Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 48.61
Liaison Kristina Bryan
Submission Date Feb. 26, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Saint Louis University
PA-3: Governance

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.00 / 3.00 Brandon Verhoff
Sustainability & Benchmarking
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Do all enrolled students, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which students have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
By election or appointment to the appropriate role in Student Government Association, Student Bar Association, Graduate Student Association, Residence Hall Association, Commuter Student Association and others.

Is there at least one student representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative student body or organization?:

A brief description of student representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:
The election process occurs in the spring semester with appointment of unfilled seats in the fall. The Senate was restructured last year to create a more inclusive body that includes representatives from our Diversity Leadership Cabinet. More information can be found at sga.slu.edu

Do students have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following?:
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices Yes
Prioritization of programs and projects Yes

A brief description of the formal student role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
Student Government Association is the liaison organization between administration and students. SGA members serve on different University committees and other SGA representatives sit on many of the Board of Trustees committees, are part of the budget process, and all search committees for new personnel. The President of SGA also sits on the President's Coordinating Council and provides necessary input when needed to voice student concerns, so that students are a part of the decisions making process.

Do all staff, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which all staff have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
Staff members who are not part of a bargaining unit are eligible to become members of the Staff Advisory Committee, SAC, www.slu.edu/sac. These members are free to participate at monthly SAC meetings. All interested staff members are free to fill out a membership application to join SAC. Annual spring elections are held to elect the executive committee of SAC. The Chair of SAC sits on the President's Coordinating Council, as well as the University's Strategic Planning Advisory Committee.

Is there at least one non-supervisory staff representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative staff body or organization?:

A brief description of non-supervisory staff representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:
Our current executive board contains 3 supervisor staff reps and 3 non supervisor reps. All elected by the membership. Membership is open to all staff- managers, supervisors, directors, secretaries, lab assistants, and so forth. All interested staff members are free to fill out a membership application to join SAC. Annual spring elections are held to elect the executive committee of SAC. Staff representatives are on the Board of Trustees Sub-Committees

Do non-supervisory staff have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following? :
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices Yes
Prioritization of programs and projects Yes

A brief description of the formal staff role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
Our current executive board contains 3 supervisor staff reps and 3 non supervisor reps. All elected by the membership. Membership is open to all staff- managers, supervisors, directors, secretaries, lab assistants, and so forth. All interested staff members are free to fill out a membership application to join SAC. Annual spring elections are held to elect the executive committee of SAC.

Do all faculty, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which all faculty (including adjunct faculty) have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
Members of the Faculty may participate in the Faculty Senate, which consist of representatives of the full-time Faculty as defined in the current edition of the Faculty Manual. The representatives shall be elected by the respective faculties of the individual schools and colleges, and the university libraries, in accordance with the Bylaws of the Faculty and Faculty Senate. Faculty may also serve on University committees.

Is there at least one teaching or research faculty representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative faculty body or organization?:

A brief description of faculty representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:
Faculty representatives are on the following Board of Trustees and other University Committees: Academic Affairs, Buildings and Grounds, Clinical Affairs, Development and Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Investment, Mission and Ministry, Strategic Planning, Student Development, Sustainability Advisory Council, Communications, Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Affairs, and University Recognition. Representatives on most committees are elected annually and serve three year terms; appointments are staggered.

Do faculty have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following?:
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices Yes
Prioritization of programs and projects Yes

A brief description of the formal faculty role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
The Faculty has primary responsibility for such fundamental areas as curriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, service, faculty status, and those aspects of student life which relate to the educational process. On these matters the power of review or final decision is lodged at the Board of Trustees level or delegated by it to the President of the University. This power should only be exercised adversely in exceptional circumstances, and for reasons communicated in written form to the Faculty. In the context of shared governance, it is desirable that the Faculty have the opportunity for further consideration and transmittal of its views to the President and/or the Board. Budgets, manpower limitations, time element, and policies of other groups, bodies and agencies having jurisdiction over the institution may set limits to acceptance and implementation of faculty advice. Over the past year, the faculty have been involved in many interest areas of the University including representatives present at University budget meetings and the planning for the climate survey. The executive committee of the Senate also meets monthly with the provost.

The website URL where information about the institution’s governance structure is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.