Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 49.22
Liaison Rich Walker
Submission Date April 22, 2016
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
PA-2: Sustainability Planning

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 4.00 / 4.00 Debbie Nelson
Sustainability Intern
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have current and formal plans to advance sustainability in the following areas? Do the plans include measurable objectives?:
Current and Formal Plans (Yes or No) Measurable Objectives (Yes or No)
Curriculum Yes Yes
Research (or other scholarship) Yes Yes
Campus Engagement Yes Yes
Public Engagement Yes Yes
Air and Climate Yes Yes
Buildings Yes Yes
Dining Services/Food Yes Yes
Energy Yes Yes
Grounds Yes Yes
Purchasing Yes Yes
Transportation Yes Yes
Waste Yes Yes
Water Yes Yes
Diversity and Affordability Yes Yes
Health, Wellbeing and Work Yes Yes
Investment No No
Other --- ---

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Curriculum:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound economic practice," with a performance indicator intended to: "explore alternative revenue models for academic offerings."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Curriculum plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objective 2 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Curriculum plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Research (or other scholarship):
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 1, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound economic practice," with a performance indicator intended to "modernize and streamline the Foundation so that it is more effective in raising, managing, and disbursing private funds for the University."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Research plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objective 1 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Research plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Campus Engagement around sustainability:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound environmental and social sustainability efforts," with a performance indicator to "raise funds and projects to enhance the overall University environment," including, "the Gardens at SIUE; the radio station WSIE."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Campus Engagement plan:
Longterm Goal 6, objective 2 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Campus Engagement plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Public Engagement around sustainability:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound environmental and social sustainability efforts," with a performance indicator to "raise funds and projects to enhance the overall University environment," including, "the Gardens at SIUE; the radio station WSIE."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Public Engagement plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objective 2 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Public Engagement plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Air and Climate:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound environmental and social sustainability efforts," with a performance indicator intended to expand the "Go Green" sustainability campaign, and "raise funds for specific projects to improve the overall University environment."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Air and Climate plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objective 2 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Air and Climate plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Buildings:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound environmental and social sustainability efforts," with objective to complete the following LEED certified buildings, "Science Building, Multi-Disciplinary lab on the Alton Campus, Lucas Annex build out, Engineering additions." Also fulfills Objective 1 of SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014 for "sound economic practice."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Buildings plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objectives 2 and 1 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Buildings plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office For Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Dining Services/Food:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound environmental and social sustainability efforts," with a performance indicator intended to expand the "Go Green" sustainability campaign, and "raise funds for specific projects to improve the overall University environment."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Dining Services/Food plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objective 2 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Dining Services/Food plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Energy:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound environmental and social sustainability efforts," with a performance indicator intended to expand the "Go Green" sustainability campaign, and "raise funds for specific projects to improve the overall University environment." *Specific outcome of planning: as of January 1, 2016, SIUE began purchasing 50% of their electricity from renewable sources. *Also fulfills Objective 1 of SIUE Strategic Plan (2013-2014).

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Energy plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objectives 2 and 1 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Energy plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Grounds:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound environmental and social sustainability efforts," with a performance indicator intended to expand the "Go Green" sustainability campaign, and "raise funds for specific projects to improve the overall University environment."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Grounds plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objective 2 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Grounds plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Purchasing:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 1, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound economic practice."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Purchasing plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objective 1 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Purchasing plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Transportation:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound economic practice," with a performance indicator intended to expand the "Go Green" sustainability campaign, and "raise funds for specific projects to improve the overall University environment."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Transportation plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objective 2 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Transportation plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Waste:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound environmental and social sustainability efforts," with a performance indicator intended to expand the "Go Green" sustainability campaign, and "raise funds for specific projects to improve the overall University environment."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Waste plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objective 2 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Waste plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Water:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound economic practice," with a performance indicator intended to expand the "Go Green" sustainability campaign, and "raise funds for specific projects to improve the overall University environment."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Water plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objective 2 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Water plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance Diversity and Affordability:
Under Objective 1, Longterm Goal 6 of the SIUE Strategic Plan (2013-2014), the University will "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound economic practice," thereby affecting a drop in Tuition and Fees to become the "lowest of Illinois Public Universities" by 2018. Under Objective 2, Longterm Goal 6 of the SIUE Strategic Plan (2013-2014), the University will "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound environmental and social sustainability efforts," with an objective to "raise funds for specific projects to enhance the overall University environment," including "scholarship funds for the SIUE East St. Louis Charter school."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Diversity and Affordability plan(s):
Under Objective 1, Longterm Goal 6 of the SIUE Strategic Plan, the University plans to decrease tuition to below $7296, and reduce fees to less than 3%. Longterm Goal 6, objective 2 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Diversity and Affordability plan(s):
Chancellor http://issuu.com/siue/docs/2014-15-strategic-plan/35?e=1258669/14630057

