. The small garden includes raised vegetable beds, compost bins, a gathering space, and a chicken coop. Student volunteers maintain the garden, and the produce is available each week at a campus farm stand. The full campus garden program also involves cooking classes. Westminster Chicken Co-op: The chicken coop is located in the Organic Garden. Students and faculty members in the Chicken Co-Op help take care of the chickens, maintain the coop, and collect eggs. In return co-op members receive a free share of eggs. This is a great way to learn about chicken keeping without the full responsibility of owning a flock. Westminster Bee Hive: Westminster Honey Bee Program aims to develop research, teaching and extension initiatives that are locally responsive while globally relevant. Westminster Organic Orchard: the initiative to start small with a few few fruit trees to provide fresh fruit on campus and encourage learning about sustainable orchard growing practices. Permaculture garden: There is a new permaculture garden on campus that was created by the students and will be taken care of by the students. It is a great learning area for students interested in unique ways of gardening.

The website URL where information about the organic agriculture and/or sustainable food systems projects and initiatives is available:
A brief description of student-run enterprises that include sustainability as part of their mission statements or stated purposes:

The website URL where information about the student-run enterprise(s) is available:

A brief description of the sustainable investment or finance initiatives:

The website URL where information about the sustainable investment or finance initiatives is available:

A brief description of conferences, speaker series, symposia or similar events related to sustainability that have students as the intended audience:
Energy and Climate Film Series: Utah Clean Energy and Westminster College The Environmental Center has partnered to present the Energy and Climate Film Series. This series of three films will encourage viewers to accelerate the school's transition to an energy-efficient and low carbon economy by examining our current situation and finding ways to make changes in our community.

The website URL where information about the event(s) is available:
A brief description of cultural arts events, installations or performances related to sustainability that have students as the intended audience:
Sustainability Art Exhibit: A proposed art show focused on climate change solutions and sustainability themed, will take place next semester around campus during the month of April. All students can submit any form of art that fits the theme and it will be used to raise awareness about the environment.

The website URL where information about the cultural arts event(s) is available:

A brief description of wilderness or outdoors programs for students that follow Leave No Trace principles:
The Outdoor Recreation Program trip leaders are all certified in Leave No Trace policies. All trips, including climbing, backpacking, pack rafting, back country skiing and more, all follow the Leave No Trace policy.

The website URL where information about the wilderness or outdoors program(s) is available:
A brief description of sustainability-related themes chosen for themed semesters, years, or first-year experiences:

The website URL where information about the theme is available:

A brief description of program(s) through which students can learn sustainable life skills:
Green Point Average: This is an online questionnaire and learning tool which assesses sustainable behaviors, offering "grades" based on current actions and information on how to improve scores and live more sustainability day to day. Bee Keeping: The campus beehive holds workshops that aim to show how hives function, how honey is collected, and the importance of bees in an ecological ecosystem. Herbal Products Workshop: this is a class that shows how to make sustainable herbal products. Themed Housing: The green living floor is a sustainable living floor that advocates sustainable habits and living and provides an example for other residence halls and students.

The website URL where information about the sustainable life skills program(s) is available:
A brief description of sustainability-focused student employment opportunities:
Sustainability Fellows: encourage and implement sustainable projects on campus and help complete the STARS evaluation. Sustainability Coordinator: a student who is in charge of the Sustainability Fellows and a variety of other jobs through the Environmental Center. This year the Sustainability Coordinator is compiling a list of environmentally-related organizations to provide to students to look for internships, jobs and volunteer opportunities. Garden Coordinators: run the campus garden compost and the Chicken Co-Op and encourage ways to grow food sustainably on campus. Bike Technician Technicians and Coordinators: Help students fix bikes and distribute bikes to students as part of the bicycle collective. Environmental Center Assistant: help in the environmental center where ever needed, often on projects related to sustainability. Sustainability in Action: positions to work on sustainability projects partnered with organizations in the community. Institute for Mountain Research: A research institute at Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah encouraging conversations and research about mountains and our lives in them. Students run the website, engage students, implement projects and bring in guest speakers. Head of Eco Team: one student is in charge of the Eco Team and helps organize and run the Energy Challenge on campus.

The website URL where information about the student employment opportuntities is available:
A brief description of graduation pledges through which students pledge to consider social and environmental responsibility in future job and other decisions:

The website URL where information about the graduation pledge program is available:

A brief description of other co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives:
Environmental Center: The Environmental Center on campus provides opportunities for students to do research, be a part of sustainable projects, and identify sources of funding to realize their sustainability ideas. It encompasses the Westminster Bike Collective and the Organic Garden, as well as employs Sustainability Fellows and offers many workshops and events that educate the campus in sustainable matters. The center is the main force for sustainability planning, implementation, and assessment on campus. Moreover, it involves students meaningfully in each of these aspects.

The website URL where information about other co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.