Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 60.36
Liaison Shane Stennes
Submission Date Aug. 2, 2011
Executive Letter Download

STARS v1.0

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
ER-7: Sustainability-Related Courses

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.53 / 10.00 Bridget Rathsack
Student Sustainability Assistant
Facilities Management Sustainability Department
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

The number of sustainability-related courses offered :

The total number of courses offered :

Number of years covered by the data:

A list of sustainability-related courses offered:
ABUS 4102 Operations in Mfg&Service Biz AEM 4511 Composite Materials AFEE 5112 AGED Prog Org & Cur AFEE 5113 AGED: Dev & Tech AGRO 1660 First-Year Colloquium AGRO 4005 App Crop Phys & Dev AGRO 4401 Plant Genetics & Breeding AGRO 4505 Bio/Eco/Manage Invasive Plants AGRO 4603 Field Crop Scout & Prob Diag AGRO 4605 Mgmt Strategies for Crop Prod AGRO 4888 Issues in Sustainable Ag AGRO 5021 Intro to Plant Breeding ANSC 1021 Avian Sampler ANSC 3501 Farm Animal Environment APEC 4311 Tourism Development APEC 5611 Ec Aspects of Environ Mgmt APEC 5711 US Agricultural & Env Policy ARCH 4521 Environmental Technology I ARCH 4672 Hist Bldg Consrvtn ARCH 5513 Thermal Dsgn Arch ARCH 5514 Lighting Acstc Dsgn ARCH 5516 Tech Two: Lumin Therm Des ARCH 5539 Dylghtng Arch Dsgn ARCH 5550 Topics in Technology ARCH 5672 Hist Bldg Consrvtn ARCH 5711 Dsgn Prncpl BBE 1011 BAE Orientation BBE 2201 Renew Energy and the Environ BBE 3033 Mat & Enrgy Bal in Bio Systs BBE 3102 Residential Indoor Air Quality BBE 3503 Marketing of Bio-based Product BBE 4013 Transp in Biol Syst BBE 4305 Pulp & Paper Technology BBE 4413 Systms Approach to Res Const BBE 4523 Water Mgmt Engr BBE 4533 Agr Waste Mgmt Engr BBE 4713 Biological Procs Engineering BBE 4733 Renewable Energy Technlogies BBE 5102 Residential Indoor Air Quality BBE 5203 Env Impacts of Food Production BBE 5305 Pulp and Paper Technology BBE 5413 Systms Approach to Res Const BBE 5503 Marketing of Bio-based Product BBE 4023W Process Control & Instrumntatn BIOC 5309 Biocat & Biodegrad BIOC 5401W Advanced Metabolism BIOL 1009 General Biology BIOL 1011 General Biology for IT BIOL 1105 Intro Biol Soc Env BIOL 1981 Explorations in Biology BIOL 3002 Plant Function BIOL 3820 Aquatic Toxicology BIOL 4501 Social Uses of Biol BIOL 1009H Honors: General Biology BIOL 3007W Plant,Algal & Fungal Diversity BSE 3355 Environ Quality CE 3102 Uncertainty in CE CE 3301 Soil Mechanics I CE 4231 Pavement Design CE 4502 WW Treat CE 4511 Hydr Struct CE 4531 Env Proc Eng CE 4562 Remed Technol CE 4591 Env Law CE 5094 CE Research CE 5541 Env Water Chem CE 5542 Experimental Meth Env Eng CE 5551 Env Microbiology/Lab CE 5581 Water Policy CE 4102W Capstone Design CFAN 3500 Int'l Field Studies Seminar CFAN 5000 Special topics K-12 Educators CFAN 5500 Int'l Field Studies Seminar CHEM 4066 Chem of Ind CHEN 2001 Material & Energy CHEN 5551 Renewable Energy CHEN 5752 Quant Bio for