Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 49.61
Liaison Tony Gillund
Submission Date May 9, 2017
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

The Ohio State University at Newark
OP-18: Support for Sustainable Transportation

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 0.80 / 2.00 Brian Boehmer
Facilities Planning & Operations
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution provide secure bicycle storage (not including office space), shower facilities, and lockers for bicycle commuters?:

A brief description of the facilities for bicycle commuters:
Yes, at the Dorms on campus there are secure bike storage units, showering facilities (for Dorm residents), and lockers for bicycle commuters.

Does the institution provide short-term bicycle parking for all occupied buildings and makes long-term bicycle storage available for students who live on-site (if applicable)?:

A brief description of the bicycle parking and storage facilities:
Yes, the Newark campus accommodates bicycle commuters with temporary short-term bicycle parking opportunities across campus. We have long-term bicycle storage facilities on campus at Adena Hall and the residence halls.

Does the institution have a bicycle and pedestrian plan or policy (or adhere to a local community plan/policy) that sets standards and practices for campus streets to enable safe access for all users?:

A brief description of the bicycle and pedestrian plan or policy:

Does the institution have a bicycle-sharing program or participate in a local bicycle-sharing program?:

A brief description of the bicycle sharing program:

Does the institution offer free or reduced price transit passes and/or operate a free campus shuttle for commuters?:

A brief description of the mass transit programs:

Does the institution offer a guaranteed return trip program to regular users of alternative modes of transportation?:

A brief description of the guaranteed return trip program:

Does the institution participate in a car/vanpool or ride sharing program and/or offer reduced parking fees or preferential parking for car/vanpoolers?:

A brief description of the carpool/vanpool program:

Does the institution participate in a car sharing program, such as a commercial car-sharing program, one administered by the institution, or one administered by a regional organization?:

A brief description of the car sharing program:

Does the institution have one or more Level 2 or Level 3 electric vehicle recharging stations that are accessible to student and employee commuters?:

A brief description of the electric vehicle recharging stations:

Does the institution offer a telecommuting program for employees as a matter of policy or as standard practice?:

A brief description of the telecommuting program:
According to the Office of Human Resources Policy 6.12 on Flexible Work, “The university supports flexible work arrangements to achieve a highly productive work environment that enables staff to balance work and personal needs while providing workforce predictability and stability. Workplace flexibility is a strategy for using resources most efficiently and providing the best environment for talent.” One such work arrangement allows “Flexible Work Options,” including telecommuting or flexplace where some or all work hours are completed at a location other than the campus workplace. For more information about flexible work arrangements including telecommuting please go to: http://hr.osu.edu/policy/policy612.pdf

Does the institution offer a condensed work week option that reduces employee commuting (as a matter of policy or standard practice)?:

A brief description of the condensed work week option:
The Ohio State University policy is outlined in Flexible Work Policy 6.12. According to the Office of Human Resources Policy 6.10 on Scheduling Work and Overtime Compensation, “Scheduling of work must be arranged to support operational needs of the University and to effectively deliver customer service. Scheduling of work and overtime are the responsibility of unit management. Employees will be compensated for their work in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. The University strongly encourages the use of flexible work arrangements as one approach to supporting staff and their work/life effectiveness, to improving staff morale, and to recruiting and retaining a high quality workforce.” Many units have interpreted this policy to include flextime, compressed work week, or telecommuting. Policy 6.10 also states the following: “B. Options for when hours are worked 1. Flextime - work schedules that permit flexibility within limits set by the department. A flextime schedule requires a standard number of hours to be worked within a given time period, usually 40 hours during a five-day week. Flextime options include fixed starting/quitting times that change periodically, starting and quitting times that can vary daily and variations in the length of days (a six-hour day followed by a 10-hour day). 2. Compressed workweek – 40-hour workweek compressed into fewer than five days.

Does the institution have incentives or programs to encourage employees to live close to campus?:

A brief description of the incentives or programs to encourage employees to live close to campus:

Does the institution employ other strategies to reduce the impact of commuting (e.g. preferred parking for fuel-efficient vehicles, cash-out of parking programs)?:

A brief description of other strategies to reduce the impact of commuting:

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.