Overall Rating | Silver - expired |
Overall Score | 48.36 |
Liaison | Aimee Lemrise |
Submission Date | Nov. 27, 2013 |
Executive Letter | Download |
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
ER-7: Sustainability-Related Courses
Status | Score | Responsible Party |
![]() |
7.76 / 10.00 |
Buck Graduate Assistant Sustainability |
indicates that no data was submitted for this field
The number of sustainability-related courses offered :
The total number of courses offered :
Number of years covered by the data:
A list of sustainability-related courses offered:
ABE 204 001 Food, Fiber, & Nat Resources
ABE 302 001 Country Living Mgt & Info
ABE 340 001 US/Global Food Policies
ABE 350 001 Farm Management
ABE 360 001 Agribusiness Mgt & Organiztn
ABE 362 001 Mktg & Pricing Ag Products
ABE 401 001 Agricultural Law
ABE 419 001 Entrepreneurship Agribusiness
ABE 444 001 Agricultural Development
ABE 450 001 Advanced Farm Management
ABE 451 001 Appraisal of Rural Property
ABE 461 001 Agribusiness Management
ABE 463 001 Managerial Strategies Agbus
ABE 551 001 Resource Allocation
ABE 552 001 Problems & Policies
AD 317I001 Contemp Native Amer Art
AFR 109 001 Intro to Black America
AFR 209 001 Critical Issues Black Amer Exp
AFR 215 001 Blk Am Exp-Pluralistic Society
AFR 320 001 Leaders of the Black World
AFR 475 001 Education & Black America
AGSE170 001 Intro to Ag Technologies
AGSE311A001 Ag Education Programs
AGSE372 001 Ag Machinery Systems Mgmt
AGSE375 001 Intro to Ag Systems
AGSE472 001 Precision Agriculture
AGSE497 001 Ag Operations Management
ANTH104 001 Human Experience-Anthro
ANTH202 001 America's Diverse Cultures
ANTH204 001 Latinos in America
ANTH205 001 Latin American Civilizations
ANTH240A001 Human Biology: Intro Biol Anth
ANTH240B001 Intro Anthro Linguistics
ANTH240C001 Intro to Archaeology
ANTH240D001 Intro to Social-Cultural Anth
ANTH310D001 Peoples & Cultures Europe
ANTH310E001 Peoples & Cultures S America
ANTH310H001 Honors Peoples & Cultures
ANTH310I001 People & Cultures Mesoamerica
ANTH328A001 Intro Lang Culture Americas
ANTH404 001 Art & Technology in Anth
ANTH428A001 Language Culture Americas
ANTH440A001 Fossil Evidence Hum Evol
ANTH450C001 Museum Studies-Conservation
ANTH455C001 Primate Behavior & Ecology
ANTH470D001 People & Cultures Europe
ANTH500A001 Theory/Method in Biol Anth
ANTH500B001 Theory/Method in Ling Anth
ANTH500C001 Theory/Method in Archaeology
ANTH500D001 Theory/Methods Sociocult Anth
ANTH500E001 History of Anthropol Theory
ANTH528 001 Culture and Materiality
ANTH531 001 Bioarchaeology
ARC 381 001 Envir Design I: Site Planning
ARC 451 001 Design V: Urban Des & Commnty
ARC 532 001 Global Traditions
BA 514 001 Ethics of Business
BA 598 001 Business Policies
BIOL200A001 Cell&Mol Biol Genet&Evol
BIOL200B001 Organism & Ecological Biology
BIOL202 001 Human Genetics & Health
BIOL304 001 Evolution
BIOL305 001 Principles of Genetics
BIOL309 001 Developmental Biology
BIOL315 001 History of Biology
CCJ 203 001 Crime/Justice/Soc Diversity
CCJ 360 001 Law and Social Control