Eng CHIC 3310 Chicanas/os and the Law CHMB 5813 Ethics & Leadership CI 5537 Environmental Education CI 5747 Global/Env Ed: Content/Prac CMBA 5542 Ethics & Leadership CMBA 5723 Ethics & Leadership CMGT 4542 Building Energy Systems CSPH 1101 Self, Society, and Environment DES 3341 (un)Wrapping It Up DESI 3061 (un)wrapping it up DHA 2402 Residential Tech DHA 2612 Int Materials & Specifications DHA 2613 Ltg Dsgn & Bldg Sys DHA 3482 Home Environment DHA 5463 Housing Policy DHA 5467W Hsg & Social Env DIS 3742 BGS:Environ Business Strategy DIS 3827 Biol:Element,Energy:Ecosystem DIS 3920 Sustainable by Design EAS 4473 Chinese Politics ECON 4611H Environmental value EDPA 5314 School Tech Safety & Security EE 4701 Electric Drives EE 4703 Electric Drives Lab EE 4743 Switch-Mode Pwr Elec Lab EE 5721 Pwr Generation EEB 3603 Aquatic Environment EEB 4068 Plant Physiological Ecology EEB 4611 Biogeochemical Processes EEB 4631 Global Ecology EEB 4801 Field Limnology EEB 4814 Plant Communities EEB 4817 Vertebrate Ecology EEB 4844 Field Ornithology EEB 5001 Plant Communities EEB 5008 Paleoecology EEB 5009 Quaternary History EEB 5033 Pop and Quantitative Genetics EEB 5042 Quantitative Genetics EEB 5068 Plant Physiological Ecology EEB 5146 Sci and Policy Global Env Chng EEB 5361 Visions of Nature EEB 5601 Limnology EEB 5605 Limnology Laboratory EEB 5609 Ecosystem Ecology EEB 4609W Ecosystem Ecology EEB 5122W Plant/Microbe Interactions ENGL 3501 Public Discourse ENT 4861 Aquatic Insects ENT 5211 Insect Pest Management ENT 5361 Aquatic Insects ESPM 1001 Freshmen Orientation to ESPM ESPM 2021 Env Sci: Integratd Prob Solvng ESPM 2401 Environmental Education ESPM 3000 Sem on Current Issues for ESPM ESPM 3012 Stats Methods for Env Sci/Mgrs ESPM 3111 Hydro & Water Qual Fld Mthds ESPM 3128 ES Seminar ESPM 3131 Environmental Physics ESPM 3207 Trop Ag/For - Costa Rica ESPM 3211 Surv Meas Model for Env Analys ESPM 3221 Soil Conserv. & Land-Use Mngmt ESPM 3271 Envmntl Policy Law & Hum Behav ESPM 3601 Our Home, Our Environment ESPM 3603 Environmental Life Cycle Anlys ESPM 3604 Env Mgmt Systems & Strategy ESPM 3605 Rcyclng:Extndng Raw Mat ESPM 3703 Agroforestry in Watershed Mgmt ESPM 4004 Sustainable Communities ESPM 4216 Contaminant Hydrology ESPM 4242 Mthds for Envtl&NatR Pol Anlys ESPM 4256 NR Law & Mgmt of Pub Land/Wtr ESPM 4607 Indust Biotechnology & Enviro ESPM 4811 Environmental Interpretation ESPM 5019 Bus, Natural Env & Global Econ ESPM 5021 Ecol Veg Mgmt: Consultng Aprch ESPM 5061 Water Quality & Natural Resour ESPM 5101 Conservt of Plant Biodiversity ESPM 5108 Ecology of Managed Systems ESPM 5111 Hydro & Water Qual Fld Mthds ESPM 5131 Env. Biophysics and Ecol. ESPM 5202 Env Conflict Mgmt, Ldrshp, Pln ESPM 5207 Trop Ag/For in Costa Rica ESPM 5211 Surv Meas Model for Env Analys ESPM 5241 Nat Resource & Env Policy ESPM 5242 Mthds for Nat Res & Env. Polcy ESPM 5245 Sustainbl Land Use Plng/Policy ESPM 5251 NR in Sustain Int'l Developmnt ESPM 5256 NR Law & Mgmt of Pub Land/Wtr ESPM 5261 Economics and Nat Resourc Mgmt ESPM 