Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 67.20
Liaison Anne Duncan
Submission Date Jan. 29, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Wartburg College
PA-2: Sustainability Planning

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.83 / 4.00 Anne Duncan
Environmental Sustainability Coordinator
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have current and formal plans to advance sustainability in the following areas? Do the plans include measurable objectives?:
Current and Formal Plans (Yes or No) Measurable Objectives (Yes or No)
Curriculum Yes No
Research (or other scholarship) Yes No
Campus Engagement Yes No
Public Engagement No No
Air and Climate Yes No
Buildings Yes Yes
Dining Services/Food Yes Yes
Energy Yes Yes
Grounds Yes No
Purchasing Yes Yes
Transportation Yes No
Waste Yes Yes
Water Yes No
Diversity and Affordability No No
Health, Wellbeing and Work No No
Investment No No
Other No No

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Curriculum:
Section VIII of the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan is entirely focused on Curriculum. The vision of this section is "Wartburg College will pursue a sustainable future through the curriculum by working to provide educational opportunities for students to facilitate their acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and collaborative work ethic necessary to engage effectively in public discourse, policy debate, and in other hands-on problem-solving matters relating to environmental, social, and economic sustainability."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Curriculum plan(s):
There are no numerical measurements in this goal.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Curriculum plan(s):
Energy and Environmental Sustainability Initiative, Sustainability office, Dean of Faculty

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Research (or other scholarship):
Research is addressed in Section VIII of the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan, which addresses Curriculum. See details in the section above, or view the plan through the link in the notes section.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Research plan(s):
There are no numerical measurements in this goal.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Research plan(s):
Energy and Environmental Sustainability Initiative, Sustainability office, Dean of Faculty

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Campus Engagement around sustainability:
Although we must engage with the entire campus to accomplish any of our goals, the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan focuses on student engagement through Section VII, Student Life. The vision for section VII states "Provide students with an opportunity to live in a sustainable manner, learn how to manage their environmental footprint, and enhance life-long sustainable living skills."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Campus Engagement plan:
There are no numerical measurements in this goal.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Campus Engagement plan(s):
Sustainability office, Student Life

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Public Engagement around sustainability:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Public Engagement plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Public Engagement plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Air and Climate:
Section VI of the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan is titled Campus Environment (Water, Land and Air Quality). The vision of this section is "The College will adopt best-management practices that improve air and water quality plus land practices that reduce run-off and improve biodiversity."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Air and Climate plan(s):
There are no numerical measurements in this goal.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Air and Climate plan(s):
Energy and Environmental Sustainability Initiative, Sustainability office, Maintenance

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Buildings:
Research is addressed in Section VI of the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan, which addresses Campus Environment. See details in the section above, or view the plan through the link in the notes section.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Buildings plan(s):
New construction will be follow LEED Silver equivalent practices. By stating this, we adopt the specific measurement to be achieved in LEED.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Buildings plan(s):
Sustainability Office, Maintenance, President's Cabinet

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Dining Services/Food:
Many elements of the Sustainability Plan apply to dining, most notably, local purchasing and waste management. The Director if Dining Services was instrumental in the development and implementation of the plan, and continues to be a champion for sustainable change. View the plan through the link in the notes section.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Dining Services/Food plan(s):
Attempt to increase purchasing within 500 miles of campus is very impacting on dining services.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Dining Services/Food plan(s):
Sustainability, Dining Services

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Energy:
Section III of the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan is focused on Energy. The vision of this section is "The College shall commit to environmentally sustainable operations through energy efficiency and conservation."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Energy plan(s):
This sections makes the following measurable goals. * By June 1, 2015, 75% of the utility systems shall be metered at the building of consumption to measure effective use or waste in the system. * The College will continue to promote and support Waverly Light and Power so that the combined energy portfolio may include at least 25% from renewable sources by 2025. * The College shall achieve reductions in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions consistent with the strategies developed by option 1 of the Iowa Climate Change Advisory Council created under Iowa Code 455B.851 in 2007. (50% cutback from 2005 emissions by 2050, with interim goals of 1% by 2012 and 11% by 2020)

