Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 70.59
Liaison Daryl Pierson
Submission Date June 27, 2017
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Portland State University
OP-3: Building Operations and Maintenance

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.50 / 5.00 Amanda Wolf
Program + Assessment Coordinator
Campus Sustainability Office
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Total floor area of building space:
494,055.83 Square meters

O+M Certified Space

Building space must be certified under a rating system focusing on the operations and maintenance of existing buildings (e.g. LEED O+M) to count as certified space for this credit. Sustainability in new construction and major renovation projects (e.g. LEED BD+C certification) is covered in the Building Design and Construction credit.

Floor area of building space that is certified at each level under a green building rating system for the operations and maintenance of existing buildings used by an Established Green Building Council:
Certified Floor Area
LEED O+M Platinum or the highest achievable level under another GBC rating system 0 Square meters
LEED O+M Gold or the 2nd highest level under another 4- or 5-tier GBC rating system 0 Square meters
Certified at mid-level under a 3- or 5-tier GBC rating system (e.g. BREEAM-In Use, CASBEE for Existing Buildings, DGNB, Green Star Performance) 0 Square meters
LEED O+M Silver or at a step above minimum level under another 4 -or 5–tier GBC rating system 0 Square meters
LEED O+M Certified or certified at minimum level under another GBC rating system 0 Square meters

Floor area of building space that is certified under a non-GBC rating system for the operations and maintenance of existing buildings, e.g. BOMA BESt, Green Globes CIEB:
0 Square meters

Percentage of building space certified under a green building rating system for the operations and maintenance of existing buildings:

If reporting certified space, provide:

A brief description of the green building rating system(s) used and/or a list or sample of certified buildings and ratings:

If reporting uncertified space, provide the following:

Uncertified Space 

Indoor Air Quality Management 

Of the institution's uncertified building space, what percentage of floor area is maintained in accordance with a published indoor air quality (IAQ) management policy or protocol? (0-100):

A copy of the IAQ management policy or protocol:

The website URL where the IAQ policy/protocol may be found:

Green Cleaning 

Of the institution's uncertified building space, what percentage of floor area is maintained in accordance with a published green cleaning policy, program or contract ? (0-100):

A copy or the green cleaning policy:

A brief description of how green cleaning is incorporated into cleaning contracts:
"PSU's custodial contract mandates purchased cleaning products be in accordance with LEED for Existing buildings operations & maintenance standards. Also the custodial contractor must provide quarterly reports to PSU documenting the types and cost of chemicals purchased to demonstrate compliance with the 30% by cost requirement. Reports shall be delivered to PSU's Custodial Coordinator with a copy to PSU's Sustanability Coordinator."

Energy Management and Benchmarking 

Of the institution's uncertified building space, what percentage of floor area is maintained in accordance with an energy management or benchmarking program? (0-100):

A brief description of the energy management or benchmarking program:
In 2012, PSU hired a Utilities and Energy Manager. Part of this position was to develop a benchmarking system to measure energy performances of our buildings and to motivate performance improvements. As part of the Energy management strategy, the Utilities and Energy Manger created a spreadsheet to track and report monthly energy use for each of our buildings to compare energy use overtime to effectively manage and continuously improve PSU's efforts to reduce energy consumption. This information is also used for our Green Revolving Fund, identifying buildings that could benefit from energy saving upgrades. PSU also uses Energy Star Portfolio Manager for all of our buildings over 20,000sf (69% of our buildings), as part of a city of Portland requirement. This online tool measures and tracks energy use intensity (EUI) and carbon emissions and is also used to motivate performance improvements. PSU also partnered with Siemens to create an energy and water use dashboard for our Smith Memorial Student Union. This ""green screen"" is located in the lobby our student union and is interactive, allowing visitors to see real-time water and energy use for the building, as well as seeing use over time.

Water Management and Benchmarking 

Of the institution's uncertified building space, what percentage of floor area is maintained in accordance with a water management or benchmarking program? (0-100):

A brief description of the water management or benchmarking program:
Similar to PSU's efforts to benchmark energy use, the Utilities and Energy Manager measures water performance for all of PSU's buildings as well as our irrigation system. Tracking and reporting monthly on water use, water use is tracked overtime to effectively manage and continuously improve PSU's efforts to reduce water use. This information has been used to identify issues with irrigation systems and is also used for our Green Revolving Fund, identifying buildings that could benefit from water saving upgrades. PSU also partnered with Siemens to create an energy and water use dashboard for our Smith Memorial Student Union. This ""green screen"" is located in the lobby our student union and is interactive, allowing visitors to see real-time water and energy use for the building, as well as seeing use over time.

Optional Fields 

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Above document is energy and water benchmarking spreadsheet used by PSU's Utilities and Energy Manager to track and report monthly energy use and water use for every building on campus. PSU is currently pursuing LEED O+M for Urban Center Building, Blumel Residence Hall, Market Center Building and University Center Building Energy Management Plan: https://www.pdx.edu/sustainability/sites/www.pdx.edu.sustainability/files/SEM%20Plan.pdf Human Resource Fragrance Free Policy: https://www.pdx.edu/hr/fragrance-free-value-statement Technical Design Standards: https://www.pdx.edu/construction/technical-design-standards Water Conservation Plan: https://www.pdx.edu/sustainability/sites/www.pdx.edu.sustainability/files/PSU%20Water%20Conservation%20Plan.pdf Green Screen Documentation: https://www.pdx.edu/syndication/%E2%80%98green-screen%E2%80%99-building-energy-use-monitor-installed-smith

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.