5295 GIS in Environ Science & Mgmt ESPM 5402 Biometeorology ESPM 5482 Biosafety Science and Policy ESPM 5501 Biol Collectns:Curation & Mgmt ESPM 5555 Wetland Soils ESPM 5603 Environmental Life Cycle Anlys ESPM 5604 Env Mgmt Systems & Strategy ESPM 5605 Rcyclng:Extndng Raw Mat ESPM 5607 Indust Biotechnology & Enviro ESPM 5703 Agroforestry in Watershed Mgmt ESPM 5811 Environmental Interpretation ESPM 3202W Env Conflict Mgmt, Ldrshp, Pln ESPM 3241W Natural Resource & Env Policy ESPM 3612W Soil & Environmental Biology ESPM 4021W Problem Solving: Env Review ESPM 4041W Prob Solvng for Environ Change ESPM 4295W GIS in Eviron Science & Mgmt FOST 1420 Study Abroad FOST 1470 Study Abroad FOST 1490 Study Abroad FOST 1800 Study Abroad FOST 1810 Study Abroad FOST 1820 Study Abroad FOST 1830 Study Abroad FOST 1840 Study Abroad FOST 1850 Study Abroad FOST 1860 Study Abroad FOST 3420 Study Abroad FOST 3470 Study Abroad FOST 3490 Study Abroad FOST 3800 Study Abroad FOST 3810 Study Abroad FOST 3820 Study Abroad FOST 3830 Study Abroad FOST 3840 Study Abroad FOST 3850 Study Abroad FOST 3860 Study Abroad FR 1001 Orientation/Information System FR 1901 Freshman Seminar FR 2101 Identifying Forest Plants FR 2102 Northern Forests: Field Ecolgy FR 2104 Measuring Forest Resources FR 3114 Hydrology and Watershed Mgmt FR 3262 Remote Sensing of NR & Env. FR 3411 Mng Forest Ecosys:Silviculture FR 3431 Timber Harvesting & Road Plng FR 3501 Arboricultr:Select/Maint Trees FR 4501 UF Mgt: Mngmt Greenspaces FR 5114 Hydrology and Watershed Mgmt FR 5161 Northern Forest Field Course FR 5262 Remote Sensing of NR & Env. FR 5264 Advanced Forest Mgmt Planning FR 5411 Mng Forest Ecosys:Silviculture FR 5431 Timber Harvesting & Road Plng FR 5501 UF Mgt: Managing Greenspaces FR 5611 Field Silviculture FR 5615 Fld Remote Sensing/Res Survey FR 5621 Fld Timber Harvstg & Road Plng FSCN 1102 Food:Safety, Risks & Tech FSCN 4111 Food Chemistry FSCN 4121 Food Microbiol & Fermentation FSCN 4332 Food Processing Operations FSCN 4342 Properties of Water in Foods FW 1905 Freshman Seminar FW 2003 Introduction to Marine Biology FW 3136 Biology of Fishes FW 4132 Invertebrate Diversity FW 5136 Biology of Fishes GEO 1003 Dinosaur Evolution GEO 1102 Intro Earth History GEO 3005 Earth Resources GEO 3096 Geology of Iceland GEO 4204 Geomag/Paleomag GEO 4401 Aqueous Geochem GEO 4402 Ocean Biogeochemistry GEO 4602 Sediment/Stratigrph GEO 4701 Geomorphology GEO 4703 Glacial Geology GEO 5001 Earth Systems/Edu GEO 5102 Climate and History GEO 5108 Envir Geology GEO 5205 Fluid Mechanics in Earth Sci GEO 5705 Limnogeology GEO 5713 Karst Hydrogeology GEO 5971 Field Hydrogeology GEO 4971W Field Hydrogeology GEOE 3301 Soil Mechanics I GEOE 4102W Capstone Design GEOG 1372 Global Cities GEOG 3101 US and Canada GEOG 3181 Russia & Environs GEOG 3212 South Asia GEOG 3401 Envir Systems GEOG 3441 Quaternary Landscape Evolution GEOG 4001 Geographic Inquiry GEOG 5181 Russia & Environs GEOG 5401 Env Systems and Global Chg GEOG 5421 Intro Atmospheric Science GEOG 5423 Climate Models