Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 67.30
Liaison Jauna Vitale
Submission Date Feb. 7, 2020
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

New York University
AC-3: Undergraduate Program

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.00 / 3.00 Nicholas Liu-Sontag
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Majors and Degree Programs

Does the institution offer at least one sustainability-focused major, degree program, or the equivalent for undergraduate students (I.e. an interdisciplinary academic program that concentrates on sustainability as an integrated concept)?:

Name of the sustainability-focused undergraduate degree program:
Environmental Studies, the College of Arts and Science

A brief description of the undergraduate degree program:
The Department of Environmental Studies aims to provide students with the breadth of understanding and skills necessary for resolving environmental questions and creating a sustainable future on scales ranging from local to global. It does so through integrated, problem-oriented study and a broad range of courses across disciplines and schools. The major and minor draws on NYU’s strong faculty base in the Faculty of Arts and Science (FAS), the Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science (CAOS, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences/FAS), the Center on Environmental and Land Use Law (School of Law), the M.A. Program in Bioethics: Life, Health, and Environment (Faculty of Health), and the Environmental Conservation Education program (Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development), as well as in the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, the Stern School of Business, the Gallatin School of Individualized Study, and the School of Medicine. The Department offers opportunities to develop interests in a number of areas, including environmental science; environmental values, policy, and law; earth system science; public health; urban environmental problems; climate change; energy systems; environmental justice; and our complex relations with both domesticated and wild nature. The major in Environmental Studies (ES) requires nine 4-point courses (36 points) as follows. (1) Three 4-point ES core courses (12 points): Environmental Systems Science (ENVST-UA 100) Environment and Society (ENVST-UA 101 or SOCS-UA 135) Senior Capstone Seminar (ENVST-UA 900) (2) One "methods of inquiry" course (4 points), chosen from: Introduction to Environmental Modeling (ENVST-UA 305) Environmental Quantitative Methods (ENVST-UA 310) Energy and the Environment (ENVST-UA 350) Fundamental Dynamics of Earth's Atmosphere and Climate (ENVST-UA 360) Biostatistics (BIOL-UA 42) Quantitative Reasoning: Elementary Statistics (CORE-UA 105) Quantitative Reasoning: Problems, Statistics, and Decision-Making (CORE-UA 107) Quantitative Methods in Political Science (POL-UA 800) Statistical Reasoning for the Behavioral Sciences (PSYCH-UA 10) Research Methods in Sociology (SOC-UA 301) Quantitative Analysis for Public Policy (UPADM-GP 111) (3) One "governance" course (4 points), chosen from these CAS courses (or from a fuller list including courses in other NYU schools and at NYU study away sites, available from the Department): Introduction to Marine Ecology and Conservation (ENVST-UA 323) Science in Environmental Policy (ENVST-UA 422) Environmental Governance (ENVST-UA 435) Global Environmental Politics (ENVST-UA 445) Water Governance (ENVST-UA 450) The Planet's Last Frontiers (ENVST-UA 455) Environmental Activism (ENVST-UA 485) Economics of Energy and the Environment (ECON-UA 326) Public Economics (ECON-UA 353) Public Policy (POL-UA 306) Controversies in Public Policy: Logic and Evidence (POL-UA 315) Private Influence in Public