Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 48.61
Liaison Kristina Bryan
Submission Date Feb. 26, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Saint Louis University
OP-10: Landscape Management

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.00 / 2.00 Jeff Macko
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Figures required to calculate the total area of managed grounds::
Total campus area 271 Acres
Footprint of the institution's buildings 40.23 Acres
Area of undeveloped land, excluding any protected areas 175.77 Acres

Area of managed grounds that is::
Managed in accordance with an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan 55 Acres
Managed in accordance with a sustainable landscape management program that includes an IPM plan and otherwise meets the criteria outlined 0 Acres
Managed organically, third party certified and/or protected 0 Acres

A copy of the IPM plan:
The IPM plan :
The IPM plan will utilize all methods of pest control, which may include modifying cultural practices, monitoring for pest populations, mechanical and biological control, and the judicious use of pesticides. The IPM plan is intended to cover all developed turf, landscaping, and ornamental areas of the St. Louis physical campus. This plan excludes all vacant properties, teaching gardens/orchards, and sports field turf areas. IPM Plan Attached and may also be found here: http://www.slu.edu/facilities-services-home/sustainability/campus-operations/buildings-and-grounds##2

A brief summary of the institution’s approach to sustainable landscape management:
Saint Louis University Grounds Department utilizes on-site yard waste compost, organic fertilizers and automated irrigation to maintain the beauty of the urban campus that we are recognized for having. Extreme care is taken to meet the expectations of the campus community to live, work and play in this urban oasis. Saint Louis University's Grounds department implemented an IPM plan that covers 55 acres of the campus landscape. The plan covers all methods of pest control and specifies that the preferable methods, when needed, should be the least toxic and damaging to the grounds.

A brief description of how the institution protects and uses existing vegetation, uses native and ecologically appropriate plants, and controls and manages invasive species:
Saint Louis University has a social obligation to preserve and conserve our valuable natural landscape resources. We believe a beautiful campus environment assists in the overall experience for our students, faculty, and staff. This keen awareness of our impact on the campus community helps define our sustainability practices. Consequently, the Grounds department emphasizes native plant installation on all new projects. This practice was implemented on July 1, 2010. The target goal for native plant material on each new project is 50%. Perennial flower beds on campus feature a variety of native plants that include: Purple Coneflower, Carex, Heliopsis, Blazing Star, Bee Balm, Turtlehead and Rudbeckia. Other types of native plants used on campus include: Blue Wild Indigo, Aster, Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, Rattlesnake Master, Wild Bergamot, Yellow Gray Coneflower, Goldenrod and Golden Alexander. In accordance with the IPM plan, visual monthly inspections for Chinch bug, sod webworm, billbug and/or other destructive turf pests will be conducted. Application of insecticides to turf areas will be limited in an effort to preserve populations of beneficial insects and nematodes. Widespread application of broadleaf herbicides will not be performed unless weed species have invaded greater than 10% of the entire turf area. Spot application may be done on small areas on a needed basis. Pesticides for turf disease will only be performed if evidence of disease has been found and significant areas (10-15% of the total turf area) of permanent damage are found. To preserve beneficial & predatory insects, pesticides will be applied only on an as needed basis, meaning more than 10% damage or defoliation to ornamental plants. Priority will be given to those pesticides having the lowest toxicity and whenever possible, biological pest control – predatory insects, beneficial nematodes, and microbial pesticides - will be used. Insect and disease resistant plant varieties will be selected for planting in any flowerbed and/or formal landscaping areas.

A brief description of the institution’s landscape materials management and waste minimization policies and practices:
Beginning on July 1, 2010 the Saint Louis University Grounds department implemented a composting and mulching practice which includes all landscaping waste including but not limited to grass, leaves, and other landscape related debris. This practice has led to an 85% reduction in disposal and landfill fees over previous fiscal years. In FY14, approximately 188 tons of yard waste was composted on site. Difficult to compost items, such as tree stumps, are transported by Waste Management to the Milam landfill. There the yard waste is put through a composting process that allows them to use it for an additive to the soil cover. It helps prevent erosion and is great for growing grass in sandy soils at the site. In FY14, approximately 21 tons of yard waste was hauled away for composting.

A brief description of the institution’s organic soils management practices:
Organic fertilizers are used in flower beds and athletic fields. We make four applications of fertilizer a year, of which 3 are organic. In accordance with the IPM plan, soil samples will be collected prior to application of any fertilizer or pesticides. Annual soil samples will also be taken to assess soil fertility & pH. Proper soil pH & fertility will help to prevent many turf-grass diseases & promote plant vigor, thereby reducing the occurrence of insect and weed invasions. Amendments will be made to the soil as recommended by the soil analysis reports. When practical, organic fertilizers will be used, otherwise, fertilizer with 50% slow release nitrogen shall be used. Grass clippings will remain on turf wherever possible and allowed to degrade to help increase soil organic matter and promote beneficial earthworm activity.

A brief description of the institution’s use of environmentally preferable materials in landscaping and grounds management:
SLU's Grounds department makes use of the on-site yard waste compost to fertilize campus grounds in a closed loop fashion, using approximately 188 tons this past year.

A brief description of how the institution restores and/or maintains the integrity of the natural hydrology of the campus:

A brief description of how the institution reduces the environmental impacts of snow and ice removal (if applicable):
Saint Louis University recognizes the impact of snow and ice removal on the grounds and therefore follows a detailed policy for snow and ice removal operations. This policy includes designated areas for snow storage to minimize salt runoff, information on acceptable de-icing materials to be used on campus and detailed breakdown of snow removal routes that minimize fuel consumption. Additionally, calcium applications are applied in early winter and late spring along all turf and landscape areas to help remove salt from the soil profile.

A brief description of any certified and/or protected areas:
The campus at Saint Louis University is located in the middle of a metropolitan city. Due to the nature of campus being urban, there are no available sites such as national parks, wilderness areas, community conserved areas, and nature reserves.

Is the institution recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation's Tree Campus USA program (if applicable)?:

The website URL where information about the institution’s sustainable landscape management programs and practices is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.