CCJ 410 001 Policing Communities
CCJ 415 001 Prevention: Crime & Delnqncy
CE 210 001 Environ Biology for Engineers
CE 310 001 Environmental Engineering
CE 330 001 Civil Engineering Materials
CE 331 001 Transportation Engineering
CE 340 001 Structures
CE 418 001 Water & Wastewater Treatment
CE 419 001 Advanced Water Wastewtr Trtmt
CE 431 001 Pavement Design
CE 471 001 Groundwater Hydrology
CE 473 001 Hydrologic Analysis & Design
CE 474 001 Hydraulic Engineering Design
CE 495B001 Civil Engineering Design
CE 511 001 Nanotechnology
CE 516 001 Water Quality Modeling
CE 523 001 Soil Dynamics
CE 524 001 Advanced Soil Testing
CHEM106 001 Chemistry and Society
CHEM541 001 Structure and Reactivity
CI 327 001 Family Studies
CI 402 001 Study of Cultural Diversity
CI 417 001 Admin Early Chldh & Fam Prgrms
CI 419 001 Child Fam Community Involve
CI 545 001 Tch Literacy Diverse Students
CP 457 001 Documentary Production
CS 399 001 Social Ethical & Profl Issues
EAHE513 001 Orgn & Admn in Higher Ed
EAHE516 001 College Students/Culture
EAHE544 001 Education and Culture
ECE 447 001 Electronic Devices
ECE 483 001 Electric Machines & Drives
ECE 487 001 Power Systems Analysis
ECE 488 001 Power Systems Engineering
ECON101 001 Econ of Contemp Social Issues
ECON241 001 Intro To Macroeconomics
ECON302I001 Hist & Phil-World's Econ Syst
EDUC311 001 Schooling in a Diverse Society
EDUC313 001 Intro Reflective Teach Practce
EDUC314 001 Human Growth, Dev & Learning
EDUC317 001 Evaluation of Learn & Teach
ENGL300 001 Intro: Language Analysis
ENGL494 001 Cultural Analysis & Cinema
ENGR304I001 Soc Hist of American Tech
EPSY501 001 Prof/Ethic/Legal Comm Counsel
EPSY502 001 Prof/Eth/Legal School Counsel
ERP 502 001 Environmental Decision Making
ERP 510 001 Watershed Policy
ERP 598 001 Applied Env Res Policy
EST 451 001 Trends in Elec Systems Tech
FDM 441 001 Fashion Product Analysis
FDM 462 001 Fashion Motivation
FIN 270 001 Legal & Social Environment
FOR 202 001 Tree Identification Lab
FOR 220 001 Intro to Forest Recreation
FOR 310 001 Practices of Silviculture
FOR 315 001 Fire in Wildland Mgmt
FOR 350 001 Wood as a Raw Material
FOR 351 001 Forest Measurements
FOR 403 001 Agroforestry
FOR 405 001 Forest Wildlife
FOR 416 001 Forest Resource Management
FOR 420 001 Park Management
FOR 421 001 Recreation Land-Use Planning
FOR 429 001 Watershed Mgmt Field Lab
FOR 452 001 Forest Soils
FOR 452L001 Forest Soils Laboratory
FOR 502 001 Adv Watershed Hydro Mgmt
FOR 523 001 Advanced Resource Interpretatn
GEOG103 001 World Geography
GEOG303I001 Physical Geography Americas
GEOG310I001 Digital Earth
GEOG330 001 Meteorology
GEOG401 001 Introduction to GIS
GEOG406 001 Intro to Remote Sensing
GEOG416 001 Cartographic Design
GEOG433 001 Field Methods in Geography
GEOG436 001 Natural Hazards
GEOG458 001 Risk & Bioterrorism Using GIS
GEOL112 001 Geology Environment Lab
GEOL121 001 The History of the Earth
GEOL122 001 Hazards and Catastrophes
GEOL220 001 The Dynamic Earth
GEOL221 001 Earth Through Time
GEOL223 001 Intro Geology Lab
