Overall Rating Platinum - expired
Overall Score 85.74
Liaison Sam Lubow
Submission Date June 28, 2017
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Stanford University
PA-1: Sustainability Coordination

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.00 / 1.00 Moira Hafer
Sustainability Specialist
Office of Sustainability
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Sustainability Committee(s) 

Does the institution have at least one sustainability committee?:

The charter or mission statement of the committee(s) or a brief description of each committee's purview and activities:
Administrators, faculty, staff, and students throughout the university are working to research and implement sustainability. The Office of Sustainability connects campus organizations and entities and works collaboratively with them to steer sustainability initiatives to fulfill President Hennessy’s vision that sustainability will "become a core value in everything we do." The Office works on long-range sustainability analysis and planning, evaluations and reporting, communication and outreach, academic integration, conservation behavior and training, sustainability governance strategy, and business systems. The key dimensions of the collaborative governance model for sustainability at Stanford are listed below. PROVOST'S COMMITTEE ON SUSTAINABILITY (established in 2012) The Provost's Committee on Sustainability, an executive committee of deans, institute leads and senior campus leadership, began formally convening starting in the 2012-13 academic year. The committee facilitates collaboration across schools, institutes, the Office of Sustainability, and students; exerts leadership across campus; brings campus-wide sustainability issues to the attention of the Provost and the President; and implements leadership recommendations. Formation of the Provost's Committee is the outcome of one of the many key recommendations derived from the year-long strategic exercise, Sustainability 3.0, unveiled in May 2012. SUSTAINABILITY WORKING GROUP (established in 2006) The Sustainability Working Group (SWG) prepares policy and program recommendations to advance and implement sustainability practices on campus. Goals include: (1) Continuously improve Stanford’s leadership in demonstrating environmental sustainability in campus operations. (2) Use faculty, staff and student expertise in the evolving field of sustainability. (3) Advance opportunities for hands-on sustainability-related learning and service in the campus community. SWG, chaired by the director of the Office of Sustainability, meets on the first Thursday of every month and involves representatives from all parts of the university. SUSTAINABILITY WORKING TEAMS (established in 2008) The Sustainability Working Teams, assembled in 2008, develop program recommendations, assess progress, and help implement policy recommendations in major operational areas related to sustainability. The teams are composed of campus subject matter experts, representatives from key Stanford community groups, and individuals with authority to take action in the relevant operational areas. Each team activates when a specific initiative is underway and may be dormant when a given project has been implemented.

Members of each committee, including affiliations and role (e.g. staff, student, or faculty):
The membership of Stanford's Sustainability Working group and Sustainability Working Teams are too numerous to list here, but include faculty, staff, students, and key senior administrators. Contact information for the chairs of each committee can be found on the Sustainable Stanford website at http://sustainable.stanford.edu/governance.

Sustainability Office(s) 

Does the institution have at least one sustainability office that includes more than 1 full-time equivalent (FTE) employee?:

A brief description of each sustainability office:
Sustainability and Energy Management (SEM), a department within Land, Buildings & Real Estate (LBRE), leads initiatives in campus infrastructure and programs in energy and climate, water, green buildings, and sustainable information technology, as well as various special initiatives. All of SEM's projects are centered around the long-term sustainability of the campus, and many of the employees within each of SEM's various groups focus exclusively on sustainability as part of their daily work. For example, the Office of Sustainability is housed in SEM. Complementing operational efficiency measures undertaken by campus facilities managers, distinct and education-oriented programmatic initiatives spearheaded by the Office of Sustainability make sustainability more actionable and visible throughout the campus community. New in 2016, the Department of Sustainability and Energy Management created the Sustainability & SEM Business Services group, which now comprises the 5 staff in the Office of Sustainability, as well as 3 staff in the Business Systems group and 1 Administrative Services Manager. The Business Systems group address utilities data integration, resource efficiency, and data analytics to effectively measure and manage Stanford’s resources. This initiative improves business processes, promotes data-driven decisions, and offers analytical tools to optimize efficiency in the campus infrastructure and operations. Lastly, the Administrative Services Manager serves to optimize the administrative efficiency of the Department of Sustainability and Energy Management as a whole. Please note, SEM employs nearly 80 staff members, including 5 who work in the Office of Sustainability; the number listed below represents current SEM employees, which is also illustrated on the attached org chart. The Department of Parking & Transportation Services also employs about 30 people, all of whom are charged with making sustainable transportation available to the campus community. These employees are captured on the attached org chart, although they are not directly a part of SEM. Additionally, there are hundreds of other professionals throughout the Stanford community involved with sustainability projects in their daily work, so these figures are not truly representative of all sustainability employees on campus.

