Overall Rating Gold
Overall Score 74.20
Liaison Juanita Van Norman
Submission Date Aug. 5, 2022

STARS v2.2

University of Manitoba
OP-18: Waste Minimization and Diversion

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.46 / 8.00 Allison Mac Intyre
Zero Waste Coordinator
Operations and Maintenance
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Figures needed to determine total waste generated (and diverted):
Performance Year Baseline Year
Materials recycled 283.96 Tons 295.94 Tons
Materials composted 12.54 Tons 8.50 Tons
Materials donated or re-sold 6.52 Tons 0 Tons
Materials disposed through post-recycling residual conversion 0 Tons 0 Tons
Materials disposed in a solid waste landfill or incinerator 886.75 Tons 1,148 Tons
Total waste generated 1,189.77 Tons 1,452.44 Tons

A brief description of the residual conversion facility:

Start and end dates of the performance year and baseline year (or three-year periods):
Start Date End Date
Performance Period April 1, 2021 March 31, 2022
Baseline Period April 1, 2019 March 31, 2020

A brief description of when and why the waste generation baseline was adopted:
UM uses a baseline year of 1990 for energy related data as this is when major energy efficiency projects began on campus - for all other sections, 2019 has been used. The baseline period was chosen to account for the continued reduced campus occupancy as a result of COVID-19 health and safety protocols. In addition, 2019 is the baseline year within the UM Climate Action Plan.

Figures needed to determine "Weighted Campus Users”:
Performance Year Baseline Year
Number of students resident on-site 575 1,150
Number of employees resident on-site 6 3
Number of other individuals resident on-site 0 0
Total full-time equivalent student enrollment 25,967 30,290
Full-time equivalent of employees 4,942 5,029
Full-time equivalent of students enrolled exclusively in distance education 2,578 2,440
Weighted campus users 21,393.50 24,947.50

Total waste generated per weighted campus user:
Performance Year Baseline Year
Total waste generated per weighted campus user 0.06 Tons 0.06 Tons

Percentage reduction in total waste generated per weighted campus user from baseline:

Percentage of materials diverted from the landfill or incinerator by recycling, composting, donating or re-selling, performance year:

Percentage of materials diverted from the landfill or incinerator (including up to 10 percent attributable to post-recycling residual conversion):

In the waste figures reported above, has the institution recycled, composted, donated and/or re-sold the following materials?:
Yes or No
Paper, plastics, glass, metals, and other recyclable containers Yes
Food Yes
Cooking oil No
Plant materials Yes
Animal bedding No
White goods (i.e. appliances) Yes
Electronics Yes
Laboratory equipment Yes
Furniture Yes
Residence hall move-in/move-out waste Yes
Scrap metal Yes
Pallets Yes
Tires Yes
Other (please specify below) Yes

A brief description of other materials the institution has recycled, composted, donated and/or re-sold:
• Vehicle oil and filters are recycled as per the regulations of the Manitoba Used Oil and Antifreeze Program requirements by the Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corporation (MARRC).
• School and office supplies: binders, file folders (hanging/non-hanging), notebooks, hole punch, paper organizers/trays, binder clips, tacks, white boards, cork boards, staplers, calculators, lanyards, etc. are recovered and re-distributed on campus through Re-Shop (UM’s furniture and office supply re-use program) ReShop Online (umanitoba.ca)
• Batteries are recycled through Call2Recycle
• Light bulbs are recycled through Klight Recycling

Materials intended for disposal but subsequently recovered and reused on campus, performance year:
0.19 Tons

Does the institution use single stream recycling to collect standard recyclables in common areas?:

Does the institution use dual stream recycling to collect standard recyclables in common areas?:

Does the institution use multi-stream recycling to collect standard recyclables in common areas?:

Average contamination rate for the institution’s recycling program:

A brief description of any recycling quality control mechanisms employed:
Recycling bins around campus have consistent signage indicating items that can be recycled. The UM Waste Sorting Game is also used as an outreach tool to increase education on recyclable and non-recyclable everyday items.

A brief description of the institution's waste-related behavior change initiatives:
• The Lug-a-Mug campaign is intended to reduce the number of coffee cups purchased on campus that are often wrongly placed in recycling bins and destined for landfill. If students and staff bring a reusable mug to any coffee or tea vendor on campus they receive an automatic discount.
• Introduction to Sustainability at UM course that guides students through all sustainability initiatives on campus including waste reduction practices. As well, all first-year students have to complete a waste module while working through UM Essentials (an online course with orientation activities to prepare students for their studies at the University of Manitoba).

A brief description of the institution's waste audits and other initiatives to assess its materials management efforts and identify areas for improvement:
In 2020, UM Environmental Studies students conducted an onsite non-hazardous, small-scale, waste audit that took place over two separate weeks throughout February and March. The goal was to determine waste disposal behaviour and contamination rates at the university by analyzing a high-traffic study space on campus. Between weeks varying levels of signage were tested on how UM could improve engagement.

In 2020/2021, indoor and outdoor bin audits were conducted to gauge bin placement strategies going forward as waste infrastructure is being upgraded.

A brief description of the institution's procurement policies designed to prevent waste:

A brief description of the institution's surplus department or formal office supplies exchange program that facilitates reuse of materials:
Re-Shop encourages students, staff and faculty members to take, donate or exchange office furniture and accessories.

The Re-Shop builds on the culture of a circular economy. An alternative to regular consumption, a circular economy ensures products are used for as long as possible. Recycling items within the University community diverts items from landfill and saves finite resources.

Over the years, the Re-Shop has provided hundreds of items for reuse to staff and students, such as cabinets, chairs, desks, binders, and other office furnishings.

A brief description of the institution's platforms to encourage peer-to-peer exchange and reuse:
Re-Shop Online is open for students, staff, and faculty from all campuses to browse through the inventory and take away what they can use. A variety of file cabinets, desks and tables, binders, stationary are always available through Re-Shop

A brief description of the institution's limits on paper and ink consumption:
Libraries and computer labs have a fee for printing. Most printing labs are approximately $0.15 per black and white page and $1 per coloured page. In the office environment, paper and ink must be accounted for in annual budgets. Most UM courses have taken place online in the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 academic years which has decreased the use of paper and ink consumption.

A brief description of the institution's initiatives to make materials available online by default rather than printing them:
• The UM course catalogue is available online through the Aurora system. This platform allows students and administrators to register and see course information.
• UM Learn is the UM learning management system, allowing online posting of course materials and communication between professor and student.
• "On Manitoba" alumni magazine is available in digital format (and by digital subscription).
• The Manitoban, the official UM student newspaper is available in digital format.
• VIP and employee self-service are the online UM human resource platforms which allow staff to access annual tax forms and bi-weekly paystubs in an electronic format instead of print.

A brief description of the institution's program to reduce residence hall move-in/move-out waste:
During the UM Residence Move Out donation campaigns, residents are provided with blue bags to collect their waste that could be reused/recycled. Residence students are also offered the service to remove unwanted or broken refrigerators for recycling/Re-Shop.

Donation bins are also available all year for students to donate their reusable clothing, books, and other textiles.

A brief description of the institution's programs or initiatives to recover and reuse other materials intended for disposal:
Wood furniture items intended for disposal from Re-Shop are diverted for re-use on campus via the UM Sustainability in Action Facility’s Plywood Library. Wooden furniture is disassembled by students and put in a ‘library’ for re-use in student projects on campus

Website URL where information about the institution’s waste minimization and diversion efforts is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
ReShop Online: https://reshop.umanitoba.ca/#/

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.