Overall Rating | Gold - expired |
Overall Score | 70.10 |
Liaison | Francis Mitalo |
Submission Date | March 5, 2021 |
University of California, Riverside
AC-9: Research and Scholarship
Status | Score | Responsible Party |
![]() |
11.27 / 12.00 |
Morales Sustainability Officer Office of Sustainability |
indicates that no data was submitted for this field
Part 1. Sustainability research
Number of employees engaged in sustainability research:
Percentage of employees that conduct research that are engaged in sustainability research:
Part 2. Sustainability research by department
Number of academic departments that include at least one employee who conducts sustainability research:
Percentage of departments that conduct research that are engaged in sustainability research:
Research Inventory
Inventory of the institution’s sustainability research:
Adam Lukaszewski: Botany and Plant Sciences, CALIFORNIA TURFGRASS & LANDSCAPE FOUNDATION; Improvement of Turfgrasses for Water Conservation and Stress Resistance
Adam Schreiner-Mcgraw: Environmental sciences, NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE; Evaluating Methods to Partitioning Evapotranspiration in Forested and Agricultural Landscapes - Integrating In-Situ with Remotely Sensed Observations
Akua Asa-Awuku: CE_CERT, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY; Development of a platform for air pollution exposure to primary human airway epithelial cells
Akula Venkatram: Mechanical Engineering, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY FOUND: Satellite-Derived PM2.5 Grids with Dispersion Model Downscaling:PM2.5 Data to Support Community-Scale Air Quality Health Research and Policy Develop
Alan McHughen: Botany and Plant Sciences; TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - COLLEGE STATION; A Systems Approach to HLB Mitigation through Production Solutions, Producer Education, and Consumer Outreach
Alexander Raikhel: Entomology; NATIONAL INST OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES Molecular Basis of Ecdysterois Action in the Mosquito
Alfredo Martinez-Morales: CE-CERT, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY; ZnO-TiO2 Hybrid as Low-cost, Stable and Efficient Photoelectrode for DSSCs
Amir Haghverdi: Environmental sciences; UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Quantification of Regional Impacts of Technology Implementation in Agricultural and Urban Water Quantity and Quality Management by Expansion of Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network (NAWMN) through Multi-state Integrated Research and Extension/Outreach.
Amir Hamed Mohsenian-Rad: Electrical & Computer Eng; CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION Exploiting μPMU Data to Enable Bi-directionality, Enhance Reliability, and Improve Efficiency in California Distribution Feeders
Andrea Denny-Brown: English; NFAH HUMANITIES, NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE Fashion and Well-Being
Andreas Westphal: Nematology; CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PESTICIDE REGULATION Suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes with digestates from anaerobic fermenters
Andrew Gray: Environmental sciences; UC AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Debris flow and debris basin management impacts on water quality
Ariel Dinar: Environmental Sciences; BUREAU OF RECLAMATION; Collaboration: Adaptation of Western US Agriculture to Climate Change Induced Water Scarcity.
Arun Satheesh Kumar Raju: CE-CERT; US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Syngas and Biochar through Biomass Pyrolysis
Ashok Mulchandani: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE Biophotovoltaic System Built from Renewable Carbon: Integration of Graphene Hybrids and the Photosynthetic Protein Bacteriorhodopsin
Bao Lam Huynh: Nematology; CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Varietal improvement of fresh market long bean to overcome biotic stresses and expand production
Boris Bar: Entomology; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Pre-proposal: Fighting the Insect Armageddon
Brian Federici: Entomology; MOSQUITO RESEARCH FOUNDATION; Novel Bacterial Strains for Sustainable Mosquito Vector Control
Bruce Babcock: SPP; RENEWABLE FUELS FOUNDATION; Environmental Impact of RFS-Induced Agricultural Expansion
Cameron Barrows: Ctr For Conservation Biology; EARTHWATCH EXPEDITIONS, INC. Monitoring the Impacts of Climate Change across Ecological Transitions in Joshua Tree National Park
Carol Lovatt: Botany and Plant Sciences; CALIFORNIA OLIVE COMMITTEE; Alternate Bearing in Olive - Determining when fruit exert their negative effect on return bloom, whether the effect includes inhibition of floral development or only inhibition of bud break, and refining PGR treatments to break AB ON/OFF cycles
Caroline Roper: Microbiology & Plant Pathology; NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE; Investigating bacterial mechanosensing as a regulator of virulence in a 3-D microfluidic system
Chan Seung Park: CE-CERT; ENERGY EFFICIENCY & RENEWABLE ENERGY Hydrogen Production from the Under-valued Streams of Cellulosic Ethanol Process with Catalytic Reforming in a Hybrid Circulating Fluidized Bed
Chandrika Ramadugu: Botany and Plant Sciences; UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Development of highly sensitive and portable tools for early detection of huanglongbing (HLB)
Charles Cai: CE-CERT; UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE Next Generation of Ligno-Polyurethanes
Charles Wyman: CE-CERT; DARTMOUTH COLLEGE Improving cellulosic ethanol titer in Clostridium thermocellum by decreasing the design-build-test-learn cycle time
Christopher Amrhein: Environmental sciences; US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Crop Response to Wastewater Irrigation as Related to Water Salinity and Ion Composition
Christopher Chase-Dunn: Sociology; UC MULTICAMPUS RESEARCH PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES CalMovs The Social Geography of Movements in California
Dana Simmons: History; AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOCIETIES Regimes of Insecurity: The Science and Politics of Hunger
Daniel Jeske: Statistics; LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY (INCL NATL MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY TESTBED, Mitigating climate change, increasing resilience of US agriculture and improving nutrition
Daniel Schlenk: Environmental sciences; CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY “Assessing Toxicity of Tobacco Product Waste to Humans.”
