Overall Rating | Gold - expired |
Overall Score | 68.39 |
Liaison | Marianne Martin |
Submission Date | Sept. 22, 2021 |
University of Colorado Boulder
PA-6: Assessing Diversity and Equity
Status | Score | Responsible Party |
0.88 / 1.00 |
Bergeren Assistant Vice Chancellor for Inclusion and Student Achievement Office of Diversity, Equity & Community Engagement |
indicates that no data was submitted for this field
Has the institution engaged in a structured assessment process during the previous three years to improve diversity, equity and inclusion on campus?:
A brief description of the assessment process and the framework, scorecard(s) and/or tool(s) used:
The University of Colorado Climate Survey was last completed in 2014 and is scheduled to be administered in Fall 2021. The CU System-wide Diversity Engagement Survey was conducted in 2019.
The CCS builds on CU Boulder’s undergraduate and graduate student social climate surveys in 2014. Campus staff adapted student-focused survey questions to create comparable questions for faculty, staff, and institute employees with the goal of gaining a more complete picture of the campus culture. The survey was piloted in several iterations on over 3,000 CU community members before being finalized. In Fall 2019, the CCS replaced the previous survey used in the Academic Review and Planning (ARPac) process that each academic program undergoes every seven years to identify program strengths and weakness. In development since 2016, the campus culture survey is qualtrics based. Undergrads, grad students, staff, and faculty receive a version of the survey adapted for their campus role.
CCS is: Designed to support IDEA Plan
Incorporated into the Academic Review and Planning process
6,000+ participants to date
High participation rates (>50%)
Parallel versions for staff, faculty, grads, undergrads, and institutes
Includes student items that were benchmarked in 2014 & 2015
Staff version translated into 5 languages
Cash incentives for students and classified staff; lottery for faculty and professional staff
The CCS builds on CU Boulder’s undergraduate and graduate student social climate surveys in 2014. Campus staff adapted student-focused survey questions to create comparable questions for faculty, staff, and institute employees with the goal of gaining a more complete picture of the campus culture. The survey was piloted in several iterations on over 3,000 CU community members before being finalized. In Fall 2019, the CCS replaced the previous survey used in the Academic Review and Planning (ARPac) process that each academic program undergoes every seven years to identify program strengths and weakness. In development since 2016, the campus culture survey is qualtrics based. Undergrads, grad students, staff, and faculty receive a version of the survey adapted for their campus role.
CCS is: Designed to support IDEA Plan
Incorporated into the Academic Review and Planning process
6,000+ participants to date
High participation rates (>50%)
Parallel versions for staff, faculty, grads, undergrads, and institutes
Includes student items that were benchmarked in 2014 & 2015
Staff version translated into 5 languages
Cash incentives for students and classified staff; lottery for faculty and professional staff
Does the assessment process address campus climate by engaging stakeholders to assess the attitudes, perceptions and behaviors of employees and students, including the experiences of underrepresented groups?:
Does the assessment process address student outcomes related to diversity, equity and success?:
Does the assessment process address employee outcomes related to diversity and equity?:
A brief description of the most recent assessment findings and how the results are used in shaping policy, programs, and initiatives:
Distribution of the annual DEI Survey in fall 2019 revealed ways to improve its execution moving forward. The fall 2020 DEI Survey was delayed until fall 2021 given remote conditions caused by the pandemic. "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access is one of the strategic plan’s four pillars.
Nearly one quarter of the strategic plan metrics relate to DEIA, including:
conducting an annual survey to assess the extent to which all feel included at CU.
closing the equity gap in graduation and retention rates.
enhancing the diversity of CU’s students, faculty and staff.
Campus working groups researched effective practices and outlined steps to advance DEIA goals. The campuses continue to build upon this work.
The strategic planning team developed an analysis of the metrics related to each DEIA goal to assess progress and help guide the formulation of goals. Of particular note is the finding that all CU’s enrollment growth since 2010 has been among students of color.
As we move to finalize the strategic plan, the president and system CDO will meet with the chancellors and campus DEI leaders to review the campuses’ progress on defining action steps to support progress on DEIA metrics.
Inclusion of DEIA metrics in the president’s and chancellors’ annual goals and continued reporting of progress against the system strategic plan goals to the Regents will contribute to driving progress on improving DEIA outcomes." "Our strategic planning process resulted in the creation of four strategic pillars: (1) affordability and student success; (2) discovery and impact; (3) fiscal strength; and (4) diversity, inclusion, equity and access. Each of these pillars has several areas of focus, some of which are campus specific while others are system-wide. This plan will align all elements of governance (regents, system, and campuses), make the case for CU with the state, and shine light on areas of success and need alike." https://www.cu.edu/diversity-equity-inclusion-and-access. Additionally, assessment findings and results are utilized by the IDEA Council -a representative body comprised of student, staff and faculty charged with prioritizing the recommendations in the IDEA Plan. With strategic support from ODECE, the Council serves as an advisory body that:
-works to collect data, inform and prioritize institutional strategy regarding diversity, equity and inclusion
-counsels and makes recommendations to university executive leaders and units outlined in the IDEA Plan
-assesses and reports on progress toward IDEA Plan implementation. The Inclusion, Diversity and Excellence in Academics (IDEA) Plan was the result of a comprehensive five-year effort (2015-2019) to craft a diversity plan for CU Boulder.