GEOG 5441 Landscape Evolution GEOG 5565 Human-Environment Systems GEOG 3381W World Population GEOG 3401H Honors: Environmental Systems GEOG 4002W Social Theory & Environment GLOS 1672 Global Cities GLOS 3145 Theories: Global Studies GLOS 3301 Environment & Empire GLOS 3305 Life for Sale: Global Debates GLOS 4801 Internatl Dev: Theory/Practice GLOS 4806 Topic: Developmnt Case Studies GLOS 4900 Senior Sem in Global Studies GLOS 5301 Environment & Empire GLOS 5801 Internatl Dev: Theory/Practice GLOS 5806 Topic: Developmnt Case Studies GLOS 1015V Honors Intro Global Hist 1950 GLOS 3145H Honors:Global Studies Theories GLOS 3701W World Population GLOS 4900H Honors: Sr. Seminar GWSS 4290 Topics: Bio/ Hlth/ Environ GWSS 5290 Topics: Bio/ Hlth/ Environ GWSS 3290H Topics: Bio/ Hlth/ Environ HIST 5439 Environment/Society in Africa HIST 1000W Visions of the Past HIST 3000W Visions of the Past HMED 5002 Pub Health Issues Hist Persp HORT 1061 The Sustainable Lawn HORT 3005 Environmental Physiology HORT 4021 Landscape Design and Implem I HORT 4401 Plant Genetics & Breeding HORT 5007 Advanced Plant Propagation HORT 5009 Pest in Hort: Use and Abuse HORT 5018 Land Operations & Mgmt HORT 5031 Org Viticulture & Fruit Prod HORT 5032 Org Veg Prod HORT 5051 Floriculture Crop Prod HORT 5052 Specialty GH Crop Prod. HSCI 3244 History of Ecology HSCI 5244 History of Ecology IBUS 5110 Costa Rica Seminar ID 3591 Adaptive Ecosystem Management ID 3592 Policy & Environmental Change ID 3593 Environmental Field Methods IE 5553 Simulation IOFT 1906 Fresh Semi-Env/WI ISE 5302 Critical Infrast Secur & Prot ISE 5401 Water Dist Sys ISE 5402 Storm Water Mgmt ISE 5403 Water Treat Syst JOUR 3121 Intermediate News Reporting KIN 3001 Lifetime Fitness and Health LA 3413 Intro LA History LA 5202 Landscape Analysis Workshop LA 5413 Intro LA History LA 5574 ID MN Flora LA 5721 Proseminar Metro Design LAS 3251 Renew Res DC MATH 5481 Industrial Problems I MATS 4512 Corrosion MATS 4511W Corrosion ME 3332 Thermal Sciences II ME 4331 Thermal Engr Lab ME 5103 Therm Env Engr ME 5105 HVAC Sys Des ME 5115 Air Pollution ME 5344 Thermo of Fluid Flow with App ME 5446 Intro to Combustion ME 5461 Int Comb Engines ME 5462 Gas Turbines ME 4131W Therm Envir Eng Lab MGMT 3602 Topics: Environment Regulation MGMT 3603 Topics: Environmental Issues MGMT 3604 Topics: Environmental Issues MGMT 5019 Bus, Natural Enviro MICB 4111 Micb Physl & Dvrsty MICB 4121 Microbial Ecology & Appl Micro MICE 5309 Biocat & Biodegrad MS 5203 Environmental Impacts NURS 5810 Health Activism PA 5013 Law & Urb Land Use PA 5301 Pop Meth/Issues: US/3rd World PA 5311 Program Evaluation PA 5501 Economic Development PA 5531 Sustainable Development PA 5711 Science and Technology Policy PA 5721 Energy & Environmental Policy PA 5722 Env/Res Policy PA 5790 Science/Tech/Env Pol Topics PBIO 5416 Plant Morphology PHIL 3602 Science, Tech, and Society PHYS 5071 Phys HS Teachers PLPA 2001 Intro to Plant Path PLPA 5102 Epid & Genetics Host-Parasite PLPA 5201 Biology of Plant Diseases PLPA 5202 