Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 67.30
Liaison Jauna Vitale
Submission Date Feb. 7, 2020
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

New York University
PA-1: Sustainability Coordination

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.00 / 1.00 Nicholas Liu-Sontag
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Sustainability Committee(s) 

Does the institution have at least one sustainability committee?:

The charter or mission statement of the committee(s) or a brief description of each committee's purview and activities:
In his inauguration speech, NYU President Andrew Hamilton committed to making NYU among the greenest urban campuses in the nation. Soon after the appointment in January 2018 of Cecil Scheib to lead NYU’s sustainability efforts, the Office of Sustainability launched a crowdsourcing campaign called “Sustainability at NYU” in which over 2,300 students, faculty, staff, and administrators contributed their ideas. To further develop and implement near-term sustainability initiatives, in September 2018, the Office of Sustainability convened a Sustainability Working Group composed of administrators, faculty, and students with direct expertise in five different areas: Teaching & Research, Engagement, Energy, Water & Health, Food & Waste, and Transportation. A Sustainability Advisory Group of students and administrators responsible for major operational units as well as representatives from the University Senate was convened in April 2018 to input throughout the process. The membership of both of these groups is below. Another sustainability committee is the E-committee, composed of students who have previously been student sustainability leaders in residence halls through the EcoReps program. These students serve as volunteer leaders, peer-mentors to current EcoReps, and liaisons to the Office of Sustainability. Within the NYU Student Government Assembly is the Sustainability Committee. The Sustainability Committee is a student body that works with the Student Government Assembly and the Office of Sustainability to consider policies and initiatives to support individual and collective actions towards making NYU a more sustainable place.

Members of each committee, including affiliations and role (e.g. staff, student, or faculty):
ADVISORY GROUP MEMBERS Chair Cecil Scheib Chief Sustainability Officer, Office of Sustainability Deans Cheryl Healton College of Global Public Health Faculty Dale Jamieson Professor, Environmental Studies, Faculty of Arts and Science Mary Killilea Clinical Associate Professor, Biology and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Arts and Science Niyati Parekh Associate Professor, College of Global Public Health Richard Wener Professor, Technology, Culture and Society, Tandon School of Engineering Students Jonathan Chin M.A. Candidate, Steinhardt Karan Ganta Tandon School of Engineering, 2020 Edin Thornton Environmental Studies, College of Arts and Science Administrators Dianne Anderson Director, Office of Sustainability Yanoula Athanassakis Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Office of the Provost Lynne Brown Senior Vice President, University Relations & Public Affairs Linda Chiarelli Vice President, Capital Projects and Facilities Lisa Coleman Senior Vice President for Global Inclusion, Diversity, and Strategic Innovation Sabrina Ellis Vice President, Human Resources Tracey Gardner Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the President Juan Tie First Deputy Director, Public Safety Len Peters Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Stephanie Pianka Senior Vice President, Finance and Budget and Chief Financial Officer WORKING GROUP MEMBERS TEACHING & RESEARCH Cybele Raver, Co-Chair Deputy Provost Tensie Whelan, Co-Chair Director, Center for Sustainable Business Jonathan Chin M.A. Candidate, Steinhardt John Gershman Clinical Professor of Public Service Tom Igoe Associate Arts Professor Beth Kienle-Granzo University Registrar & AVP of Student Information Systems Mary Leou Clinical Professor of Environmental Education Sophie Rifkin Senior Associate Director, Center for Sustainable Business ENGAGEMENT Charlton Mcilwain, Co-Chair Vice Provost for Faculty Engagement and Development, Office of the Provost Arlene Peralta, Co-Chair Senior Director, Community Engagement, University Relations and Public Affairs Monroe France Associate Vice President for Global Student Engagement & Inclusive Leadership Karan Ganta Tandon School of Engineering, 2020 Bethany Godsoe Associate Vice President, Career and Leadership Development Shonna Keogan Director, Executive Communications Eric Loffswold Associate Director, Learning and Org Development David Pe Associate Dean of Students, Student Life Michael Venturiello Program Administrator, Center for Student Life Katrina Wyman Sarah Herring Sorin Professor of Law, NYU School of Law ENERGY, WATER & HEALTH Jennifer Gerdes, Co-Chair Senior Advisor to the Associate Vice Chancellor of Global Programs Andrew Repoli, Co-Chair Director, Construction Management Brian Burke Director, Energy Engineering Jack Caravanos Clinical Professor, Global and Environmental Health Gabrielle Mendelsohn Co-President, EarthMatters; College of Arts and Sciences 2019 Melisa Puglisi Director, Environmental Health and Safety Bonny Urban Category Lead, Procurement FOOD & WASTE Tom Ellett, Co-Chair Senior Associate Vice President, Student Affairs Edie Peckl, Co-Chair Executive Director, Procurement Wayne Cook Procurement Lead Stephanie Kung Assistant Director, Environmental Health & Safety Owen Moore Associate Vice President, Campus Services Brad Penuel Associate Dean, Administration George Reis Manager of Grounds and Waste Management Lila Rimalovski Gallatin, 2019 Jose Roman Assistant Vice President, Post-Award Financial Operations Carlos Zafra Associate Vice President of Operations, CBS Lillian Zalta Assistant Dean TRANSPORTATION Chris Bledsoe, Co-Chair Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs; Director of Athletics, Intramurals & Recreation Natalie Hidalgo, Co-Chair Associate Vice President, Planning, Policy and Engagement David Baler Global Liberal Studies, 2019 Christopher Echeverria Senior Policy Analyst, Government Affairs Matt Huck Assistant Athletic Director, Business Operations and Club Sports Greg Rivas Assistant Director, Transportation Laurie Stallone Global Travel Manager, Procurement AREA LIAISONS Kate Baier Senior Director, Residential Life Lily Burns-Hernandez Assistant Vice Chancellor of Administration and Chief of Staff, NYU Abu Dhabi Erin Lynch Associate Vice President, Faculty Housing Erin Meekhof Associate Instructor, Arts & Humanities Harry Meng Chief of Staff to the Vice Chancellor, NYU Shanghai Gerard Savoy Director of Facilities Management Kristina Zacharias Associate Director, Facilities and Workplace Services

