Overall Rating Bronze - expired
Overall Score 32.74
Liaison William Hargrove
Submission Date April 29, 2016
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

University of Texas at El Paso
PA-3: Governance

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.00 / 3.00 William Hargrove
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Do all enrolled students, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which students have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
Student Government Association: The Student Government association represents all UTEP students. It provides the official voice through which student opinion may be expressed. It ensures student participation in the University decision-making process. Mission: The Student Government association represents all UTEP students. We provide the official voice through which student opinion may be expressed. We ensure student participation in the University decision-making process. We help to defend the rights of each student and we work together with the administration for the advancement of the University community. Vision: The vision of the Student Government Association (SGA) of the University of Texas at El Paso is to commit itself to providing exceptional representation for the entire student population. In addition, SGA dedicates itself to improving the quality of campus life. The students of SGA are committed to the ideals of excellence and integrity. Furthermore, the SGA accepts a strict standard of accountability for organizational effectiveness. SGA aspires to be the prominent voice of the student body to local, state and national administrators. We will continue to provide service that contributes to the personal and professional development of our university community. Goal: Our goal is to promote the activities and services of SGA by increasing the awareness of our programs to the students of UTEP. By doing so, we will promote greater student participation at all of our campus events and contribute to the excitement of campus life.

Is there at least one student representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative student body or organization?:

A brief description of student representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:
SA President and officers are elected by UTEP’s student body.

Do students have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following?:
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices No
Prioritization of programs and projects Yes

A brief description of the formal student role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
SA President and officers serve to advise the President on student affairs.

Do all staff, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which all staff have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
The UTEP Staff Council: Staff Council is designed to be a representative "voice" for UTEP staff. Our responsibility is to create innovative ideas to enhance the collaboration between staff, faculty, students and other organizations to benefit the University's mission. Each year the UTEP staff nominates and elects staff members to represent them and support them. Pride, opportunity and commitment to the university community are just a few of the attributes of the UTEP Staff Council.

Is there at least one non-supervisory staff representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative staff body or organization?:

A brief description of non-supervisory staff representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:
Chair & Vice Chair meet with the President twice a year to discuss issues that are relevant to UTEP’s governance

Do non-supervisory staff have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following? :
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices Yes
Prioritization of programs and projects Yes

A brief description of the formal staff role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
Chair & Vice Chair meet with the President twice a year to discuss issues that are relevant to UTEP’s governance. Significant new ideas in terms of employee benefits and improvements in working conditions have been initiated by the Staff Council and implemented by the University.

Do all faculty, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which all faculty (including adjunct faculty) have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
The Faculty Senate is the voice of the academic and administrative faculty working with university administration to advance the vision and direction of UTEP. We work to assure quality in research, creative activity, teaching, student life, and service while exercising responsibility for maintaining and improving rigorous standards throughout the curriculum.

Is there at least one teaching or research faculty representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative faculty body or organization?:

A brief description of faculty representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:
Standing Panel of Procedural Advisor Upon the approval of this Bylaw by the President of The University of Texas at El Paso, the President of the Faculty Senate shall recommend to the President a Standing Panel of Procedural Advisors, chosen with the approval of the Senate, from the tenured Faculty (clearly possessed of the appropriate aptitude, knowledge and experience). Nominees for this Panel who are approved by the President shall hold office for a term of three (3) years and be eligible for repeated re-appointment. The President of the Faculty Senate, with the approval of the Senate, shall make nominations to fill vacancies occurring in this Panel and, when the President deems it necessary and proper, to augment the numbers of members of this Panel. Individual members of the Standing Panel of Procedural Advisors shall serve as advisors to presiding officers of Hearing Committees and to Committees of Preliminary Inquiry by whatever title, created under the authority of the Faculty Senate. In no event shall any person who has served with a Committee of Preliminary Inquiry also serve with a Hearing Committee or Committee of Preliminary Inquiry when his/her participation would constitute a conflict of interest or when he/she has theretofore been involved in the proceedings.

Do faculty have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following?:
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices Yes
Prioritization of programs and projects No

A brief description of the formal faculty role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
University Affairs: Committee on Committees Duties a. Make nominations for Faculty positions on Standing Committees, except the Committee on Committees, the Executive Council of the Faculty Senate, and college representative to the Undergraduate Curricula Committee. b. Annually inform members of the General Faculty and members of the Faculty Senate of existing and pending vacancies of Standing Committees and to solicit the interest of Faculty members in filling such vacancies. c. Maintain records of the interests of individual Faculty members in filling vacancies on various committees. d. Maintain records of the service given by individual Faculty members when named to particular committees. e. Insure that rotation of membership is followed for all Standing Committees Library Committee Duties a. Recommend policies pertaining to Faculty and student library needs; b. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Director of the Library, assist in the search for a new Director. Museum Committee Duties a. Act as a forum by which the Faculty and the student government may have interaction and exchange of information with the Museum Director. b. Assist the Museum Director with University, professionals and community connections; c. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Director of the Museum, assist in the search for a new Director. Information Technology Committee Duties a. Recommend policies pertaining to University, Faculty, and Student needs in information technology; b. Provide liaison among Faculty, Students, and Administration concerning information technology.

The website URL where information about the institution’s governance structure is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.