GEOL224 001 Earth Through Time Laboratory
GEOL302 001 Structural Geology
GEOL310 001 Mineralogy
GEOL325 001 Sedimentology & Stratigraphy
GEOL327I001 The World's Oceans
GEOL416 001 Geochem Natural Waters
GEOL418 001 Low Temp Geochemistry
GEOL419 001 Ore Deposits
GEOL420 001 Petroleum Geology
GEOL421 001 Organic Geochemistry
GEOL430 001 Planetary Geology
GEOL435 001 Solid-Earth Geophysics
GEOL450 001 Intro to Field Geology
GEOL451 001 Field Experience in Geology
GEOL470 001 Hydrogeology
GEOL471 001 Hydrogeology Lab
GEOL474 001 Geomorphology
GEOL570 001 Adv Hydrogeology
HCM 320 001 Health Policy & Politics
HED 311 001 Human Growth & Development
HED 355 001 Intro: Community Health
HED 414 001 Sexuality Education
HED 488 001 Environmental Health
HED 500 001 Community Organizing
HED 505 001 Intro to Public Health
HED 510 001 Prog Plan/Curriculum Devel
HED 512 001 Public Health Program Planning
HED 525 001 Health Behavior & HED
HED 583 001 U.S. Health System
HIST354 001 The Contemporary US
HIST358I001 Intro to Peace Studies
HIST360 001 American Rural History
HIST362A001 Black American History to 1865
HIST362B001 Black American Hist Since 1865
HIST366 001 American Indian History
HIST370B001 Hist of Latin Amer-Independent
HIST403 001 American Indians & US Empire
HIST430 001 Social Justice Leadership
HIST466B001 Trans-Mississippi Frontier
HIST487 001 Civil Rights Movement
HIST489 001 Women State Relign in Mid East
HND 101 001 Personal Nutrition
HND 320 001 Foundations Human Nutrition
HND 321 001 Food & Nutrition Assessments
HND 410 001 Nutrition Education
HND 470 001 Medical Nutrition
HND 475 001 Nutrition Through Life Cycle
HND 480 001 Community Nutrition
HND 485 001 Advanced Nutrition
HORT 220 001 General Horticulture
HORT 322 001 Turfgrass Management
HORT 324 001 Landscape Annuals
HORT 327 001 Landscape Plant Materials
HORT 328A 001 Landscape Design
HORT 333 001 From The Vine To It's Wine
HORT 421 001 Turf Mgt Issues/Strategies
HORT 428 001 Advanced Landscape Design I
HORT 431 001 Landscape Construction
HORT 432 001 Garden Center & Nursery Mgmt
HTA 202 001 Intro to Hospitality & Tourism
HTA 302 001 Dimensions of Tourism
HTA 360 001 Quantity Food Production
HTA 361 001 Hospitality Development
HTA 460 001 Food Service Management
ID 231 001 Architectural History I
ID 331 001 Interior Design History
ID 351 001 Furniture Design
ID 372 001 Interior Construction
ID 374 001 Materials & Specifications
IST 314 001 Ethics & Legal Issues in IT
IST 412 001 Plan Implement Eval Info Sys
IT 305 001 Industrial Safety
IT 351 001 Industrial Metrology
IT 392 001 Facilities Plan/Workplace Dsgn
JRNL407 001 Social Issues & Advertising
JRNL411 001 Public Policy Reporting
KIN 210 001 Diversity in American Sport
KIN 345 001 Psych Social Aspects Sport
KIN 364 001 Legal & Ethcl Issues in Sport
KIN 381 001 Exercise & Nutrition
KIN 513 001 Social Aspects of Sport
KIN 517 001 Athletic Facility Design
LING200 001 Language, Society & the Mind
LING201 001 Language Diversty in USA
LING406 001 Intro Historical Linguistics
LING415 001 Sociolinguistics