Darrel Jenerette: Botany and Plant Sciences; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Connecting dryland soil trace gas emissions of NOx, N2O and CO2 to changes in microbial community characteristics along a nitrogen deposition gradient
David Brady: Blum Initiative; UC IRVINE CoPe EAGER: Modeling the Social Ecology of Coastal Flood Risk
David Cocker: CE-CERT; SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Ozone and SOA formation from Gasoline and Diesel Compounds
David Crohn: Environmental sciences; NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE A Mobile Processing Approach to Converting Manure and Other Residuals into Carbon Negative Jet Fuels and Soil Amendments
David Grantz: Botany and Plant Sciences; US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE Oxidant impacts on water use in forest species and model systems: kinestic and steady state gas exchange assessment
David Kisailus: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; DEPARTMENT OF ARMY RESEARCH, DURHAM, N.C. OFFICE Organic Matrix Templating and Function in an Ultrahard Biological Composite
David Martin: Chemistry; AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Cobalt-Catalyzed C–O Bond Activation Using Visible Light for the Direct Functionalization of Alcohols
Derick Fay: Anthropology; WENNER-GREN FOUNDATION FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH Conservation, Custom and the Court: Lawfare and the Struggle for Subsistence at Dwesa-Cwebe, South Africa
Don Collins: CE-CERT; DROPLET MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGIES Characterization of aerosol size distributions in India during the CAIPEEX study
Donald Merhaut: Botany and Plant Sciences; UC AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Evaluation of Riparian Ornamentals as Vegetative Filters for Removing Nitrates and Phosphates from Runoff Waters Derived From Urban landscapes and Agricultural Production Sites
Elia Scudiero: Environmental sciences; CITRUS RESEARCH PROGRAM Developing Tools for Precision Mapping of Yield, Fruit Quality, and Ripening Status
Elizabeth Grafton-Cardwell: Entomology; CITRUS RESEARCH PROGRAM Breaking critical pest-related trade barriers for California citrus exports
Erin Rankin: Sociology; CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION Water-wise solutions for drought-tolerant pollinator gardens/landscaping
Ertem Tuncel: Electrical & Comp. Eng; OFFICE OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION GAANN Fellowships in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Exequiel Ezcurra: Botany and Plant Sciences; UC SAN DIEGO Sustainable Management of Fisheries and Spawning Aggregations in the Gulf of California
Francesca Hopkins: Environmental sciences; UC LAWRENCE BERKELEY LABORATORY Development and demonstration of transformative low-GHG high-value technologies for methane reduction at dairy farms
Frank Byrne: Entomology; CITRUS RESEARCH PROGRAM CORE IPM Program
Georgios Karavalakis: CE-CERT SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Real-world evaluation of PM and PN emissions from light-duty GDI vehicles using PEMS
Guoyuan Wu: CE-CERT; UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO Evaluating the Energy/Emissions Impacts of Emerging Technologies on Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Hamidreza Nazaripouya: WC Global Energy Center; CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION High-Performance Co-Simulation of Power Distribution and Communications Network (Co-DiCo) with Dynamic DER Representation and Data-Driven Model Integration
Heejung Jung: CE-CERT; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Monitoring of PM concentrations for communities near major highways in Southern California: An integrative approach
Helen Regan: Evolution, Ecology, & Orgns Bio NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Does geography play a bigger role than species traits in explaining vulnerability of plants to global change?
Hoori Ajami: Environmental sciences; UC SAN DIEGO Advanced Statistical-Dynamical Downscaling Methods and Products for California Electrical System Climate Planning
Ian Wheeldon: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION SusChEM: Drop-in Hydrocarbon Fuels through Novel Integration of Biological and Catalytic Conversion of Cellulosic Biomass-Derived Sugars
Isgouhi Kaloshian: Nematology; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Cross-kingdom RNAs in agronomically relevant host microbe/pest interactions: Characterizing their molecular targets, exploring their interspecies transfer, and pursuing biotechnological implementations strategies to improve food safety
J Giles Waines: Botany and Plant Sciences; UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Vegetation Community Mapping at Chocolate Mountains Aerial Gunnery Range
James Baird: Botany and Plant Sciences; UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE Documenting Water Use for Turfgrasses in the United States
James Sickman: Environmental sciences; US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Fertile Futures: Pathways to USDA Professions for Environmental Science Students
Jay Gan: Environmental sciences; US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Environmental Impact Assessment of Methyl Bromide Alternative Chemicals
Jennifer Gee: Biology NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve Facilities Improvements
Jessica Purcell: Entomology; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION
Jianzhong Wu: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GCMC Simulations
Joel Sachs: Biology; PAKISTAN, GOVERNMENT OF (PAKISTAN) Biofertilizer biotechnology for groundnut (Arachis hypogea) to help resource poor farmers of rainfed Pothwar northern Punjab, Pakistan
John Andersen: Psychology; UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Urban Sustainability Through Automated Road Transportation
John Luo: School of Medicine; DOE OAKRIDGE OPERATIONS OFFICE Advanced Technologies for Biomass Deconstruction and Lignin Valorization
Joseph Morse: Entomology; CALIFORNIA AVOCADO COMMISSION Systemic Pesticide Research For The Management Of Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer On Avocado
Juan Pablo Giraldo Gomez: Botany and Plant Sciences; UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON Chemical interactions of carbon nanostructures with plant cell surfaces
Julia Bailey-Serres: Center for Plant Biology COOPERATIVE ECOSYSTEM STUDIES UNITS Designing a Science Plan for the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto National Monument
Kanok Boriboonsomsin: CE_CERT; UC DAVIS Biking in Fresh Air: Consideration of Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution in Bicycle Route Planning
Kathryn Uhrich: Chemistry; EXXON MOBILE CORPORATION Novel Antioxidants for Lubricant Additives
Kawai Tam: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Rice Husk: A Sustainable Building Material for the Philippines
Kelley Barsanti: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Three-Phase Scrubbing System for Ammonia Reduction
Ken Baerenklau: SPP; UC MULTICAMPUS RESEARCH PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES Southern California Urban Water Policy Center
Kenichiro Tsukamoto: Anthropology; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Urban Dynamics In Classic Maya Neighborhoods: El Palmar Mapping Project
Kent Johnson: CE-CERT; GAS TECHNOLOGY INST Optimized Hybrid Ultra-Low NOx Class 8 Heavy Duty Natural Gas Truck
Kerry Mauck: Entomology; CALIFORNIA PEPPER COMMISSION Evaluating plant immune elicitors for control of viruses and vector insects in peppers.
