Overall Rating Platinum
Overall Score 86.87
Liaison Carrie Metzgar
Submission Date Nov. 5, 2024

STARS v2.2

University of California, San Diego
PA-2: Sustainability Planning

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 4.00 / 4.00 Carrie Metzgar
Campus Sustainability Officer
Utilities & Sustainability
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Part 1. Measurable sustainability objectives 


Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address sustainability in curriculum and/or research?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to academics and the plan(s) in which they are published:

UC San Diego’s Strategic Plan provides measurable sustainability objectives for research. View the Plan here, pg. 12: https://plan.ucsd.edu/_files/Exec-Summary-Strategic-Plan.pdf   

  • Strategic Plan Goal 3: Nurturing and supporting a collaborative and interdisciplinary research culture that advances the frontiers of knowledge, shapes new fields, and disseminates discoveries that transform lives.

    • Strategy: Identify emerging and future trends and strategic thrusts to increase our impact and enrich society. 

    • Grand Research Theme: Understanding and Protecting the Planet 

      • Objectives:  

        • Explaining and effectively communicating environmental change, engineering economically viable solutions that will enhance the resilience of society, and recommending necessary policy changes and assessing their economic impact. 

        • Providing innovations in areas such as technology for renewable-fuel energy strategies and sustainability of dwindling natural resources, and creating solutions to predict and respond to natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes, fires, extreme climates, sea-level rise and acidity, drought, famine) 



The School of Global Policy and Strategy’s (GPS) Strategic Plan (2022-2027) provides measurable sustainability objectives for academic products. View the Plan here: https://gps.ucsd.edu/about/strategic-plan/plan.html#Focus-and-Differentiate-Our-Aca  

  • Strategic Area of Focus: Focus and Differentiate Our Academic Product 

    • GPS is the place where people come to ask relevant questions and solve pressing problems related to economic, political, environmental and technological challenges. Through our world-renowned faculty, research, scholarship and education, we resolve to nourish our areas of excellence, invest and build areas of competitive advantage, and sustain excellence in a future oriented environment. Given our unique location and deep expertise, GPS is poised to: 

      • Nourish excellence in our existing strengths in the Pacific, particularly in China, as well as topical areas such as climate, energy, democracy and governance 

      • Invest and build excellence in globalization, Mexico and India, STEM and policy, and security 

      • Sustain core areas of policy importance 


Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address student, employee, or community engagement for sustainability?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to engagement and the plan(s) in which they are published:




The UC Sustainable Practices Policy provides measurable sustainability objectives related to sustainability. View the Policy here: https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/3100155/Sustainable%20Practices  

  • Section E. Sustainable Building and Laboratory Operations for Campuses 

    • Procedure #6: Each campus will report annually on their Green Labs program progress, including the number of researchers directly and indirectly engaged by the program each year. (pg. 31) 


UC San Diego’s Strategic Plan provides measurable sustainability objectives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. View the Plan here, pg. 14: https://plan.ucsd.edu/_files/Exec-Summary-Strategic-Plan.pdf 

  • Community Enrichment (Goal 4): Supporting and promoting just and sustainable forms of economic development, shared prosperity, and social and cultural enrichment regionally and globally. Includes measurement of public and community service and volunteer activities performed by faculty, staff, and students, and partnerships between academic units with companies and school systems focused on shared education and training. 




The Housing*Dining*Hospitality Strategic Plan (2022-2027) provides measurable sustainability objectives related to engagement. View the Plan here: https://hdh.ucsd.edu/about-us/strategic-plan.html  

  • Goal 1: Our Students: Support our students’ entire well-being by providing a four-year housing guarantee, enhancing the various HDH touchpoints, and providing real-time support for both undergraduate and graduate students. 

    • Sustainability Objectives: Increase food security and accessibility on campus.  


The Student Affairs and Campus Life Strategic Plan (2024-2029) provides measurable sustainability objectives related to engagement. View the Plan here: https://vcsacl.ucsd.edu/about/strategic-plan/pillars-goals.html 

  • Goal – Resourceful Resilience: Optimize adaptability, compassion, and creativity to enhance efficient resource utilization. 

