Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 70.85
Liaison Laura Young
Submission Date Feb. 28, 2019
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Michigan State University
OP-3: Building Operations and Maintenance

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.90 / 5.00 Bill Lakos
Engineer/Architect III
IPF Energy and Environment
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Total floor area of building space:
24,233,934 Square feet

O+M Certified Space

Building space must be certified under a rating system focusing on the operations and maintenance of existing buildings (e.g. LEED O+M) to count as certified space for this credit. Sustainability in new construction and major renovation projects (e.g. LEED BD+C certification) is covered in the Building Design and Construction credit.

Floor area of building space that is certified at each level under a green building rating system for the operations and maintenance of existing buildings used by an Established Green Building Council:
Certified Floor Area
LEED O+M Platinum or the highest achievable level under another GBC rating system 0 Square feet
LEED O+M Gold or the 2nd highest level under another 4- or 5-tier GBC rating system 0 Square feet
Certified at mid-level under a 3- or 5-tier GBC rating system (e.g. BREEAM-In Use, CASBEE for Existing Buildings, DGNB, Green Star Performance) 0 Square feet
LEED O+M Silver or at a step above minimum level under another 4 -or 5–tier GBC rating system 0 Square feet
LEED O+M Certified or certified at minimum level under another GBC rating system 0 Square feet

Floor area of building space that is certified under a non-GBC rating system for the operations and maintenance of existing buildings, e.g. BOMA BESt, Green Globes CIEB:
0 Square feet

Percentage of building space certified under a green building rating system for the operations and maintenance of existing buildings:

If reporting certified space, provide:

A brief description of the green building rating system(s) used and/or a list or sample of certified buildings and ratings:

If reporting uncertified space, provide the following:

Uncertified Space 

Indoor Air Quality Management 

Of the institution's uncertified building space, what percentage of floor area is maintained in accordance with a published indoor air quality (IAQ) management policy or protocol? (0-100):

A copy of the IAQ management policy or protocol:
The website URL where the IAQ policy/protocol may be found:

Green Cleaning 

Of the institution's uncertified building space, what percentage of floor area is maintained in accordance with a published green cleaning policy, program or contract ? (0-100):

A copy or the green cleaning policy:

A brief description of how green cleaning is incorporated into cleaning contracts:
MSU has two certified programs that are adhered to for their building green cleaning programs. For Residential and Hospitality Services (RHS) they are ISSA-CIMS-Green Building w/ Honors certified. RHS has received this honor three times over the past ten years. For Infrastructure, Planning, and Facilities they use the Management (OS1) and the environment system and have certified trainers to assure adherence to the policy and methods. Buildings managed by the RHS (6.1 m sq ft) are maintained to the CIMS Green Cleaning standard. https://www.issa.com/certification-standards/cleaning-industry-management-standard-cims.html. RHS is certified ISSA-CIMS-Green Building with Honors. They have maintained this certification since 2012. They are one of only 250 in North America to have achieved this cleaning designation. This certification is comprehensive in that it requires policies for cleaning, purchasing, training etc. for the entire program. The certification system reviews and validates the cleaning policies, purchasing policies, staff training, management, as well as health and safety. Review of the requirements for the certification is conducted by independent third party auditors. A document is uploaded to the reporting tool that contains several excerpts of the green cleaning requirements including: mission and values; quality control plan; quality system section; service delivery section and frequency cleaning. RHS uses the APPA standard rating system and cleaning frequencies were established to meet the standard. RHS custodial maintenance personnel uses cutting -edge technology to sanitize spaces while protecting the health of building occupants and the environment. Since 2015, the entire team utilizes 100 percent ozonated water in all residential facilities. The crews no longer spray bathrooms down with chemicals but instead use hazardous-chemical free floor cleaner and sealant. Additionally, ozonated water is also used in the cleaning of carpet and hard surfaces. This practice leads to a reduced amount of chemicals washed down campus drains and an overall lower water consumption across campus. Maintenance Requests are submitted using the new Live On website portal. The request is then quickly routed to an available team member. Buildings maintained IPF – service levels are documented to the APPA Standards and cleaning policy is in accordance with the Management (OS1) and the Environment System. https://www.usg.edu/assets/facilities/documents/APPA_Standards_(Maintenance,_Custodial__Grounds).pdf. Management (OS1) and the Environment. https://managemen.com/. The (OS1) cleaning system (OS1) is a comprehensive, high performance management system for cleaning organizations. (OS1) also incorporates the concept of Team Cleaning. It employs in-depth training, from the upper-management down to the cleaning worker level. (OS1) prescribes standardized cleaning tools and procedures. This means that each cleaning worker is trained and certified on specialized tasks. Workers are provided with tools and chemicals for each team job function, which have been bench marked as the best practice by the (OS1) Users. This simplification of the cleaning process results in a safer, cleaner, healthier and happier working environment. IPF has five Certified Trainers and maintains the training certification through annual retraining. They are responsible for maintaining the adherence to the OS1 cleaning process. They assure staff are trained properly in the procedures and best practices of the OS1 system. This core leadership team are also currently preparing the ISSA CIMS application for the certification process for their buildings, consistent with the RHS buildings. The underlying philosophy and benefits of the OS1 system includes: Improved training; Cleaning for health first and then for appearance Disposing of cleaning wastes in an environmentally-responsible manner Increasing worker safety and awareness Increasing the level of sanitation of building surfaces Removing pollutants from the facility responsibly Reducing chemical, particle and moisture residue and Minimizing human exposure to harmful chemicals and pollutants. Improved training program Reduced chemical usage Lower indoor/outdoor environmental impact Improved safety for cleaning workers Higher morale Balanced workload Compliance with ISO 9001 standards Going ‘Beyond Compliance’ with HAZCOM law Effective training for people with disabilities Improved management of custodial budget

