Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 75.64
Liaison Yolanda Cieters
Submission Date March 2, 2018
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Seattle University
EN-10: Community Partnerships

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.00 / 3.00 Phillip Thompson
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Name of the institution’s formal community partnership to advance sustainability :
Rotary Boys and Girls Club

Does the institution provide financial or material support for the partnership? :

Which of the following best describes the partnership timeframe?:
Multi-year or ongoing

Which of the following best describes the partnership’s sustainability focus?:
The partnership simultaneously supports social equity and wellbeing, economic prosperity, and ecological health

Are underrepresented groups and/or vulnerable populations engaged as equal partners in strategic planning, decision-making, implementation and review? (Yes, No, or Not Sure):

A brief description of the institution’s formal community partnership to advance sustainability, including website URL (if available) and information to support each affirmative response above:
Seattle University has an ongoing partnership with the Rotary Boys and Girls Club that began in August 2017. The program involves using an aquaponics system to support STEM education activities including water quality testing and data collection. SU provides funding to support the ongoing costs associated with water testing. The partnership educates students ages 12-18 about local food production, water conservation and making healthy food with lettuce and other vegetables. The RBGC has final decision making authority in this partnership for planning, implementation and review. Over 95 percent of the students at the RBGC qualify for free and reduced lunch programs.

Name of the institution’s formal community partnership to advance sustainability (2nd partnership):
Campus Consortium for Environmental Excellence

Does the institution provide financial or material support for the partnership? (2nd partnership):

Which of the following best describes the partnership timeframe? (2nd partnership):
Multi-year or ongoing

Which of the following best describes the partnership’s sustainability focus? (2nd partnership):
The partnership supports at least one, but not all three, dimensions of sustainability

Are underrepresented groups and/or vulnerable populations engaged as equal partners in strategic planning, decision-making, implementation and review? (2nd partnership) (Yes, No, or Not Sure):

A brief description of the institution’s formal community partnership to advance sustainability, including website URL (if available) and information to support each affirmative response above (2nd partnership):
SU is a new member of the Campus Consortium for Environmental Excellence (since FY2017). C2E2 supports the continuous improvement of environmental management in higher education using information exchange, developing resources and tools, and the development of innovative regulatory models, http://www.c2e2.org/AboutUs.aspx.

Name of the institution’s formal community partnership to advance sustainability (3rd partnership):
Practice Green Health

Does the institution provide financial or material support for the partnership? (3rd partnership):

Which of the following best describes the partnership timeframe? (3rd partnership):
Multi-year or ongoing

Which of the following best describes the partnership’s sustainability focus? (3rd partnership):
The partnership supports at least one, but not all three, dimensions of sustainability

Are underrepresented groups and/or vulnerable populations engaged as equal partners in strategic planning, decision-making, implementation and review? (3rd partnership) (Yes, No, or Unknown):
Not Sure

A brief description of the institution’s formal community partnership to advance sustainability, including website URL (if available) and information to support each affirmative response above (3rd partnership):
SU is a member of Practice Greenhealth. This is a membership organization for greening the healthcare sector. SU is classified as a Community Health Center membership. This is a category designed to support College/University Student Health Centers and academic teaching allied health activities. Practice Greenhealth produces an annual benchmark report that details trends from numerous organizations across the country. It is a way to convene a conversation for those who understand the opportunities and challenges of working in a research and learning environment. Topics include how to connect with your board of directors, communicating successes, Earth Day activities, green building as a staff retention strategy, and new employee orientation as an educational opportunity, https://practicegreenhealth.org

A brief description of the institution’s other community partnerships to advance sustainability:

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.