Kevin Esterling: SPP; JOHN RANDOLPH HAYNES AND DORA HAYNES FOUNDATION (THE) Clearing the Air in Our Connected and Mobile Region
Kevin Kou: Chemistry; AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Base-Metal-Catalyzed, Direct Cross-Coupling Transformations to Construct C–C, C–N, and C–O Bonds
Kuan-Hui Chen: SOM Research; CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE FOR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE Sending foes against foes – Using genetically modified cancer stem cells to fight cancer stem cells.
Kurt Anderson: Evolution, Ecology, & Orgns Bio; UC NATURAL RESERVE SYSTEM If you build it will they reach it? Incorporating functional dispersal distances and pathways in models selecting optimal sites for river restoration (Ryan Conway)
Kurt Schwabe: Environmental sciences; THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Drought, Extremes and Climate Change in the U.S. Southwest
Laosheng Wu: Environmental sciences; NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Treatment and Management of Wastewater for Effective and Safe Use in Agriculture
Louis Santiago: Botany and Plant Sciences NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Reclaimed Water as an Option for Agriculture in Southern California
Ludwig Bartels: Material Sci/Engr Pgm NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION REU Site: Materials Connection (MaCReu R'Side)
Marco Schiavon: Botany and Plant Sciences NATIONAL TURFGRASS EVALUATION PROGRAM, INC. 2018 National Warm-Season Water Use and Drought Resistance Test
Marguerite Waller: Gender & Sexuality; ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES Decolonizing Documentary: From Neo-realism to Eco-cinema
Marilyn Fogel: Earth & Planetary Sciences; UC MULTICAMPUS RESEARCH PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES Facing the Environmental Crisis of the Salton Sea
Mark Durbin: CE-CERT AIR RESOURCES BOARD Low Emission Diesel (LED) Study
Mark Hoddle: Entomology CALIFORNIA PISTACHIO RESEARCH BOARD Classical Biological Control of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug and Surveillance for this Pest in the Central Valley
Matthew Barth: CE-CERT BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON INC. US/EU Connected Vehicle Sustainability Working Group Joint Research Whitepapers and Workshop
Matthew Conley: Chemistry DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OFFICE OF SCIENCE/BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRO Well-Defined Organoscandium Sites Supported on Oxides
Mehdi Nemati: SPP; USDA PACIFIC NORTHWEST FOREST AND RANGE EXPERIMENT STATION Wildfires and Water Supply: A Long-Term Analysis of Watersheds in California
Michael Allen: Ctr For Conservcation Biology CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION COOPERATIVE Predicting Species Geographic Range Shifts in Response to Global Change: increasing temperatures, altered hydrologic regimes, and urbanization
Michael Anderson: Environmental sciences LAKE ELSINORE & SAN JACINTO WATERSHEDS AUTHORITY Water Quality Modeling and Focused Studies for Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake in Support of Nutrient TMDL and Assessment
Michael Pirrung: Chemistry NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Scope and Applications of Amide Ligation of Hydroxyamines
Michael Rust: Entomology; BAYER HEALTHCARE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Developing a Monitoring Bioassay for Suscepitibility of Cat Fleas (Ctnocephalides felis) to On-Animal Therapies
Michael Todd: CE-CERT; UC DAVIS Caltrans Zero Emission Vehicle Data Mining
Miguel Aragon-Calvo: Physics and Astronomy; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION CyberSEES: Type 1: A Sustainable and Scalable Repository for Habitats Environmental Sensing
Mikeal Roose: Botany and Plant Sciences; CITRUS RESEARCH PROGRAM Refinement and application of greenhouse methods for evaluating scion and rootstock tolerance to CLas as seedlings and in graft combination
Mikhail Itkis: Chemistry; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Electronics, Photonics and Magnetic Devices
MingLee Tang: Chemistry; DEPARTMENT OF ARMY RESEARCH, DURHAM, N.C. OFFICE The conversion of green light to chemical fuel with responsive hybrid nanostructures
Nalo Hopkinson: Creative Writing; UC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN THE ARTS Science Fiction and Social Change
Nanpeng Yu: Electrical & Computer Eng. CITY OF RIVERSIDE Optimal Placement of Smart Meters to Improve Efficiency and Reliability of Power Distribution Systems
Nicholas Weller: Political Science; UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Citizen Competence and Disaster Preparedness in Coastal Communities
Nicole Cleary: CE-CERT, AIR RESOURCES BOARD Community Air Grant Proposal for J.W. North High School in Riverside, California
Norman Ellstrand: Botany and Plant Sciences; JOHN D. AND CATHERINE T. MACARTHUR FOUNDATION iFRUITS: Innovative Farms Replenishing Urban Inhabitants’ Tables Sustainably
Patricia Manosalva: Micro & Plant Pathology NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Reducing avocado losses to Phytophthora Root Rot by improving resistance selection and disease management using next generation technologies
Paul Larsen: Biochemistry; NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Novel mutations to improve carbon fixation in plants
Peggy Mauk: Botany and Plant Sciences; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Urban Agriculture & Food Security-Field Education Program
Peng Hao: CE-CERT; AIR RESOURCES BOARD Screening Method and Map for Evaluating Transportation Access Disparities and other Built Environment-related Social Determinants of Health
Peter Atkinson: Entomology; UC BERKELEY Gene Editing in Plutella xylostella.
