Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 53.30
Liaison Emma Shipalesky
Submission Date June 19, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
PA-6: Support for Underrepresented Groups

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Terri Flanagan
Student Life Administration
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have mentoring, counseling, peer support, academic support, or other programs to support underrepresented groups on campus?:

A brief description of the programs sponsored by the institution to support underrepresented groups:
THE ENCANA ABORIGINAL STUDENT CENTRE NAIT is dedicated to supporting the Aboriginal student experience. The Encana Aboriginal Student Centre is a community gathering place where Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students can gather to network, study and share their post-secondary learning experiences. It is a place where culture and tradition are welcome and encouraged, and where students can go to feel apart of a community that they may have left in order to come attend post-secondary studies. The centre has three Elders in Residence representing Metis, Inuit, and Cree peoples, which provide an invaluable spiritual resource for students and staff. The Aboriginal Centre is an integral part of the overall NAIT community and is committed to ensuring Aboriginal student success both inside and outside of the classroom. http://www.nait.ca/62131.htm SAFE SPACES FOR LGBTQ STUDENTS Safe Spaces is an initiative to mark safe and inclusive spaces for students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirited, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ). Safe Spaces office stickers identify staff members who have attended a workshop to be a resource for sexual and gender minority students. http://www.nait.ca/93753.htm INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTRE The International Student Centre is a place where students can go to ask questions, get advice, or find out how to become involved at NAIT. It's there to help make the transition to Canada as easy as possible. The International Student Centre offers: - pre-arrival services - orientation services - access to immigration advice through certified immigration officer - cultural transition services - academic supports and workshops - employment transition workshops - peer mentor program http://www.nait.ca/53316.htm SERVICES TO STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES (SSD) SSD staff advise and assist students with known or suspected disabilities to achieve academic goals and have a positive NAIT experience. A range of services are available to NAIT students with permanent or temporary disabilities. Depending upon the disability and documentation supporting the request, SSD services may include: - Academic strategy instruction - Alternate format of printed material - Assistive technology - Exam accommodations - Note-taking - Reduced course load - Scribing/transcribing - Sign Language Interpreter services and/or CART (Communications Access Real Time) - Tutoring - FM system http://www.nait.ca/Ssd.htm SUPPLEMENTAL LEARNING (SL) The Supplemental Learning Program provides peer-run study sessions for specific NAIT courses that have been difficult for a large number of students in the past. Students who have finished the course with a high grade are hired to re-attend lectures and run drop-in study sessions. These sessions are free and anonymous to the Instructor. ETUTOR ALBERTA Free new tutoring service available for Online and Distant Students: NAIT recently participated in the eTutor Alberta pilot, which provides ongoing access to online professional tutoring services in writing support. When students need help with a paper, they can create an account at eTutor Alberta, submit their paper electronically, and a professional eTutor, from Alberta, will review it within 24-48 hours, returning it with expert advice and suggestions for improving their writing. The pilot was available Tuesday September 2nd, 2014 to Friday December 12th, 2014. WOMEN IN TECHNOLOGY AND TRADES NAIT supports women enrolled in Technology and Trades programs through staff via an Advisory Committee that coordinates strategies and activities related to NAIT’s Business Plan and the Academic Plan. This includes providing guidance and support for the Women in Technology and Trades initiatives and activities undertaken by the WITT committee, supporting women enrolled in non-traditional programs at NAIT through developing connections with peers, providing learning opportunities, and establishing linkages with industry partners, establishing a clear benchmark and understanding of where NAIT is in terms of its female enrollments and participation in technology and trades related programs (compiled every 3 years), collaborating with both internal and external stakeholders, including business and industry, to provide best practices and find opportunities to harmonize our efforts, creating action and work plans to support WITT activities and measuring their success, recognizing and celebrating successes and advancements of women in technology and trades at NAIT and helping to connect student recruitment activities with those of NAIT’s Marketing and Recruitment Committee and individual program initiated activities as they relate to marketing plans to attract more women to technology and trade programs. http://www.nait.ca/37353.htm COUNSELLING For support with personal or academic challenges, Student Counsellors offer free, confidential services to all NAIT students. Counselling provides an opportunity to talk through students concerns in confidence with an understanding and qualified professional. Counselling is a process of talking, listening, and putting into action ideas to help students move forward. http://www.nait.ca/counselling.htm PEER WRITING TUTORING NAIT students have access to free Peer Writing Tutors to help with written assignments. Tutors provide assistance with writing, grammar, research papers, essays, business writing, etc. Help is available on a drop-in or appointment basis. http://www.nait.ca/94299.htm STUDY SKILLS WORKSHOPS Free Study Skills Workshops on a variety of topics are offered in the Fall and Winter semesters. Upcoming sessions are promoted on posters around campus and on the Tutoring and Academic Support website. http://www.nait.ca/53521.htm CHAPLAINCY PROGRAM NAIT Chaplains are faith leaders who are available to help guide NAIT community members through their spiritual journeys. Our chaplains represent several communities of faith, including Islam, Christianity, Sikhism and Buddhism. They are open and available to all members of the NAIT community, regardless of religious denomination. Our chaplains provide guidance and support to those wishing to explore issues of faith and spirituality. They act as a resource on spiritual matters and encourage thoughtful reflection and dialogue. They may also: - offer one-on-one spiritual consultation and opportunities to explore their faith traditions - work with student groups on campus - host faith-based events - participate in NAIT-wide events http://www.nait.ca/96429.htm TUTORIAL CENTRE This is a free service provided by professional tutors, where any currently registered NAIT student can receive assistance in certain core subjects, depending on the location and availability of tutors. This service is available on a drop-in basis at three NAIT locations: Main Campus (math, physics, and chemistry), Patricia Campus (math & physics), and Souch Campus (math & physics).

