Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 56.29
Liaison Olivia Shehan
Submission Date Aug. 18, 2011
Executive Letter Download

STARS v1.0

Wellesley College
ER-4: Sustainability Outreach and Publications

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 4.00 / 4.00 Patrick Willoughby
Sustainability Director
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have a central sustainability website that consolidates information about the institution's sustainability efforts?:

A brief description of the central sustainability website that consolidates information about the institution's sustainability efforts:
This webpage outlines the College’s sustainability goals (which has been approved by the President of the College), information resources for students and staff, as well as general information and updates on both implemented and on-going sustainability projects. These projects range from landscape, installation of solar panels, and building renovations, to collaborations with other departments and offices such as Dining Services, and student events and research.

The website URL for the central sustainability website that consolidates information about the institution's sustainability efforts:
Does the institution have a sustainability newsletter?:

A brief description of the sustainability newsletter:
Each week, the Environmental Studies Program distributes an electronic newsletter, "The Wellesley Center for the Environment Newsletter", to the Wellesley community, which acts as a virtual manifestation of the proposed Center for the Environment. The newsletter contains current news and announcements, detailed schedules of upcoming events both on and off-campus, and comprehensive lists of internship and job opportunities.

The website URL for the sustainability newsletter:
Does the institution have a vehicle to publish and disseminate student research on sustainability?:

A brief description of the vehicle to publish and disseminate student research on sustainability:
The Tanner and Rulhman Conferences (in the fall and the spring semesters respectively) are communal, public events where students have an opportunity to present their work to an unusually wide audience, including on and off campus guests. By providing an opportunity for public presentation of what is often a private, isolated activity, the conference demonstrates that research can be part of the ongoing conversation in a community of scholars. Many of these presentations deal with broad topics of sustainability.

The website URL for the vehicle to publish and disseminate student research on sustainability:
Does the institution have building signage that highlights green building features?:

A brief description of building signage that highlights green building features :
The newly modernized Alumnae Hall building was renovated to LEED Gold standards, and there is a plaque which highlights this certification. There is also a powerpoint presentation on permanent display of the LEED process for this particular building. There are also signs for the photovoltaic solar array located on the athletic fields. Additionally, there are stickers on light switches in some dorms reminding students to turn off the lights when they do not need them, as well as signs in some bathrooms urging students to shorten the length of their showers and in general conserve water.

The website URL for building signage that highlights green building features :
Does the institution have food service area signage and/or brochures that include information about sustainable food systems?:

A brief description of food service area signage and/or brochures that include information about sustainable food systems:
There are a variety of signs in the dining hall indicating whether the food being served is local, organic, fair trade, vegan, vegetarian, allergen free, etc. The College's dining service also maintains a website which details their green practices and goals.

The website URL for food service area signage and/or brochures that include information about sustainable food systems:
Does the institution have signage on the grounds about sustainable grounds-keeping strategies employed?:

A brief description of signage on the grounds about sustainable grounds-keeping strategies employed:
Given the naturalistic nature of the Wellesley College campus, signage is mandated to be minimized.

The website URL for signage on the grounds about sustainable grounds-keeping strategies employed:

Does the institution have a sustainability walking map or tour?:

A brief description of the sustainability walking map or tour:

The website URL of the sustainability walking map or tour:

Does the institution have a guide for commuters about how to use alternative methods of transportation?:

A brief description of the guide for commuters about how to use alternative methods of transportation:
We are almost a completely residential campus (92% live on campus), so there are not many commuters. For those who do commute, there are public transportation options available.

The website URL for the guide for commuters about how to use alternative methods of transportation:
Does the institution have a guide for green living and incorporating sustainability into the residential experience?:

A brief description of the guide for green living and incorporating sustainability into the residential experience:
The Office of Sustainability gives out a number of 'Green Living Tips' brochures to First-Years during Orientation, which include information on how to reduce personal energy usage on-campus and various sustainable lifestyle recommendations. This is also an important role for the eco reps and eco rep coordinators.

The website URL for the guide for green living and incorporating sustainability into the residential experience:

Does the institution have regular coverage of sustainability in the main student newspaper (either through a regular column or a reporter assigned to the sustainability beat)?:

A brief description of regular coverage of sustainability in the main student newspaper, either through a regular column or a reporter assigned to the sustainability beat:
We are pursuing this.

The website URL for regular coverage of sustainability in the main student newspaper, either through a regular column or a reporter assigned to the sustainability beat:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (1st material):

A brief description of this material:
The Science Center common space is designated for sustainable demonstrations on a semi-permanent rotating basis.

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (2nd material):

A brief description of this material:
The greenhouse has a bi-annual newsletter, "Friends of Horticulture", containing articles written by staff, students, faculty, volunteers, and alumnae.

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (3rd material):

A brief description of this material:
The college's electronic communication server contains a sustainability forum accessible to students, faculty and staff.

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (4th material):

A brief description of this material:

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (5th material):

A brief description of this material:

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (6th material):

A brief description of this material:

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (7th material):

A brief description of this material:

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (8th material):

A brief description of this material:

The website URL for this material:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Tanner website: http://www.wellesley.edu/cws/Tanner A sustainability campus virtual tour is currently being pursued.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.