Philip Roberts: Nematology; INTERNATIONAL INST OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE (IITA) (INTERNATI Improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in drought-prone areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia through enhanced grain legume production and productivity. Tropical Legumes-III (Phase 3)
Philippe Rolshausen: Botany and Plant Sciences; CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Greenhouse Evaluation of Grapevine Fungal Endophytes and Fungal Natural Products Antagonistic to Xylella fastidiosa for Control of Pierce's Disease.
Phillip Christopher: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN (INCL WILLIAM DAVIDSON INSTITUTE) Studies of photochemical and photo-physical mechanisms associated with the transfer of energy between optically excited plasmonic nanoparticles and chemically reactive environments
Pingyun Feng: Chemistry; UC SAN DIEGO Hyper-Integrated Materials for Energy Science
Qingfang Wang: SPP; JOHN RANDOLPH HAYNES AND DORA HAYNES FOUNDATION (THE) Ethnic Entrepreneurship and Equitable Growth: The Greater Los Angeles Area Since 1980s
Quinn McFrederick:Entomology; UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Osmia lignaria: Development of strategies to ensure and enhance the native bee’s and relatives’ role in pollination of agricultural and natural ecosystems
Ran Wei: Electrical & Computer Eng. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Monitoring and response to food insecurity in developing countries
Richard Arnott: Economics; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Seven Tough Nuts in the Economic Theory of Transportation and Land Use
Richard Stouthamer: Entomology; NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Enhancing Effectiveness of Asian Citrus Psyllid Biological Control with Tamarixia radiata
Roya Bahreini: Environmental sciences; NIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTS Investigating health impacts of aerosols formed from oxidation of dimethyl selenide
Sadrul Ula: CE-CERT; ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY-ENERGY Cycling Hardware to Analyze and Ready Grid-Scale Electricity Storage (CHARGES)
Samantha Ying: Environmental sciences; NIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTS Human exposure and vulnerability to manganese contaminated groundwater in Central Valley, CA
Sandipa Gautam: Entomology; FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Analysis Support for FTC
Sara Becker: Anthropology; NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY The Human Journey: Understanding Tiwanaku Culture, Society, and Labor
Sean Cutler: Botany and Plant Sciences; SYNGENTA AG Improving plant stress tolerance with PYR/PYL genes and ligands
Sergio Rey: SPP NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RIDIR: Scalable Geospatial Analytics for Social Science Research
Seyed Akhavan Hejazi: WC Global Energy Center CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION Comprehensive Integrated Assessment of Actionable Urban Energy Scenarios to Improve Efficiency and Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality Indices at San Joaquin Disadvantaged Housing Communities
Sharon Walker: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NRT-INFEWS:FEEDS: Training students in Food, Environment, Ethics and Data Science for a Sustainable Future
Sundararajan Venkatadriagaram: Mechanical Engineering ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Exploring a Proof of Concept in Extracting Energy from Ocean Currents
T Harvey: Anthropology; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Kewaunee River Basin Protection and Restoration Initiative
Vincent Lavallo: Chemistry; ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY-ENERGY Disrupting Solution Based Electrolyte Technology: Boron Rich Nano-Clusters as Superionic Materials for Energy Applications
Wilfred Elders: Earth & Planetary Sciences; STRATEGIC GROWTH COUNCIL Reducing GHG Emissions by making Geothermal Power more competitive, while providing low-cost District Cooling/Heating to Disadvantaged Communities in the Imperial Valley.
William Porter: Environmental sciences ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY An Aerosol Yield Parameter Preprocessor for the Optimized and Reproducible Modeling of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
Xin Ge: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Enhanced Intramolecular Electron Transfer by Incorporation of Conductive Non-Natural Amino Acids
Yadong Yin: Chemistry; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION SusChEM: Photocatalytic Color Switching of Redox Materials for Rewritable Paper
Yanran Li: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION SusChEM: Developing Temporal Compartmentalization Tools in Yeast to Enhance the Bioproduction of Plant Natural Products.
