Overall Rating Gold
Overall Score 70.92
Liaison Amy Brunvand
Submission Date Sept. 12, 2023

STARS v2.2

University of Utah
EN-4: Outreach Materials and Publications

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Kara Freedman
Engagement & Events Coordinator
Sustainability Office
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have a central sustainability website that consolidates information about the institution’s sustainability efforts?:

Website URL for the central sustainability website:
Does the institution have a sustainability newsletter or social media platform that focuses specifically on campus sustainability?:

A brief description of the sustainability newsletter or social media platform:
Sustainability Office Newsletter
The sustainability office puts out a monthly newsletter that includes announcements, tips and events. The newsletter has been published in this format since 2017. The newsletter has around 5400 subscribers. The feature-length articles are also posted on the Sustainability Office website interactive blog under “news.” Certain articles are also published in the University-wide weekly newsletter that goes out to close to 60,000 people.

The Global Change and Sustainability center puts out a frequent email about upcoming events along with a bi-annual newsletter for its faculty affiliates promoting collaborative projects and opportunities and highlighting upcoming events each semester.

Sustainability Office Social Media
The Sustainability Office manages Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. These social media platforms act as hubs to share and discuss sustainability news and promote sustainability-related events on and off campus. Social media is also used to highlight student sustainability research projects. The Sustainability Office’s Facebook page has around 3k followers, Twitter 3k followers and our most active account Instagram now has over 5k followers.


GCSC (Research arm)

Environmental Humanities Graduate Program

Environmental & Sustainability Studies Program

Does the institution have signage that highlights sustainability features on campus?:

A brief description of the signage that highlights sustainability features on campus:
The university has signage that highlights green building features, sustainable groundskeeping and green landscaping features as well as alternative transportation features.

Green Construction and Buildings
The University of Utah strives to provide a sustainable built environment for its students, employees, and visitors. All new building construction that costs more than $10 million is required to achieve Silver Certification V4 from the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED). The Division of Facilities Construction and Management’s (DFCM) High Performance Building Standard requires 20% better than code energy performance (ASHRAE 90.1 2010). The State of Utah mandates energy efficiency in all state-owned buildings.

The S.J Quinney College of Law building, certified LEED platinum, hosts several sustainable landscape designs, and signage for the following features can be found inside the building:
Adapted and Native Vegetation:
The S.J. Quinney College of Law landscape is planted with both adapted and native vegetation that thrives in our warm, dry summers and can resist the cold, snowy winters. This saves water, beautifies the campus, provides shade, and encourages local fauna and flora to thrive, supporting the urban ecosystem.
Green Roof Terrace:
This green rooftop terrace creates a beautiful and environmentally beneficial environment. The planted areas reduce storm run-off from the roof, contribute to local wildlife habitat and improve the insulation properties of the roof. Rainwater from the roof is directed to the on-site stormwater holding tanks to recharge the aquifer for campus landscape irrigation use. Some of the concrete pavers on this roof have special pollution-absorbing properties that are being studied for efficacy by researchers in the College of Engineering.
Stormwater Retention:
Rain gardens and underground detention tanks on the S.J. Quinney
College of Law site capture all stormwater from the building plaza, sidewalk and roof. Planted areas hold rainwater from adjacent parking areas. The captured water is held and slowly released into the ground at the site, to recharge groundwater aquifers and prevent runoff¬ pollution of surface waters.
Translucent Photovoltaic Shading System:
The roof garden shading system is constructed with translucent photovoltaic panels. This 50-kilowatt photovoltaic array generates approximately 5% of the power needed to operate the building. The S.J. Quinney College of Law also invests in off¬site solar power.
Efficient Irrigation System:
Landscaping on the S.J. Quinney College of Law site is watered with drip irrigation and highly efficient sprinkler heads. The irrigation system is tied into the campus control system, which allows the irrigation to respond to current temperature and humidity levels. This contributes to the University of Utah goal for water neutrality.