Sustainability Office(s) 

Does the institution have at least one sustainability office that includes more than 1 full-time equivalent (FTE) employee?:

A brief description of each sustainability office:
The NYU Office of Sustainability leads the University-wide effort to build a healthier and more sustainable future. The Office of Sustainability guides the strategy and programs to achieve NYU’s carbon reduction goals, which include cutting emissions from the 2006 baseline 50% by 2025 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2040. To support the University in achieving its sustainability goals, the Office works with operational, academic, and administrative partners through programs, trainings, and consultation to implement sustainability strategies across the University. NYU’s Office of Sustainability reports directly to the Office of the President, with key support from the Provost for whom sustainability is a provostial priority. The Office’s primary goal is to support the academic mission of the University. While investing in energy efficiency and electrification of the University’s buildings is crucial to achieving carbon reduction goals, it is also a key to supporting academic excellence. By investing in high performance buildings to reduce energy waste and improve indoor air quality, the University is simultaneously reducing emissions and generating significant health benefits for the NYU community. Providing an indoor environment that is more comfortable and has cleaner air aids the academic and professional performance of NYU students, faculty, and administrators. The Office of Sustainability also provides educational programming for the NYU community through Green Grants, support for teaching and research, peer-to-peer education in residence halls, and other initiatives. The Green Grants program provides up to $20,000 of funding for sustainability-related projects which any NYU community members can apply for. The goal of the Green Grants program is to spark the imagination of the University community and advance our leadership in local and global environmental scholarship and practice. Since the inception of the Green Grants program in 2007, over $1 million have been awarded and several projects have been institutionalized through student engagement initiatives, University policy change, and academic programming. In the student residence halls, NYU EcoReps serve as peer-to-peer leaders charged with initiating sustainability projects, advocating for improved sustainability measures, and educating their peers on sustainability. Additionally, there are two floors in student housing focused on sustainability exploration including on- and off-campus experiential learning. There are various other initiatives within the Office of Sustainability, both operational and programmatic. These include the promulgation of a green events standard, and a sustainability professional development module for University administrators, waste reduction strategies, the promotion of sustainable transportation, and the incorporation of environmentally friendly purchasing preferences in University purchasing.

