Overall Rating | Gold - expired |
Overall Score | 74.63 |
Liaison | Sam Lubow |
Submission Date | July 30, 2014 |
Executive Letter | Download |
Stanford University
OP-27: Rainwater Management
Status | Score | Responsible Party |
2.00 / 2.00 |
Hafer Sustainability Specialist Office of Sustainability |
indicates that no data was submitted for this field
Does the institution use Low Impact Development (LID) practices as a matter of policy or standard practice to reduce rainwater/stormwater runoff volume and improve outgoing water quality for new construction, major renovation, and other projects?:
A brief description of the institution’s Low Impact Development (LID) practices:
Stanford University employs multiple strategies to reduce storm water runoff from new development and existing campus operations. Stanford developed two masterplans for managing and implementing storm water treatment and runoff:
(A) The Stanford University Campus-wide Stormwater Treatment Master Plan
(B) The Stanford University Campus-wide Storm Drainage Master Plan
In addition, Stanford University complies with several permit requirements associated with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit, Order R2-2009-0074, NPDES Permit No. CAS612008, as implemented by Stanford’s permitting authority Santa Clara County. Permit conditions require Stanford to comply with storm water pollution prevention principles including:
(1) Site Design Controls (minimize impervious surfaces, conserve natural areas, minimize site runoff)-- example installations include:
(1a) Installation of porous pavement (Oak Road and Stock Farm Road Parking Lot and Lasuen Parking Lot)
(1b) Rain water harvesting to in-ground tank used for irrigation (Knight Graduate School of Business Project)
(2) Source Control (minimize contact between pollutants and storm water runoff)-example installations include:
(2a) Covered loading docks (Medical School Loading Dock)
(2b)Appropriate covers, drains and storage precautions for outdoor material storage areas and loading docks (Medical School Loading Dock, East Campus Dining Facility, Lagunita Dining)
(3) Treatment Devices--example installations include:
(3a) Bioswales and Bioretention (Knight Graduate School of Business Project, Olmstead Terrace Project , Coaches Rental Housing Project, Arrillaga Outdoor Education and Recreation Center, Arrillaga Family Sports Center, Bing Concert Hall, East Campus Dining Facility, SRAF Building)
(3b) Swales (Knight Graduate School of Business Project, Campus Drive Bowdoin to Arguello, Campus Drive Panama Street to Via Ortega, Automotive Innovation Facility Project)
(3c) Infiltration Trenches (Stern-Wilbur Recreation Field, Galvez Parking Lot, Lasuen Parking Lot)
(3d) Regional continuous deflection separation devices (Welch Road and Pasteur Drive - CDS Unit, Stanford Stadium – CDS Unit)
(3e) Regional detention basins (Sand Hill Road and Stock Farm Road, El Camino Real and Serra Street)
(3f) Regional Bioswale (Roth Way and Lomita Drive)
Please see the following website for more information:
Has the institution adopted a rainwater/stormwater management policy, plan, or strategies that mitigate the rainwater runoff impacts of ongoing campus operations through the use of green infrastructure? :
A brief description of the institution’s rainwater/stormwater management policy, plan, and/or strategies for ongoing campus operations:
The campus storm water/rainwater management policy comprises compliance with all applicable regulations and conditions of the General Use Permit. Flood control is provided by a subsurface storm drain collection system that discharges to detention basins that regulate the peak flow rate discharged from campus in both the 10-year and 100-year storms. Overland flow paths and flood barriers protect structures on campus and provide for an overland release of runoff.
Storm water quality is managed through distributed treatment facilities such as bioswales, bioretention, vegetated swales, pervious pavements, interceptor trees, and CDS units. Additional Hydromodification Controls are in place for projects as required by the permit. New development and redevelopment projects on campus follow LID Site design guidelines and green building standards.
A brief description of any rainwater harvesting employed by the institution:
Knight Management Center Graduate School of Business Project - rain water harvesting (collected roof runoff is stored in an underground tank [75,000 gallons of storage] and reused for irrigation on site).
Rainwater harvested directly and stored/used by the institution, performance year:
A brief description of any rainwater filtering systems employed by the institution to treat water prior to release:
Regional Stormwater Swirl Separators (2 total) - removes trash and small particulate from tributary campus runoff.
A brief description of any living or vegetated roofs on campus:
Parking Structure 6
A brief description of any porous (i.e. permeable) paving employed by the institution:
Porous pavement has been installed at the Oak Road and Stock Farm Road parking lots (there are 3 different types installed – pervious pavers, pervious asphalt and pervious concrete).
A brief description of any downspout disconnection employed by the institution:
Required for projects subject to the NPDES permit, encouraged as a site design measure for all other campus projects.
A brief description of any rain gardens on campus:
Rain gardens or bioretention areas are present at the following areas: Knight Graduate School of Business Project, Coaches Rental Housing Project, Arrillaga Outdoor Education and Recreation Center, Arrillaga Family Sports Center, Bing Concert Hall, East Campus Dining Facility, SRAF Building
A brief description of any stormwater retention and/or detention ponds employed by the institution:
To control the quantity of water released from campus, there are two detention basins, located at Stock Farm Road and Oak Road and El Camino Real and Serra Street.
A brief description of any bioswales on campus (vegetated, compost or stone):
Vegetated swales can be found in the following locations across campus:
-- Olmstead Terrace Housing Project
-- Coaches Rental Housing Project
-- Automotive Innovation Facility Project
-- Campus Drive (Bowdoin Street to Arguello Mall)
-- Campus Drive (Panama Street to Via Ortega)\
-- Roth Way and Lomita Drive
-- Madera Childcare Center
-- Arboretum Child Care
-- Equestrian Center
A brief description of any other rainwater management technologies or strategies employed by the institution:
(1) Preserving existing vegetation and tree cover (tree protection)
(2) Programmatic approach to compliance with the California Construction General Permit (Order 2009-0009-DWQ [as amended by 2010-00140DWQ and 2012-0006-DWQ]).
(3) Bioretention, Hydromodification (CUDO systems), CDS Units, Vegetated swales, disconnected downspouts, interceptor trees, and pervious pavement.
The website URL where information about the institution’s rainwater management initiatives, plan or policy is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Stanford complies with the, “C.3. New Development and Redevelopment” conditions set forth in the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit, Order R2-2009-0074, NPDES Permit No. CAS612008. This regulation outlines site design, source control and treatment requirements for all new and major remodel construction projects.
The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.