    • Sustainability objectives:  

      • Establish unified standards and core competencies to enhance the delivery of student services. 

      • Increase awareness of available student-centered resources and programs through targeted outreach and adaptive communication strategies. 

  • Goal – Communal Responsibility: Demonstrate accountability via transparent, equitable, and data-informed practices. 

    • Sustainability objectives: 

      • Amplify the visibility and accessibility of equity-focused programs and services for the Triton community. 


Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address sustainability in operations?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to operations and the plan(s) in which they are published:



UC San Diego’s Strategic Plan provides measurable sustainability objectives related to operations. View the Plan here, pg. 16: https://plan.ucsd.edu/_files/Exec-Summary-Strategic-Plan.pdf 

  • Supportive Infrastructure (Goal 5): Creating an agile, sustainable, and supportive infrastructure by ensuring a dedication to service, people, and financial stewardship 

    • Enabling Technologies (Goal 5, Strategy 13): Information technology, financial management and reporting systems, and sustainable energy are critical tools for operational efficiency. UC San Diego is committed to sustainable energy and will continue to focus on alternate energy and green technology solutions that strategically increase efficiency and directly benefit the campus. We are targeting zero waste by 2020 and climate neutrality by 2025 by leveraging collaborations among our university staff, faculty, students, and researchers. 


The UC Sustainable Practices Policy outlines sustainability targets for all University of California campuses (https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/3100155/SustainablePractices). The policy objectives include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Climate: Reduce total emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3) at least 90% by 2045 without relying on carbon offsets. 

  • Food Service: Procure 25% sustainable food by 2030. Procure 25% plant-based food by 2030 and strive to procure 30%. 

  • Green Building: Design and construct all new buildings and major renovations to a minimum LEED BD+C (Building Design and Construction) Gold rating. 

  • Procurement: Achieve full compliance with required level green spend criteria per product category; reach 25% preferred level green spend per product category; reach 25% economically and socially responsible spend. 

  • Sustainable Building Operations and Labs: Implement an ongoing Green Labs assessment program and report the number of researchers directly and indirectly engaged by the program annually. 

  • Fleet: All sedan and minivan acquisitions will be zero-emission or plug-in hybrid vehicles, except for public safety vehicles with special performance requirements. At least 50% of all vehicles acquired by each UC location after July 2023 will be zero-emission or plug-in hybrid. 

  • Commute: Have no more than 40% of employees and no more than 30% of all employees and students commuting to the location by SOV by 2050. 

  • Water: Reduce growth-adjusted potable water consumption at each location by 36% by 2025, when compared to a three-year-average baseline of fiscal year 2005–06, fiscal year 2006–07 and fiscal year 2007–08. 

  • Zero Waste: Divert 90% of municipal solid waste from the landfill at each campus. Reduce and eliminate single-use plastic items, such as bags, foodware accessory items and beverage bottles, by 2024. 


The 2018 Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) is a general land use plan that guides physical development of the UC San Diego campus through 2035-2036. Sustainable operations is a key component of UC San Diego’s 2018 LRDP, serving as on overarching theme in major planning principles, land use elements, and environmental regulations and policy. The 2018 LRDP utilizes smart growth strategies including increasing density near transit stations, providing a mix of uses to reduce the need to travel off-campus, and increasing the availability of on-campus housing to reduce the number of those commuting to the campus each day. View the LRDP here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-BSIAq5pOSYbFH6nQ1wuc-BY0CEmxxqn/view  

A sample of the LRDP's sustainability goals and objectives: 

  • Continue to meet objectives of the UC Sustainable Practices Policy and implement greenhouse gas reduction strategies; 

  • Optimize the use of existing facilities, sites, and campus space through repurposing, renovation, infill, and consolidation where appropriate 

  • Embrace sustainable facility designs and encourage “green” operations where appropriate; 

  • Continue to provide and expand on-campus housing opportunities to reduce vehicle miles traveled to/from campus, thus reducing the campus’ carbon footprint; and  

  • Model and promote a campus living laboratory, leveraging the many innovative sustainability research solutions for which UC San Diego is known. 


