Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 66.74
Liaison Krista Bailey
Submission Date Oct. 20, 2014
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Pennsylvania State University
EN-3: Student Life

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Rob Andrejewski
Associate Director of Engagement
Sustainability Institute
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have one or more co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives that fall into the following categories?:
Yes or No
Active student groups focused on sustainability Yes
Gardens, farms, community supported agriculture (CSA) or fishery programs, or urban agriculture projects where students are able to gain experience in organic agriculture and sustainable food systems Yes
Student-run enterprises that include sustainability as part of their mission statements or stated purposes Yes
Sustainable investment funds, green revolving funds or sustainable microfinance initiatives through which students can develop socially, environmentally and fiscally responsible investment and financial skills Yes
Conferences, speaker series, symposia or similar events related to sustainability that have students as the intended audience Yes
Cultural arts events, installations or performances related to sustainability that have students as the intended audience Yes
Wilderness or outdoors programs that follow Leave No Trace principles Yes
Sustainability-related themes chosen for themed semesters, years, or first-year experiences Yes
Programs through which students can learn sustainable life skills Yes
Sustainability-focused student employment opportunities offered by the institution Yes
Graduation pledges through which students pledge to consider social and environmental responsibility in future job and other decisions No
Other co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives Yes

The name and a brief description of each student group focused on sustainability:
Advanced Vehicle Team - For more than a decade, the Penn State Advanced Vehicle Team has participated in Advanced Vehicle Competitions similar to EcoCAR 2. The goal of these competitions is to encourage innovation and to train the next generation of engineers in the automotive, energy and technology sectors. As team members move through the same vehicle design process used in the real world they gain invaluable experience that translates to their future careers. Penn State EcoCAR 2 team won first place at Year Two Competition. The team brought home 11 awards and nearly $18,000 in prize money that will be used in Year Three of the competition. Ag Advocates - Ag Advocates are undergraduates who have been chosen to represent Penn State and the College of Agricultural Sciences at activities throughout the year. Ag Advocates help to inform the public about the college and the diversity of the agricultural sciences. We have meetings every week during the school year. American Solar Energy Society - The Penn State chapter of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES) was founded in 2010 at Penn State's University Park campus. Our mission is to advance all things solar at Penn State. Our parent organization is supported by more than 8,000 energy professionals and grassroots supporters. With the Penn State Chapter included, ASES has regional chapters in 40 states across the U.S. American Water Resources Association - The American Water Resources Association is an organization dedicated to the advancement of interdisciplinary water resources research, planning, management, development, and education. The mission of the AWRA Penn State Student Chapter is to collect, organize, and disseminate ideas and information in the field of water resources; provide a means of interaction within the water resources community; perform and participate in community service projects; represent membership in the campus community; and provide information about the organization to incoming and current undergraduate and graduate students. The student chapter also performs specific activities such as hosting speakers for monthly meetings, conducting watershed education programs, organizing field trips, participating in community service projects, and sponsoring conferences. Bridges to Prosperity - American Society of Civil Engineers - Bridges to Prosperity is a non-profit organization that seeks to build footbridges over impassable rivers in impoverished rural areas across the globe. Through construction of bridges, residents of these communities are provided with better access to healthcare, education, and economic market opportunities. The Penn State chapter was founded in the Spring of 2013 and is composed of a dedicated core of engineering students. The club is supported by the school's Civil Engineering department as it works towards the completion of its first project in Membrillo, Panama. Community Garden at Penn State - Student club that coordinates the usage and maintains the 98-plot community garden at the Sustainability Experience Center charity: water - The mission of charity: water Penn State is to assist the non-profit organization, charity: water, by creating awareness of the ongoing water crisis in developing nations and to raise funds to assist charity: water’s mission to bring safe, clean drinking water to those in need. Community Environment and Development Club - The Community, Environment, and Development Club is networking and community service based club focused on the local community of State College. The CED Club coincides with the missions of the CED major. We strive to build relationships with community members and community organizations to enhance the sustainability and economic development of State College and its surrounding areas. Collegiate 4-H Club - Collegiate 4-H is a student organization committed to the leadership development of its members, doing community service that makes a difference, and continuing our support of the Pennsylvania 4-H program. Former members and nonmembers alike are always welcome. Regardless of the activity, we're always having fun, so come check us out. Community Food Security Club - Community Food Security (CFS) focuses on taking an active role in the community to educate others about the benefits of eating nutritious and locally produced food. Through community, school, and gardening projects we will be making a real impact, while educating ourselves. Our ultimate goal is to spread conscious eating habits to the Penn State and State College communities, to assist in the support of a local food system, and to raise awareness and support for food security. Eco Action - Since its foundation as Penn State’s first environmental organization