Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 69.60
Liaison Sean MacInnes
Submission Date Feb. 27, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

University of North Carolina, Greensboro
AC-1: Academic Courses

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 13.10 / 14.00 Aaron Allen
Asst. Professor
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Figures required to calculate the percentage of courses with sustainability content::
Undergraduate Graduate
Total number of courses offered by the institution
Number of sustainability courses offered
Number of courses offered that include sustainability

Number of academic departments (or the equivalent) that offer at least one sustainability course and/or course that includes sustainability (at any level):

Total number of academic departments (or the equivalent) that offer courses (at any level):

Number of years covered by the data:

A copy of the institution’s inventory of its course offerings with sustainability content (and course descriptions):
An inventory of the institution's course offerings with sustainability content (and course descriptions):
See http://uncg.smartcatalogiq.com/en/2014-2015/Undergraduate-Bulletin/Academic-Departments-Programs-Courses/Environmental-Studies-Program/ENV-Minor-SUS for descriptions. ENV 100 Introduction to Environmental Studies ENV 110 Introduction to Sustainability Studies BIO 526 Conservation Biology ECO 100 Economics of a Global Sustainable Society IAR 124 Introduction to Sustainable Design GEO 331/STH 331 Sustainable Tourism and Transportation LLC 130 Global Green: Cultures of Production and/or Consumption STH 101 Introduction to Sustainable Development STH 311 Sustainable Food and Beverage STH 332 Sustainable Destination Planning and Management SWK 505/PCS 505 Environmental Justice: Interdisciplinary Response for Sustainability ATY 253 Introduction to Biological Anthropology ATY 253L Introduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory BIO 105 Major Concepts of Biology BIO 105L Major Concepts of Biology Laboratory BIO 111 Principles of Biology I BIO 301 Principles of Ecology BIO 302 Introductory Ecology Laboratory BIO 361 Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles BIO 431 The Biosphere BIO 526 Conservation Biology CHE 103 General Descriptive Chemistry I CHE 110 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory CHE 111 General Chemistry I CHE 112 General Chemistry I Laboratory CHE 252 Chemistry and the Human Environment GEO 106 Geosystems Science GEO 106L Geosystems Science Laboratory GEO 205 Environmental Change: Its Nature and Impact GEO 305 Environmental Hazards Assessment GEO 311 Weather and Climate GEO 311L Climatology Laboratory GEO 313 Natural Resource Regions of North America ATY 520 Economic Anthropology BUS 340/ENT 340 Social Entrepreneurship ECO 100 Economics of a Global Sustainable Society ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics ECO 300 The International Economy ECO 380 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics GEO 331/STH 331 Sustainable Tourism and Transportation STH 101 Introduction to Sustainable Development STH 232 Tourism Impacts and Alternatives STH 311 Sustainable Food and Beverage STH 332 Sustainable Destination Planning and Management ATY 213 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ATY 450 Anthropology in the Environment: Culture, Environment, and Adaptation GEO 303 World Population Problems HEA 207 International Health HEA 316 Environmental Health HIS 334 United States Environmental History PSC 312/ENV 312 Environmental Law and Policy PSC 313/ENV 313 Natural Resources Law and Policy SOC 202 Social Problems in Global Context SOC 346 Population Problems SOC 370 Environmental Sociology SOC 377 Disaster, Self, and Society STH 201 Corporate Social Responsibility and Change Management SWK 505/PCS 505 Environmental Justice: Interdisciplinary Response for Sustainability ENG 380 Literature and the Environment IAR 124 Introduction to Sustainable Design IAR 221 History and Theory of Design I IAR 222 History and Theory of Design II LLC 130 Global Green: Cultures of Production and/or Consumption MUS 223 Music and Environment PHI 361 Ethical Issues in Business PHI 363 Environmental Ethics REL 250 Religious Traditions and Care of the Earth

The website URL where the inventory of course offerings with sustainability content is publicly available:
+ Date Revised: April 14, 2015

A brief description of the methodology the institution followed to complete the course inventory:
Two inventories have been completed. In 2011, a survey was created by interior architecture professor and campus sustainability leader Dr. Anna Marshall-Baker for UNCG faculty to identify their courses pertaining to or utilizing concepts of sustainability. To guide respondents, the survey used UNCG's definition of sustainability: "the enduring interconnectedness of social equity, the environment, economy, and aesthetics. This interconnectedness provides a foundation from which to discover, implement, and enrich sustainable principles and practice. The intent of sustainability is to instill values that promote justice, invent innovative approaches and solutions to environmental and economic challenges, and invest civility and grace into our communities." Course descriptions, student learning outcomes, and sustainability content (by percentage) were all requested. The results were reviewed by two faculty members and the sustainability coordinator, and supplemented with an inventory of the class descriptions in the course catalog. In 2014, the faculty of the Environmental Studies Program voted to create a minor in sustainability. In perusing the course catalog for courses to include, the faculty selected only those they determined were focused on sustainability.

How did the institution count courses with multiple offerings or sections in the inventory?:
Each course was counted as a single course regardless of the number of offerings or sections

A brief description of how courses with multiple offerings or sections were counted (if different from the options outlined above):

Which of the following course types were included in the inventory?:
Yes or No
Internships No
Practicums No
Independent study No
Special topics No
Thesis/dissertation No
Clinical No
Physical education No
Performance arts No

Does the institution designate sustainability courses in its catalog of course offerings?:

Does the institution designate sustainability courses on student transcripts?:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Sustainability courses from list of classes included in the sustainability minor. Courses including sustainability from surveys conducted 2011-2014. Not all courses offered every year; number of courses offered is a 1-year average of number offered 2011-2014. The majority of the courses are undergraduate courses; some graduate classes are included in the total number of courses (and some graduate-undergraduate mixed courses are in the "courses that include sustainability") but we were unable to tease out total number of graduate versus undergraduate courses.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.