Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 65.82
Liaison Konrad Schlarbaum
Submission Date Feb. 20, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

University of Colorado Colorado Springs
PA-2: Sustainability Planning

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 4.00 / 4.00
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have current and formal plans to advance sustainability in the following areas? Do the plans include measurable objectives?:
Current and Formal Plans (Yes or No) Measurable Objectives (Yes or No)
Curriculum Yes Yes
Research (or other scholarship) Yes Yes
Campus Engagement Yes Yes
Public Engagement Yes Yes
Air and Climate Yes Yes
Buildings Yes Yes
Dining Services/Food Yes Yes
Energy Yes Yes
Grounds Yes Yes
Purchasing Yes Yes
Transportation Yes Yes
Waste Yes Yes
Water Yes Yes
Diversity and Affordability Yes Yes
Health, Wellbeing and Work Yes Yes
Investment No No
Other --- ---

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Curriculum:
Sustainability was added to the UCCS General Education Goals approved in fall 2010. The General Education Goals was renamed Compass Curriculum. “Goal 3) Act and Interact. Students will cultivate self-awareness and understanding of their impact—locally, nationally, and globally. Students will be prepared to participate effectively in a society that encompasses diverse experiences, perspectives, and realities. This area includes [among others]: Sustainability—understanding the interaction between human development and the natural environment”. In order to achieve the terms of this goal, students will learn about key principles of sustainability including social equity, environmental protection, and economic development, among others. The sustainability GE goal will be achieved by integrating teaching about sustainability within discipline-specific coursework and/or other GE components, or in general elective courses. Sustainability: one course in student’s 120 cr. hr. Bachelor’s degree addresses Sustainability. This content can be integrated in major, gen. electives, or GE courses.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Curriculum plan(s):
How will the integrated Sustainability component be structured and supported? Departments will identity how the Sustainability component already is/could be integrated into their major degree course content--either taught to students in one specific course, or integrated across several major degree requirements. If having the content of Sustainability integrated into the major degree coursework is not a viable option, students will take a course addressing sustainability in their other GE or general elective courses. Many courses in the campus-wide GE curriculum (for examples, those in the Gateway, Explore curriculum, or Advanced Core) will address this content for those students. Integrated course content or courses addressing sustainability should adhere to the guidelines explained below. Tenured/tenure-track faculty and instructors will have access to educational resources to identify existing courses/ course content addressing sustainability and, where appropriate, to adapt existing course content or to develop new courses/ content to achieve the objectives of the Sustainability component. Providing leadership in sustainability education is already a priority identified at UCCS, and faculty in colleges across campus already have considerable experience incorporating elements of sustainability in the curriculum.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Curriculum plan(s):
Office of the Provost, Mary Coussons-Read; Vice Provost, David Moon; David Weiss, Faculty Director of the Compass Curriculum; Director of Sustainable Development Minor, David Havlick

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Research (or other scholarship):
As stated in the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020 Provide Excellent In-depth Sustainability Education and Encourage Research

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Research plan(s):
1. Include Sustainability as a “preferred” topic in Creative Research Creative Work grants 2. Designate staff (e.g. student worker) to collect information on all sustainability research currently being conducted by faculty and to share this information with the campus community (e.g. such as on a campus website)

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Research plan(s):
Sustainability Office, Sustainable Development Minor Director, Office of the Provost

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Campus Engagement around sustainability:
As stated in the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020 Create a Thriving Culture of Economic, Environmental, and Social Sustainability on Campus

