Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 80.17
Liaison Mike Wilson
Submission Date May 5, 2020

STARS v2.2

University of Victoria
OP-22: Rainwater Management

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Which of the following best describes the institution’s approach to rainwater management?:
Comprehensive policies, plans or guidelines that require LID practices for all new projects

A brief description of the institution’s green infrastructure and LID practices:
UVic utilizes low impact development (LID) practices on all campus projects for new buildings and existing areas. As outlined in the UVic Sustainability Action Plan: Campus Operations 2020-2021 (SAP), UVic is committed to progressive green building technologies and design. Standard layouts and rainwater management practices on campus include the use of raingardens, green roofs, stormwater retention ponds, protected zones (from compaction) around tree trunks, native species planting, and porous pavers in new building and landscape design processes where appropriate. The SAP has 5 associated goals that address LID and are as follows (see page 8):

- All new buildings will achieve the standard of LEED V4 Gold certification or equivalent certification. Major additions to existing buildings will also strive to achieve LEED V4 Gold or equivalent certification.

- All new building projects and major building additions will provide for a high-performance building envelope and passive design strategies to promote energy efficiency, climate resilience and greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

- Evaluate the suitability of capital projects at the project planning and project management phases for opportunities to integrate measures that improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

- Utilize sustainable operational and building maintenance practices in all campus buildings and facilities

- Promote an extraordinary academic environment by evaluating all new buildings and major additions for opportunities for research, education, innovation and continuous improvement

In addition to the goals for campus development outlined in the SAP and the LEED Gold certification requirements, the UVic Consultation Information Package provides further requirements for developments on campus and are as follows (See page 5):

- Design and construct green building projects that meet the highest environmental standards as project budget allows

- Select environmentally preferable products whenever feasible

- Design to minimize waste (water, material and energy waste) using integrated design of systems to reduce life cycle costs

- Optimize and manage water use

A copy of the institution’s rainwater management policy, plan, and/or guidelines:

A brief description of the institution’s rainwater management policy, plan, and/or guidelines that supports the responses above:
The university has a comprehensive stormwater management plan that is used to guide new building and landscape maintenance. The UVic Integrated Stormwater Management Plan provides recommendations for best management practices including (see page vi)

- Modification of landscape areas to swales instead of raised areas
- Modification of parking areas to permeable surfaces
- Modifications to vegetated infiltration zones
- Water detention facilities below surface parking lots
- Innovative building design techniques to reduce and treat stormwater
- Construction of surface vegetated swales and infiltration areas
- Deep soil amendment for infiltration, treatment, vegetation, evapotranspiration and detention
- Conversion of pathways and recreation areas to permeable surfaces that can treat and detain stormwater for use as irrigation and other natural water uses

For the entire Integrated Stormwater Management Plan, see: https://www.uvic.ca/sustainability/assets/docs/policy/integrated-stormwater-management-plan.pdf

Website URL where information about the institution’s green infrastructure and LID practices is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
The LEED green building process followed in all new building design and construction on campus also includes points for sustainable landscape design.

Sustainability Action Plan: Campus Operations 2020-2021

Integrated Stormwater Management Plan:

Consultation Information Package:

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