Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 49.70
Liaison Michael Lizotte
Submission Date Sept. 18, 2016
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

University of North Carolina, Charlotte
PA-2: Sustainability Planning

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 4.00 / 4.00 Michael Lizotte
University Sustainability Officer
Facilities Planning
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have current and formal plans to advance sustainability in the following areas? Do the plans include measurable objectives?:
Current and Formal Plans (Yes or No) Measurable Objectives (Yes or No)
Curriculum Yes Yes
Research (or other scholarship) Yes Yes
Campus Engagement Yes Yes
Public Engagement Yes Yes
Air and Climate Yes Yes
Buildings Yes Yes
Dining Services/Food Yes Yes
Energy Yes Yes
Grounds Yes Yes
Purchasing Yes Yes
Transportation Yes Yes
Waste Yes Yes
Water Yes Yes
Diversity and Affordability Yes Yes
Health, Wellbeing and Work No No
Investment No No
Other No No

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Curriculum:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 1. Curriculum & Research

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Curriculum plan(s):
Short-term actions: Define sustainability in the curriculum and identify sustainability focused or related courses currently offered; Conduct a study on the desirability and feasibility of altering curricula in existing courses or the requirements themselves to ensure sustainability literacy is developed; Undertake sustainability literacy assessment funded by the University, to determine current knowledge of sustainability; Faculty development programs to be focused on sustainability encouraging and supporting the development of curriculum materials and projects based on sustainability. Long-term actions: Establish sustainability focused academic courses; Offer at least one sustainability undergraduate degree in each college; All students should take sustainability courses as a graduation prerequisite

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Curriculum plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Research (or other scholarship):
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 1. Curriculum and Research

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Research plan(s):
Short-term actions: Engage campus research community to define and identify sustainability focused or related research; Support interdisciplinary sustainability focused research activities; Track sustainability funded research dollars. Long-term actions: Establish a Sustainability Institute to focus on sustainability research.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Research plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Campus Engagement around sustainability:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 1. Curriculum & Research; and Section 2. Culture & Community

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Campus Engagement plan:
Short-term actions: Establish annual sustainability related competitions that engage all levels of students, faculty, and staff; Incorporate sustainability in student, faculty and staff orientation activities and implement sustainability training for all staff in conjunction with Environmental Health and Safety Office; Institute Campus Sustainability speaker series; Promote and encourage campus wide sustainability based events and student groups; Undertake awareness campaign to promote campus sustainability.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Campus Engagement plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer, Director of Environmental Health and Safety

