Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 69.60
Liaison Sean MacInnes
Submission Date Feb. 27, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

University of North Carolina, Greensboro
PA-6: Support for Underrepresented Groups

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Chad Carwein
Sustainability Education and Outreach Specialist
Sustainability Office
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have mentoring, counseling, peer support, academic support, or other programs to support underrepresented groups on campus?:

A brief description of the programs sponsored by the institution to support underrepresented groups:
UNCG sponsors several programs and organizations which support under-represented groups of students and/or provide avenues for students to work with under-represented groups in the Greensboro community. Students are represented by and participate with the following (those not self-explanatory are described): -Asian Students Association -Associated Campus Ministries Center -Better Days Coalition - To raise awareness, take action and foster debate on issues of social justice both in the Greensboro area and the world, while building ties between the UNCG student body and the greater Greensboro community. -Black Business Student Association -The Black Graduate Student Association -Black Nursing Students Association -Caribbean Students Association -Center for New North Carolinians - Aims to build bridges among immigrant populations and existing communities throughout the state of North Carolina by providing: * Outreach and Educational Programming * Research and Evaluation * Information Services * Technical Support * Immigrant and Refugee Leadership Development -Chinese Student Association -International Programs Center - Helps students negotiate Study Abroad and Exchanges, as well as to help international students discover UNCG. Also serves Visiting Scholars and Faculty to enhance the academic experiences of students and faculty alike. -International Student Association - Promotes international diversity on campus. Seeks to promote fellowship among the representative nations on the campus of UNCG. -The Muslim Student Association -NAACP College Chapter -Native American Student Association -Neo Black Society - Strives to make the University community aware and appreciative of African-American culture and achievements. With African-American pride as the dominant theme, the Society serves to develop awareness among people of all races. -Office of Multicultural Affairs - Promotes cultural awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity and fosters intercultural and cross-cultural understanding. Provides programs and services that support the academic mission of the University by enhancing the educational, personal, cultural, and social development of students. Builds positive advocacy and collaborative relationships with students of color who represent the African American, Hispanic/ Latino, Asian and Asian American, Native American, LGBT and multiracial communities. The Office also strives to build relationships with the general student body. The Office continues to build partnerships with UNCG departments and Greensboro groups and organizations. -PRIDE! - A gay, lesbian, transgendered, questioning and allied student association which is designed to be an educational, political awareness and social organization. It mission is to educate members about sexual identification and its place within society. Weekly meetings, social functions and community outreach events are held regarding the concerns of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and questioning community. -Race and Gender Institute - Fosters greater inclusion of minority perspectives in the curriculum. Encourages a critical dialogue about race, gender, and sexual orientation in teaching, research and scholarship, and intellectual discourse at UNCG. Serves as a catalyst for healing old wounds connected to the southern past and a progressive force with respect to social justice, civility, and academic freedom. -SAFEZONE - A campus group of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning individuals supported by student, faculty, and staff allies. Provides resources for students, faculty and staff who want to offer a safe, comfortable environment for anyone who seeks it. Encourages an atmosphere free of homophobia and heterosexism. Provides a setting of appreciation, affirmation, and information for and about the GLBT community. -Spanish American/Latino Student Association (SALSA) -Students of Action - Serves the UNCG Community through community and campus activities in conjunction with various organizations.

The website URL where more information about the support programs for underrepresented groups is available:
Does the institution have a discrimination response policy and/or team (or the equivalent) to respond to and support those who have experienced or witnessed a bias incident, act of discrimination or hate crime?:

A brief description of the institution’s discrimination response policy, program and/or team:
The University has a discrimination policy, but there is no formally constituted team to respond to violations. However, the university provides responders dependent upon the individual’s classification (e.g. Faculty/Staff incidents are managed by the Provost Office and Human Resources; Student incidents are managed by the Office of Student Affairs and/or Dean of Students Office).

The website URL where more information about the institution’s discrimination response policy, program and/or team is available:
Does the institution offer housing options to accommodate the special needs of transgender and transitioning students?:

Does the institution produce a publicly accessible inventory of gender neutral bathrooms on campus?:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Information for this credit was obtained from James "Rod" Wyatt, Director of Human Relations & Chair of the Chancellor's Advisory Committee for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Information about groups within the student body is available here: http://oedi.uncg.edu/campus-resources/ Information about groups within the faculty/staff is available here: http://oedi.uncg.edu/campus-initiatives/ The inventory of gender neutral bathrooms on campus is available here: http://oedi.uncg.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/UNCG-UNISEX.pdf

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.