Full-time equivalent (FTE) of people employed in the sustainability office(s):

Sustainability Officer(s) 

Does the institution have at least one sustainability officer?:

Name and title of each sustainability officer:
Cecil Scheib, Chief Sustainability Officer

Institution-Wide Coordination 

Does the institution have a mechanism for broad sustainability coordination for the entire institution (e.g. a campus-wide committee or an officer/office responsible for the entire campus)?:

A brief description of the activities and substantive accomplishments of the institution-wide coordinating body or officer during the previous three years:
Over the past three years, NYU's Office of Sustainability has continued its efforts to make a healthier and more sustainable University. This has been accomplished through the numerous programs, initiatives, and actions taken by the Office of Sustainability and the groups it has convened: the Sustainability Advisory Group, the Sustainability Working Group, and collective actions taken by University entities which advance the mission to make NYU healthier and more sustainable. NYU has made several commitments to cutting the University's carbon emissions. In 2007, NYU joined the New York City Carbon Challenge. The University achieved 30% emissions reductions over the baseline in just 5 years, and is currently working to achieve a 50% reduction by 2025. In April 2019, NYU's University Senate passed the Resolution for Decarbonization pledging to make NYU carbon neutral by 2040, among numerous other efforts for the University to pursue relating to climate impacts. In order to achieve these goals, NYU must aggressively reduce energy consumption in University buildings. Through its Better Buildings efforts, the Office of Sustainability will help meet the carbon reduction goals by investing in green buildings, reducing energy consumption, and creating a more comfortable indoor environments for the NYU community. One component of the Better Buildings plan is the University's commitment that every significant construction project the University undertakes will be LEED Silver certified, at a minimum. Other accomplishments come from the programs of the Office of Sustainability. For example, The Green Grants program encourages students and others to apply for grants up to $20,000 for research and implementation of an innovative sustainability-related project that has yet to be explored at the institutional level. The goal of the Green Grants program is to spark the imagination of the University community and advance our leadership in local and global environmental scholarship and practice. In the past 3 years, the Green Grants program has provided over $200,000 in funding to students, faculty, and staff applicants. This funding encourages innovation and advancement of sustainability principles at NYU and in the greater community. Other impactful work by the NYU Office of Sustainability includes the implementation and execution of the University-wide Sustainability Working Group and an initiative to crowd-source sustainability actions from the NYU community (Sustainability at NYU). The Working Groups, consisting of over 50 students, faculty, and administrators were convened to determine meaningful and achievable new sustainability initiatives that NYU could implement in the short term. In addition to the Working Groups, the Sustainability at NYU crowdsourcing initiative engaged the broader NYU community to solicit ideas and input regarding sustainability actions they would like to see. Over 2,300 students, faculty, staff, and administrators contributed to the ideas. The outcome of the engagement drive and Working Group was 35 specific actions, and a list of items for further study. The 35 Sustainability Working Group Actions are as follows: ENERGY, WATER & HEALTH Turn off equipment in empty offices NYU IT intends to introduce new managed workstation software to all IT-managed computers in Spring 2019. This will be the first step towards a larger initiative of powering down office IT equipment when not in use. Procure green electronics Starting in Spring 2019, Procurement and IT will work together to identify energy efficiency and sustainability standards for NYU IT equipment. Measure greenhouse gas emissions across NYU’s global network Beginning in 2019, the Office of Sustainability will perform a Greenhouse Gas Inventory that is inclusive of the Global Network and Scope 3 emissions, where possible. Formalize acceptable building temperature ranges Beginning in Spring 2019, Facilities & Construction Management will work toward defining a standard for building space temperatures and humidities. Further Study Items for Energy, Water & Health Save energy in IT -NYU IT is forming a campus-wide working committee of IT professionals to collectively identify and work on opportunities for green IT. Transition desk phones to energy-saving softphones -NYU IT will examine possibilities for a transition, beginning with new employees, from deskphones to a software-based phone using the employee’s computer. Encourage stairwell use -Study opportunities to make stairwells more inviting and accessible to the NYU community. Reduce water use -Identify a water reduction goal and implementation strategy for the NYC campus. Provide feedback to students on energy use -Explore ways to share energy consumption information with students in their residences. Reduce air quality impacts from food trucks -Explore the potential to improve mobile vending in areas around the NYC campus to reduce the effects of generator exhaust. Green labs -Examine the potential for reducing use of energy and chemicals in labs. Assess and prepare for climate risks -Development of a Climate Resiliency Plan. ENGAGEMENT Engage prospective, incoming, and current students The Office of Sustainability now works with Admissions to ensure prospective students are aware of NYU’s sustainability