ODECE collected and summarized 90+ Inclusive Excellence narratives from units across campus.
The IDEA Plan authoring committee incorporated Inclusive Excellence recommendations from the narratives into CU Boulder's diversity plan.
In 2018, the authoring committee of the Inclusion, Diversity and Excellence in Academics (IDEA) Plan was charged by Vice Chancellor Robert Boswell with creating a continuously renewing blueprint of action designed to promote diversity, improve equity for all people underrepresented in the campus community, and engage our community in continuous reflection and action to support making excellence inclusive at all levels.
After a year and a half of writing, revising and engaging with the campus community for feedback, the revised IDEA Plan was received by the chancellor's cabinet and published on Octobert 30, 2019. https://www.colorado.edu/odece/diversity-plan/cu-boulders-timeline-inclusive-excellence-ie-planning
Nearly one quarter of the strategic plan metrics relate to DEIA, including:
conducting an annual survey to assess the extent to which all feel included at CU.
closing the equity gap in graduation and retention rates.
enhancing the diversity of CU’s students, faculty and staff.
Campus working groups researched effective practices and outlined steps to advance DEIA goals. The campuses continue to build upon this work.
The strategic planning team developed an analysis of the metrics related to each DEIA goal to assess progress and help guide the formulation of goals. Of particular note is the finding that all CU’s enrollment growth since 2010 has been among students of color.
As we move to finalize the strategic plan, the president and system CDO will meet with the chancellors and campus DEI leaders to review the campuses’ progress on defining action steps to support progress on DEIA metrics.
Inclusion of DEIA metrics in the president’s and chancellors’ annual goals and continued reporting of progress against the system strategic plan goals to the Regents will contribute to driving progress on improving DEIA outcomes." "Our strategic planning process resulted in the creation of four strategic pillars: (1) affordability and student success; (2) discovery and impact; (3) fiscal strength; and (4) diversity, inclusion, equity and access. Each of these pillars has several areas of focus, some of which are campus specific while others are system-wide. This plan will align all elements of governance (regents, system, and campuses), make the case for CU with the state, and shine light on areas of success and need alike." https://www.cu.edu/diversity-equity-inclusion-and-access. Additionally, assessment findings and results are utilized by the IDEA Council -a representative body comprised of student, staff and faculty charged with prioritizing the recommendations in the IDEA Plan. With strategic support from ODECE, the Council serves as an advisory body that:
-works to collect data, inform and prioritize institutional strategy regarding diversity, equity and inclusion
-counsels and makes recommendations to university executive leaders and units outlined in the IDEA Plan
-assesses and reports on progress toward IDEA Plan implementation. The Inclusion, Diversity and Excellence in Academics (IDEA) Plan was the result of a comprehensive five-year effort (2015-2019) to craft a diversity plan for CU Boulder.
ODECE collected and summarized 90+ Inclusive Excellence narratives from units across campus.
The IDEA Plan authoring committee incorporated Inclusive Excellence recommendations from the narratives into CU Boulder's diversity plan.
In 2018, the authoring committee of the Inclusion, Diversity and Excellence in Academics (IDEA) Plan was charged by Vice Chancellor Robert Boswell with creating a continuously renewing blueprint of action designed to promote diversity, improve equity for all people underrepresented in the campus community, and engage our community in continuous reflection and action to support making excellence inclusive at all levels.
After a year and a half of writing, revising and engaging with the campus community for feedback, the revised IDEA Plan was received by the chancellor's cabinet and published on Octobert 30, 2019. https://www.colorado.edu/odece/diversity-plan/cu-boulders-timeline-inclusive-excellence-ie-planning
Are the results of the most recent structured diversity and equity assessment shared with the campus community?:
A brief description of how the assessment results are shared with the campus community:
Results were shared with leaders via presentations on all four CU System campuses.
Are the results (or a summary of the results) of the most recent structured diversity and equity assessment publicly posted?:
The diversity and equity assessment report or summary (upload):
Website URL where the diversity and equity assessment report or summary is publicly posted:
Optional Fields
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
https://www.colorado.edu/odece/campus-actions https://www.colorado.edu/oiec/assessment/survey-projects/2021-campus-culture-survey
https://www.colorado.edu/odece/campus-actions https://www.colorado.edu/oiec/assessment/survey-projects/2021-campus-culture-survey
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