Adam Schreiner-Mcgraw: Environmental sciences, NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE; Evaluating Methods to Partitioning Evapotranspiration in Forested and Agricultural Landscapes - Integrating In-Situ with Remotely Sensed Observations
Akua Asa-Awuku: CE_CERT, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY; Development of a platform for air pollution exposure to primary human airway epithelial cells
Akula Venkatram: Mechanical Engineering, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY FOUND: Satellite-Derived PM2.5 Grids with Dispersion Model Downscaling:PM2.5 Data to Support Community-Scale Air Quality Health Research and Policy Develop
Alan McHughen: Botany and Plant Sciences; TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - COLLEGE STATION; A Systems Approach to HLB Mitigation through Production Solutions, Producer Education, and Consumer Outreach
Alexander Raikhel: Entomology; NATIONAL INST OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES Molecular Basis of Ecdysterois Action in the Mosquito
Alfredo Martinez-Morales: CE-CERT, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY; ZnO-TiO2 Hybrid as Low-cost, Stable and Efficient Photoelectrode for DSSCs
Amir Haghverdi: Environmental sciences; UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Quantification of Regional Impacts of Technology Implementation in Agricultural and Urban Water Quantity and Quality Management by Expansion of Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network (NAWMN) through Multi-state Integrated Research and Extension/Outreach.
Amir Hamed Mohsenian-Rad: Electrical & Computer Eng; CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION Exploiting μPMU Data to Enable Bi-directionality, Enhance Reliability, and Improve Efficiency in California Distribution Feeders
Andrea Denny-Brown: English; NFAH HUMANITIES, NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE Fashion and Well-Being
Andreas Westphal: Nematology; CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PESTICIDE REGULATION Suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes with digestates from anaerobic fermenters
Andrew Gray: Environmental sciences; UC AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Debris flow and debris basin management impacts on water quality
Ariel Dinar: Environmental Sciences; BUREAU OF RECLAMATION; Collaboration: Adaptation of Western US Agriculture to Climate Change Induced Water Scarcity.
Arun Satheesh Kumar Raju: CE-CERT; US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Syngas and Biochar through Biomass Pyrolysis
Ashok Mulchandani: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE Biophotovoltaic System Built from Renewable Carbon: Integration of Graphene Hybrids and the Photosynthetic Protein Bacteriorhodopsin
Bao Lam Huynh: Nematology; CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Varietal improvement of fresh market long bean to overcome biotic stresses and expand production
Boris Bar: Entomology; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Pre-proposal: Fighting the Insect Armageddon
Brian Federici: Entomology; MOSQUITO RESEARCH FOUNDATION; Novel Bacterial Strains for Sustainable Mosquito Vector Control
Bruce Babcock: SPP; RENEWABLE FUELS FOUNDATION; Environmental Impact of RFS-Induced Agricultural Expansion
Cameron Barrows: Ctr For Conservation Biology; EARTHWATCH EXPEDITIONS, INC. Monitoring the Impacts of Climate Change across Ecological Transitions in Joshua Tree National Park
Carol Lovatt: Botany and Plant Sciences; CALIFORNIA OLIVE COMMITTEE; Alternate Bearing in Olive - Determining when fruit exert their negative effect on return bloom, whether the effect includes inhibition of floral development or only inhibition of bud break, and refining PGR treatments to break AB ON/OFF cycles
Caroline Roper: Microbiology & Plant Pathology; NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE; Investigating bacterial mechanosensing as a regulator of virulence in a 3-D microfluidic system
Chan Seung Park: CE-CERT; ENERGY EFFICIENCY & RENEWABLE ENERGY Hydrogen Production from the Under-valued Streams of Cellulosic Ethanol Process with Catalytic Reforming in a Hybrid Circulating Fluidized Bed
Chandrika Ramadugu: Botany and Plant Sciences; UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Development of highly sensitive and portable tools for early detection of huanglongbing (HLB)
Charles Cai: CE-CERT; UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE Next Generation of Ligno-Polyurethanes
Charles Wyman: CE-CERT; DARTMOUTH COLLEGE Improving cellulosic ethanol titer in Clostridium thermocellum by decreasing the design-build-test-learn cycle time
Christopher Amrhein: Environmental sciences; US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Crop Response to Wastewater Irrigation as Related to Water Salinity and Ion Composition
Christopher Chase-Dunn: Sociology; UC MULTICAMPUS RESEARCH PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES CalMovs The Social Geography of Movements in California
Dana Simmons: History; AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOCIETIES Regimes of Insecurity: The Science and Politics of Hunger
Daniel Jeske: Statistics; LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY (INCL NATL MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY TESTBED, Mitigating climate change, increasing resilience of US agriculture and improving nutrition
Daniel Schlenk: Environmental sciences; CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY “Assessing Toxicity of Tobacco Product Waste to Humans.”