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Campus Engagement plan:
Timeframe - 2012-2020 Action Steps 1. Develop and approve a campus sustainability policy that supports the mission, values, and programs of the university 2. Pursue continuous innovation of organizational structures and processes that facilitate sustainable transformation of the university 3. Create a formal advisory committee/implementation team to pursue the goals of the Sustainability Strategic Plan 4. Educate all members of the campus community about the importance of and benefits of all three areas of sustainability 5. Increase personal awareness of and participation in personal sustainability practices from both health and environmental perspectives Measurable Outcomes  Campus sustainability policy is approved and communicated to the campus.  Sustainability is increasingly considered in all UCCS decisions.  Energy engineer is appointed with expertise to support climate and energy goals.  Sustainability Office continues to receive sufficient funding and staff to pursue sustainability goals.  Sustainability increasingly institutionalized across all functions of the university.  Sustainability initiatives and progress are incorporated within departmental reporting.  Master planning for building and land use incorporate sustainability from the beginning stages of planning.  Advisory/implementation committee is established with consistent updates from the Leadership Team and opportunities for input each semester.  Committee is active in facilitating and pursuing progress on the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan.  Sustainability messages regularly included in recruiting and new student, staff, and faculty orientation.  Sustainability summits to educate UCCS community are held annually.  Develop program to educate and facilitate personal sustainability practice and increase participation each year.  Program awards participants and departments for sustainable practices.  Survey of campus population reveals increased understanding and additional sustainable actions.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Campus Engagement plan(s):
Office of Sustainability, Climate Advisory Board, Residence Life and Housing, Office of Student Activities

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Public Engagement around sustainability:
As stated in the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020 III. Increase Faculty, Staff, and Student Involvement in Community Sustainability Initiatives

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Public Engagement plan(s):
Create a campus liaison to link up with the Pikes Peak Sustainability Regional Sustainability Plan (PPRSP). The intent would be to find out sustainability related research needs of the PPRSP and then link to faculty and students to conduct research.  Increase sustainability-related collaboration and learning opportunities with regional universities and colleges (Colorado College, Pikes Peak Community College, US Air Force Academy). Measurable Objectives The number of community collaborative efforts on sustainability increases in quantity and quality.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Public Engagement plan(s):
Office of Sustainability, Climate Advisory Board, Campus Sustainability Council

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Air and Climate:
Strategies are described in the UCCS Climate Action Plan 2010.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Air and Climate plan(s):
Highlights include: Carbon reductions of 20 percent by 2020, 50 percent by 2030, and 80 percent by 2050. Institute a no idling policy for the campus. Enforce a policy of no smoking within 25 feet of buildings

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Air and Climate plan(s):
Climate Advisory Board, Office of Sustainability, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Parking and Transportation, Public Safety

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Buildings:
As stated in the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020: VII. Build High Performance Facilities that Minimize Environmental Impact and Improve Occupant Well-Being

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Buildings plan(s):
Action Steps 1. Campus infrastructure supports inclusivity, diversity, and well-being 2. Campus facilities support educational goals of creating a living laboratory to support sustainability experiential learning 3. Nurture a sense of place 4. Design, construct, and operate facilities with sustainable design that use less energy, less water, more local and environmentally friendly materials Measurable Outcomes  Make available in all facilities gender neutral bathrooms, safe zones, and accessibility for disabled individuals.  Increase curricular and co-curricular educational opportunities.  Incorporate sustainable design in master planning and infrastructure including conservation of unique or historic features, and an appropriate carrying capacity for the land.  Increase amount of square footage that is LEED Gold certified or higher with a 40% reduction in energy and water use.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Buildings plan(s):
Office of Sustainability, Office of Planning and Construction, Auxiliary Services, Facilities Services, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, UCCS Leadership Team.

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Dining Services/Food:
As stated in the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020: I. Design a Food Environment on Campus that Promotes a Sustainable, Healthy Community Food service will transition in 2014 from corporate to university directed. This will allow the university to pursue more sustainability initiatives in dining.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Dining Services/Food plan(s):
Action items: 1. Increase seasonally, locally, and organically grown or raised produce, fish, meat, chicken, milk, eggs, and dairy products and select vegetarian options within reasonably tight radius depending on the season 2. Reduce foods of animal origin (meat, dairy, eggs) served 3. Use certification programs to ensure quality of food on campus is sustainable 4. Reduce bottled water on campus 5. Enhance health and wellness on campus through a supportive environment in dining and retail areas 6. Develop effective educational strategies to increase awareness and knowledge related to food, physical activity, and sustainability