in 1972, students have breathed life into the environmentalist movement, working as one to transform Penn State into an ultimately sustainable university. Each semester, we collectively decide on two to three environmental campaigns we will focus our efforts towards. Past campaigns have included Quit Coal, An Environmental Bill of Rights, and many others. Ecology Graduate Student Organization - The Ecology Graduate Student Organization (EGSO) was formed in December 1999 to provide a forum for graduate students in the Penn State Ecology Program to engage in activities related to academic aspects of the program, recruitment, mentoring and professional development, special activities and events, outreach to other groups at PSU and the broader community. Eco-Reps - Eco-Reps are first-year students committed to creating a culture of sustainability at Penn State. The position is paid and welcomes students from diverse majors and backgrounds to encourage sustainable behaviors in the residence halls through fun activities. Currently, the program is only in East Halls, with two Eco-Reps per hall. Some of the program's successes include East Halls going "Zero Waste" and the energy savings from the energy challenge each spring. Students in the program also have many opportunities for leadership development and sustainability training. Energy, Business, and Finance Society - The Energy Business and Finance Society offers students within the EBF major, or those with interest in the major, with a different array of venues to learn about the opportunities that come with the program. The group works on several areas including company relations, alumni involvement, resume and interview preparation recruiter receptions, promotion of the major to raise awareness within our college and the university. Engineers without Borders - Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is a non-profit, humanitarian organization that partners with developing communities worldwide to improve their quality of life through the implementation of sustainable engineering projects, while fostering leadership skills, technical ability and a global outlook in students of any major. Engineers Without Borders-Penn State (EWB-PSU) has been a recognized chapter of Engineers Without Borders-USA since the spring of 2010. Engineers for a Sustainable World - ESW strives to promote sustainability throughout the engineering process. We do this by working on various projects throughout the semester. In addition, we host guest lecturers who have a hand in sustainable practices, and we go on field trips to local places that demonstrate various aspects of sustainability. Fair Trade Penn State - Fair Trade Penn State was founded at Penn State in 2009 by Barbara Donnini (Economics, ’12), with the goal to increase awareness among consumers about the manufacturing processes of major industries. Since, FTPSU sponsors events to encourage informed, ethical buying practices that support human rights. FTPSU also promotes campaigns of other nonprofit organizations that identify human needs. We are looking to recruit dedicated students who exhibit an interest in mobilizing the Penn State community to commit to ethical consuming practices and gaining valuable leadership skills while making an impact in people’s lives. Friday Night Lights Out - The Mission of Architecture Brigades is to collaborate with rural communities in Honduras to alleviate needs in health and education infrastructure through design and hands-on construction projects. All Architecture Brigades' trips take place in Honduras. Projects include designing and constructing schools and health centers for rural communities. Global Architecture Brigades - The Mission of Architecture Brigades is to collaborate with rural communities in Honduras to alleviate needs in health and education infrastructure through design and hands-on construction projects. All Architecture Brigades' trips take place in Honduras. Projects include designing and constructing schools and health centers for rural communities. Global Environmental Brigades - The mission of Environmental Brigades is to empower rural communities in Panama to reverse degradation and preserve their environment through reforestation, sustainable agriculture, waste management and education programs. All Environmental Brigades take place in Panama. Global Medical Brigades - Global Medical Brigades provides a holistic model for sustainable health care in under-served rural communities by conducting preliminary needs assessments, treating patients to the highest ethical standards, sponsoring referrals to those with needs beyond our capability, recording data for the production of quantitative reports, and working with other GB programs to improve the water, sanitation, and economic infrastructures. Global Water Brigades -Global Water Brigades (GWB) is a movement of passionate students and professional volunteers from around the world dedicated to improving access to clean water and sanitation. GWB designs and implements water systems to increase access and quantity of water to the communities it services. Our systems also prevent communicable illnesses in communities with limited access to clean water. Global Business Brigades - Global Brigades is the world’s largest student-led global health and sustainable development organization. Since 2004, Global Brigades has mobilized thousands of university students and professionals through nine skill-based programs that work in partnership with community members to improve quality of life in under resourced regions while respecting local culture. GlobeMed - GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world. GlobeMed at Penn State partners with ACUDESBAL, a grassroots organization working with 29 communities in Bajo Lempa, El Salvador. ACUDESBAL formed in 1998 on the idea that the strength of a community working together is the way to achieve social, economic, political, and environmental justice. All of these are an important part of Bajo Lempa’s history of civil war and devastating natural disasters. Habitat for Humanity - Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. HFHI seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Throughout the year, Habitat at Penn State has a constant presence and is actively involved in projects around campus as well as in the community. HealthWorks - HealthWorks is a peer education/outreach program in University Health Services that aims to promote health among Penn State students. Horticulture Club - The Horticulture Club is an organization for all university students interested in plants, gardening, and landscaping. It is the goal of the club to educate both its