The 2021 Physical Design Framework is a synthesis of campus plans that enable effective stewardship of UC San Diego’s physical environs and implementation of individual capital improvement projects. Sustainable operations and design practices is incorporated throughout the framework, within planning and design principles, guidelines, and the overall process. View the Physical Design Framework here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CeTzuQLUbwOj3vqm8sRCOy-9FVnKcS2w/view  

A sample of the Physical Design Framework’s sustainability goals and objectives: 

  • Sustainability considered at the project level including, 20% post-consumer recycled content material, bicycle facilities, cool roof system, reclaimed water for irrigation, storm water treatment system, and more.  

  • Life cycle cost analyses are to be part of the building design process so that economy and sustainability in the design of systems and selection of equipment may be achieved. 

  • Open space design guidelines including landscape palette recommendations that ensure consistency with and connection to the larger campus context. 



The UC San Diego Ecological Reserve Habitat Management Plan (HMP) guides the management of the Ecological Reserve pursuant to the Open Space Management Program. View the Habitat Management Plan here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e1XzgXj1GhCr7VZwNkP3G80uR0r92GbX/view  

A sample of the Habitat Management Plan’s sustainability goals and objectives: 

  • Habitat impact and mitigation tracking and vegetation mapping updates through the UC San Diego Campus Planning-maintained AutoCAD database. 

  • Evaluate the status of preserve sensitive habitat and species within the Ecological Reserve and institute protective measures if any threats are identified. 

  • Prepare a memorandum summarizing the status of the Ecological Reserve, specifically addressing each mitigation area. 

  • Encourage participation by UC San Diego students, faculty, and staff in the stewardship of the Ecological Reserve.  



The UC San Diego Open Space Master Planning Study was undertaken as a means to better understand the overall goal of the campus open spaces, and to provide planning and design guidelines for the creation of a safe and convenient system of open spaces. This plan seeks to identify the preservation and enhancement of open space through the UC San Diego campus. View the Open Space Master Planning Study here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WrOa6doJcwUMesB3WhgnuaTQod6uxmHo/view  

A sample of the Open Space Master Planning Study’s sustainability goals and objectives: 

  • Mobility: Maximizing connectivity and accessibility by providing clear and efficient routes for all travel modes including pedestrians, bicycles, transit and vehicles, is the best strategy for minimizing unnecessary vehicle trips, enhancing public safety, and encouraging use of transit options. 

  • Resiliency: A changing global climate requires greater attention to conservation strategies and management of the landscape to reduce resource inputs and maximize ecological function.  

  • Energy use and resource extraction: Greenhouse gas emissions should be targeted for education through public transit and active transportation initiatives. 

  • Water use: Stormwater should be viewed as a resource and designs should include resources for treatment, detention and storage of stormwater. 


Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address diversity, equity, and inclusion; sustainable investment/finance; or wellbeing?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to administration and the plan(s) in which they are published:



UC San Diego’s Strategic Plan provides measurable sustainability objectives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. View the Plan here, pg. 8: https://plan.ucsd.edu/_files/Exec-Summary-Strategic-Plan.pdf  

  • Diversity and Access (Goal 2): Evolve our campus culture by requiring actionable initiatives and measurable outcomes that enhance equity, diversity, and inclusion. We embrace inclusion when we create a climate for work, research, and learning that is empowering for all individuals. 



The UC San Diego Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence provides measurable sustainability objectives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. View the Plan here: https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/65128671/final-strategic-plan  

  • Access and Success (Goal 1): Attract, retain, and support a diverse faculty, staff, and student body with the goal of reflecting California demographics and achieving institutional excellence at UC San Diego.  

    • Sustainability Objectives:  

      • Students: Work with campus units to achieve equitable outcomes in retention, academic success, and graduation rates for students.  

      • Faculty: Develop and strengthen programs for effective outreach, recruitment, and retention of talented and diverse faculty at UC San Diego.  

      • Staff: Create and develop initiatives that support the recruitment, retention, and advancement of a diverse staff workforce at UC San Diego.  

  • Climate (Goal 2): Create and foster a positive and welcoming climate where we value, include, and support all at UC San Diego.  

    • Strengthen communication and outreach efforts for programs that highlight the importance and centrality of equity, diversity, and inclusion in achieving institutional excellence.   