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Dining Services/Food plan(s):
UCCS Food Services, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Auxiliary Services, Residence Life and Housing, Office of Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Energy:
As stated in the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020: V. Achieve Progress toward a Net Zero Energy Campus through Conservation, Energy Efficiency Technologies, and Producing or Purchasing Renewable Energy

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Energy plan(s):
Action Steps 1. Implement behavioral energy conservation measures 2. Increase the quantity and scope of energy efficiency and retrofit projects 3. Increase number of submitted proposals for grants that pursue energy efficiency projects and installations 4. Utilize integrated design process to maximize energy savings in new buildings and major renovations 5. Hire energy conservation engineer to monitor Building Automation System and identify and coordinate projects 6. Fully implement system of energy data collection, measurement, and reporting 7. Increase on campus and purchased renewable energy projects to meet the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment 8. Develop a sustainable energy plan for UCCS that includes renewable energy 9. Address energy use in housing 10. Reduce resource usage by promoting online classes and meetings

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Energy plan(s):
Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Office of Sustainability, Facilities Services, Auxiliary Services

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Grounds:
As stated in the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020: VI. Reduce Water Use

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Grounds plan(s):
Action Steps 1. Improve effectiveness of irrigation systems 2. Where appropriate, use native vegetation and plants 3. Divert rain, storm water, and runoff to water plants Measurable Outcomes  Utilized weather data and other technologies to reduce outdoor water use by 10 percent.  Reduced treated water use for irrigation.  Reduced treated water use for irrigation.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Grounds plan(s):
Facilities Services, Outdoor Services, Office of Planning and Construction, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Auxiliary Services, UCCS Leadership Team

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Purchasing:
As stated in the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020: IV. Demonstrate Sustainable Purchasing Practices for all Purchases on Campus

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Purchasing plan(s):
Action Steps: 1. Train campus purchasers to apply a sustainable purchasing framework to include CU Green Purchasing Guidelines, EPEAT, and Green Seal 2. Collaborate with CU Procurement Services to identify and promote products that meet sustainable purchasing guidelines Measurable Outcomes:  Campus community is familiar with sustainable purchases and the number of purchases classified as sustainable increases each year.  Develop campus sustainable purchasing guide for common products and support for purchase of these products is articulated by campus leadership.  Products that meet sustainable purchasing guidelines are easily identified and compare favorably with other products within the purchasing system.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Purchasing plan(s):
Office of Sustainability, CU Procurement Services Center, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Information Technology, Facilities Services, Auxiliary Services, purchasers throughout campus offices

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Transportation:
As stated in the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020: II. Implement a Transportation Demand Management Plan that Reduces the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Generated from Campus Fleet Operations and Commuting

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Transportation plan(s):
Action steps: 1. Improve educational efforts (sustainability and health promotion) to further faculty, staff and student awareness of multi-modal transportation options 2. Reduce the number of singly-occupied vehicles driving to and from campus by increasing the availability and attractiveness of alternative commuting options 3. Reduce the use of fossil fuels in University owned vehicles 4. Reduce the use of fossil fuels by airline travel for campus community Measurable Outcomes:  Document number of educational efforts and evaluate annual efficacy.  Increase partnerships with both on campus and off campus departments or agencies in providing education about alternative transportation options.  Continue transportation intern position in the Department of Public Safety as funding allowed. Pursue other grants and funding for this position as available.  Document and publish initiatives and outcomes.  Bi-Annual survey shows increased percentage of alternative forms of transportation to single occupancy vehicles.  Advocate for improved mass transit in the Colorado Springs region and seek out partnerships with regionally based transit authorities for reduced or no-cost mass transit options.  Investigate funding mechanisms to support mass transit expansion and access for our campus.  Increase bike storage facilities.  Expand the bike sharing program.  Design bike friendly circulation patterns in conjunction with new roadway and building construction.  Expand car sharing option on campus as available.  Increase teleconferencing in lieu of commuting to other locations for University meetings.  Increase telecommuting opportunities for campus community.  Encourage carpool options through the use of an interchangeable parking permit.  Power 60 percent of the campus fleet by one of the following (unless fuel type is unavailable): a. Gasoline-electric hybrid b. Diesel-electric hybrid c. Plug-in hybrid d. 100 percent electric e. Hydrogen fueled f. Biofuel and biodiesel  Reduce use of fossil fuels for internal university operated buses. o Increase walking and biking trails to reduce demand for bus system o Implement all-electric busses where feasible  Implement vehicle purchasing plan to target fuel types.  Decrease emissions from university sponsored travel as reported through the CU Procurement Service Center.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Transportation plan(s):
Public Safety, Department of Parking and Transportation, Office of Sustainability, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance; Auxiliary Services, Residence Life and Housing