members and the public on sound horticultural practices, new plants, and new techniques. The largest event that the club conducts throughout the year is its annual Horticulture Show. For this event, the agricultural arena on campus is created into a full indoor landscape and all of the material is sold to help fund the club. Other events throughout the year include spring flower sales, trips, guest speakers, and community service. Human Rights Brigade - Penn State's chapter of Global Human Rights Brigades (formerly known as Global Law Brigades) is a chapter of Global Brigades, the largest student-run sustainable development organization in the world. Members of HRB work with in-country lawyers and social workers to improve access to legal counsel, legal education, and human services in Panama's rural communities during 8-day trips throughout the year. Innoblue - Innoblue is a community of artists and hackers, coders and designers, innovators and makers, who want to change the world for the better. Net Impact (Graduate) - Through speakers, workshops, field trips, panels, and discussion meetings, PSNI focuses on a collaborative learning environment where all members help educate each other. The role of the Board of Officers is to facilitate this learning and cultivate relationships with professionals and organizations in the business world. We discuss topics related to social entrepreneurship, socially responsible investing, sustainable supply chains, sustainable growth and development, corporate citizenship, social marketing, green building, and community economic development. Net Impact (Undergraduate) - Penn State Net Impact Undergraduate (PSNIUG) is a newly formed and fast growing student organization in the Smeal College of Business. We are affiliated with Net Impact National, a nonprofit organization with over 50,000 students and professional leaders in over 300 volunteer-led chapters across the globe. Penn State Outing Club - The Penn State Outing Club, PSOC for short, is an entirely student run organization that is dedicated to experiencing the outdoors in every possible capacity. PSOC was founded in 1920, making it one of the oldest clubs at Penn State. Still running strong today, PSOC club members organize backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, and trail maintenance trips from the Catskills to California. PSOC is dedicated to helping the community through extension programs at Shaver’s Creek and the surrounding trail maintenance groups. Public Health Brigades - Working side-by-side with community members, volunteers improve the overall infrastructure within the home through the construction of five projects: eco-stoves, latrines, water storage units, showers, and concrete floors. The five projects were chosen based on observations of medical brigade patient records, which illustrated high levels of respiratory, chagas and other preventable diseases caused by poor in-home health infrastructure, as well as student input and observations. Between brigades the in-country team provides follow-up to ensure the maintenance of the structures and work to find funding that will complement the health goals of the community to perpetuate future construction. Recreation, Park, and Tourism Student Society - Unites all recreation education majors at the University, fosters and maintains high standards of professional qualifications, and disseminates information concerning the activities and interests of the Society. Society of American Forestry - The Penn State Student Chapter of the Society of American Foresters seeks to advance the science, technology, education, and practice of professional natural resource management and to use the knowledge and skills gained to benefit society. Penn State SAF hosts various forestry-related professionals who share their knowledge and experiences with the organization. In addition to regular meetings, Penn State SAF sponsors a number of activities throughout the year, including a Christmas tree sale, service projects such as tree plantings and trail maintenance, camping trips, and other outdoor activities. Student members also have the opportunity to attend the SAF National Convention and participate in the annual Forestry Quiz Bowl. Society of Energy Engineers - Penn State is now the first university to create the Society of Energy Engineers for its students majoring in energy engineering. As more universities adopt similar academic programs in energy engineering, the Society will expand across the country and globe. Objectives of the group are to provide a forum for energy engineering students to meet and discuss various academic, research, and professional opportunities that are available; to provide enriching educational experiences including lectures from experienced professionals, field trips, and more; to network with peers and share internship and co-op experiences and advice; to facilitate networking opportunities with industry professionals; to educate and inform prospective students and employment recruiters about the skill set of energy engineering graduates. Society of Environmental Systems Engineers - We provide a forum for the concerns and interests of EnvSE students. Our goals include publicizing ENVSE to industry, corporations, and the general public, creating awareness of EnvSE at Penn State, encouraging student involvement, participating in campus projects (including volunteer day at Shaver's Creek Environmental Center, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Exhibition, and Earth Day), and professional development through industry and government speakers. Society of Women Engineers - The Society of Women Engineers, SWE, is a national organization composed of both student and professional members. This society was founded nationally in 1950 to act as a supportive organization for women in the engineering field. SWE’s mission statement is to “stimulate women to achieve as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity.” The Penn State Student Section was founded in 1975 and has grown to become the largest and most active engineering organization on campus, with over 250 members. Supporting Women in Geography (SWIG) - Supporting Women in Geography, or SWIG, is an official, University-recognized organization largely made up of students within the Department of Geography. SWIG's mission is to promote the participation of women in the discipline of geography and to empower women who are pursuing academic and professional careers in geography. We provide regular opportunities for women and supporters of women to come together for intellectual, professional, and personal support, and to develop a network of information and resources.