LING506 001 Historical Linguistics
MATH141 001 Calculus for Biological Sci
MBMB451B001 Biochemistry
MBMB510 001 Public Health Practice
MBMB521 001 Advanced Virology
MBMB562 001 Molecular Genetics
MCMA204 001 Altrn Media in Diverse Society
MCMA500 001 Media as Social Institutions
MCMA503 001 Media & Technology
MCMA509 001 Media Ethics
MCMA540 001 Critical Documentary Practices
MCMA549 001 Pro Documentary Practice
MCMA563 001 Globalization & Media
ME 302 001 Engineering Heat Transfer
ME 309 001 Mechanical Analysis & Design
ME 405 001 Internal Combustion & Gas
ME 416 001 Air Pollution Control
ME 440 001 HVAC Systems Design
ME 446 001 Energy Management
ME 465 001 Intro to Nanotechnology
ME 472 001 Materials Selection for Design
ME 475 001 Machine Design I
ME 493 001 Materials in Energy
ME 495B001 Mechanical Engr Design
MGMT304 001 Intro to Management
MGMT318 001 Production-Operations Mgmt
MGMT341 001 Organizational Behavior
MGMT350 001 Small Business Mgmt
MGMT380 001 Managing Information Systems
MGMT385 001 Personnel Human Resource Mgt
MGMT431 001 Organiztn Design & Structures
MGMT452 001 Supply Chain Transportation
MGMT456 001 Managing Global E-Bus Syst
MGMT474 001 Mgmt's Responsibility Society
MGMT481 001 Administrative Policy
MGMT483 001 Advanced Prod-Operations Mgmt
MGMT485 001 Organizatnl Change & Dev
MICR201 001 Elementary Microbiology
MICR301 001 Principles of Microbiology
MICR302 001 Molecular Biology
MICR477 001 Microbial Ecology
MNGE270 001 Intro to Mining Eng
MNGE310 001 Underground Mining
MNGE315 001 Surface Mining
MNGE317 001 Ore Minerals
MNGE320 001 Mine Survey Lab
MNGE420 001 Mineral Processing
MNGE440 001 Material Handling
MNGE455 001 Mine Environment, Safety
PHIL104 001 Ethics
PHIL211 001 Philosophy & Diversity
PHIL309I001 Peace, Law & Justice
PHIL310 001 Advanced Critical Thinking
PHIL340 001 Ethical Theories
PHIL570 001 American Idealism
PLB 200 001 General Plant Biology
PLB 300 001 Diversity Plants/Algae/Fungi
PLB 304 001 Elements Plant Systematics
PLB 317 001 Intro to Medical Botany
PLB 320 001 Plant Physiology
PLB 360 001 Introductory Biostatistics
PLB 400 001 Plant Anatomy
PLB 471 001 Intro to Systems Biology
PLB 530 001 Plant Ecophysiology
PLB 546 001 Nutrient Cycling Methods
POLS205 001 Political Thought
POLS213 001 State & Local Government
POLS215 001 Politics of US Diversity
POLS230 001 Law in American Society
POLS317 001 Public Opinion & Electoral Beh
POLS319 001 Political Parties
POLS326 001 African American Politics
POLS332I001 Civil Liberties & Civil Rights
POLS340 001 Intro to Public Administration
POLS542 001 Public Budget & Fiscal Mgt
POLS544B001 Program Analysis & Evaluation
POLS545 001 Organization Theory & Behavior
POLS546 001 Leadership Public Admin
POLS549 001 Admin Nonprofit Organizations
PSAS401 001 Agricultural Plant Pathology
PSAS403A001 Field Crop Diseases
PSAS405 001 Plant Breeding
PSAS409 001 Crop Physiology
PSAS420 001 Crop Pest Control
PSAS429 001 Ad Landscape Design II
PSAS436 001 Successful Fruit Growing
PSAS437 001 Vegetable Production