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Waste:
As stated in the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020: III. Pursue Zero Waste in in all Functions Throughout the Campus

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Waste plan(s):
Action steps: 1. Implement waste minimization education program 2. Implement composting program 3. Strengthen electronics recycling program to capture greater quantity and diversity of electronic items 4. Make construction waste recycling a requirement of all small and large projects 5. Pursue infrastructure and innovation that increases diversion and efficiency, and reduces costs 6. Reduce use of plastic bags for liners in waste, recycling, and compost throughout campus 7.Establish formal office supplies and surplus material exchange program 8.Reduce paper use by institutionalizing practices such as: double-sided printing, converting to electronic paperless processes, smaller fonts and margins, and purchasing recycled paper 9. Reduce hazardous, universal, and non-regulated chemical waste and ensure a safe disposal 10.Institutionalize waste reduction programs at residence hall move-in and move out 11. Increase reuse and recycling of toner cartridges Measurable Outcomes:  Document number of educational efforts.  Campus community is trained to reduce waste through conscientious purchasing, reduced packaging, and appropriate reuse or disposal.  Diversion rates are increased and over 80% of organic waste is composted.  Over 80% of all electronics are recycled by certified electronics recycling company.  Over 80% of all construction waste is recycled for all projects on campus.  Compactors, bailers, shredders and other equipment are implemented if deemed appropriate.  Plastic bag use in indoor waste receptacles is significantly reduced.  Program is used consistently by campus community to reduce materials to the landfill.  Paper use per person is reduced by 30% and paper that was used is at least 30% recycled and preferably 100%  Increase the use of improved technology to decrease paper consumption.  Decrease the use of hazardous, universal, and non-regulated chemical waste and document safe disposal.  Recycling and re-use opportunities are available, publicized, and used at move-in and move-out.  Comprehensive program is established to reuse and recycle toner cartridges and cartridge-less printers replace cartridge models.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Waste plan(s):
Office of Sustainability, Facilities Services, Auxiliary Services, Residence Life and Housing, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, UCCS Food Services

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Water:
As stated in the UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020: VI. Reduce Water Use

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Water plan(s):
Action Steps: 1. Improve effectiveness of irrigation systems 2. Where appropriate, use native vegetation and plants 3. Divert rain, storm water, and runoff to water plants 4. Where appropriate in new facilities, utilize gray water systems 5. Work with CSU to get non-potable water on campus 6. Keep up with water-saving technologies 7. Address water use in housing 8. Provide feedback to campus regarding water use

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Water plan(s):
Office of Sustainability, Facilities Services, Auxiliary Services, Residence Life and Housing, UCCS Leadership Team

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Diversity and Affordability:
From UCCS Strategic Plan 2020 1. Build an inclusive UCCS educational community that attracts, embraces and supports diverse students, faculty and staff to advance learning and scholarship in a multicultural world. 2. Substantially increase international and domestic multicultural program opportunities and the number of international students and scholars on campus to build cultural understanding and to develop the global competencies of the UCCS community.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Diversity and Affordability plan(s):
Time frame is 2020 UCCS will establish a centralized Office of International Programs and Services, reporting at the provost level, to support actions to advance this goal. We will develop and implement an international student recruitment, enrollment and retention plan, with the goal of increasing the international student body to 750 by 2020. We will develop a financial investment model and fundraising strategy to provide financial assistance to international students and scholars as well as to UCCS students involved in study abroad and other international study opportunities. UCCS will show continued progress towards an enrollment of diverse populations that are representative of the demographics of Colorado. Current outreach programs, such as the Gomez Scholars, UCCS Gateway Program and the Pre-Collegiate Program, and the development of new programs, including projects in the Lower Arkansas Valley and with the Ute Nations, will advance efforts.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Diversity and Affordability plan(s):
Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Leadership Team, Office of International Programs and Services

