Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 49.78
Liaison Herbert Sinnock
Submission Date April 20, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Sheridan College (Ontario)
OP-8: Building Energy Consumption

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.15 / 6.00 Herbert Sinnock
Manager, Sustainable Energy Systems
Office for Sustainability
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Total building energy consumption, all sources (transportation fuels excluded):
Performance Year Baseline Year
Total building energy consumption 207,893 MMBtu 173,013 MMBtu

Purchased electricity and steam:
Performance Year Baseline Year
Grid-purchased electricity 112,328 MMBtu 97,653 MMBtu
District steam/hot water 0 MMBtu 0 MMBtu

Gross floor area of building space::
Performance Year Baseline Year
Gross floor area 1,938,902 Gross square feet 1,557,788 Gross square feet

Floor area of energy intensive space, performance year::
Floor Area
Laboratory space 71,855 Square feet
Healthcare space 1,810 Square feet
Other energy intensive space

Degree days, performance year (base 65 °F)::
Degree days (see help icon above)
Heating degree days 4,187
Cooling degree days 337

Source-site ratios::
Source-Site Ratio (see help icon above)
Grid-purchased electricity 2.05
District steam/hot water 1.20

Start and end dates of the performance year and baseline year (or 3-year periods)::
Start Date End Date
Performance Year April 1, 2013 March 31, 2014
Baseline Year April 1, 2010 March 31, 2014

A brief description of when and why the building energy consumption baseline was adopted:
The building energy consumption baseline was adopted for the Integrated Energy and Climate Master Plan (IECMP). The IECMP required a well-documented baseline to establish how, where, and by whom, energy is used throughout an institution in order to focus activities on initiatives that will generate the most significant energy reductions.

A brief description of any building temperature standards employed by the institution:
Sheridan follows Standard 55 of the ASHRAE guidelines to maintain temperature standards across all campuses. Temperatures are maintained between 22-26 degrees Celsius in the summer with humidity levels maintained between 40-60%. In the winter, the temperature is maintained between 18-22 degrees Celsius and humidity is maintained at 30%.

A brief description of any light emitting diode (LED) lighting employed by the institution:
Conventional lighting has been replaced with LED lighting equipment from Cooper lighting at the Trafalgar campus’ E- wing. Plans and considerations are in process in order to replace current exterior parking and exit sign lighting with LED or solar powered options. Newer Sheridan campus buildings employ the use of LED lighting as per LEED certification standards. New LED lighting equipment upgrades throughout the campus have included the installation of energy saving LED lighting equipment from Cooper lighting, in hallways, offices, classrooms and all other interior spaces.

A brief description of any occupancy and/or vacancy sensors employed by the institution:
Sheridan’s HMC campus employs the use of timer and sensor lighting controls throughout the structure. Trafalgar campus also employs the use of motion and occupancy light sensors in its E-wing building. This technology is going to be employed in other areas as well, as renovations occur.

A brief description of any passive solar heating employed by the institution:
There is currently no passive solar heating employed by Sheridan, however, this may be an option for the H-wing on Davis campus.

A brief description of any ground-source heat pumps employed by the institution:
None at this time.

A brief description of any cogeneration technologies employed by the institution:
No cogeneration technologies exist at Sheridan at present but will be employed in the new DAEC wing at Davis Campus.

A brief description of any building recommissioning or retrofit program employed by the institution:
As part of Sheridan’s IECMP and continuing commitment to campus wide sustainability, 30.6 million dollars has been dedicated to re-envision its energy future. This includes a series of projects entailing gaining control of energy use through building automation, metering, energy conservation measures, and infrastructure to distribute heating and cooling systems. Such programs have been employed in order to reduce energy use and carbon emissions produced by the institution on an ongoing basis.

A brief description of any energy metering and management systems employed by the institution:
HVAC systems in Sheridan’s Trafalgar campus are managed and controlled by a central plant controller produced by Delta controls. The controller helps the system to run efficiently by ensuring that the building systems work together to maximize comfort and energy efficiency. The BAS system provides accurate digital data readings and is able to be controlled via computer. VAV boxes are implemented throughout the Trafalgar campus. Sheridan’s HMC campus also has a centralized energy management system. HMC 1 employs an air handling unit to heat air up to 55 degrees F some of the heat from the outgoing air is captured by a heat wheel. The heat wheel pre-heats incoming air. This air is then routed to several heat pumps which push air into individual rooms. The heat pumps function on the feedback provided by a sensor placed in the room. The sensor sends information to the Siemens master-control which in-turn controls the heat pumps individually. HMC 2 employs active chill beams to ventilate rooms. The air handling units pump air in to ducts that are fitted with heating coils. As cold air is pushed across the periphery of the ducts and into the rooms, the negative pressure gradient formed at the mouth of the duct sucks in stale air from the room. This air is then forced through a coils that heat the air or cool it based on the temperature requirements. Sheridan is currently completing installing sub-meters for each building at its two multi-building campuses (Trafalgar and Davis).

A brief description of the institution's program to replace energy-consuming appliances, equipment and systems with high efficiency alternatives:
Sheridan College purchases Energy Star rated appliances as well as Lo flow toilets when replacing any appliances or fixtures. In accordance to LEED, newer buildings include the implementation of Energy Star-rated appliances. The IECMP report also outlines steps and alternatives to be employed through the institution in regards to equipment systems with high efficiency alternatives.

A brief description of any energy-efficient landscape design initiatives employed by the institution:
Scholars Green Park located at Sheridan’s HMC campus was specifically constructed with concern for the environment is at the centre of the park’s design, incorporating sustainable materials and green technologies in many of the features. The park creates a passive urban green space where architecture and landscape, and college and community intersect.

A brief description of any vending machine sensors, lightless machines, or LED-lit machines employed by the institution:

A brief description of other energy conservation and efficiency initiatives employed by the institution:

The website URL where information about the institution’s energy conservation and efficiency initiatives is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.