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Health, Wellbeing and Work:
Under the SIUE Strategic Plan 2013-2014, in effect through 2018, Long-term Goal 6 directly addresses sustainability with an objective to: "develop, maintain and protect the University's assets by practicing and promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability campus-wide." Under Objective 2, the campus plans to "develop, maintain and protect University assets through sound environmental and social sustainability efforts," with a performance indicator intended to expand the "Go Green" sustainability campaign, and "raise funds for specific projects to improve the overall University environment."

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Health, Wellbeing and Work plan(s):
Longterm Goal 6, objective 2 may be assessed through the University's attainment of AASHE STARS rating Silver by 2018.

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Health, Wellbeing and Work plan(s):
Kevin Adkins, SIUE Office for Sustainability

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in Investment:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the Investment plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the Investment plan(s):

A brief description of the plan(s) to advance sustainability in other areas:

The measurable objectives, strategies and timeframes included in the other plan(s):

Accountable parties, offices or departments for the other plan(s):

The institution’s definition of sustainability:
Sustainability About SIUE's Sustainability Advisory Group (SAG) The SIUE Sustainability Advisory Group (SAG) was created Feb. 14, 2008 by Vice Chancellor Kenn Neher to assess progress on existing initiatives and vet ideas for future efforts. SAG consists of members of the faculty, staff and student body. The group was founded on the premise that embracing sustainable practices and providing knowledge for sustainable development within an institution of higher learning can achieve the following: Improve teaching and learning; Prepare students for citizenship and careers; Attract students, faculty, and funding; Save money and other resources for the institution and for society; Improve and enhance the institution's reputation; Increase cooperation and satisfaction within institutional units; Provide leadership for local and regional economic development; Provide leaders for a sustainable future. SAG provides leadership for SIUE sustainability initiatives that lead to social justice, economic prosperity and ecologic integrity. Advisory group members will catalyze the development and implementation of sustainable policies, practices and curricula for all members of the University community. SAG's charter is charged with: Providing a forum for the open exchange of sustainability information in higher education; Advising the Chancellor's Council on developing a sustainability vision and plan for SIUE that will reduce the University's ecological footprint, enhance informal and formal sustainability education, and reflect the University's mission, vision and core values; Identifying collaboration opportunities that promote sustainable practices in all University activities; Developing a method for measuring SIUE's sustainability progress; Promoting sustainability issue communication, education and achievements; Reporting annually to the Chancellor's Council, as well as to the University committee, on activities and accomplishments.

Does the institution’s strategic plan or equivalent guiding document include sustainability at a high level?:

A brief description of how the institution’s strategic plan or equivalent guiding document addresses sustainability:
The document specifically addresses sustainability in Longterm Goal 6, and points to all three legs of sustainability: environmental, economic, and social.

The website URL where information about the institution’s sustainability planning is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
The SIUE Sustainability Advisory Group (SAG) was created Feb. 14, 2008 by Vice Chancellor Kenn Neher to assess progress on existing initiatives and vet ideas for future efforts. SAG consists of members of the faculty, staff and student body. The group was founded on the premise that embracing sustainable practices and providing knowledge for sustainable development within an institution of higher learning can achieve the following: Improve teaching and learning; Prepare students for citizenship and careers; Attract students, faculty, and funding; Save money and other resources for the institution and for society; Improve and enhance the institution's reputation; Increase cooperation and satisfaction within institutional units; Provide leadership for local and regional economic development; Provide leaders for a sustainable future. SAG provides leadership for SIUE sustainability initiatives that lead to social justice, economic prosperity and ecologic integrity. Advisory group members will catalyze the development and implementation of sustainable policies, practices and curricula for all members of the University community. SAG's charter is charged with: Providing a forum for the open exchange of sustainability information in higher education; Advising the Chancellor's Council on developing a sustainability vision and plan for SIUE that will reduce the University's ecological footprint, enhance informal and formal sustainability education, and reflect the University's mission, vision and core values; Identifying collaboration opportunities that promote sustainable practices in all University activities; Developing a method for measuring SIUE's sustainability progress; Promoting sustainability issue communication, education and achievements; Reporting annually to the Chancellor's Council, as well as to the University committee, on activities and accomplishments.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.