Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 58.21
Liaison Olivia Wiebe
Submission Date Feb. 27, 2019
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

University of Idaho
EN-11: Inter-Campus Collaboration

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.00 / 3.00 Jeannie L. Matheison
Sustainability Center
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Is the institution an active member of a national or international sustainability network?:

The name of the national or international sustainability network(s):
The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).

Is the institution an active member of a regional, state/provincial or local sustainability network?:

The name of the regional, state/provincial or local sustainability network(s):
The Sustainability Partnership of the Northern Rockies (SPNR).

Has the institution presented at a sustainability conference during the previous year? :

A list or brief description of the conference(s) and presentation(s):
•Space and Existence, European Cultural Union, Venice (October 12-14, 2018) Invited Speaker (Dr. Rula Awwad-Rafferty): virtual presentation discussing the critical need to support and educate exceptional designers and artist who can creatively exploit fundamental science to develop adaptive systems that can support the sustainable management of social ecological systems. •Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)(2018) – faculty member, Launch of United States Chapter of the UN-SDSN. Building a global network of universities, research centers, and other knowledge institutions to translate the latest expertise in sustainable development into action. (Columbia University, December 4, 2018) •Eco-Architecture Conference. The seventh International Conference on Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature took place in the New Forest, UK. The Conference was organised by the Wessex Institute, UK, represented by Dr Stavros Syngellakis, a member of the WIT Board of Directors. The objective of the conference was to review the challenges and new opportunities of contemporary architecture to promote sustainability and adaptation of design to natural environment taking advantage of progress in new building technologies and the development of new materials. Our contribution was “LEED Gold but not Equal: Two Case Study Buildings,” for Eco-Architecture 2018, Brockenhurst, The New Forest, UK. by Mae Baja, Sainaz Bajracharya, Miranda Freeman, Allison Gray, Hanna Kuipers, and Ruth Opatola. (published as a journal article in the International Journal of Design& Nature and Ecodynamics vol. 0 No. 0 (2018) 1-11) I presented the paper, all the co-authors are graduate students in architecture. You can download the issue of the journal in this link: . •The Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting in New Orleans. Mike Strickland with his students presented the role of microbial communities in leaf litter decomposition and the production of volatile organic compounds during litter decay. Both have important implications for carbon cycling and nutrient retention in ecosystems and sustainable environments. Daniel Cronan (collaborators: Andrew Kliskey, Jamie Trammell, David Griffith, Paula Williams, Chad Lorentzen, Katherine Woodhouse presented in the following conferences: •9th Annual Northwest Climate Conference Presentation Title: "Resilience Taking Shape: Green Infrastructure Networks for the Ecoregion" Presentation Link: https://uidaho.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=4741cf9c2b9b4bbbacebcbca15166255 •2018 AGU Fall Meeting Presentation Title: APPROACHING THE NEXUS: An integrated approach for stakeholder engagement in Food, Energy, and Water Systems in Idaho's Magic Valley https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm18/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/374318 •2019 GeoDesign Summit Presentation Title: The Nexus Studio: Creating a Synergy between a Research Project and a Studio •6th Annual Fabos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning Presentation Title: An Alternative Futures Approach to Green Infrastructure Planning for an Increasing Population

Has the institution submitted a case study during the previous year to a sustainability awards program that is inclusive of multiple campuses? :

