Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 49.70
Liaison Maria Mendes
Submission Date April 27, 2012
Executive Letter Download

STARS v1.1

Red River College Polytechnic
PAE-8: Support Programs for Underrepresented Groups

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Marti Ford
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have mentoring, counseling, peer support, affinity groups, academic support programs, or other programs in place to support underrepresented groups on campus?:

A brief description of the programs sponsored by the institution to support underrepresented groups within the student body:
The DIVERSITY AND IMMIGRANT STUDENT SUPPORT DEPARMTENT provides services and support programs to help immigrant and international students be successful in their transition to the College and their integration into the Canadian labour force. The Department also provides customized diversity workshops students in varied academic programs to ensure that the learning environment is inclusive and respectful of diversity. Some of the programs and services offered include: -Advising Services for Immigrant and International Students -Mentor Programs for All Students -Cultural and Professional Workshops for Immigrant and International Students -Diversity training for studetns in academic programs -Student Life activities for Immigrant and International Students The LGBTT* INITIATIVE strives to achieve a College community in which diverse sexual and gender identities, orientations and expressions are included and valued as a result of an active commitment to promote and maintain dignity, human freedoms and human rights. The LGBTT* Initiative at Red River College fosters the development of a safe environment on our campuses so everyone has the chance to work, learn and access services in an inclusive and welcoming manner. The LGBTT* Initiative provides educational opportunities and resources to build communication, understanding and respect for diversity throughout the College. This is an initiative for all Red River College students, staff and faculty. The ABORIGINAL STUDENT SUPPORT & COMMUNITY RELATIONS DEPARTMENT is mandated to support Aboriginal students across the College on campus and in accredited off-campus programs including regional campuses throughout the province. Further to work with industry and the community to ensure students feel safe, respected, comfortable and valued. This takes many forms, but the most prominent are student-focussed programs such as: -Community Circles -Come Home for Lunch -Family Fun Night -Time-Out -Come Home for Lunch -Student Recognition Program -Industry Mentorship Programs -Industry Internship Programs -Financial Awards, Bursaries and Scholarhips -Alumni participation, volunteerism, support -Workshops such as the Women's Series for female students (Nurturing our Success) -Two Masters of Social Workers to offer personal, academic, financial support---urban adjustment -Two Elders-in-Residence to offer cultural training, workshops, one-on-one advise/counsel -R-Crew--Five current Aboriginal student who work for an academic year to help support/mentor and generate interest and comfort in attending events/coming to the Aboriginal Centre. The goal is to ensure RRC is a home away from home--community approach and environment. Students helping students is a great model. -Annual events such as the pow-wow to honor Aboriginal graduate students in a traditional way -Cultural Advisor who works with Aboriginal students in the trades and apprenticeship program to support their success and encourage their growth as positive, healthy role models -Advising/consulation services for students

A brief description of the programs sponsored by the institution to support underrepresented groups within the faculty:
The DIVERSITY AND IMMIGRANT STUDENT SUPPORT DEPARMTENT department works with the College to create an inclusive learning environment. The Department develops resources and offers a variety of workshops, programs and services to develop intercultural awareness, understanding and skills to help people work effectively in a diverse enviroment. Some of the programs and services include: -Cross-cultural Consultation Services for Faculty and Staff -Diversity and Inclusive Learning Environment Workshops for Faculty and Staff -Cultural and Language Mentorship Program The LGBTT* INITIATIVE strives to achieve a College community in which diverse sexual and gender identities, orientations and expressions are included and valued as a result of an active commitment to promote and maintain dignity, human freedoms and human rights. The LGBTT* Initiative at Red River College fosters the development of a safe environment on our campuses so everyone has the chance to work, learn and access services in an inclusive and welcoming manner. The LGBTT* Initiative provides educational opportunities and resources to build communication, understanding and respect for diversity throughout the College. This is an initiative for all Red River College students, staff and faculty. The goal of the ABORIGINAL STUDENT SUPPORT & COMMUNITY RELATIONS DEPARTMENT is to support student success and to advance the social sustainability of our Aboriginal communities. The department adopts an inclusive approach by welcoming all staff and students to every event and educating them about the circle of life/all my relations. The department hosts many workshops and training opportunities throughout the year with Elders, Counsellors, Cultural Advisor and guest speakers, including: 1) A 2-day workshop for all staff, faculty, and senior management on working effectively with Aboriginal people 2) Workshops on Aboriginal culture, history, residential schools, Mother Earth, smudging, significance of animals, working as a team to support Indigenous people 3) Consultation services with the elders and cultural advisor one-on-one or in group settings 4) Balance and Holistic Management-over the past few years, the cultural advisor and Director have been meeting and working with all Directors, Deans and Vice-Presidents to develop a work/life balance. This has taken on the form of one-on-one meetings, presentations, sharing circles and sweats.

A brief description of the programs sponsored by the institution to support underrepresented groups within the staff:
The DIVERSITY AND IMMIGRANT STUDENT SUPPORT DEPARMTENT works with the College to create an inclusive learning environment. The Department develops resources and offers a variety of workshops, programs and services to develop intercultural awareness, understanding and skills to help people work effectively in a diverse enviroment. Some of the programs and services include: -Cross-cultural Consultation Services for Faculty and Staff -Diversity and Inclusive Learning Environment Workshops for Faculty and Staff -Cultural and Language Mentorship Program The LGBTT* Initiative strives to achieve a College community in which diverse sexual and gender identities, orientations and expressions are included and valued as a result of an active commitment to promote and maintain dignity, human freedoms and human rights. The LGBTT* Initiative at Red River College fosters the development of a safe environment on our campuses so everyone has the chance to work, learn and access services in an inclusive and welcoming manner. The LGBTT* Initiative provides educational opportunities and resources to build communication, understanding and respect for diversity throughout the College. This is an initiative for all Red River College students, staff and faculty.

The website URL where more information about the programs in each of the three categories is available :
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.