 Students Taking Action to Encourage Recycling (STATERs) - STATERs is a group of motivated and enthusiastic Students Taking Action To Encourage Recycling! Starting in 2005 as a casual group encouraging tailgaters to pitch it in to the right bin, STATERs has grown to continue doing that and more. Today, we offer our help to big campus events such as football games, THON, the Eisenhower Patio Party, Friday Night Lights Out, and various sustainability conferences. We collaborate with a number of groups on Penn State's service leaders roundtable, known as the Council of Lionhearts. We also help to plan big campus service days. Student Society for Indigenous Knowledge - We’re a brand new student group and are looking for members who are enthusiastic and interested in indigenous knowledge and who want to help plan and implement the direction our club will take in the following years. Students for Environmentally Enlightened Design (SEED) - Students for Environmentally-Enlightened Design (SEED) is a multidisciplinary student organization recognized by the Penn State office of Student Affairs. SEED was founded by three Department of Architecture students in 2009 to promote student-supported initiatives, as well as existing work in environmentally sustainable design. Student United Way - The Penn State Student United Way (PSU SUW) is a student-run branch of the Centre County United Way. We are a group of student volunteers devoted to lending our time and talent for the benefit of our surrounding community. Additionally, we work closely with Centre County United Way to provide continuing support for its 40 partner agencies. Sustainable Agriculture Club - The Sustainable Agriculture Club strives to help the Penn State community better understand the importance of sustainable agriculture. This is advocated through educational speakers, community programs, and activities. The club gives students the opportunity to engage in activities and discussions that explore today's food system at a farm level. The club is open to any Penn State student interested in sustaining the future of agriculture from a producer or consumer standpoint. Vegetarian Club - As ambassadors of a vegetarian lifestyle, we invite Penn State students and the dynamic State College community to partake in the benefits of a plant-based diet for the sake of health, the animals, and the planet. Through outreach, education and social events, we act as catalysts in the veg movement. We welcome all who are curious about trying vegetarian food, the ethics behind our food choices or environmental impact. All are welcome regardless of personal diet choice, background and/or individual beliefs. The Wildlife Society - The Wildlife Society (TWS) has a wide range of activities in professional development, recreation, fund-raising and recruitment, and community service. Our club strives to keep members involved by offering series of activities, speakers, workshops, and social events to attend each semester. In the past these have included short courses at Shaver's Creek such as Project WILD and Pennsylvania Songbirds, Bird Box building, trips to bat caves and T n D Cats, and a variety of guest speakers at meetings, to name a few. The club fund-raises with an annual game dinner and some merchandise sales. We are also looking for new suggestions from members. We want members to have a good list of experiences in the wildlife field and we feel that by being an active member of TWS this can be achieved. Undergraduate Students in the Department of Geography (UnderDoGS) - The UnderDoGS at Penn State are a group of undergraduates in the Department of Geography. The UnderDoGS represent the commitment of the students in the Department of Geography to not only excel in their studies, but also in contributing to their fellow students and to society. UNICEF - 21,000 children die from preventable causes EVERY DAY! UNICEF's goal is to make that number 0 through their presence in 190 countries! Whether it's providing food, medicine or simply a blanket, UNICEF is there where a child is in need. UNICEF Penn State helps UNICEF reach their fund raising and awareness goals by holding various events throughout the year.