Sustainable Groundskeeping and Landscaping Strategies
Green Grant funds through the Sustainability Office were used to standardize and update the tree signs in our Campus Arboretum (SCIF grant, 2015). This project helped bridge the gap between higher education and ecology of place.

Green Map
Our Green Map contains most of the information regarding our sustainable groundskeeping or landscaping strategies. The specifics can be found below in our walking map description.
Green Map URL: http://greenmap.utah.edu/

Many of these landscaping strategies focus on a water-wise design, in an effort to use less water (using plants that also typically require less maintenance). Other features include native flora, efficient irrigation systems, as well as a stormwater garden and a bioretention facility.

Other sustainable Signage

Pollinator Garden Interpretive Signage
In 2019, the Architecture Building Pollinator Garden was installed as part of an interdisciplinary effort to create a pollinator corridor at the University of Utah that also utilizes green infrastructure to fix flooding problems that impact the building. As a final piece to that effort, members of the original project team received funding to design and install interpretive signage at the pollinator garden. The informational sign helps passersby slow down and take a closer look at the garden and its pollinators, which provides place-based education and makes the university a more aesthetically pleasing place.
See more at: https://attheu.utah.edu/facultystaff/campus-is-abuzz-with-innovation/

Red Butte Creek Signage
In 2020 construction of Red Butte Creeks landscape lab was finished. Grant funding was received to install interpretative signage at the Landscape Lab. The informational signage serves to educate passersby of the landscape labs purpose, design, and research efforts.


Does the institution provide a sustainability walking map or tour?:

A brief description of the sustainability walking map or tour:
University of Utah Sustainability Walking Tour [map, print, n.d.][June, 2016]
This self-guided tour shows you how the university is implementing sustainable practices to create a greener future.

University of Utah Green Map
This map was created through a partnership between the U of U’s Sustainability Offices and the GIS Department in Facilities Management. The map showcases the sustainability projects, installations, and green infrastructure which exist on the U of U campus. Many of these projects were initiated and completed with the help of on-campus departments and organizations. http://greenmap.utah.edu/

State Arboretum walking maps
The University of Utah campus is the State Arboretum. Walking tours highlight campus trees

Official University of Utah Tree Tour:
URL: http://universityofutah.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapTour/index.html?appid=7c12aab3af204f35b74c22a8febcaf50
U of U Tree Identification Tour (2012, supported by Utah State University). More information available at http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/NR_FF_019pr.pdf

Online Campus Map
This map (https://map.utah.edu/) provides an inventory of all public transit routes and stops, bicycling facilities and walking routes, bicycle parking, and a searchable route finder that provides a direct walking route from point to point to avoid campus closures or construction areas. The online campus map promotes a live campus shuttle tracker, a public transit app for navigational purposes, and an inventory of end of trip facilities such as secure bicycle parking, lockers and showers.

Does the institution produce a guide for green living and/or incorporating sustainability into the residential experience?:

A brief description of the guide for green living and/or incorporating sustainability into the residential experience:
The Housing and Residential Education department is in charge of supporting the student housing experience on campus. They provide resources online for sustainable living on campus - learn more at https://housing.utah.edu/living-the-u/sustainability/.

These resources provide information on the recycling program, sustainable features of housing (LED lighting upgrade, first LEED-certified university residences, solar plaza, etc.) as well as green events and activities. The events include a move-out day event where volunteers collect reusable items (clothing, books, appliances, etc) to be donated back to students. Learn more here: https://sustainability.utah.edu/engagement/wgaca/.

In addition, there is a pdf guide (attached to this credit) which is available to students and provides information about the green grants program (SCIF) coordinated by the Sustainability Office which funds student-initiated sustainability-related projects on campus.

