Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 54.70
Liaison Caitlin McLennan
Submission Date Oct. 31, 2019

STARS v2.2

Utah State University
PA-5: Diversity and Equity Coordination

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.67 / 2.00 Michelle Bogdan
USU Inclusion Center
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have a diversity and equity committee, office, and/or officer tasked by the administration or governing body to advise on and implement policies, programs, and trainings related to diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights?:

Does the committee, office and/or officer focus on students, employees, or both?:
Both students and employees

A brief description of the diversity and equity committee, office and/or officer, including purview and activities:
The University has five entities to address inclusion, diversity and equity on campus. The USU Inclusion Center creates and coordinates activities, events, programs and trainings that support diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. The Office of Equity investigates violations of Title IX and/or other forms of discrimination. The Office of Equity sponsors the USU Annual Diversity Awards to highlight faculty, staff, students and community members who demonstrate a commitment to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. Lastly, the Office of Equity offers a wide variety of diversity-related training. Included in this type of training is a discussion about why it is important to understand differences, recognize our own biases, and identify skills in removing cultural and gender barriers. Training is also provided to teaching assistants and to other personnel and students on a requested basis.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Workshops is designed for new employees and for those who have not attended previous sessions. The workshops are general 90-minute program for all new employees (full and part-time staff, faculty, and student employees), or for those who have not had an opportunity to attend previously scheduled sessions. Aggies Think, Care, Act is an initiative for fostering a caring community that enhances the learning environment for all Aggies. ATCA as a campus-wide campaign promotes diversity, human dignity and social responsibility. ATCA organizes events that supports this mission and collaborates campus wide to promote principles of community.
The Latinx Cultural Center serves as a conduit for service, engagement, advocacy, and visibility for the Latinx community on campus and in the Cache Valley and surrounding areas. The LCC develops programming and events devoted to educating the campus on issues that affect the Latinx community and promotes the cause of diversity and representation at Utah State.
Lastly and most recently, a taskforce has been formed to provide guidance/recommendations for policy and initiatives that promote and enhance equity, diversity, and inclusion. This task force has been created by the President of the University with key leadership from academics, student affairs, and administration.

Estimated proportion of students that has participated in cultural competence, anti-oppression, anti-racism, and/or social inclusion trainings and activities:

Estimated proportion of academic staff that has participated in cultural competence, anti-oppression, anti-racism, and/or social inclusion trainings and activities:

Estimated proportion of non-academic staff that has participated in cultural competence, anti-oppression, anti-racism, and/or social inclusion trainings and activities:

A brief description of the institution’s cultural competence, anti-oppression, anti-racism, and/or social inclusion trainings and activities:
Office of Equity offers a wide variety of diversity-related training. Included in this type of training is a discussion why it is important to understand differences, recognize our own biases, and identify skills in removing cultural and gender barriers. Training is also provided to teaching assistants and to other personnel and students on a requested basis.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Workshops are designed for new employees and for those who have not attended previous sessions will be scheduled. The workshops will follow a 90-minute program for all new employees (full and part-time staff, faculty, and student employees), or those who have not had an opportunity to attend previously scheduled sessions.
The Allies on Campus program provides an avenue for individuals to show their active support of the LGBTQA+ community. It is open to students, faculty, and staff. Following a training seminar, members are designated as LGBTQA+ affirming individuals and positive resources for those who identify as LGBTQA+. These trainings are offered several times per semester and upon request. LGBTQA+ 101 and Trans 101 are additional trainings offered upon request. In addition, FaithZone training is available to all staff, faculty, and students and provides a workshop on how to support people who orient around religion differently.
The Inclusion Office will do presentations on request. Each college/department is responsible for directing additional training for staff and faculty through professional development opportunities such as conferences sponsored through their professional associations or inviting experts in the field to campus to present and/or by attending Office of Equity diversity-related trainings.
“Upstanding” is a bystander intervention approach to the prevention of bias and other harms. The purpose is to prepare members of the USU campus community with the skills and knowledge needed to safely and effectively intervene when they sense bias, threat or potential harm to another. These trainings are offered several times per semester and per request.

Website URL where information about the institution’s diversity and equity office or trainings is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Utah State University recognizes that true social justice entails equity and inclusion in all facets of society. The research demonstrates that degree attainment significantly contributes to the well-being of a society and reduces the disparities that exist within historically underrepresented populations. Education makes a difference. As a result, there is a growing urgency to increase student success and degree attainment. There is a statewide goal that 66% of Utah adults will achieve a college education by 2020. In order to accomplish this goal, the K-12 pipeline must be fortified. USU contributes to strengthening this pipeline through recruiting and funding and by fostering a culture of success by encouraging all stakeholders to work synergistically and collaboratively.
https://accesscenter.usu.edu/lgbtqa/allies/, Macy Keith, Coordinator
http://aaeo.usu.edu – Alison Perlac-Adams, Director
http://aaeo.usu.edu/htm/usu-diversity-handbook - Diversity Handbook
http://studentaffairs.usu.edu - Dr. James Morales, VP for Student Affairs
https://thinkcareact.usu.edu, Eri Bentley, Chair
https://latinx.usu.edu, Chris Gonzalez, Director
The website URL where information about the cultural competence trainings is available
http://www.usu.edu/sexual-assault/prevention/upstanding/ - EmmaLee Fishburn, Coordinator

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.