Field Plant Pathology POL 1025 Global Politics POL 4477 Mid East Politics POL 4881 International Law POL 4887 Strategy Intl Pol POL 5441 Pol/Envir Policy POL 5473 Chinese Politics POL 5477 Mid East Politics POL 5872 Global Env Politics POL 5881 International Law POL 5883 Global Governance POL 5887 Strategy Intl Pol POL 3873V Global Citizen&Internatl Ethic POL 3873W Internatl Ethics POL 4473W Chinese Politics POL 4883W Global Governance PSTL 1172 Historical Geology PSTL 1511 Intro: Bus. & Soc. PSY 5205 Applied Soc Psy PUBH 3104 Envrn Hlth Effcts: Toxicology REC 2151 Outdr & Camp Leadrs REC 5311 Prog Outdr Env Ed RRM 1905 Freshman Seminar RRM 3101 Nat & Heritage Based Tourism RRM 5101 Nat & Heritage Based Tourism RRM 5259 Visitor Behavior Analysis SCAN 1201 Introduction to Scandinavia SENG 5852 Quality Assurance SOIL 3416 Plant Nutrients in the Envnmt SOIL 3521 Soil Judging SOIL 4005 Lab/Field Tech in Soil Sci. SOIL 4505 Soil Geography SOIL 4511 Field Study of Soils SOIL 5005 Lab/Field Tech in Soil Sci SOIL 5125 Soil Science for Teachers SOIL 5232 Vadose Zone Hydrology SOIL 5311 Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy SOIL 5515 Soil Genesis & Landscape SOIL 5555 Wetland Soils SOIL 5611 Soil Biology & Fertility TXCL 5011 Principles of Tox URBS 3771 Fundamentals of Transit VENZ 3036 Tropical Ecology: English VENZ 3263 Agro: Sustainable Tropical Ag VENZ 3407 Tropical Ecology: Spanish WHRE 3121 Comm Energy Power Trans/Ma WRIT 3362 Applied Environmental Ethics WRIT 3384 From Soil to Civilization WRIT 3404 Environmental Communication WRS 5101 Water Resources

The website URL where the sustainability course inventory that includes a list of sustainability-related courses is posted:

A copy of the sustainability course inventory:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
This data only covers undergraduate course offerings. The courses listed above include only those courses that matched with the keyword search conducted using the Electronic Course Authorization System (keywords included: climate, air, water, biodiversity, efficiency, energy, renewables, photovoltaic, hydro, smart grid, green, biomass, biofuel, soil, poverty, forestry, and life cycle cost). Courses not containing the keywords that may involve sustainability are not reflected in this inventory, as the University has too large of a course list to sort through each course manually. In addition, many courses did not include detailed class description, making it difficult to determine if they were sustainability-related courses. Many of the questionable courses were omitted when manually sorting through this inventory. In addition, the sustainability-related courses include over 80 different subject areas, giving undergraduates the opportunity to study sustainability principles in many of their interest areas. Staff from the Electronic Course Authorization System conducted the search for Sustainability Courses; there is no specific website listing these courses.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.