A brief description of other comprehensive sustainability outreach materials and publications not covered above:
Sustainable Utah Blog
The Sustainability Office also manages our blog spot on the website. This blog is a forum for sharing the U’s sustainability news, research, vision, and efforts toward a more sustainable future. Storytelling is an essential part of creating a culture of sustainability shared by the campus and surrounding communities. The blog is updated on a regular basis. In addition to our in house publishing, the Sustainability Office leverages stories to be published and distributed via the campus weekly newsletter @theu which reaches over 60,000 faculty, staff and students.

Sustainable Utah Blog: https://sustainability.utah.edu/sustainable-utah/
@theu: https://attheu.utah.edu/

Environmental Dispute Resolution (EDR) Blog
The EDR Blog, hosted by the University of Utah’s Environmental Dispute Resolution Program was established in 2012 as part of the Wallace Stegner Center for Land, Resources and the Environment in the S.J. Quinney College of Law. The EDR Program exists to educate students and the public about the possibilities for collaboration, mediation and other dispute resolution processes as alternative methods to resolve public policy conflicts, especially around environmental and natural resource issues. The EDR Program is one of only a handful nationally with the capacity and tools to build consensus where agreement often seems too difficult or impossible to reach. https://law.utah.edu/blogs/edr-blog/

Sustainability U Sub-collection, USpace Institutional Repository (2016-present)
In 2016 the Marriott Library created a "Sustainability U" sub-collection within the USpace Institutional Repository. This project is in response to the " Call to Action" (2015) issued by American Library Association Sustainability Round Table (SustainRT), the U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development, and the Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability (DANS) in order to facilitate the discovery, dissemination and preservation of student sustainability projects and research. (Amy?) http://www.lib.utah.edu/digital-scholarship/sustainability-U.php

Sustainable Transportation
The university website promotes sustainable modes of transportation, with tabs for each mode of travel. Orientation modules and multiple annual events promote sustainable commuting through individualized travel consultation, written resources about travel options and the emphasis in reducing single-occupant vehicle travel to the University of Utah. These are available at: http://commuterservices.utah.edu/

The university website promotes transportation education tools through safety videos, posted policy guidelines, encouragement of safe pedestrian and bicycle travel and city/county bikeways maps promoting a low-stress network. The University supports comprehensive safety-related reporting through a central space on the website titled SafeU. The University is a Gold Friendly Bicycle Friendly University and uses the Smart Cycling educational tools published by the League of American Bicyclists.

Additional documentation to support the submission.
Sustainable Utah Blog: https://sustainability.utah.edu/sustainable-utah/
Campus newsletter - @theu: https://attheu.utah.edu/

Environmental Dispute blog: https://law.utah.edu/blogs/edr-blog/

Digital Repository for student research and projects on sustainability topics:

Sustainable Transportation Resources:

#uubikewalk #SafeU, #UBYO (bring your own: cup, utensils, bottle, etc.), #sustainableuofu, #Itransitforu, #commuterchallenge, #cleartheair, #dontbeansov, #ediblecampusgardens, #gardentiptuesday, #recyclericeeccles

Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

Sustainability Office Media
--Website: http://sustainability.utah.edu/
--Blog: Sustainableutah.wordpress.com
--Facebook: Sustainable U of U
--Facebook: Global Change & Sustainability Center
--Facebook: U of U Edible Campus Gardens

Tags: @sustainable U of U
#uofufarmersmarket #ediblecampusgardens #scif #movingu #sustainableuofu #recycleuofou #biketheuofu #recyclericeeccles #energyambassadorsuofu #ucleartheair #smartcommUTE

Environmental Humanities Graduate Program
--Facebook: Environmental Humanities Graduate Program, University of Utah

Environmental & Sustainability Studies Program
--Facebook: University of Utah Environmental and Sustainability Studies


Commuter Services
URL: http://commuterservices.utah.edu/ (for more information, see STARS OP-18, IN-14)


J. Willard Marriott Library
--Sustainability U (Institutional Repository) : http://www.lib.utah.edu/digital-scholarship/sustainability-U.php

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.