The website URL where more information about the support programs for underrepresented groups is available:
Does the institution have a discrimination response policy and/or team (or the equivalent) to respond to and support those who have experienced or witnessed a bias incident, act of discrimination or hate crime?:

A brief description of the institution’s discrimination response policy, program and/or team:
NAIT's Procedure HR.6.2: Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment includes definitions, examples of respectful (appropriate) behaviours and disrespectful (inappropriate) behaviours, complaint process, roles and responsibilities, rights, sanctions, confidentiality, related legislation, related NAIT Statement of Values, Policy, Guidelines and Procedures, and appendices (Process Flow Chart, Responsibility Matrix, and NAIT Statement of Values) As per the procedure: 1.0 Definitions 1.4 “Discrimination” is defined from the Alberta Human Rights Commission as “unjust practice or behavior, whether intentional or not, based on race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, physical and/or mental disability, marital status, family status, source of income, age, ancestry, place of origin or sexual orientation and which has a negative effect on any individual or group.” - Has the effect or purpose of offending or demeaning a person or group of persons whether intentional or not on the protected grounds above. 1.8 “Sexual harassment” is deemed to be a form of gender discrimination and is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. 4.0 Complaint Process 4.1 A person who is the subject of disrespect should tell the respondent(s) that what the respondent(s) are doing is offensive, and ask them to stop. If this is not practical, or a person needs support or advice before talking to the respondent(s), they may choose to talk to their managers, supervisors, union representatives, or Human Resources Consultant. 4.2 An informal complaint should be considered as the first step in resolving the concern. This would entail taking a verbal request for assistance to a supervisor/manager. No further action may be required if the issue can be resolved at this stage. Because disrespectful (inappropriate) behaviour often occurs when a respondent is unaware of the inappropriateness of their actions but would willingly cease these actions if directed, every effort should be made to resolve the concern through a supervisor/manager – facilitated discussion. If the supervisor/manager is the respondent or if the issue cannot be resolved, the complainant may file a formal complaint and request an investigation. 4.3 Formal complaints of disrespectful (inappropriate) behavior must be submitted in writing to the Director of Human Resources. For incidents of a serious nature (for example, physical abuse), Security Services may be involved. 4.4 Investigations shall begin as soon as possible after the time of the complaint. They will be undertaken in a sensitive, confidential manner. 4.5 Human Resources will conduct the investigation of the inappropriate behavior. The investigation will be conducted in a fair and impartial manner. The investigation will involve discussions with the complainant, respondent, other people with information about the complaint, as well as affected supervisors/managers if required. 4.6 The investigator will provide a written recommendation for resolution of the complaint. The recommendation will consider disciplinary or corrective action as well as a time frame for implementation of the recommendations. The recommendation will be presented to the applicable Dean(s)/Director(s) for implementation. A copy of the investigation report will be provided to the parties to the complaint. 