Darrel Jenerette: Botany and Plant Sciences; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Connecting dryland soil trace gas emissions of NOx, N2O and CO2 to changes in microbial community characteristics along a nitrogen deposition gradient
David Brady: Blum Initiative; UC IRVINE CoPe EAGER: Modeling the Social Ecology of Coastal Flood Risk
David Cocker: CE-CERT; SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Ozone and SOA formation from Gasoline and Diesel Compounds
David Crohn: Environmental sciences; NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE A Mobile Processing Approach to Converting Manure and Other Residuals into Carbon Negative Jet Fuels and Soil Amendments
David Grantz: Botany and Plant Sciences; US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE Oxidant impacts on water use in forest species and model systems: kinestic and steady state gas exchange assessment
David Kisailus: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; DEPARTMENT OF ARMY RESEARCH, DURHAM, N.C. OFFICE Organic Matrix Templating and Function in an Ultrahard Biological Composite
David Martin: Chemistry; AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Cobalt-Catalyzed C–O Bond Activation Using Visible Light for the Direct Functionalization of Alcohols
Derick Fay: Anthropology; WENNER-GREN FOUNDATION FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH Conservation, Custom and the Court: Lawfare and the Struggle for Subsistence at Dwesa-Cwebe, South Africa
Don Collins: CE-CERT; DROPLET MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGIES Characterization of aerosol size distributions in India during the CAIPEEX study
Donald Merhaut: Botany and Plant Sciences; UC AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Evaluation of Riparian Ornamentals as Vegetative Filters for Removing Nitrates and Phosphates from Runoff Waters Derived From Urban landscapes and Agricultural Production Sites
Elia Scudiero: Environmental sciences; CITRUS RESEARCH PROGRAM Developing Tools for Precision Mapping of Yield, Fruit Quality, and Ripening Status
Elizabeth Grafton-Cardwell: Entomology; CITRUS RESEARCH PROGRAM Breaking critical pest-related trade barriers for California citrus exports
Erin Rankin: Sociology; CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION Water-wise solutions for drought-tolerant pollinator gardens/landscaping
Ertem Tuncel: Electrical & Comp. Eng; OFFICE OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION GAANN Fellowships in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Exequiel Ezcurra: Botany and Plant Sciences; UC SAN DIEGO Sustainable Management of Fisheries and Spawning Aggregations in the Gulf of California
Francesca Hopkins: Environmental sciences; UC LAWRENCE BERKELEY LABORATORY Development and demonstration of transformative low-GHG high-value technologies for methane reduction at dairy farms
Frank Byrne: Entomology; CITRUS RESEARCH PROGRAM CORE IPM Program
Georgios Karavalakis: CE-CERT SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Real-world evaluation of PM and PN emissions from light-duty GDI vehicles using PEMS
Guoyuan Wu: CE-CERT; UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO Evaluating the Energy/Emissions Impacts of Emerging Technologies on Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Hamidreza Nazaripouya: WC Global Energy Center; CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION High-Performance Co-Simulation of Power Distribution and Communications Network (Co-DiCo) with Dynamic DER Representation and Data-Driven Model Integration
Heejung Jung: CE-CERT; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Monitoring of PM concentrations for communities near major highways in Southern California: An integrative approach
Helen Regan: Evolution, Ecology, & Orgns Bio NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Does geography play a bigger role than species traits in explaining vulnerability of plants to global change?
Hoori Ajami: Environmental sciences; UC SAN DIEGO Advanced Statistical-Dynamical Downscaling Methods and Products for California Electrical System Climate Planning
Ian Wheeldon: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION SusChEM: Drop-in Hydrocarbon Fuels through Novel Integration of Biological and Catalytic Conversion of Cellulosic Biomass-Derived Sugars
Isgouhi Kaloshian: Nematology; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Cross-kingdom RNAs in agronomically relevant host microbe/pest interactions: Characterizing their molecular targets, exploring their interspecies transfer, and pursuing biotechnological implementations strategies to improve food safety
J Giles Waines: Botany and Plant Sciences; UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Vegetation Community Mapping at Chocolate Mountains Aerial Gunnery Range
James Baird: Botany and Plant Sciences; UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE Documenting Water Use for Turfgrasses in the United States
James Sickman: Environmental sciences; US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Fertile Futures: Pathways to USDA Professions for Environmental Science Students
Jay Gan: Environmental sciences; US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Environmental Impact Assessment of Methyl Bromide Alternative Chemicals
Jennifer Gee: Biology NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve Facilities Improvements
Jessica Purcell: Entomology; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION
Jianzhong Wu: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GCMC Simulations
Joel Sachs: Biology; PAKISTAN, GOVERNMENT OF (PAKISTAN) Biofertilizer biotechnology for groundnut (Arachis hypogea) to help resource poor farmers of rainfed Pothwar northern Punjab, Pakistan
John Andersen: Psychology; UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Urban Sustainability Through Automated Road Transportation
John Luo: School of Medicine; DOE OAKRIDGE OPERATIONS OFFICE Advanced Technologies for Biomass Deconstruction and Lignin Valorization
Joseph Morse: Entomology; CALIFORNIA AVOCADO COMMISSION Systemic Pesticide Research For The Management Of Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer On Avocado
Juan Pablo Giraldo Gomez: Botany and Plant Sciences; UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON Chemical interactions of carbon nanostructures with plant cell surfaces
Julia Bailey-Serres: Center for Plant Biology COOPERATIVE ECOSYSTEM STUDIES UNITS Designing a Science Plan for the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto National Monument
Kanok Boriboonsomsin: CE_CERT; UC DAVIS Biking in Fresh Air: Consideration of Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution in Bicycle Route Planning
Kathryn Uhrich: Chemistry; EXXON MOBILE CORPORATION Novel Antioxidants for Lubricant Additives
Kawai Tam: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Rice Husk: A Sustainable Building Material for the Philippines
Kelley Barsanti: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Three-Phase Scrubbing System for Ammonia Reduction
Ken Baerenklau: SPP; UC MULTICAMPUS RESEARCH PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES Southern California Urban Water Policy Center
Kenichiro Tsukamoto: Anthropology; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Urban Dynamics In Classic Maya Neighborhoods: El Palmar Mapping Project
Kent Johnson: CE-CERT; GAS TECHNOLOGY INST Optimized Hybrid Ultra-Low NOx Class 8 Heavy Duty Natural Gas Truck
Kerry Mauck: Entomology; CALIFORNIA PEPPER COMMISSION Evaluating plant immune elicitors for control of viruses and vector insects in peppers.