Full-time equivalent (FTE) of people employed in the sustainability office(s):

Sustainability Officer(s) 

Does the institution have at least one sustainability officer?:

Name and title of each sustainability officer:
Joseph Stagner, Executive Director, Department of Sustainability & Energy Management. Joe is the most senior sustainability officer, but there are many others across campus, many of whom are highlighted on the attached org chart.

Institution-Wide Coordination 

Does the institution have a mechanism for broad sustainability coordination for the entire institution (e.g. a campus-wide committee or an officer/office responsible for the entire campus)?:

A brief description of the activities and substantive accomplishments of the institution-wide coordinating body or officer during the previous three years:
Details on the campus-wide governance model for sustainability at Stanford are provided above and available at http://sustainable.stanford.edu/governance. There have been numerous activities and substantive accomplishments from Stanford's various sustainability committees. A sample of major achievements is provided below, and a record of SWG meeting agendas can be found at the link provided above. SUSTAINABILITY 3.0 STRATEGIC PLANNING A group of faculty, staff, and student leaders initiated Sustainability 3.0 in June 2011 with the plan to deliver a strategic blueprint for the future of sustainability at Stanford. The Sustainability 3.0 process sought to identify and map a shared and actionable vision for sustainability at Stanford over the subsequent ten years, building on the Initiative on Environment and Sustainability that launched in October 2003 and the formalization of Sustainable Stanford that began in 2007. Major goals stemming from the Sustainability 3.0 effort include leading sustainability by example by offering sustainability trainings to the campus community and maintaining a global influence through sustainability in research, education, and operations. To achieve these goals, the planning committee unveiled four key strategies: (1) Ensure that sustainability is a top and lasting priority for Stanford University in research, teaching, and action. (2) Establish clear policies for implementing sustainability in every part of campus: implement, monitor, and achieve. (3) Educate and train the Stanford community to work towards sustainability goals and build a fully committed and engaged community. (4) Reach beyond Stanford. Influence sustainability research, education, and action beyond the university. For more information, please visit the following websites: http://sustainable.stanford.edu/sites/sustainable.stanford.edu/files/documents/Sustainability3.0_Summary_2012.pdf http://sustainable.stanford.edu/vision CELEBRATING SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability 3.0 planning outcomes were unveiled to the university community at the inaugural Celebrating Sustainability event held on May 7, 2012 at Paul Brest Hall. Members of the planning committee unveiled the common goals, strategies, and actions that will guide sustainability at Stanford in future years. Celebrating Sustainability is now an annual event. Visit http://sustainable.stanford.edu/celebrate. A Stanford Report article detailing sustainability accomplishments at Stanford from the perspective of Pam Matson, Dean of the School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences and Co-Chair of the Provost's Committee on Sustainability is available at the following link: http://news.stanford.edu/2017/04/06/sustainability-conversation-stanford-earth-dean-pamela-matson/.

Optional Fields 

Job Description (1st position)

Job title of the sustainability officer position:

Job description for the sustainability officer position:

Job description for the sustainability officer position:

Job Description (2nd position) 

Job title of the sustainability officer position (2nd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (2nd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (2nd position):

Job Description (3rd position) 

Job title of the sustainability officer position (3rd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (3rd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (3rd position):

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.