The website URL where information about student groups is available:
A brief description of gardens, farms, community supported agriculture (CSA) or fishery programs, and urban agriculture projects where students are able to gain experience in organic agriculture and sustainable food systems:
The 98-plot, student-managed community gardens coordinated by the Sustainability Experience Center are organic. They are not certified, but are required to follow all organic gardening techniques. The herb garden in front of Cafe Laura, part of the School of Hospitality Management, is also organic. Crop Mobs, a project started by a small group of Penn State students in the fall of 2013 and supported by the Reinvention Fund, connects the community and farmers in a fresh and creative way. A “mob” of volunteers heads out to a farm to help with a normally laborious and time-consuming project. In-turn, the students learn from the farmer from shared stories about life on the farm and the practices they are integrating to work with the ecosystems around them, as well as a communal meal supplemented with fresh products straight from the farm. The goal is to link those who grow our food with members of the community in a way that leads to learning, growing and sharing. Plans for a student farm are currently under development.

The website URL where information about the organic agriculture and/or sustainable food systems projects and initiatives is available:
A brief description of student-run enterprises that include sustainability as part of their mission statements or stated purposes:
Innoblue is a community of artists and hackers, coders and designers, innovators and makers, who want to change the world for the better. Innoblue was established in April 2010 by two Penn State students, David Adewumi and Jon Tornetta, dedicated to starting and supporting innovative business, civic, and social ventures in State College. Since beginning in April 2010, Innoblue has grown to include a team and large advisor pool with multidisciplinary backgrounds, who all work together to oversee and catalyze the progress of early stage ventures. Innoblue is run primarily by Penn State students who envision a community transformed by entrepreneurship. Their expertise lie in creating planned serendipity: connecting great mentors and advisors to the students and ventures who are searching for guidance. In the future, Innoblue will open Innoblue Labs, a space that is open to all innovators, designers, engineers and other creative minds that will facilitate communication and collaboration, creating an environment that will produce great products.

The website URL where information about the student-run enterprise(s) is available:
A brief description of the sustainable investment or finance initiatives:
Penn State Global Business Brigades (Microfinance Brigades - Student Governed) volunteers work with a local network of “Community Development Funds” to empower rural communities by establishing savings and credit cooperatives and teaching community members basic financial literacy. Volunteers provide rural communities with the educational, financial, and organizational resources necessary to sustainably drive their own economic development. A 10-Day Microfinance Brigade provides volunteers with the opportunity to gain first-hand micro-lending experience and perpetuate the movement to alleviate poverty worldwide. Volunteers participate in real micro-lending transactions and also engage in the daily lives of the actual borrowers. Volunteers learn about microfinance by participating in seminars from local professionals, and by shadowing loan officers as they visit micro-entrepreneurs in their communities. Volunteers empower community members to reach their potential with basic educational workshops and a capital investment that the volunteer personally delivers. Each volunteer is allotted part of their program contribution to work with community micro entrepreneurs and banks to determine how to allocate their loan. In this way, volunteers are able to directly empower local community members to achieve their financial goals. Penn State Reinvention Fund - In October 2013, the Sustainability Institute announced its new internal grant program, The Reinvention Fund, intended to support collaborative projects by faculty, staff and students that will improve and expand sustainability efforts at Penn State. $102,000 has been dedicated to support proposals received by student teams. Awards must be managed by the student teams. Utilization of funds must be reported. Not student governed.

The website URL where information about the sustainable investment or finance initiatives is available:
A brief description of conferences, speaker series, symposia or similar events related to sustainability that have students as the intended audience:
Penn State has an annual Colloquium on the Environment Speaker Series, open to students as well as faculty/ staff. Speakers that have been hosted by the university include: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Christine Todd Whitman, William McDonough, Amory Lovins, David Suzuki, Bill McKibben, and Majora Carter. An annual Earth Day Celebration is held to recognize the sustainability achievements of students, faculty, and staff. The 2014 events on UP campus included a film screening of Growing Cities, which focused on urban agriculture. The filmmaker was part of a panel discussion that followed, was invited to address several classes, and interacted informally with students on several occasions during his two-day visit. Penn State's Carbon Emissions Conference "Getting to Zero" brought together Penn State community members (including students) committed to responding to the threat of climate change. Our goal is to begin imagining a workable plan to achieve zero effective emissions by 2050, providing a model for universities and large corporations across the country and an inspiration for local and regional governments. There are other speakers and symposia throughout the year, including Terracycle CEO Tom Szaky and those invited to the Environmental Forum