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Public Engagement around sustainability:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 2: Culture & Community; and Section 3: Outreach & Partnership.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Public Engagement plan(s):
Short-Term Actions: Leverage the Open for Business (OFB) Initiative to study ways in which universities can improve their relationships with industry to promote sustainability; Leverage The Office of Educational Outreach (OEO) which serves to foster collaborative relationships between the university, surrounding schools, public agencies, and the community. This activity will facilitate numerous conferences, institutes, professional development activities, and symposia to promote sustainability; Promote sustainability learning opportunities to local community leaders.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Public Engagement plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Air and Climate:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 6: Climate. Climate Action Plan 2012.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Air and Climate plan(s):
Short-term Actions: Complete campus green house gas inventory; Complete climate action plan; Produce annual green house gas reports. Long-term Actions: Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Air and Climate plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Buildings:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 4: Built Environment.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Buildings plan(s):
Short-term Actions: Establish a high performance buildings process/policy for new construction and renovations meeting the USGBC LEED Silver or equivalent standard by 2011; At a minimum, establish LEED commercial interiors silver, LEED core and shell silver or equivalent standard for major renovations and interior refits by 2011; Establish sustainability criteria in Design Guideline Manual; At a minimum, establish meeting LEED existing building silver or equivalent high performance operating standard for building operations and maintenance activities by 2011; Design buildings to be retrofitted with renewable energy technologies. Long-term actions: Develop a database of sustainable classified products for use by architects and builders.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Buildings plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer; Director of University Planning; Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Dining Services/Food:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 7: Dining Services.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Dining Services/Food plan(s):
Short-term Actions: Seek partnerships with local food producers in order to achieve a minimum 20% expenditure on local food in campus dining locations by 2011; Source fair trade foods when locally produced goods are not available; At a minimum, 20% of food expenditures are directed to organic certified foods by 2011; Develop policy to purchase Energy Star rated kitchen equipment where available; Establish waste minimization plan to eliminate the use of disposable crockery and cutlery at catered events; Eliminate use of bottled water at catered events held on campus; Employ only Energy Star rated vending machines on campus. Long-term Actions: Develop and draft sustainability guidelines for catering service suppliers; Establish waste minimization plan to achieve zero waste by 2040 for all operations including catered events.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Dining Services/Food plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Energy:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 5: Energy & Water.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Energy plan(s):
Shrot-term Actions: Create a revolving energy fund; Implement an Energy Star procurement policy; Implement comprehensive building energy audit programs; Incorporate energy efficiency goals in to master planning, new construction and major renovation projects. Long-term Action: Develop renewable energy strategic plan.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Energy plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer; University Energy Manager; Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Grounds:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 8: Land.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Grounds plan(s):
Short-term Actions: Use native plants species grown on campus or locally sourced; Utilize drought resistant plants and grasses; Reduce use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers; Develop and implement low impact building exterior hard-scape management plan employing best management practices; Eliminate or reduce, except recreational and athletic fields, turf or monoculture areas for diverse ecologically protective areas; Use 100% of non potable water for irrigation; Identify, label and protect significant tree on campus; Set aside in perpetuity unbuildable land/habitat corridors of ecologically productive land and protect areas already set aside. Long-term Actions: Develop comprehensive campus wide stormwater management plan; Preserve and maintain campus forested areas; Establish plan in conjunction with Mecklenburg County goals to restore and improve Toby Creek via stormwater management, stream and riparian corridor restoration, wetland restoration and stream bank restoration; Eliminate/control invasive species as identified in the Bio-habitats Ecological Assessment.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Grounds plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer; Grounds Supervisor; Director of Facilities Operations; Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Purchasing:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 10: Resource Management; and Section 11: Materials Management.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Purchasing plan(s):
Short-term Actions: Develop dialogue with campus suppliers, product manufactures to reduce waste associated with their products and services; Establish waste minimization goals in Materials Management contracts; Identify substitute products to reduce hazardous waste generation on campus; Collaborate with suppliers to develop and implement assessment procedure to track environmental and social performance of suppliers; Implement Energy Star and EPEAT purchasing policies for items such as computer, office and catering equipment; Include environmental preferable purchasing procedures in design and construction guidelines. Long-term Actions: Establish “take back” programs in conjunction with suppliers; Establish design for the environment and dematerialization criteria in sustainable purchasing policies.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Purchasing plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Transportation:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 9: Transport.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Transportation plan(s):
Short-term Actions: establish a comprehensive car pooling service, offering participants a guaranteed ride home; expand the shuttle bus service to accommodate those students who live within a mile of campus; establish a bike program – offering subsidized or free bike rental and servicing infrastructure and improving visibility and functionality of bike racks; offer free or reduced fare rides to UNC Charlotte faculty, staff and students; Continue and accelerate the North Carolina Petroleum Displacement Plan; establish a well marked and connected bike lane infrastructure on campus and connect to the Greenway; “Rightsize” fleet for intended purposes; use smaller and more efficient vehicles; Promote video and telephone conferencing; Enforce no idling program. Long-term Actions: High density development should be pursued on campus; Car pool and electric vehicle parking spaces shall get optimal locations; Renovate campus streets to slow traffic and increase pedestrian accommodations; Reduce availability of parking on campus by eliminating surface parking lots; Charging stations shall be offered at all parking decks; Convert campus fleet to non fossil fuel technology; Offer flexible and telecommuting working options.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Transportation plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer; Director of Parking and Transportation Services

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Waste:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 10: Resource Management.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Waste plan(s):
Short-term Actions: Establish waste minimization goals in Materials Management contracts; Identify and prioritize toxicity of wastes.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Waste plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer; Director of Building Environmental Services; Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Water:
Campus Sustainability Plan 2010, Section 5: Energy and Water.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Water plan(s):
Short-term Actions: Undertake campus water use audits; Implement program to procure water and energy-efficient products; Meter all irrigation systems; Investigate and recommend appropriate rainwater harvesting systems; Design facilities to utilize non-potable water where applicable.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Water plan(s):
University Sustainability Officer; University Energy Manager; Director of Facilities Operations; Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Diversity and Affordability:
The Plan for Campus Diversity, Access & Inclusion articulates a number of broad objectives for campus diversity and identifies key strategies for achieving these goals. It establishes a dynamic repository of current practices at UNC Charlotte and inventories of best practices from other institutions. Mechanisms to assess the diversity climate, the progress of underrepresented groups, and the effectiveness of diversity initiatives are detailed and linked to an accountability structure for the implementation and success of the plan. The objectives are intended to give UNC Charlotte a framework for developing the policies and practices that support a diverse learning environment. A successful diversity plan necessarily involves all areas of the University and requires collective responsibility at all levels. UNC Charlotte is committed to fostering an inclusive environment that is respectful of differences and promotes understanding and cooperation.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Diversity and Affordability plan(s):
Measurable objectives include: create a broad understanding of goals for diversity, access, and inclusion for the University through active outreach to the campus community; recruit and graduate a diverse student body that reflects community diversity and addresses the state’s need to increase access to higher education for historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students; increase the recruitment of underrepresented faculty and advance their progression through the faculty ranks; Increase the representation of staff from underrepresented groups; ensure the presence of institutional environments and course development that enhance learning and appreciation for the full range of diversity; and develop external relationships with the community to enhance diversity on and off campus;

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Diversity and Affordability plan(s):
The Council on University Community, chaired by the Provost.

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Health, Wellbeing and Work:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Health, Wellbeing and Work plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Health, Wellbeing and Work plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Investment:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Investment plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Investment plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in other areas:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the other plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the other plan(s):

The institution’s definition of sustainability:

Does the institution’s strategic plan or equivalent guiding document include sustainability at a high level?:

A brief description of how the institution’s strategic plan or equivalent guiding document addresses sustainability:

The website URL where information about the institution’s sustainability planning is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.