Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 48.61
Liaison Kristina Bryan
Submission Date Feb. 26, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Saint Louis University
OP-21: Support for Sustainable Transportation

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.63 / 2.00 Brandon Verhoff
Sustainability & Benchmarking
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution provide secure bicycle storage (not including office space), shower facilities, and lockers for bicycle commuters?:

A brief description of the facilities for bicycle commuters:
The Doisy Research Center is just one facility that offers bike racks, showers and locker rooms for people who ride their bicycles to work. In addition, the shower facilities can be utilized by bicycle commuters at both the Simon Recreation Center and the Salus Fitness Center Secure bike racks are located in both parking garages, Olive and Laclede on the Frost Campus.

Does the institution provide short-term bicycle parking (e.g. racks) within 50 ft (15 m) of all occupied, non-residential buildings and make long-term bicycle storage available within 330 ft (100 m) of all residence halls (if applicable)?:

A brief description of the bicycle parking and storage facilities:
All residence halls have short-term bicycle racks located outside each building. Many other buildings on campus also have bicycle racks available for use. More location on campus are added each year due to increases in bike usage. Long term bike storage is not available on SLU's campus. At the downtown campus, a bike storage program is available to those that purchase a subscription. Big Shark offers day-use passes, bicycle valet, lock rentals for bicycles and lockers, and bicycle storage. http://www.slu.edu/Documents/facilities/Sustainability/Bike%20News.pdf

Does the institution have a “complete streets” or bicycle accommodation policy (or adhere to a local community policy) and/or have a continuous network of dedicated bicycle and pedestrian paths and lanes?:

A brief description of the bicycle/pedestrian policy and/or network:
Although SLU does not have a bike accommodation policy, SLU has made every effort to connect students and create a unified campus that is a more pedestrian friendly campus. This can be seen through consolidating parcels and vacating streets, adding dedicated bike lanes on Grand Ave, etc. Streets formerly owned and operated by the City of St. Louis are now maintained and used as walkways for students. The new grand bridge connects the Frost and Medical Center via larger walkways, dedicated bike lanes traveling north and south and a new updated MetroLink station. The MetroLink station connects SLU students via light rail or bus transportation.

Does the institution have a bicycle-sharing program or participate in a local bicycle-sharing program?:

A brief description of the bicycle sharing program:
Students are currently working on a Billikens on Bikes program to supply free bike sharing to SLU students, which is projected to begin Spring 2015.

Is the institution certified as a Bicycle Friendly University by the League of American Bicyclists (U.S.) or under a similar third party certification covering non-motorized transportation?:

A brief description of the certification, including date certified and level:
Although we are not certified as a Bike Friendly University, the University makes strides annually to increase the bike friendliness of campus. In the Summer of 2013, the City of St. Louis and SLU partnered to create dedicated bike lanes in both directions via Grand Blvd. These dedicated lanes created a continuous connection between the Frost and Medical Center campuses.

Does the institution offer free or reduced price transit passes and/or operate a free campus shuttle for commuters?:

A brief description of the mass transit program(s), including availability, participation levels, and specifics about discounts or subsidies offered (including pre-tax options):
The Department of Transportation Services is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the SLU Van Service, the Billiken Shuttle Service, and the Parks CAS shuttle. The university also provides a weekend shuttle service that supports those students who would like to visit other parts of St. Louis with stops at local grocery stores, the mall, and other shopping venues and attractions. Metro Passes are sold to students, faculty, and staff on campus. Full-time employees can purchase the passes on a pre-tax basis through payroll deduction through Metro's "Partial Expense Reduction for Commuters Transit Benefit Program," or PERC. Students may also purchase passes at a discounted student rate through Parking and Card Services.

