Overall Rating Platinum
Overall Score 86.87
Liaison Carrie Metzgar
Submission Date Nov. 5, 2024

STARS v2.2

University of California, San Diego
PA-13: Assessing Employee Satisfaction

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.00 / 1.00 Carrie Metzgar
Campus Sustainability Officer
Utilities & Sustainability
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Has the institution conducted a survey or other evaluation that allows for anonymous feedback to measure employee satisfaction and engagement during the previous three years?:

Percentage of employees assessed, directly or by representative sample:

A brief description of the institution’s methodology for evaluating employee satisfaction and engagement:

Survey 1 – Staff@Work Survey (https://tritonlytics.ucsd.edu/uc-san-diego-surveys/staff-at-work-survey/index.html)  
The Staff@Work Survey is conducted annually and asks staff, both represented and not-represented, to contribute anonymous feedback about perceptions of their workplace. The survey has been statistically validated to measure six key dimensions concerning: 

  • Satisfaction with the University 

  • Department mission and goals 

  • Department diversity and climate 

  • Department effectiveness 

  • Supervisor effectiveness 

  • Employee effectiveness 

An additional 24 items ask respondents to indicate whether or not they have experienced any of a set of negative interpersonal behaviors, including behavior related to their race/ethnicity or gender. People are also provided with items allowing them to self-identify their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and other demographic categories. 
Survey 2 – Employee Engagement Survey (UC Systemwide) (https://www.ucop.edu/human-resources/units/employee-and-labor-relations/employee-relations/engagement-survey.html)  

The Employee Engagement Survey, developed by the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) and the systemwide Employee Relations unit, helps university leaders, managers, and supervisors better understand the views, experiences and needs of policy covered staff on a range of topics related to working at UC, including career development, performance management, staff engagement and workplace interactions. 

The Employee Engagement Survey is conducted every two years. The survey results provide information for the following survey objectives: 
- Understand the current state of engagement of the UC workforce system wide and how it differs by key organizational segments and demographics 
- Determine what drives engagement at UC and individual locations 
- Identify strengths to build on and opportunities to address; create a shortlist of actions to address issues and improve employee engagement across the system 
- Involve and communicate with leaders and employees throughout the process 

The Council of University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) survey provides a high-level snapshot of the views, experiences, and needs of policy covered staff on a range of topics related to working at UCThe S@W survey drills down and is actionable at the unit-level. 
Survey 3 – Academics@UCSD Survey (https://tritonlytics.ucsd.edu/uc-san-diego-surveys/academics-at-ucsd-survey/about-academics/index.html)  

The Academics@UCSD™ survey tool was developed by Tritonlytics™ in partnership with the Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion and the Office of Institutional Research to better understand the experiences of Academic employees at UC San Diego, including faculty, researchers, and librarians. The intent is to utilize this information to guide us in creating the most personally and professionally fulfilling community possible. 

The survey asks questions about satisfaction with the academic work environment, including access to support, resources, the academic reward structure, and department culture, as well as questions about interpersonal behaviors in the workplace.  The survey questions were reviewed and vetted by faculty focus groups comprised of faculty across disciplines. 

The survey has been statistically validated to measure key dimensions concerning Satisfaction with the University, Department/Unit Values and Culture, Department/Unit Effectiveness, Academic Welfare, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. 

The most recent Academics@UCSD Survey was administered in April 2024.  


The annual Academic and Staff Customer Satisfaction Survey has been used at UC San Diego since 1994, originally to provide key metrics to inform Balanced Scorecards for performance management in core business units across campus. 

The survey is service-oriented and is in keeping with Goal 5 (Supportive Infrastructure) of UC San Diego's Strategic Plan. It asks customers to provide feedback on their overall satisfaction (i.e., are we courteous, knowledgeable, and available to you?) and asks customers if business units are meeting their needs. Customers are also able to provide their comments and offer special recognition to business units/departments or individuals who have provided exceptional customer service. A "customer" is any stakeholder of UC San Diego's mission and success. Academics, administrative staff, and students are all customers of the services that are provided by campus departments. 

A brief description of the mechanism(s) by which the institution addresses issues raised by the evaluation:

Survey 1 – Staff@Work Survey  
Survey results are available to view through Tableau: https://tritonlytics.ucsd.edu/uc-san-diego-surveys/staff-at-work-survey/survey-results/results-dashboard.html. Results are assessed and incorporated into action plans by Vice Chancellor areas, divisions, and departments. Overall, primary opportunities include: improving total compensation, ensuring employees feel valued, managing work-related stress, resolving staff issues, and recognizing better approaches. Each year, a dashboard is also created to highlight actions that have been taken from the previous year’s survey to increase employee engagement and satisfaction: https://tritonlytics.ucsd.edu/uc-san-diego-surveys/staff-at-work-survey/actions-taken.html  


Survey 2 – Employee Engagement Survey (UC Systemwide) 

Results of the Employee Engagement Survey were made available to all leaders with four or more respondents. For leaders with fewer than four respondents, results were rolled up to the next level to protect employee anonymity. The results are used to inform campus leadership and human resources about providing critical job tools and resources to effectively accomplish work, identifying improved strategies and resources for staff career development, and further developing training and resources for managing performance. 


Survey 3 – Academics@UCSD Survey 

Aggregate campus survey results from the 2024 Academics@UCSD Survey will soon be published on the Center for Faculty Diversion and Inclusion website. At the time of this report, results from the previous 2020 survey are published. The Center for Faculty Diversion and Inclusion held roundtables with Academic Appointees. Each roundtable reviews key findings of the survey and discusses potential solutions. (https://facultydiversity.ucsd.edu/survey/index.html#Roundtable-Discussions-on-Surve)  


Survey 4 – Customer Satisfaction Survey 

Survey results are available to view by department through the following interactive tool: https://tritonlytics.ucsd.edu/uc-san-diego-surveys/customer-satisfaction-survey/css-dashboard.html. Business units hold themselves accountable by taking action on customers' input and communicating changes based on their feedback. The results of the 2023 survey showed most improved ratings for Costing Policy & Analysis, Early Care & Education, and Financial Operations. The highest rated departments included Passport Services, Library, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Office of Contract & Grant Administration, International Students & Programs Office, and International Faculty & Scholar Office.  

Optional Fields

Website URL where information about the employee satisfaction and engagement evaluation is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

Points of contact for credit information:  

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.