Kevin Esterling: SPP; JOHN RANDOLPH HAYNES AND DORA HAYNES FOUNDATION (THE) Clearing the Air in Our Connected and Mobile Region
Kevin Kou: Chemistry; AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Base-Metal-Catalyzed, Direct Cross-Coupling Transformations to Construct C–C, C–N, and C–O Bonds
Kuan-Hui Chen: SOM Research; CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE FOR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE Sending foes against foes – Using genetically modified cancer stem cells to fight cancer stem cells.
Kurt Anderson: Evolution, Ecology, & Orgns Bio; UC NATURAL RESERVE SYSTEM If you build it will they reach it? Incorporating functional dispersal distances and pathways in models selecting optimal sites for river restoration (Ryan Conway)
Kurt Schwabe: Environmental sciences; THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Drought, Extremes and Climate Change in the U.S. Southwest
Laosheng Wu: Environmental sciences; NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Treatment and Management of Wastewater for Effective and Safe Use in Agriculture
Louis Santiago: Botany and Plant Sciences NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Reclaimed Water as an Option for Agriculture in Southern California
Ludwig Bartels: Material Sci/Engr Pgm NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION REU Site: Materials Connection (MaCReu R'Side)
Marco Schiavon: Botany and Plant Sciences NATIONAL TURFGRASS EVALUATION PROGRAM, INC. 2018 National Warm-Season Water Use and Drought Resistance Test
Marguerite Waller: Gender & Sexuality; ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES Decolonizing Documentary: From Neo-realism to Eco-cinema
Marilyn Fogel: Earth & Planetary Sciences; UC MULTICAMPUS RESEARCH PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES Facing the Environmental Crisis of the Salton Sea
Mark Durbin: CE-CERT AIR RESOURCES BOARD Low Emission Diesel (LED) Study
Mark Hoddle: Entomology CALIFORNIA PISTACHIO RESEARCH BOARD Classical Biological Control of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug and Surveillance for this Pest in the Central Valley
Matthew Barth: CE-CERT BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON INC. US/EU Connected Vehicle Sustainability Working Group Joint Research Whitepapers and Workshop
Matthew Conley: Chemistry DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OFFICE OF SCIENCE/BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRO Well-Defined Organoscandium Sites Supported on Oxides
Mehdi Nemati: SPP; USDA PACIFIC NORTHWEST FOREST AND RANGE EXPERIMENT STATION Wildfires and Water Supply: A Long-Term Analysis of Watersheds in California
Michael Allen: Ctr For Conservcation Biology CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION COOPERATIVE Predicting Species Geographic Range Shifts in Response to Global Change: increasing temperatures, altered hydrologic regimes, and urbanization
Michael Anderson: Environmental sciences LAKE ELSINORE & SAN JACINTO WATERSHEDS AUTHORITY Water Quality Modeling and Focused Studies for Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake in Support of Nutrient TMDL and Assessment
Michael Pirrung: Chemistry NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Scope and Applications of Amide Ligation of Hydroxyamines
Michael Rust: Entomology; BAYER HEALTHCARE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Developing a Monitoring Bioassay for Suscepitibility of Cat Fleas (Ctnocephalides felis) to On-Animal Therapies
Michael Todd: CE-CERT; UC DAVIS Caltrans Zero Emission Vehicle Data Mining
Miguel Aragon-Calvo: Physics and Astronomy; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION CyberSEES: Type 1: A Sustainable and Scalable Repository for Habitats Environmental Sensing
Mikeal Roose: Botany and Plant Sciences; CITRUS RESEARCH PROGRAM Refinement and application of greenhouse methods for evaluating scion and rootstock tolerance to CLas as seedlings and in graft combination
Mikhail Itkis: Chemistry; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Electronics, Photonics and Magnetic Devices
MingLee Tang: Chemistry; DEPARTMENT OF ARMY RESEARCH, DURHAM, N.C. OFFICE The conversion of green light to chemical fuel with responsive hybrid nanostructures
Nalo Hopkinson: Creative Writing; UC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN THE ARTS Science Fiction and Social Change
Nanpeng Yu: Electrical & Computer Eng. CITY OF RIVERSIDE Optimal Placement of Smart Meters to Improve Efficiency and Reliability of Power Distribution Systems
Nicholas Weller: Political Science; UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Citizen Competence and Disaster Preparedness in Coastal Communities
Nicole Cleary: CE-CERT, AIR RESOURCES BOARD Community Air Grant Proposal for J.W. North High School in Riverside, California
Norman Ellstrand: Botany and Plant Sciences; JOHN D. AND CATHERINE T. MACARTHUR FOUNDATION iFRUITS: Innovative Farms Replenishing Urban Inhabitants’ Tables Sustainably
Patricia Manosalva: Micro & Plant Pathology NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Reducing avocado losses to Phytophthora Root Rot by improving resistance selection and disease management using next generation technologies
Paul Larsen: Biochemistry; NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Novel mutations to improve carbon fixation in plants
Peggy Mauk: Botany and Plant Sciences; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Urban Agriculture & Food Security-Field Education Program
Peng Hao: CE-CERT; AIR RESOURCES BOARD Screening Method and Map for Evaluating Transportation Access Disparities and other Built Environment-related Social Determinants of Health
Peter Atkinson: Entomology; UC BERKELEY Gene Editing in Plutella xylostella.