Does the institution offer a guaranteed return trip (GRT) program to regular users of alternative modes of transportation?:

A brief description of the GRT program:
The University partners with organizations in the community that offer GRT, like RideFinders and CMT. Both organizations offer GRT to those that sign up through their service. SLU manages and promotes the use of the GRT program through new employee and student orientations. http://www.ridefinders.org/grh.aspx http://cmt-stl.org/programs/guaranteed-ride-home/

Does the institution participate in a car/vanpool or ride sharing program and/or offer reduced parking fees or preferential parking for car/vanpoolers?:

A brief description of the carpool/vanpool program:
Saint Louis University partners with RideFinders, the St. Louis regional rideshare program sponsored by Citizen's for Modern Transit (CMT). The organization provides people with the resources and connections for carpooling. Faculty, students, and staff can register through the SLU online partner program site to either find a new match or add members to an existing carpool. http://ridematch.ridefinders.org/mct/service.asp?Authenticated=False

Does the institution participate in a car sharing program, such as a commercial car-sharing program, one administered by the institution, or one administered by a regional organization?:

A brief description of the car sharing program:
Transportation Services has researched many different car sharing programs administered by commercial car sharing companies, i.e. Zip Car or Enterprise. Multiple questions were included in the transportation survey to gauge the interest of a car sharing program for SLU. The Alternative Transportation Committee will be exploring survey responses and will begin developing a plan for moving forward on transportation options of most interest to the campus community. In the mean time, Transportation Services offers a van sharing rental program. Transportation Services coordinates the rental of University vans to assist the transportation needs of faculty, staff, students and University sanctioned organizations conducting official University business. http://www.slu.edu/facilities-services-home/departments/transportation-services/van-rental-service

Does the institution have one or more Level 2 or Level 3 electric vehicle recharging stations that are accessible to student and employee commuters?:

A brief description of the electric vehicle recharging stations:
Vehicle recharging stations are currently unavailable to the SLU community on campus, but we continue to monitor the applicability and interest in this service. A question about the interest in electric car charging stations was asked in the transportation survey and will receive additional consideration as responses are analyzed and discussed.

Does the institution offer a telecommuting program for employees as a matter of policy or as standard practice?:

A brief description of the telecommuting program:
Telecommuting is an option available to employees. It is contingent upon the employee's job requirements and governed at the department level. Billiken Secure Connect is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service that provides users secure remote access to network resources on SLU Net. The service is available to all faculty and staff.

Does the institution offer a condensed work week option for employees as a matter of policy or as standard practice?:

A brief description of the condensed work week program:
While most campuses and departments have established standard business hours, these schedules vary throughout the University, depending upon the services provided. Many are finding that flexible work schedules help them provide better service to their clients without incurring the expense of overtime. More employees can be scheduled to work during peak activity periods while fewer employees are scheduled for non-peak hours. This scheduling process is workable for routine weekly operations or seasonal operational requirements. http://www.slu.edu/human-resources-home/work-schedule-flexibility-policy

Does the institution have incentives or programs to encourage employees to live close to campus?:

A brief description of the incentives or programs to encourage employees to live close to campus:
In an effort to contribute to the revitalization of the immediate University neighborhood and assist its employees in the pursuit of home ownership, Saint Louis University seeks to provide a housing benefit to its employees through the Hometown SLU program. The goal of the Hometown SLU is to provide three benefits for University employees: home ownership education, special lender offers, and a forgivable loan program. The close proximity of these homes to campus makes it easy for employees to walk or bike to work. Hometown SLU provides up to $5,000 in assistance that can be used for the down payment and/or approved closing costs to qualified Saint Louis University employees. Employees need not be a first-time home buyer. Eligible properties are all close to campus. http://www.slu.edu/x53624.xml

Does the institution have other incentives or programs to encourage more sustainable modes of transportation and reduce the impact of student and employee commuting?:

A brief description of other sustainable transportation initiatives and programs:
Saint Louis University offers numerous options in traveling to and around campus. SLU options range from the Billiken Shuttle Service, dedicated bike lanes, and the SLU Ride Program. SLU also has partnered with a number of organizations to provide transportation services to the SLU community including; RideFinders, Trailnet, Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT), and Metro.

The website URL where information about the institution’s sustainable transportation program(s) is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.