Principal investigators and senior personnel on sponsored programs
Policy Statement
(Faculty Manual 3.44)
Syracuse University’s mission is to promote learning through teaching, research, scholarship, creative accomplishment, and service. As a natural outgrowth of the University’s mission, it may be appropriate and desirable that University Members be professionally involved in outside activities such as lecturing at other institutions, practicing their profession, consulting for businesses, engaging in travel sponsored by businesses or foundations, or serving in community organizations. These outside activities can enrich teaching, extend professional expertise, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge; however, in some circumstances, they can give rise to real or apparent conflicts of interest.
Full policy here:*hvhpm9*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3MjgzMTI4NTMuQ2owS0NRandqWTY0QmhDYUFSSXNBSWZjN1lhVVRYQnE0TS1SMTZoZUxpRElFd2dkV184alJBSGxQQnNJR2Zybk1pYjVHRnBKb0Q0d0RyWWFBb2U2RUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_au*OTYzMTc4NDE2LjE3MjY1MTEyNTE.*_ga*MTgwMTM1MTUxOS4xNzI2NTExMjUx*_ga_QT13NN6N9S*MTcyODMyNzAzNS4xOC4xLjE3MjgzMjc3NjguNTQuMC4w