Philip Roberts: Nematology; INTERNATIONAL INST OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE (IITA) (INTERNATI Improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in drought-prone areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia through enhanced grain legume production and productivity. Tropical Legumes-III (Phase 3)
Philippe Rolshausen: Botany and Plant Sciences; CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Greenhouse Evaluation of Grapevine Fungal Endophytes and Fungal Natural Products Antagonistic to Xylella fastidiosa for Control of Pierce's Disease.
Phillip Christopher: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN (INCL WILLIAM DAVIDSON INSTITUTE) Studies of photochemical and photo-physical mechanisms associated with the transfer of energy between optically excited plasmonic nanoparticles and chemically reactive environments
Pingyun Feng: Chemistry; UC SAN DIEGO Hyper-Integrated Materials for Energy Science
Qingfang Wang: SPP; JOHN RANDOLPH HAYNES AND DORA HAYNES FOUNDATION (THE) Ethnic Entrepreneurship and Equitable Growth: The Greater Los Angeles Area Since 1980s
Quinn McFrederick:Entomology; UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Osmia lignaria: Development of strategies to ensure and enhance the native bee’s and relatives’ role in pollination of agricultural and natural ecosystems
Ran Wei: Electrical & Computer Eng. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Monitoring and response to food insecurity in developing countries
Richard Arnott: Economics; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Seven Tough Nuts in the Economic Theory of Transportation and Land Use
Richard Stouthamer: Entomology; NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Enhancing Effectiveness of Asian Citrus Psyllid Biological Control with Tamarixia radiata
Roya Bahreini: Environmental sciences; NIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTS Investigating health impacts of aerosols formed from oxidation of dimethyl selenide
Sadrul Ula: CE-CERT; ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY-ENERGY Cycling Hardware to Analyze and Ready Grid-Scale Electricity Storage (CHARGES)
Samantha Ying: Environmental sciences; NIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTS Human exposure and vulnerability to manganese contaminated groundwater in Central Valley, CA
Sandipa Gautam: Entomology; FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Analysis Support for FTC
Sara Becker: Anthropology; NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY The Human Journey: Understanding Tiwanaku Culture, Society, and Labor
Sean Cutler: Botany and Plant Sciences; SYNGENTA AG Improving plant stress tolerance with PYR/PYL genes and ligands
Sergio Rey: SPP NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RIDIR: Scalable Geospatial Analytics for Social Science Research
Seyed Akhavan Hejazi: WC Global Energy Center CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION Comprehensive Integrated Assessment of Actionable Urban Energy Scenarios to Improve Efficiency and Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality Indices at San Joaquin Disadvantaged Housing Communities
Sharon Walker: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NRT-INFEWS:FEEDS: Training students in Food, Environment, Ethics and Data Science for a Sustainable Future
Sundararajan Venkatadriagaram: Mechanical Engineering ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Exploring a Proof of Concept in Extracting Energy from Ocean Currents
T Harvey: Anthropology; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Kewaunee River Basin Protection and Restoration Initiative
Vincent Lavallo: Chemistry; ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY-ENERGY Disrupting Solution Based Electrolyte Technology: Boron Rich Nano-Clusters as Superionic Materials for Energy Applications
Wilfred Elders: Earth & Planetary Sciences; STRATEGIC GROWTH COUNCIL Reducing GHG Emissions by making Geothermal Power more competitive, while providing low-cost District Cooling/Heating to Disadvantaged Communities in the Imperial Valley.
William Porter: Environmental sciences ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY An Aerosol Yield Parameter Preprocessor for the Optimized and Reproducible Modeling of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
Xin Ge: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Enhanced Intramolecular Electron Transfer by Incorporation of Conductive Non-Natural Amino Acids
Yadong Yin: Chemistry; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION SusChEM: Photocatalytic Color Switching of Redox Materials for Rewritable Paper
Yanran Li: Chemical/Environ. Engineering; NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION SusChEM: Developing Temporal Compartmentalization Tools in Yeast to Enhance the Bioproduction of Plant Natural Products.
A brief description of the methodology the institution followed to complete the research inventory:
UCR uses an online portal, PAMIS eCAF, for registering all research grant proposals. In 2013 UCR added a mandatory selection box for researchers to self-identify whether or not their research project met the definition of sustainability-focused research at UCR. The definition was supplied via a hyperlink to the selection box.
Sampling was also conducted by the Office of Sustainability through Strategic Communications and Departmental Chairs to find research on sustainability that may not be grant-funded.
Sampling was also conducted by the Office of Sustainability through Strategic Communications and Departmental Chairs to find research on sustainability that may not be grant-funded.
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Credit prepared by Michelle Baron and revised by Chelsea Lee.
The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.