Policy (POL-UA 341) Bureaucracy and Public Policy Politics (POL-UA 350) International Politics (POL-UA 700) Diplomacy and Negotiation (POL-UA 720) International Organization (POL-UA 730) Political Engineering: The Design of Institutions (POL-UA 810) (4) Four 4-point elective courses (16 points), chosen in consultation with a departmental adviser. Internship in Environmental Studies (ENVST-UA 800) may count as one of the four electives. Please note that elective courses are not necessarily offered every year and may carry prerequisites (some ENVST-UA courses are cross-listed and originate in other departments). Below is a partial list of acceptable electives in CAS; for a full list that includes courses in the other divisions of NYU (both undergraduate and graduate). The categories below are designed to support concentrations that students may choose within the ES major. Electives do not need to be restricted to any one category. (4A) Environmental sciences: Evolution of the Earth (ENVST-UA 210) Climate Change (ENVST-UA 226) Topics in Environmental Science (ENVST-UA 250) Metapatterns from Quarks to Culture (ENVST-UA 254) Where the City Meets the Sea: Studies in Coastal Urban Environments (ENVST-UA 275) Advanced Topics in Environmental Science (ENVST-UA 300) Introduction to Marine Ecology and Conservation (ENVST-UA 323) New York Underground (ENVST-UA 327) Evidence Based Conservation (ENVST-UA 330) Food Production and Climate Change (ENVST-UA 331) Current Topics in Earth System Science: Mass Extinctions, Geologic Processes, and Evolution (ENVST-UA 332) Limits of the Earth: Issues in Human Ecology (ENVST-UA 333) Earth System Science (ENVST-UA 340) The Global Carbon Cycle (ENVST-UA 345) Energy and the Environment (ENVST-UA 350) Biogeochemistry of Global Change (ENVST-UA 370) At the Bench: Ecological Analysis with Geographic Information Systems (ENVST-UA 372) Special Topics: Introduction to Fluid Dynamics (ENVST-UA 380) Field Laboratory in Ecology (BIOL-UA 16) Introduction to Ecology (BIOL-UA 63) Physical Science: Energy and the Environment (CORE-UA 203) Life Science: Lessons from the Biosphere (CORE-UA 311) (4B) Environmental values and society (ethics, history, politics): Business and the Environment (ENVST-UA 365) Ethics and the Environment (ENVST-UA 400) Climate Change and Environmental Justice (ENVST-UA 405) Economics and the Environment (ENVST-UA 410) Cooperation and the Commons (ENVST-UA 412) Environmental History of the Early Modern World (ENVST-UA 415) Environmental History of New York City (ENVST-UA 420) Science in Environmental Policy (ENVST-UA 422) History of Ecology and Environmentalism (ENVST-UA 425) Education and the Environment (ENVST-UA 430) Environmental Governance (ENVST-UA 435) Food, Animals, and the Environment (ENVST-UA 440) Global Environmental Politics (ENVST-UA 445) Topics in Environmental Values and Society (ENVST-UA 450) Water Governance (ENVST-UA 450) The Planet's Last Frontiers (ENVST-UA 455) European Environmental Policy (ENVST-UA 460) Climate and Society (ENVST-UA 470) Environmental Justice and Inequality (ENVST-UA 480) Urban Political Ecology (ENVST-UA 490) Journalism and Society: Covering the Earth (ENVST-UA 503) Readings in Contemporary Literary Theory: Eco Criticism (ENVST-UA 510) Making Art in the Anthropocene: Project on Ecology, Species, and Vibrant Matter (ENVST-UA 593) Animals and Society (ENVST-UA 610) Animals and Public Policy (ENVST-UA 630) The Literature of Environmental Justice (ENVST-UA 675) Economics of Energy (ECON-UA 326) Topics in Environmental History (HIST-UA 829) (4C) Planning, cities, and transportation: Urban Greening Lab: New York (ENVST-UA 495) Environmental Design: Issues and Methods (ARTH-UA 672) Cities in a Global Context (SCA-UA 602) Urban Environmentalism (SCA-UA 631)

