Overall Rating Gold
Overall Score 65.69
Liaison Alan Turnquist
Submission Date July 24, 2023

STARS v2.2

Michigan Technological University
OP-5: Building Energy Efficiency

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.09 / 6.00 Clare Fidler
Sustainability Coordinator
Office of Sustainability and Resilience
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Part 1. Site energy use per unit of floor area

Performance year energy consumption

Electricity use, performance year (report kilowatt-hours):
kWh MMBtu
Imported electricity 38,521,356 Kilowatt-hours 131,434.87 MMBtu
Electricity from on-site, non-combustion facilities/devices (e.g., renewable energy systems) 16,313.59 Kilowatt-hours 55.66 MMBtu

Stationary fuels and thermal energy, performance year (report MMBtu):
Stationary fuels used on-site to generate electricity and/or thermal energy 339,663.92 MMBtu
Imported steam, hot water, and/or chilled water 0 MMBtu

Total site energy consumption, performance year:
471,154.45 MMBtu

Performance year building space

Gross floor area of building space, performance year:
3,493,469 Gross square feet

Floor area of energy intensive space, performance year:
Floor area
Laboratory space 442,401 Square feet
Healthcare space 0 Square feet
Other energy intensive space 65,254 Square feet

EUI-adjusted floor area, performance year:
4,443,525 Gross square feet

Performance year heating and cooling degree days 

Degree days, performance year:
Degree days
Heating degree days 6,815 Degree-Days (°F)
Cooling degree days 759 Degree-Days (°F)

Total degree days, performance year:
7,574 Degree-Days (°F)

Performance period

Start and end dates of the performance year (or 3-year period):
Start date End date
Performance period July 1, 2020 June 30, 2021

Metric used in scoring for Part 1

Total site energy consumption per unit of EUI-adjusted floor area per degree day, performance year:
14.00 Btu / GSF / Degree-Day (°F)

Part 2. Reduction in source energy use per unit of floor area

Baseline year energy consumption

STARS 2.2 requires electricity data in kilowatt-hours (kWh). If a baseline has already been established in a previous version of STARS and the institution wishes to continue using it, the electricity data must be re-entered in kWh. To convert existing electricity figures from MMBtu to kWh, simply multiply by 293.07107 MMBtu/kWh.

Electricity use, baseline year (report kWh):
kWh MMBtu
Imported electricity 38,742,405 Kilowatt-hours 132,189.09 MMBtu
Electricity from on-site, non-combustion facilities/devices (e.g., renewable energy systems) 20,705.92 Kilowatt-hours 70.65 MMBtu

Stationary fuels and thermal energy, baseline year (report MMBtu):
Stationary fuels used on-site to generate electricity and/or thermal energy 372,791.10 MMBtu
Imported steam, hot water, and/or chilled water 0 MMBtu

Total site energy consumption, baseline year:
505,050.83 MMBtu

Baseline year building space

Gross floor area of building space, baseline year:
3,370,065 Gross square feet

Baseline period

Start and end dates of the baseline year (or 3-year period):
Start date End date
Baseline period July 1, 2017 June 30, 2018

A brief description of when and why the energy consumption baseline was adopted:
Michigan Tech operates on fiscal year that starts on July 1st and ends on June 30th. We have complete data for all buildings for FY 18 (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018) the baseline year, and for FY 21 (July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021) the performance year. FY 18 was chosen for the baseline since it is the first year that energy consumption data was collected for all buildings on campus.

Source energy

Source-site ratio for imported electricity:

Total energy consumption per unit of floor area:
Site energy Source energy
Performance year 0.13 MMBtu per square foot 0.21 MMBtu per square foot
Baseline year 0.15 MMBtu per square foot 0.23 MMBtu per square foot

Metric used in scoring for Part 2

Percentage reduction in total source energy consumption per unit of floor area from baseline:

Optional Fields 

Documentation to support the performance year energy consumption figures reported above:
A brief description of the institution's initiatives to shift individual attitudes and practices in regard to energy efficiency:

A brief description of energy use standards and controls employed by the institution:
The main campus of Michigan Tech is heated through the use of steam tunnels. This is controlled in our main heating plant. Occupancy sensors are located in about half of our buildings that turn off the lights when no one is there. In some bathrooms, automatic flushing units are triggered by occupancy, rather than on a timer, to again save energy when no one is in the building at night.

A brief description of Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting and other energy-efficient lighting strategies employed by the institution:
We are in the process of changing over to LED lighting in our buildings. We initially switched to T8 florescent lights and with in a year found that switching to modern LED lighting can have a one year pay back. Not only do the LED's use less energy, but they emit more light, allowing us to reduce the number of LEDs required.

A brief description of passive solar heating, geothermal systems, and related strategies employed by the institution:
Passive solar is a research topic but geothermal systems have been installed in two of our buildings. One uses borings that capture the heat of the earth for a multi-story building which houses some of our accounting and administrative staff. The Keweenaw Research Center is located about 8 miles from the main campus and has a geothermal system which uses ground water from an abandoned mine shaft. The temperature of the water is 55F which is ideal for heating and cooling. There are similar mine shafts on campus and research is underway to incorporate them into upgrades to several buildings.

A brief description of co-generation employed by the institution:
CHP is being researched here but there are no installed systems.

A brief description of the institution's initiatives to replace energy-consuming appliances, equipment, and systems with high efficiency alternatives:
A standard policy is to use high efficiency replacement appliances as part of our Facilities Management deferred maintenance plan.

Website URL where information about the institution’s energy conservation and efficiency program is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.