Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 50.43
Submission Date Nov. 27, 2017
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
PA-3: Participatory Governance

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.50 / 3.00 Maria Teresa Maldonado Sada
Special Projects
Sustainability dept
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Do the institution’s students have a representative body through which they can participate in governance (e.g. a student council)? :

Do the institution’s students have an elected representative on the institution’s highest governing body?:

A brief description of the bodies and mechanisms through which students are engaged in governance, including information to support each affirmative response above:
The mechanism used for the students to participate in the University’s governability is through the "University Assembly". This is the maximum referee team in our University. The "University Assembly" has the following attributions: 1) Expedite norms and regulaltion decrees to best academic and administrative functioning 2) Approve the creation and modification of academic programs 3) Approve the creation and modification of schools, faculties, academic units, Institutes and other dependencies of the academic organization that could be necessary for the better University's performance and decide their location. 4) Regulate the President's election, assign the Interine President, to know and in the case, to solve his remotion and resignation. 5) To make the elected President's declaration 6) To indorse the General Secretariat designated by the University's Dean 7) To approve the annual University Budget presented by the patronage by conduit of the Dean 8) Name the permanent comissions 9) To confer ackknowledgements and distinctions to people that has been oustanding on science or contributed to the University's improvement 10) To know and solve the cases that haven't been competency of other dependency of the University 11) To know and attend the resources and defense derivated from the resolutions issued by the Thecnical Board of Committee of the schools, faculties or academic units. 12) Other that been stablished by other norms and reglamentary dispositions of the University In order to participate in the "University Assembly", peers elections are conducted every year. Each school, faculty or academic unit has 2 representative students in this governing body "University Assambly" previously elected in their own schools, faculties or academic units The elected students will be in this charge or position two years and they couldn't be re-elected. To be able to be "elected student", they have to have the following requirements: 1) To be a regular student and have an average grade point of 8.5 or more 2) Have been completed 40 to 60% of the credits of their programs 3) Don't be part of the academic of faculty members of the University 4) Don't be part of the University staff 5) Don't have comited seriuous misconduct 6) Enjoy recognized honorability among students community, school, faculty or academic unit 7) Be elected for the mayority of the students of the school, faculty or academic unit More Information about the University's statute are in the following web page: http://sein.uat.edu.mx/consultas/docs/EstatutoOrganico.PDF

Do the institution’s staff members have a representative body through which they can participate in governance (e.g. a staff council)?:

Do the institution’s non-supervisory staff members have an elected representative on the institution’s highest governing body?:

A brief description of the bodies and mechanisms through which staff are engaged in governance, including information to support each affirmative response above:
According to the University's Organic Statute, the University's governance is integrated by the following personnel (in order of higher importance and power in governability matters): I. The University’s Assembly II. The President of the University III. General Secretariat IV. The Technic Committee of Technic Board of each Faculty, School or Academic Unit (Including one faculty personnel representative previously elected in each School, Faculty or Academic Unit) V. The Faculty or Schools’ Directors VI. The patronate For the "University's Assambly", it is integrated by the following: I. The President of the University II. The General Secretary III. The Dean of the University IV. The Directors of each School, Faculty or Academic Unit V. One member of the academic personnel designed (previously elected) from each School, Faculty or Academic Unit VI. Two students representatives of each School, Faculty or Academic Unit (previously elected. VI. One representative of each "Staff Syndicate" of the University (previously elected) The representatives of each "Staff Syndicate" will have voice and vote in the matters suitable only of their represented staff. To be a "Staff Syndicate" in the face of the "Assamby University", it must comply the following requirements: 1) Have a minimum antiquity of two years in the University 2) To be hired for indetermined time 3) To be full time staff 4) Don't be University's student 5) Don't be hired as a confident staff The representative members of the "Syndicate Staff" will designate a substitute for direct vote to be part of the "University Assambly". They will be registered by the General Secretariat and they will be in charge two years. More University Assembly information are in the following web page: http://www.uat.edu.mx/SG/Documents/LeyOrganicaUAT.pdf

Do the institution’s teaching and research faculty have a representative body through which they can participate in governance (e.g. a faculty senate)?:

Do the institution’s teaching and research faculty have an elected representative on the institution’s highest governing body? :

A brief description of the bodies and mechanisms through which teaching and research faculty are engaged in governance, including information to support each affirmative response above:
The mechanism used for the faculty to participate in the University’s governavility is through the "University's Assambly" previously elected in each Faculty, School or Academic Unit To be the representative or suplent like academic personnel for the "University's Assambly", the School, Faculty or Academic Unit has to accomplish all the requirements that are in the 18th Article of the University Organic Statute, that were: 1) To have more than two years in the School, Faculty or Academic Unit 2) To have master's degree 3) Do not be part of the administrative staff of the University 4) Do not be part of the trusted staff of the University 5) Do not be part of the sindicalized staff of the University 6) To be elected for the mayority of the academic staff of their representative School, Faculty or Academic Unit 7) To be honorable and wise Those requirements can be found in the following page: http://www.uat.edu.mx/SG/Documents/LeyOrganicaUAT.pdf

Does the institution have written policies and procedures to identify and engage external stakeholders (i.e. local residents) in land use planning, capital investment projects, and other institutional decisions that affect the community?:

A copy of the written policies and procedures:

The policies and procedures:

Does the institution have formal participatory or shared governance bodies through which community members representing the interests of the following stakeholder groups can regularly participate in institutional governance?:
Yes or No
Local government and/or educational organizations No
Private sector organizations No
Civil society (e.g. NGOs, NPOs) No

A brief description of the bodies and mechanisms through which external stakeholders are engaged in institutional governance (including information about each stakeholder group selected above):

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.