4.7 A person who is not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation may appeal the decision in writing to the President and CEO (or designate) of NAIT. 4.8 The President and CEO (or designate) will assess whether there is sufficient reason to re-investigate or change the recommended outcome of the initial investigation. The decision will be made in a timely manner. Note: Complainants may go directly to resources outside of the NAIT disrespectful behavior investigation process (e.g.: grievance procedure if the individual is a NASA or AUPE member; the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission, the police, etc.) if they wish. Note: Student procedures regarding disrespectful behavior are detailed in the NAIT Academic Regulations. NAIT’s Guideline SR 1.1: Student Conduct includes the rights and responsibilities of students and outlines what behaviours constitute student misconduct (procedure for response detailed in Student Misconduct Discipline Process SR 1.2) See below to sections from guideline pertaining to discrimination response: 1.0 Purpose NAIT is committed to a healthy and respectful educational environment for all members of the campus community. This guideline supports the rights and responsibilities of students and outlines the conduct expected to develop and sustain a respectful and inclusive campus community that aligns with the NAIT Way values. The Student Conduct Guideline applies to the conduct of all students that has a real and substantial link to NAIT, NAIT activities, and/or the NAIT community, whether or not the conduct occurred on NAIT property. 2.0 Definitions Bullying – Unwanted, aggressive behaviour that involves an imbalance of power and can include such actions as making threats, spreading rumours, and/or attacking someone physically or verbally. Cyber Bullying – Bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Harassment – Conduct that is intimidating, threatening, demeaning, or abusive and may involve direct or implied threats that could potentially lead to risks to the health and/or safety of the NAIT community. NAIT Community - Any employee, student or any person who provides a service for or receives a service from NAIT, or any person who interacts with NAIT in the context of its role as a public post-secondary institution. Professional Code of Ethics – All provincial and federal Codes of Ethics or Codes of Conduct governing the relevant profession and the practice of its discipline. Sexual Harassment – Unsolicited, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. NAIT Way (People Matter) Respect: We treat each other with respect, including behaviours of honesty, integrity, transparency, trust and an appreciation for diversity. Collaboration: We work together to advance NAIT and its academic mission in fostering relationships and in building community. Celebration: We come together in fun and enjoyment to recognize accomplishments and successes and to show appreciation. Support: We support people through empowerment, providing a safe and caring workplace and providing opportunities for personal and professional growth. Accountability: We are accountable, individually and collectively, to each other and to NAIT, for our actions and for achieving our promises. 3.0 Student Conduct Students are responsible for their conduct as it affects the NAIT community, as per the Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy (SR1.0). The following are examples, but not an exhaustive list, of activities constituting student misconduct: 3.1 Threatening to subject or subjecting any student and/or staff members to physical, psychological, and/or sexual harassment, injury, violence, threatening behaviour or bullying; 3.2 Threatening to subject or subjecting any student or staff member to discrimination, personal indignity, defamation, libelous or indecent statements, unfounded allegations, statements harmful to personal dignity or other forms of inappropriate behaviour including but not limited to cyber stalking and cyber bullying;

The website URL where more information about the institution’s discrimination response policy, program and/or team is available:
Does the institution offer housing options to accommodate the special needs of transgender and transitioning students?:

Does the institution produce a publicly accessible inventory of gender neutral bathrooms on campus?:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
NAIT currently does not have an on-site residence. The Center for Applied Technologies building, expected to open in 2016, will have gender neutral bathrooms.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.