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Health, Wellbeing and Work:
From UCCS Strategic Plan 2020 Cultivate a vibrant, healthy, engaged campus community that unites students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the University in support of the goals of the institution. Employees are eligible to participate in Be Colorado, a health and wellness program that provides screening, education, and financial incentives to exercise each month. There is currently a huge focus on health and well being on the UCCS campus. The expansion of the Recreation Center is slated to include a health and wellness center that will provide service to students. The Lane Center for Academic Health Science building opened in 2014. Inside the Lane Center will be the Lane Family Senior Health Clinic operated by Peak Vista Community Health Centers as well as wellness programs associated with the Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences, the CU Aging Center, the Gerontology Center, the Trauma, Health, & Hazards Center and a branch of the CU School of Medicine for third and fourth year medical students. It is a LEED Gold certified building planned to be a model in interdisciplinary health and wellness, the first building on the campus in an area of campus that is slated to be the wellness campus.There will be services available to staff and a nutritional kitchen. A sports medicine facility is to follow.

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Health, Wellbeing and Work plan(s):
Expanded Recreation Center Addition of Wellness Center that includes physical and mental services for students Expansion of trails system on campus

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Health, Wellbeing and Work plan(s):
Recreation Center, Student Health Center, Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Investment:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Investment plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Investment plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in other areas:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the other plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the other plan(s):

The institution’s definition of sustainability:
Sustainability Strategic Plan Vision The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs will be a recognized leader in sustainability, integrating social justice, economic, and ecological values into institutional policies, programs and practices. Mission Recognizing that institutions of higher learning have a responsibility to exercise leadership and create the future, UCCS actively pursues sustainability as a way to address the University’s focus on increased student recruitment and retention through courses which address contemporary and global issues, effective and efficient resource usage, and fiscal responsibility. UCCS seeks to be a campus where: Committed campus administrators, in partnership with a dedicated faculty, staff, and student body, provide leadership and expertise to local, regional, and global sustainability efforts; We recognize our obligation to educate the University community about the importance of individual and institutional environmental and social responsibility, and prepare our students by integrating sustainability literacy into academic learning and research across the curriculum and between the colleges; Sustainability is integrated into all aspects of University functioning, including buildings, operations, planning, and purchasing, in a way that we minimize the impact of our growing, dynamic campus upon the earth. In accomplishing this vision and mission, we will foster a culture of sustainability throughout our campus and also our extended community.

Does the institution’s strategic plan or equivalent guiding document include sustainability at a high level?:

A brief description of how the institution’s strategic plan or equivalent guiding document addresses sustainability:
UCCS Strategic Plan 2020 Values of Excellence- DYNAMIC RESPONSIBLE GROWTH We value dynamic growth while continuing to be financially responsible, academically sound and environmentally sustainable. We meet the future with energy, enthusiasm and a commitment to retaining a close, interconnected campus community. Strategic Plan Goals Provide inspired sustainability leadership and education, and direct the responsible, informed application of social, environmental and economic sustainability measures in all University activities. 27 OUR COMMITMENT TO THE FUTURE >> UCCS is committed to a balanced approach to sustainability that cultivates the well-being of our community, the conservation of our resources and the preservation of our environment. Through the actions delineated below, we will build a campus that maximizes energy and resource efficiency, significantly reduces waste, and allows the creativity of our educational community to continually improve our campus and our communities.

The website URL where information about the institution’s sustainability planning is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.