  • Accountability (Goal 3): Ensure institutional accountability throughout UC San Diego departments and divisions. 

    • Collect and share EDI- related data to support unit analysis and organizational change. 


The Housing*Dining*Hospitality Strategic Plan (2022-2027) provides measurable sustainability objectives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion and wellbeing. View the Plan here: https://hdh.ucsd.edu/about-us/strategic-plan.html  

  • Goal 1: Our Students: Support our students’ entire well-being by providing a four-year housing guarantee, enhancing the various HDH touchpoints, and providing real-time support for both undergraduate and graduate students. 

    • Sustainability Objectives:  

      • Implement a four-year housing guarantee as identified by the campus Long Range Development Plan. 

      • Celebrate the culture, food and traditions of our diverse students. 



The Student Affairs and Campus Life Strategic Plan (2024-2029) provides measurable sustainability objectives related to wellbeing. View the Plan here: https://vcsacl.ucsd.edu/about/strategic-plan/pillars-goals.html  

  • Goal – Inclusive Belonging: Cultivate student-centered engagement and connection while celebrating diverse intersectional identities.  

  • Measurable sustainability objectives: Foster a culture of care and well-being through collaborative efforts and partnerships. 



The UC San Diego Library Strategic Plan (2022-2027) provides measurable sustainability objectives related to diversity, equity and inclusion. View the Plan here: https://library.ucsd.edu/_files/about/documents/UC-San-Diego-Library-Strategic-Plan-2022-2027.pdf 

  • Pillar 3 – Social Justice 

    • Measurable sustainability objectives:  

      • Strategy 1: Place the voice of our community at the center of our work. 

        • The Library will embrace its role as a center of community, both on and off campus, to sustain existing relationships and build new ones. We will ensure that the range of faculty, student, staff, and partner voices are evident in our planning, and that their needs are reflected in our investments and priorities. 

      • Strategy 3: Contribute to the development of social justice awareness across campus. 

        • Through partnership with other campus units and the collective impact strategies, the Library will support efforts through our information resources, expertise, and spaces. Additionally, we will work to promote leadership and development opportunities for Library employees around campus social justice efforts. 

Part 2. Sustainability in institution’s highest guiding document

Does the institution have a published strategic plan or equivalent guiding document that includes sustainability at a high level? :

The institution’s highest guiding document (upload):

Website URL where the institution’s highest guiding document is publicly available:
Which of the following best describes the inclusion of sustainability in the highest guiding document?:
Major theme

Optional Fields

The institution's sustainability plan (upload):

Website URL where the institution's sustainability plan is publicly available:
Does the institution have a formal statement in support of sustainability endorsed by its governing body?:

The formal statement in support of sustainability:

"The University of California (“University”) is committed to responsible stewardship of resources and to demonstrating leadership in sustainable business practices. The University’s locations should be living laboratories for sustainability, contributing to the research and educational mission of the University, consistent with available funding and safe operational practices. Policy goals are presented below in nine areas of sustainable practices..." 
This is the formal statement from the UC Sustainable Practices Policy. The statement and the policy are endorsed by the UC Regents: https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/3100155/SustainablePractices  

The institution’s definition of sustainability:

UC San Diego Principles of Sustainability 

UC San Diego strives to practice and promote the principle of sustainability, defined by the Brundtland Commission as meeting today’s needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. 

The ultimate success of the university, the well-being of its constituents and the surrounding community, depend on our ability to achieve our research, education and service missions while promoting sustainable behaviors and practices. 

To achieve this, UC San Diego has established and acknowledges the following Principles of Sustainability: 

  • We are committed to the creation of a sustainable relationship between human societies and the natural environment upon which we all depend. 

  • We recognize that sustainability is a key part of our mission, and that sustainability encompasses social, economic and cultural interactions set within a supporting ecosystem. 

  • We recognize that UC San Diego can make vital contributions to sustainability solutions through its research, teaching and operations. 

  • We encourage the development of academic programs to create sustainability solutions through research and experiential learning. 

  • We encourage the discussion of sustainability concepts in appropriate academic disciplines and across all levels of education. 