A list or brief description of the awards program(s) and submission(s):
• Anderson, J.W., (PI), Collaborative Research Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU, Jon Waterhouse PI): Living Indigenous Network of Knowledge (LINK), National Science Foundation, $1.5M pending (2019). • Kolden, C., Abatzoglou, J., Adam, J., Alessa, L., Anderson, J.W., J., Hicke, J., Kliskey, A., Paveglio, T., Yoder, J.; Hazards NSF-SEES: Advancing Resilience to Compounding Disasters: An Integrated Natural-Human Systems Assessment of Wildfire Vulnerability, National Science Foundation $2.8M funded (October 2015-2018) • Goodwin, P (PI), Benner, S., (Co-PI), Rogers, D., (Co-PI), Anderson, J.W. (Co-PI), EPSCOR RII Track 1: Managing Idaho’s Landscapes for Ecosystem Services, MILES, National Science Foundation (NSF-EPSCOR), $20M, State of Idaho, $4M Funded (July 2013-November 2018). Three case studies related to sustainability topics: • Stewart, R.D., Jian, J., Gyawali, A.J., Thomason, W.E., Badgley, B.D., Reiter, M.S., Strickland, M.S. 2018. What we talk about when we talk about soil health. Agricultural Environmental Letters, IN PRESS. • Wilson, C., Strickland, M.S., Hutchings, J., Bianchi, T., Flory, S. 2018. Grazing enhances belowground carbon allocation, microbial biomass, and soil carbon in a subtropical grassland. Global Change Biology, 24: 2997-3009. • Singh, B., Minick, K.*, Strickland, M.S.‡, Wickings, K., Crippen, T., Tarone, A., Benbow, E., Sufrin, N., Tomberlin, J., Pechal, J. 2018. The legacy of human cadaver decomposition on soil biological structure and function. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8: 2616 Other case studies presented: • Jul 2017, “New Buildings, New Lighting, New Critique: Student Analysis of Integrating Daylight and LED Lighting” for the PLEA 2017 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, with Macy Brannan, Michael Coleman, Luz Escalante, Byron Green, Hanna Kuipers, Xiaoyi Liu, William Lundgren, and Liuyingqin Yin. Michael Coleman and Luz Escalante presented. • Nov 2017, “Integrating Daylight and LED Lighting: A student research project,” a for PLDC 2017, Paris, France, with Macy Brannan, Michael Coleman, Luz Escalante, Byron Green, Hanna Kuipers, Xiaoyi Liu, William Lundgren, and Liuyingqin Yin. Poster presentation with Macy Brannan. Not published. Awards: • Bruce Haglund: Fellow of the American Solar Energy Society • John W. Anderson: Internationally Honored Designer, Venice Design 2018: The Suspension of DisbeliefEuropean Cultural Centre and GAA Foundation, Palazzo Michiel, Venice, Italy, Juried Exhibit (54) internationally selected designers, (26 May – 25 November 2018). Highlighted personal design research concerning water quality and the social impacts from over a century of lead and silver mining that resulted in the deposition of over 75 million tons of heavy metal contaminated sediments that now sits at the bottom of the Coeur d’Alene Lake.

Has the institution had staff, students or faculty serving on a board or committee of a sustainability network or conference during the previous three years? :

A list or brief description of the board or committee appointment(s):
The Sustainability Partnership of the Northern Rockies (SPNR), committee member.

Does the institution have an ongoing mentoring relationship with another institution through which it assists the institution with its sustainability reporting and/or the development of its sustainability program?:

A brief description of the mentoring relationship and activities:
The University of Idaho Sustainability Center is a founding member of Sustainability Partnership of the Northern Rockies (SPNR). Members include WSU, UI, MSU, UM, Gonzaga, Whitman, NOLS, and others. Universities and colleges share information in the development of sustainability programs. Conference calls occur monthly, and members meet annually for campus sustainability tours.

Has the institution had staff, faculty, or students serving as peer reviewers of another institution’s sustainability data (e.g. GHG emissions or course inventory) and/or STARS submission during the previous three years?:

A brief description of the peer review activities:

Has the institution participated in other collaborative efforts around sustainability during the previous year, e.g. joint planning or resource sharing with other institutions? :

A brief description of other collaborative efforts around sustainability during the previous year:
The annual SPRN retreat includes campus sustainability tours, resources sharing, introductions to peer sustainability professionals and collaborative efforts to learn more about issue areas by inviting experts to present at the retreat or on conference calls.

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Conferences, awards: Lubia Cajas de Gliniewicz, PhD., Environmental Science Program Coordinator

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.