efforts. Beginning Fall 2019, Student Affairs will begin making sustainability more present in everyday student life by incorporating information on sustainability practices into Welcome Week programs and by integrating the Office of Sustainability’s EcoReps program into Hall Council. The Office of the Provost will engage Faculty Fellows in Residence about programming opportunities. Share sustainability resources with new faculty Beginning Fall 2019, sustainability will be included in the orientation materials and presentations for new faculty to provide an overview of NYU's sustainability efforts and opportunities for faculty engagement. Invest in administrator professional development Beginning in 2020, Human Resources will incorporate sustainability classes and topics into staff professional development. Making a (sustainable) difference award In 2020, NYU plans to add a sustainability award/category to the Making a Difference Award. Include sustainability information as part of employee on-boarding As of 2019, information about NYU sustainability practices and goals is now included in the materials given to all new employees. Strategize to engage broader NYU community University Relations and Public Affairs and the Office of Sustainability have adopted a Communications Strategic Plan to better engage key audiences Further Study Items for Engagement -Motivate key leaders for sustainability Explore adding sustainability performance indicators or questions into unit goals. -Build positive connection with environmental justice Seek to incorporate input from environmental justice groups on issues that affect their communities. FOOD & WASTE Stop spending NYU money on single-use water bottles After 2019 no NYU funds will be used on campus to purchase five gallon or single-use water bottles. Reduce waste from coffee Beginning immediately, Procurement will enroll purchasers of K-Cup products in the Grounds to Grow On program and end users will collect the waste for composting. “Beans to cup” machines may be available upon special arrangement with Procurement. Automatically purchase eco-friendly products where possible Starting in Spring 2019, Procurement will make eco-friendly options, where affordable, the default for the most commonly purchased office supplies. Make campus events sustainable The Kimmel Center will now provide reusable and compostable dishware for events at no extra charge. Incorporate sustainability into dining & catering contract Sustainability goals and metrics are being incorporated into NYU’s current, ongoing process for procuring dining and catering services. Further Study Items for Food & Waste -Digitize communication materials and NYU Marketing Consider ways to reduce paper waste from internal paper marketing via an electronic delivery or opt-in system. -Create a Zero Waste Plan Consider how to undertake a large-scale planning effort to develop a zero waste strategy, including participation from the NYU community. TEACHING & RESEARCH Collaborate on sustainability teaching and research across schools In 2019, the Office of Sustainability will begin to organize a standing, cross-school sustainability committee led by Deans. The committee may address items of teaching, research, collaboration, events, communications, or any other relevant topics. Help students find NYU sustainability-related content In 2019, the Office of Sustainability will develop an online portal with information about sustainability courses, programs, and events, as well as Office of Sustainability programs and key sustainability performance indicators. In addition, beginning in 2021, the Registrar’s Office will begin tagging sustainability-related courses in Albert. Bring sustainability lessons to students across NYU Encourage Deans to determine the best approach for the integration of sustainability in their curricula and supporting faculty in doing so; creating an interdisciplinary introductory course on sustainability that might be taught across all NYU divisions; appealing to students to take existing sustainability-related courses. -Help faculty and students find sustainability research Consider suggesting all interested faculty tag their NYU Scholar profile with "sustainability". TRANSPORTATION Reduce emissions from NYU vehicles In 2019, Public Safety will work towards the goal of an all-electric fleet for shuttles and Public Safety vehicles. Assess commuting patterns In 2019, NYU will perform a transportation and commuting survey for the NYC campus to understand the commuting patterns of the NYU Community. This survey will help NYU understand what facilities, infrastructure and programs are needed to encourage more sustainable and healthy mobility choices. Further Study Items for Transportation -Make it easier to bike to campus Consider standards for bike storage and showers for future building renovations, and identify areas where bike racks are needed and can be safely located and monitored for security purposes. -Reduce undesired flying Develop guide to educate faculty, students, and administrators on when to fly and available alternatives to flying such as NYU’s teleconferencing technologies.

Optional Fields 

Job Description (1st position)

Job title of the sustainability officer position:
Chief Sustainability Officer

Job description for the sustainability officer position:
Job description for the sustainability officer position:

Job Description (2nd position) 

Job title of the sustainability officer position (2nd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (2nd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (2nd position):

Job Description (3rd position) 

Job title of the sustainability officer position (3rd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (3rd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (3rd position):

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

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