Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 55.23
Liaison Anne Duncan
Submission Date March 5, 2014
Executive Letter Download

STARS v1.2

Wartburg College
ER-4: Sustainability Outreach and Publications

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 4.00 / 4.00 Anne Duncan
Environmental Sustainability Coordinator
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have a central sustainability website that consolidates information about the institution's sustainability efforts?:

A brief description of the central sustainability website that consolidates information about the institution's sustainability efforts:
The website is supported by the college and designed in collaboration with the sustainability department. Wartburg’s sustainability website provides links to a number of things including a brief history of sustainability efforts at Wartburg, current staff, upcoming related events, sustainability in the curriculum, how to get involved, and it even offers a place to leave feedback.

The website URL for the central sustainability website that consolidates information about the institution's sustainability efforts:
Does the institution have a sustainability newsletter?:

A brief description of the sustainability newsletter:
SEEDS was started in 2011 and is Wartburg’s bi-yearly newsletter that is released each fall and winter. SEEDS is written by the sustainability department, with guest articles from various members of the college community. Its goal is to inform the students, faculty, and staff at Wartburg about the various sustainability initiatives taking place on campus and how they can make a difference or get involved.

The website URL for the sustainability newsletter:
Does the institution have a vehicle to publish and disseminate student research on sustainability?:

A brief description of the vehicle to publish and disseminate student research on sustainability:
Wartburg holds an annual assembly entitled Celebrating Academic Excellence which honors the research, scholarship, and creative activity of students. The program printed for this annual assembly gives the titles, as well as a brief description of the papers and presentations produced by students. Any superior research conducted by students that is related to sustainability would appear in this program. Research that has been published will list where it can be found. RICE day is another opportunity. In the spring Wartburg College will dedicates a day recognizing student and faculty achievements in and out of the classroom. Research, Internship, and Creative Endeavor (RICE) Day will showcase academic and co-curricular pursuits across disciplines. RICE Day is designed to: create a campus culture that celebrates academic excellence and rigor, foster awareness of and appreciation for a wide variety of student learning, provide a platform for students and faculty to share their knowledge and work, and inspire and educate the campus community, alumni, friends, and the general public. RICE Day activities will include poster sessions, oral and video presentations, readings, panel discussions, displays, art exhibits, and music performances. URL is located in the notes section.

The website URL for the vehicle to publish and disseminate student research on sustainability:
Does the institution have building signage that highlights green building features?:

A brief description of building signage that highlights green building features :
In the Wellness Center, which was the first building which intentionally utilized green building features, signage exists to promote it. The wind turbine constructed with the intent that it will offset the energy used by the building was just completed and we are in the process of installing a real time energy readout in the building for patrons to see.

The website URL for building signage that highlights green building features :

Does the institution have food service area signage and/or brochures that include information about sustainable food systems?:

A brief description of food service area signage and/or brochures that include information about sustainable food systems:
When local foods or College garden produce are being used they are indicated as such. Signage was up for a long time about trayless dining, but it has been in place so long it was removed as none of the students had experienced tray dining.

The website URL for food service area signage and/or brochures that include information about sustainable food systems:

Does the institution have signage on the grounds about sustainable grounds-keeping strategies employed?:

A brief description of signage on the grounds about sustainable grounds-keeping strategies employed:

The website URL for signage on the grounds about sustainable grounds-keeping strategies employed:

Does the institution have a sustainability walking map or tour?:

A brief description of the sustainability walking map or tour:

The website URL of the sustainability walking map or tour:

Does the institution have a guide for commuters about how to use alternative methods of transportation?:

A brief description of the guide for commuters about how to use alternative methods of transportation:

The website URL for the guide for commuters about how to use alternative methods of transportation:

Does the institution have a guide for green living and incorporating sustainability into the residential experience?:

A brief description of the guide for green living and incorporating sustainability into the residential experience:
A powerpoint is provided to all RA's and RHD's to include in their hall meetings at the beginning of the year. This is in addition to the newsletter provided them which is mentioned below.

The website URL for the guide for green living and incorporating sustainability into the residential experience:
Does the institution have regular coverage of sustainability in the main student newspaper (either through a regular column or a reporter assigned to the sustainability beat)?:

A brief description of regular coverage of sustainability in the main student newspaper, either through a regular column or a reporter assigned to the sustainability beat:
There is regular coverage but not an assigned reporter. Sustainability is a regular assignment, but as media is a major of ours they rotate reporters to increase their experiences.

The website URL for regular coverage of sustainability in the main student newspaper, either through a regular column or a reporter assigned to the sustainability beat:
Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (1st material):

A brief description of this material:
First Year Experience newsletter helps introduce students to campus.

The website URL for this material:
Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (2nd material):

A brief description of this material:
A newsletter is given to the RA's and RHD's to help them promote sustainable living on campus.

The website URL for this material:
Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (3rd material):

A brief description of this material:

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (4th material):

A brief description of this material:

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (5th material):

A brief description of this material:

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (6th material):

A brief description of this material:

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (7th material):

A brief description of this material:

The website URL for this material:

Does the institution produce another sustainability publication or outreach material not covered above? (8th material):

A brief description of this material:

The website URL for this material:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.