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Energy plan(s):
Sustainability Office, Maintenance,

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Grounds:
Section VI of the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan addresses Campus Environment (Water, Land and Air Quality). Under this section there are goals for the following: * Irrigation Water Consumption * Landscaping best management practices * Organic Campus * Integrated Pest Management * Stormwater Management

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Grounds plan(s):
There are no numerical measurements in this goal.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Grounds plan(s):
Sustainability Office, Maintenance (Grounds),

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Purchasing:
Section II of the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan is focused on Purchasing. The vision of this section is "The College shall adopt a campus-wide environmentally and socially sensitive purchasing plan that is consistent with best practices in higher education (e.g. AASHE). These policies will favor purchase of products with a reduced environmental and social impact."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Purchasing plan(s):
Under Section II there are goals for the following: * Departments shall specify U.S. EPA Energy Star equivalent or better ratings on applicable energy consuming products when available and practical. * Departments shall purchase products with a minimum of 30% Post Consumer Waste (PCW) recycled content for paper products or, at the minimum, EPA standard for other products or bio-based materials, when available and practical. * Departments shall be encouraged to purchase locally grown and produced products, defined as within Iowa or a 500 mile radius of Waverly, IA, to minimize the environmental costs associated with shipping. * Electronic purchases that fall under EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) will meet the requirements of EPEAT Silver level with preference for EPEAT Gold when applicable.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Purchasing plan(s):
Sustainability Office, any department conducting purchases

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Transportation:
Section V of the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan is focused on Transportation. The vision of this section is "Develop transportation strategies that reduce fuel use, air pollution, and carbon dioxide emissions while providing opportunities and support for alternative transportation, including bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Transportation plan(s):
There are no numerical measurements in this goal.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Transportation plan(s):
Sustainability Office

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Waste:
Section IV of the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan is focused on Waste Diversion. The vision of this section is "The college shall reduce the consumption plus increase the reuse and recycling of materials and resources, with the long-term objective of contributing to the development of a waste-free society."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Waste plan(s):
Under Section IV there are goals for the following: * Work towards achieving a diversion rate of 30% by 2015, with 80% of recyclable materials being diverted by 2020 * Reduce campus-wide printing by 10% by June 1, 2013.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Waste plan(s):
Sustainability Office, Maintenance, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Initiative

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Water:
Water is addressed in Section VI of the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan, which addresses Campus Environment. See details in the Air and Climate section above, or view the plan through the link in the notes section.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Water plan(s):
There are no numerical measurements in this goal.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Water plan(s):
Sustainability Office, Maintenance, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Initiative

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Diversity and Affordability:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Diversity and Affordability plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Diversity and Affordability plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Health, Wellbeing and Work:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Health, Wellbeing and Work plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Health, Wellbeing and Work plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Investment:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Investment plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Investment plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in other areas:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the other plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the other plan(s):

The institution’s definition of sustainability:
The responsible utilization of resources (natural, manufactured and economic) in a fashion that minimizes, as much as possible, the impacts on the environment and socio-economic parameters. This pattern of use will allow the availability of limited resources for future generations as well as help promote healthier socio-economic conditions.

Does the institution’s strategic plan or equivalent guiding document include sustainability at a high level?:

A brief description of how the institution’s strategic plan or equivalent guiding document addresses sustainability:
Wartburg College Strategic Plan 2010-2020 includes six goals, each with a series of objectives, and sub-objectives. Under Goal 4, Objective 1 states "Develop and implement a master campus plan that addresses current and future facility needs, energy requirements, technology, optimum space usage, and environmental sustainability." Sub-objective 1.3 states "Establish an environmental sustainability plan and policies." The full strategic plan, and details referenced above, can be found at http://www.wartburg.edu/strategicplan/COM%20Strategic%20Plan_low.pdf

The website URL where information about the institution’s sustainability planning is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
The full version of the Wartburg College Campus Sustainability Plan, referenced repeatedly above, can be found at http://www.wartburg.edu/sustainability/plan.pdf.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.