The website URL for the undergraduate degree program:

Additional Degree Programs (optional) 

Name of the sustainability-focused, undergraduate degree program (2nd program):
Sustainable Urban Environments, Tandon School of Engineering

A brief description of the undergraduate degree program (2nd program):
Cities play a critical role in addressing the environmental challenges that face the world today. The major in Sustainable Urban Environments prepares students to make cities more sustainable. Students gain an understanding of the social and technical issues in urban environmental problems, and an appreciation of the policy and planning approaches that are necessary to create more livable, sustainable, and equitable cities. Multidisciplinary courses emphasize project-based learning, using New York City as an urban laboratory, and also examining sustainable cities in a global context. Directed studies and capstone projects provide students with essential experience in conducting and presenting research at public forums within the School of Engineering. By the program’s end, our graduates are prepared to enter various environmental fields, including urban planning and design. They also partake in opportunities in social work, government, education, and museums. Core (33 credits) 2 Credits Introduction to Civil Engineering CE-UY1002 URB-UY2004 Please refer to the bulletin for more information 4 Credits History of New York's Urban Infrastructure HI-UY3034W 4 Credits Design of Cities URB-UY2024W 4 Credits Methods for Studying Urban Environments URB-UY2044 4 Credits Introduction to Urban Policy URB-UY2054W 4 Credits Internship URB-UY4034 2 Credits Capstone Project I URB-UY4012 2 Credits Capstone Project II URB-UY4022 And one of the following Civil Engineering courses: 3 Credits Traffic Engineering CE-UY3303 3 Credits Introduction to Transportation Systems CE-UY3313 3 Credits Introduction to Urban Infrastructure Systems Management CE-UY4033 3 Credits Transportation Economics CE-UY3363 3 Credits Sustainable Cities CE-UY4043 Tracks/SUE Electives (16 credits) Select at least 1 course from each group: History Group 3 Credits History of New York City Transit System CE-UY3353 3 Credits History of NYC Transit System HI-UY2353 4 Credits Introduction to New York City History HI-UY2514W 4 Credits Urban Environmental History HI-UY2724 4 Credits Seminar in Urban Infrastructure History HI-UY4334W Social Science Group 4 Credits Human Factors in Engineering Design PS-UY2724 4 Credits Environmental Psychology PS-UY3324 4 Credits Psychology of Sustainability PS-UY3724 4 Credits Psych of Living in Extreme Environments PS-UY3754 4 Credits Geographic Information Systems URB-UY2114 4 Credits Humans in the Urban Environment URB-UY2034 4 Credits Urban Impact Assessment URB-UY3354 Environmental Group 4 Credits Beyond Oil: Fueling Tomorrow's Vehicles SEG-UY2184W 4 Credits Writing About Nature & the Environment SEG-UY2194W 4 Credits Introduction to Urban Planning URB-UY2064 4 Credits Natural Environment of New York City URB-UY2224 4 Credits Natural Environmental Catastrophes & Cities URB-UY2234 4 Credits Evidence-based Design URB-UY3034 4 Credits Cities in Developing Countries URB-UY3214 4 Credits Planning for Healthy Cities URB-UY3234 4 Credits Hist & Design of Urban Parks URB-UY3314 Other 4 Credits Special Topics in Sustainable Urban Environments URB-UY3834 SUE Global Experience URB-UY401X

The website URL for the undergraduate degree program (2nd program):
Name of the sustainability-focused, undergraduate degree program (3rd program):
Sustainability, Health, and the Environment, Liberal Studies

A brief description of the undergraduate degree program (3rd program):
Sustainability, Health, and the Environment (SHE) integrates the humanities and sciences to study human and environmental impacts on the planet's resources and populations. Our species has impacted the Earth to such an unprecedented extent that a new geologic epoch has been proposed: the Anthropocene, or Age of Humans. Current environmental crises underscore the pressing need for sustainability, an interdisciplinary approach for meeting the needs of current generations without compromising those of future generations, that incorporates wildlife, ecosystem functionality, and organismal health. Areas of study: Agriculture and food studies Arts and literature of the environment Biodiversity and conservation Climate change Demography Ecological footprint Environmental justice Green design Public health and disease Sustainable development and energy Sustainable fashion Urban health and the built environment Waste management

The website URL for the undergraduate degree program (3rd program):
The name and website URLs of all other sustainability-focused, undergraduate degree program(s):

Minors, Concentrations and Certificates

Does the institution offer one or more sustainability-focused minors, concentrations or certificates for undergraduate students?:

Name of the sustainability-focused undergraduate minor, concentration or certificate:
Environmental Studies, the College of Arts and Sciences