PSAS442 001 Soil Physics
PSAS447 001 Soil Fertility
PSAS448 001 Soil Fertility Evaluation
PSAS454 001 Soil Microbiology
PSAS455 001 Plant-Microbe Interactions
PSAS466 001 Vine & Small Fruit Culture
PSAS468 001 Weeds-Their Control
PSAS476 001 Ag Safety & Health
PSAS495 001 Food & Pharma Packaging
PSAS531 001 International Ag Systems
PSAS560B001 Field Plot Technique
PSYC223 001 Workplace Diversity
PSYC307 001 Social Psychology
PSYC550 001 Psych Construction of Gender
REC 300 001 Intro Rec & Leisure Services
REC 301 001 Leadership in Recreation
REC 302 001 Prog Des & Group Dynamics
REC 303 001 Rec Individuals w/Disabilities
REC 365 001 Admin Rec & Leisure Services
REC 367 001 Research/Evaluation Rec
REC 380 001 Recreation Fieldwork
REC 425 001 Plan & Design Rec Facilities
REC 429 001 Planning & Risk in Outdoor Rec
REC 430 001 Outdoor Living Skills
REHB312 001 Behavior and Society
REHB401 001 Disability Diversity Society
RT 308 001 Media, Law, Policy, Regulation
RT 311 001 Audio Journalism Elctrnc Media
RT 321 001 Sports, Media & Society
RT 370 001 TV News Reporting
RT 393 001 Electronic Media in Society
RT 450 001 TV Documentary Production
RT 464 001 Audio Documentary & Diversity
SOC 215 001 Race & Ethnic Relations in US
SOC 223 001 Women/Men in Contemp Society
SOC 301 001 Theory and Society
SOC 302 001 Contemporary Social Problems
SOC 306I001 Popular Culture in Society
SOC 424 001 Social Movements
SOC 475 001 Political Sociology
SOC 555 001 Social Movements/Coll Actn
SOCW275 001 Social Welfare as Social Inst
SOCW500 001 Human Behav in Soc Envir
SOCW504 001 Ethnic Div & SW Practice
SOCW510 001 Families, Grps & Org Systems
SOCW521 001 Social Welfare Policy
SPCM201 001 Performing Culture
SPCM301I001 Comm Across Cultures
SPCM441 001 Advanced Intercultural Comm
WGSS201 001 Multicultural WGS
WGSS286 001 Marriage & Family Living
WGSS320I001 Language, Gender, Power
WGSS401 001 Third Wave Feminism
WGSS448 001 Gender/Family Modern US Hist
ZOOL118 001 Principles of Animal Biology
ZOOL220 001 Animal Diversity
ZOOL407 001 Parasitology
ZOOL408 001 Herpetology
ZOOL409 001 Vertebrate Histology
ZOOL415 001 Limnology
ZOOL418 001 Compartiv Vertebrate Anatomy
ZOOL432 001 Principles of Toxicology
ZOOL438 001 Molecular Genetics Lab
ZOOL462A001 Waterfowl Lecture
ZOOL462B001 Waterfowl Laboratory
ZOOL463 001 Game Mammals
ZOOL464 001 Wildlife Admin & Policy
ZOOL466 001 Fish Management
ZOOL467 001 Ornithology
ZOOL468 001 Wildlife Biology Principles
ZOOL469 001 Wildlife Techniques
ZOOL477 001 Aquaculture
ZOOL478 001 Animal Behavior
ZOOL510 001 Evolutionary Biology
ZOOL530 001 Wildlife Diseases
ZOOL533 001 Aquatic Toxicology
ZOOL556 001 Phylogenetics
ZOOL565 001 Environment Physiology of Fish
ZOOL569 001 Advanced Fisheries Mgmt
ZOOL584 001 Conservation Genetics
ZOOL597 001 Advanced Zoological Techniques
The website URL where the sustainability course inventory that includes a list of sustainability-related courses is posted:
A copy of the sustainability course inventory:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.