Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 67.42
Liaison Mary-Lee Townsend
Submission Date Oct. 6, 2014
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Western University
EN-10: Inter-Campus Collaboration

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Stefanie De Adder
Sustainability Coordinator
Facilities Management
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution collaborate with other colleges and universities to support and help build the campus sustainability community?:

A brief summary of papers, guides, presentations, and other resources the institution has developed to share their sustainability experience with other institutions:
Western’s commitment to sustainability, resources, and initiatives are available to other universities and colleges online through the sustainability website: sustainability.uwo.ca. Sustainability initiatives include the Green Office Program, the Energy Dashboard, Organics Collection Program, and many others. A President’s Advisory Committee on Environment and Sustainability (PACES) was created to fulfill ambitious but attainable goals related to campus sustainability and to improve awareness of sustainability initiatives and opportunities campus-wide. PACES has created Western's Sustainability Vision and Action Plan entitled “Creating a Sustainable Western Experience: 10-Year Goals & 5-Year Outcomes for Sustainability”, which is available online for other institutions to gain a thorough understanding of the policies and strategies needed to guide sustainability principles on a campus-wide level. Additionally, the Sustainability Coordinator, Stefanie De Adder, acts as a very valuable resource for communicating sustainability challenges and successes confronted at Western University to other institutions through her attendance at various meetings and conferences.

The names of local, state/provincial, regional, national, or international campus sustainability organizations or consortia in which the institution participates and/or is a member:
Western University is a member of the Ontario College and University Sustainability Professionals (OCUSP), which is an online social network connecting sustainability professionals from universities and colleges across the province. There are over 30 OCUSP sustainability professionals who communicate primarily via email. As a member since 2011, the Western University Sustainability Coordinator educates peers and exchanges information on sustainability successes, current initiatives and challenges that the university faces. Once a year, there is a two-day meeting where members discuss ideas, as well as highlight successes and challenges regarding sustainability on campus. OCUSP is also responsible for compiling an annual “Going Greener” report that highlights the green improvements and achievements undertaken by Ontario universities (i.e. building a green culture, emissions and energy use, green buildings, waste management, water management, green transportation, purchasing and procurement, teaching and learning, and partnerships). 2012 Going Greener Report: www.cou.on.ca/publications/reports/pdfs/goinggreenerreport2012 This past few years, the University has also partnered with the Natural Step Canada to provide employers with high caliber students to create sustainability plans and to help their host organization to fully embed sustainability. The Natural Step Canada is a non-profit organization committed to helping organizations and communities across Canada take meaningful steps toward sustainability. Over 100 organizations in Canada are now using The Natural Step Framework in their planning processes, including The Co-operators, City of Ottawa, Landmark Group of Builders, Whistler BC and international partners like Nike. The Natural Step has developed a reputation as a leader in deep, transformative change management for sustainability. www.thenaturalstep.org/canada.

A brief summary of additional ways the institution collaborates with other campuses to advance sustainability :
An Articulation Agreement was reached in March 2008 with Fanshawe College and Western to allow students to take environmental programs at both schools. Graduates from either the Environmental Technology or Science Laboratory Technology diploma programs offered by the College can transfer into Western's three- or four-year degree. Students are allowed to choose specific modules in Environmental Science (which may be combined with additional specific modules in Chemistry). Likewise, Western graduates with either a three- or four-year degree, which includes a module in Environmental Science and specific courses, may be admitted to Fanshawe College and complete a diploma, in either Environmental Technology or Science Laboratory Technology, in a period of approximately twelve months. http://www.uwo.ca/enviro/undergraduate/UgradScience.html There is also a new Diploma to Degree Pathways in Environmental Science (2014): The Pathways program provides students with the opportunity to transfer credits earned in a college diploma program towards the completion of an Environmental Science degree at Western University. Degrees can be completed within 12 month timeframes. This program was created for students that have graduated from specific Ontario Colleges with a Diploma from 3-year Environmental Technology or 2-year Environmental Technician programs and would like to continue their studies at Western University. http://www.uwo.ca/enviro/undergraduate/UgradDiplomaToDegree.html

The website URL where information about cross-campus collaboration is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.