A brief description of the undergraduate minor, concentration or certificate:
The Department of Environmental Studies aims to provide students with the breadth of understanding and skills necessary for resolving environmental questions and creating a sustainable future on scales ranging from local to global. It does so through integrated, problem-oriented study and a broad range of courses across disciplines and schools. The major and minor draws on NYU’s strong faculty base in the Faculty of Arts and Science (FAS), the Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science (CAOS, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences/FAS), the Center on Environmental and Land Use Law (School of Law), the M.A. Program in Bioethics: Life, Health, and Environment (Faculty of Health), and the Environmental Conservation Education program (Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development), as well as in the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, the Stern School of Business, the Gallatin School of Individualized Study, and the School of Medicine. The Department offers opportunities to develop interests in a number of areas, including environmental science; environmental values, policy, and law; earth system science; public health; urban environmental problems; climate change; energy systems; environmental justice; and our complex relations with both domesticated and wild nature. The Environmental Studies Minor draws on the same approach, courses, and faculty as the major program. The minor in environmental studies requires five 4-point courses (20 points): Environmental Systems Science (ENVST-UA 100) Environment and Society (ENVST-UA 101 or SOCS-SHU 135) Plus three courses from the list of ES major electives (see major description above).

The website URL for the undergraduate minor, concentration or certificate:

Additional Minors, Concentrations and Certificates (optional) 

Name of the sustainability-focused undergraduate minor, concentration or certificate (2nd program):
NYU Stern Sustainable Business Co-Concentration, Stern School of Business

A brief description of the undergraduate minor, concentration or certificate (2nd program):
The Sustainable Business co-concentration helps undergraduate Stern students gain a broader understanding of how businesses can profit while benefiting society and protecting the environment. It allows students to develop the perspective and skills necessary to position themselves in the future to lead organizations that effectively create economic, social and environmental value. It requires two courses from List A and two courses from List A or B. List A Social Entrepreneurship BSPA-UB 41 Economic Inequality: Perspectives and Practices BSPA-UB 43 Sustainable Business and the New Economy BSPA-UB 44 Sustainability Impact Consulting in Costa Rica BSPA-UB 45 Sustainability for Competitive Advantage BSPA-UB 68 Social Innovation Practicum (P) BSPA-UB 70 Experiential Learning Seminar: Social Impact Consulting (P) BSPA-UB 103 Experiential Learning Seminar: Emerging Technologies in the Energy Industry (P) BSPA-UB 105 Stern International Volunteers Seminar BSPA-UB 2000 Law and Business of Social Enterprise BSPA-GB 2140 Social Enterprise in Sustainable Food Business (P) BSPA-GB 2306 Law, Business and Human Rights (1.5 credits) BSPA-GB 2331 Global Markets, Human Rights, and the Press (1.5 credits) BSPA-GB 3105 List B Marketing for Impact: Strategies for Sustainable Business BSPA-UB 51 Corporate Political Power BSPA-GB 2356 Health Economics ECON-UB 140 Social Enterprise & Economic Development: The India Context ECON-UB 223 Business and the Environment ECON-UB 225 Global Macroeconomics ECON-UB 230 The Political Economy of Development ECON-UB 239 Global Economic Trends ECON-UB 240 Social Venture Capital (1.5 credits) FINC-GB 3148 Investing for the Environment and Social Impact FINC-GB 3348 Strategy with Social Purpose MGMT-GB 2368 Introduction to Social Impact (4 credits) UPADM-GP 102 Introduction to Managing Public Service Organizations (4 credits) UPADM-GP 103 The Business of Nonprofit Management (4 credits) UPADM-GP 242 Social Entrepreneurship Incubator & Practicum (4 credits) (P) UPADM-GP 267 How To Change the World: Advocacy Movements & Social Innovation (4 credits) UPADM-GP 269 Financial Management for Global Nonprofit Organizations PADM-GP 2142 Social Impact Investment PADM-GP 2311 Managing Financial and Social Returns of the Social Enterprise PADM-GP 2312 Lean Approaches to Social Innovation (1.5 credits) PADM-GP 4311 The Intersection of Finance and Social Justice (1.5 credits) PADM-GP 4313 Environmental Finance and Social Impact (1.5 credits)

The website URL for the undergraduate minor, concentration or certificate (2nd program):
Name of the sustainability-focused undergraduate minor, concentration or certificate (3rd program):

A brief description of the undergraduate minor, concentration or certificate (3rd program):

The website URL for the undergraduate minor, concentration or certificate (3rd program):

The name and website URLs of all other sustainability-focused undergraduate minors, concentrations and certificates:

Optional Fields  

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.