The website URL where information about the event(s) is available:
A brief description of cultural arts events, installations or performances related to sustainability that have students as the intended audience:
Students are one intended audience, although certainly not the only one, at Penn State's Center for Performing Arts. Some past performances have focused on sustainability topics, including "Water is Rising", a powerful performance by a group of Pacific Islanders whose islands are being directly impacted by rising sea levels associated with climate change. Also see http://culturalconversations.psu.edu

The website URL where information about the cultural arts event(s) is available:
A brief description of wilderness or outdoors programs for students that follow Leave No Trace principles:
The word aurora refers to the dawn, as well as to the natural electrical phenomena of colorful streams of light in the night sky — usually near the magnetic poles. Similarly, AURORA Penn State Outdoor Orientation Programs offer a powerful start to a student’s Penn State experience. These three unique programs — ORION, URSA, and VEGA — offer first-year students a distinctive entrance into Penn State life — forging friendships and unforgettable adventures to carry with them always. The ORION Program is provided by the Penn State Shaver's Creek Environmental Center.

The website URL where information about the wilderness or outdoors program(s) is available:
A brief description of sustainability-related themes chosen for themed semesters, years, or first-year experiences:
Sustainable State - This new First Year Seminar explores the meaning of the concept of sustainability and its relevance to the work of engineers. The exploration will use field trips, guest speakers, readings, videos, self assessment, research and class discussions to engage students in this endeavor. We will look at what Penn State is doing as well as our own personal behavior and the potential for engineers to contribute to this mega-challenge.

The website URL where information about the theme is available:
A brief description of program(s) through which students can learn sustainable life skills:
The website below describes Penn State programs designed to deliver transformative educational experiences that prepare participants to become leaders of positive change—in their studies, their workplaces, and their personal lives. https://sustainability.psu.edu/learn/students/programs The Ecoreps program provides peer-to-peer training in sustainable living to first year students living in selected residence halls. http://sustainability.psu.edu/live/what-students-can-do/eco-reps/eco-reps

The website URL where information about the sustainable life skills program(s) is available:
A brief description of sustainability-focused student employment opportunities:
The Sustainability Institute offers paid internships during the school year and summer. These offer students the opportunity for sustainability-focused experience. See http://sustainability.psu.edu/live/what-students-can-do/sustainability-institute-internships The sustainability.psu.edu website lists student work opportunities on campus, in the community, and beyond. See http://sustainability.psu.edu/opportunities

The website URL where information about the student employment opportuntities is available:
A brief description of graduation pledges through which students pledge to consider social and environmental responsibility in future job and other decisions:
Penn State does not have a graduation pledge at this time.

The website URL where information about the graduation pledge program is available:

A brief description of other co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives:
Student Sustainability Advisory Council (SSAC) - The Penn State Student Sustainability Advisory Council provides consultation and advice on Penn State sustainability planning, programs, and initiatives. The Council meets bi-monthly for discussions and planning. The Council is comprised of students with experience and interest in studying, advancing, and promoting sustainability. Earth House - EARTH House is an enjoyable and diverse living environment for students interested in agricultural and environmental issues. Academic support including tutoring and study groups is also part of EARTH House. Activities include hiking trips, clean-up at Shaver's Creek, volunteer projects, and trips to agricultural events such as the Pennsylvania Farm Show. EARTH House is located in North Halls. Council of Lionhearts - Established in 2004, the Penn State Council of LionHearts is an affiliate student organization and is comprised of student representatives from Penn State’s most active volunteer and community service student organizations. Generally, two representatives from each group are invited to sit on the Council. The president and primary service leader of each organization are those delegates. Previous Council members are also invited to continue to serve as emeritus leaders. IFC (Sustainability Chair) - Sustainability Chair for the InterFraternity Council at Penn State is tasked with merging concepts of sustainability into fraternity life.

The website URL where information about other co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Other links: http://sites.psu.edu/zero/2014/03/17/overview/ http://www.psiee.psu.edu/news/colloquium.asp https://sustainability.psu.edu/food

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.