Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 49.75
Liaison Keaton Schrank
Submission Date April 26, 2016
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Westminster University - Utah
EN-1: Student Educators Program

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 4.00 / 4.00 Jeri Gravlin
Sustainability Fellow
Environmental Center
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution coordinate one or more ongoing student, peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education programs that meet the criteria for this credit?:

Number of degree-seeking students enrolled at the institution:

Name of the student educators program (1st program):
Campus Sustainability Fellows

Number of students served (i.e. directly targeted) by the program (1st program):

A brief description of the program, including examples of peer-to-peer outreach activities (1st program):
The Westminster Environmental Center selects 2-6 students to be employed on campus as Sustainability Fellows. These students work with the Environmental Center Director to identify the campus's weaknesses in sustainability and implement at least one project that promotes widespread student learning about sustainability and increases campus-wide sustainability efforts. These students promote widespread sustainability, reduction of Westminster's carbon emissions, and energy saving behaviors. Fellows are paid as student employees. Recent examples of campus wide peer-to-peer outreach includes an anti-idling campaign, campus ride share board, and recycling education program.

A brief description of how the student educators are selected (1st program):
The Westminster Environmental Center Director chooses Sustainability Fellows from a pool of applicants. Desired Qualifications include: -Commitment to improving Westminster's campus sustainability -Excellent written and communication skills -Success working with peers -Desire to learn more about effective methods for institutionalizing sustainability Campus Sustainability Fellows submit a cover letter and resume in the spring prior to the upcoming school year, or in the fall at the start of a new school year. The position is open to all undergraduate students.

A brief description of the formal training that the student educators receive (1st program):
Campus Sustainability fellows work in the Environmental Center and receive ongoing mentoring from the Environmental Center Sustainability Coordinator during weekly meetings and the Environmental Center Director and Assistant Director as needed. Fellows receive training in community based social marketing, communications, and volunteer recruitment. They also participate in monthly staff training.

A brief description of the financial or other support the institution provides to the program (1st program):
Sustainability fellows are paid hourly as student employees of the college.

Name of the student educators program (2nd program):
Environmental Center Assistants

Number of students served (i.e. directly targeted) by the program (2nd program):

A brief description of the program, including examples of peer-to-peer outreach activities (2nd program):
Environmental Center Assistants work directly under the Environmental Center Director and Assistant Director and help with many projects. Campus-wide sustainability programs run/supported by these students include: free green event kits, reusable to-go containers, ride share board, and bi-weekly newsletter.

A brief description of how the student educators are selected (2nd program):
The Westminster Environmental Center Director chooses Assistants from a pool of interested applicants. Desired Qualifications include: -Commitment to improving Westminster's campus sustainability -Excellent written and communication skills -Success working with peers -Desire to learn more about effective methods for institutionalizing sustainability Assistants submit a cover letter and resume in the spring prior to the upcoming school year, or in the fall at the start of a new school year. The position is open to all undergraduate students.

A brief description of the formal training that the student educators receive (2nd program):
Environmental Center Assistants work in the Environmental Center and receive ongoing mentoring from the Environmental Center Director and Assistant Director during weekly meetings. They also participate in monthly staff training.

A brief description of the financial or other support the institution provides to the program (2nd program):
Assistants are paid hourly as student employees of the college.

Name of the student educators program (3rd program):
Westminster College Eco Team

Number of students served (i.e. directly targeted) by the program (3rd program):

A brief description of the program, including examples of peer-to-peer outreach activities (3rd program):
The Westminster College Eco-team is a collaborative group of residential student volunteers. Eco Team members help make Westminster a more sustainable campus by educating their fellow students about ways to live more environmentally-conscious lifestyles. The Eco-team members lead their halls in the annual Residence Hall Energy Challenge, help put on Earth Day, and have the option to complete their own fully funded project in the spring semester.

A brief description of how the student educators are selected (3rd program):
Eco-team members apply through the Environmental Center Assistant Director and are expected to have the following criteria: - Effective communication skills - Ability to work independently and collaboratively - Ability to see projects through to completion - Ability to learn information about environmental topics and relate that information to your peers - Enthusiastic, engaging individuals who are passionate about environmental and social issues - Students who can be held accountable for their work - Creativity and enthusiasm These students are selected after filling out an application.

A brief description of the formal training that the student educators receive (3rd program):
Eco-team members are initially trained by the Environmental Center Director and Assistant Director, and also work under a student employee of the center to learn basic sustainability tactics and to learn about how to reach out to other students. They are also invited to participate in monthly employee training.

A brief description of the financial or other support the institution provides to the program (3rd program):
The program is funded by the college through the Environmental Center budget and donor funds.

Name(s) of the student educator program(s) (all other programs):
Westminster Organic Garden

Number of students served (i.e. directly targeted) by all other student educator programs:

A brief description of the program(s), including examples of peer-to-peer outreach activities (all other programs):
The Westminster Organic garden includes 3-4 paid student staff and over 200 volunteers who grow and distribute organic vegetables and fruits to the campus community. The Garden also includes sustainable food discussions and vegetarian cooking classes. Additionally student volunteers help organize and coordinate some aspects of the garden, especially during weekly volunteer events. There are also student employees who run the beehive, compost, and Chicken Coop at the garden.

A brief description of how the student educators are selected (all other programs):
Westminster's Organic Garden student workers apply by submitting a cover letter and resume and are selected by the Environmental Center Director and Garden Committee.

A brief description of the formal training that the student educators receive (all other programs):
Garden Coordinators and Garden Employees work with the Environmental Center Director in the season previous to their upcoming work year to learn what garden tasks are needed. Seed knowledge and planting times are learned from previous garden coordinators. Student leaders participate in monthly staff training.

A brief description of the financial or other support the institution provides to the program (all other programs):
The program is funded by the college through the Environmental Center budget and donor funds.

Total number of hours student educators are engaged in peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education activities annually:

The website URL for the peer-to-peer student outreach and education program(s):
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.