  • We encourage the incorporation of sustainability concepts in education, research and campus operations. 

  • We commit to conduct open, periodic assessments of UC San Diego’s progress toward sustainability to guide campus policy and decision making, and to openly communicate assessment results to the university community. 

  • We are committed to the development and enactment of policies that promote the fulfillment of these principles. 

Is the institution an endorser or signatory of the following?:
Yes or No
The Earth Charter No
The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) No
ISCN-GULF Sustainable Campus Charter No
Pan-Canadian Protocol for Sustainability No
SDG Accord No
Second Nature’s Carbon Commitment (formerly known as the ACUPCC), Resilience Commitment, and/or integrated Climate Commitment Yes
The Talloires Declaration (TD) No
UN Global Compact No
Other multi-dimensional sustainability commitments (please specify below) Yes

A brief description of the institution’s formal sustainability commitments, including the specific initiatives selected above:

The University of California San Diego is a signatory of We Are Still In (https://www.wearestillin.com/organization/university-california-san-diego). The University of California as a system is a member of the University Climate Change Coalition (UC3) (https://secondnature.org/climate-leadership-network/uc3/). 

Website URL where information about the institution’s sustainability planning efforts is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

Additional information to support Part 2. Sustainability in institution’s highest guiding document: 

Sustainability is included as a major theme in the UC San Diego Strategic Plan through multiple sustainability-focused objectives. The Strategic Plan (https://plan.ucsd.edu/report/index.html) was produced in 2014 and continues to be the university’s highest guiding documents. The Strategic Plan is built around five transformational goals and four grand research themes.  

Sustainability-focused objectives as a major theme: 

  • Values: Public service, sustainability, integrity, and ethics are core principles guiding our activities. 

  • Research Theme – Understanding and Protecting the Planet: Providing innovations in areas such as technology for renewable-fuel energy strategies and sustainability of dwindling natural resources, and creating solutions to predict and respond to natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes, fires, extreme climates, sea-level rise and acidity, drought, famine) 

  • Diversity and Access (Goal 2): Evolve our campus culture by requiring actionable initiatives and measurable outcomes that enhance equity, diversity, and inclusion. We embrace inclusion when we create a climate for work, research, and learning that is empowering for all individuals. 

  • Community Enrichment (Goal 4): Supporting and promoting just and sustainable forms of economic development, shared prosperity, and social and cultural enrichment regionally and globally. Includes measurement of public and community service and volunteer activities performed by faculty, staff, and students, and partnerships between academic units with companies and school systems focused on shared education and training. 

  • Supportive Infrastructure (Goal 5): Creating an agile, sustainable, and supportive infrastructure by ensuring a dedication to service, people, and financial stewardship 

    • Enabling Technologies (Goal 5, Strategy 13): Information technology, financial management and reporting systems, and sustainable energy are critical tools for operational efficiency. UC San Diego is committed to sustainable energy and will continue to focus on alternate energy and green technology solutions that strategically increase efficiency and directly benefit the campus. We are targeting zero waste by 2020 and climate neutrality by 2025 by leveraging collaborations among our university staff, faculty, students, and researchers.



Points of contact for credit information:  

  • Carrie Metzgar, Campus Sustainability Officer, Utilities & Sustainability 

  • Andy Hattala, Sustainability Coordinator, Housing*Dining*Hospitality 

  • Dr. Belinda Zamacona de Martinez, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office for Equity, Diversion, and Inclusion 

  • Shannon Milligan, Director, Assessment, Evaluation & Organizational Development 

  • Christina Mayberry, Engineering Librarian, UC San Diego Library 

  • Robert Clossin, Executive Director, Campus Planning 

  • Todd Pitman, Director Physical Planning and Campus Landscape Architect, Campus Planning 

  • Lauren Lievers, Principal Environmental Planner, Campus Planning 

  • Ingrid Stromberg, Associate Campus Planner, Campus Planning 

  • Alison Buckley, Senior Environmental Planner, Campus Planning 

  • Elyse Hegstad, Senior Campus Planner, Campus Planning 

  • Raeanon Hartigan, Assistant Director Physical Planning, Campus Planning 

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.