Energy Management and Benchmarking 

Of the institution's uncertified building space, what percentage of floor area is maintained in accordance with an energy management or benchmarking program? (0-100):

A brief description of the energy management or benchmarking program:
Currently, 20 million square feet of campus area is committed to the Better Buildings Challenge with a target of 20% reduction in average Energy Utilization Index (or EUI, KBTU/SF) by the year 2020. Benchmarking is based on 2010 steam and electrical data, consistent with the goals set forth as part of the MSU Energy Transition Plan). To accomplish this, along with our overall energy management strategy, all main campus buildings are outfitted with a smart meter for electricity and a steam measurement device – either via condensate return or by a building steam meter. This information is collected and tracked within the campus metering database, eDNA with a monthly report generated for review within the MSU Utility Billing System. To meet and sustain reductions in campus energy consumption, a number of activities come into play: Investment in Energy Conservation Measures To date, over $40 million has been invested in energy conservation measures (since 2010). Approximately half was identified via energy audits, Spartan Treasure Hunts and through the 10-year retro-commissioning program. The other half was in conjunction with renewal / renovation projects whereby energy efficient technologies were implemented in concert with capital projects underway. It is expected that a reduction of 15% will result across the entire connected load of campus buildings as a result of these efforts. Re-commissioning Upon completion of the one-time, 10-year retro-commissioning program (see attached process), an ongoing approach to focused re-commissioning was developed and implemented. The goal is to sustain the improvements accomplished in energy reduction and operational efficiency. The teams concentrate on three distinct sectors of campus: Residential and Hospitality Services / Athletics facilities Laboratory and research facilities Typical classroom / office facilities Campus temperature control guideline Every year in May a campus temperature control guideline is sent out across campus to share our suggested room temperature parameters (see attached / link). Steam trap management program Initiated in 2010 as an operational best practice initiative through retro-commissioning, the campus steam trap management program was implemented. It has had a significant positive impact on trouble calls, reduced steam consumption and a more intentional method for managing our massive steam trap population (over 14,000 tested every winter). Trap failures were reduced from an average of 21% down to our current level of just 3%. Automated fault detection & diagnostics (AFDD – HVAC analytics) platform As the one time retro-commissioning program was coming to an end, analytics technology for HVAC and controls was becoming more mainstream and better developed / suited to meet the needs of MSU. In 2015 a dedicated employee was hired to administrate and deploy an analytics software platform provided through a company Iconics. This system is installed as an overlay on our current building automation systems (Siemens and Delta Controls) and identifies operational and energy related opportunities to solve root cause issues in a more predictive manner. Looking to the future, the intent of this system will be for it to provide a foundation for future implementation of artificial intelligence, machine learning and Internet of Things deployment to building controls. Currently we have 20 buildings deployed in Iconics with an operational process for addressing issues in more real time in development. Energy Systems Alterations and Improvements team In 2011 a maintenance and repair team was developed to address the increase in energy related maintenance and repair issues along with low cost/no cost energy efficiency opportunities that were being identified through the retro-commissioning process. Due to the immense amount of issues being identified across multiple projects, standard manpower and budgets could not keep up with the pace and this team has been key to making progress toward addressing this high volume of issues (opportunities). Spartan Treasure Hunts Through a one-time partnership with General Electric (GE), the concept of a “Treasure Hunt” was shared with facilities and academic unit staff members (within Engineering and Biomedical Physical Sciences buildings). GE had conducted Treasure Hunts in conjunction with Toyota across their facility portfolio. The concept focuses on collaboration between facilities professionals and those who work in the buildings on a day-to-day basis. From hearing how the facility is used and where there might be operational / energy opportunities, the teams are able to build better relationships through collaboration and a mutual understanding of challenges faced on both sides. This approach was formally adopted and re-branded as the “Spartan Treasure Hunt” to be included as an initial process step in the 10-year retro-commissioning program. It was very beneficial in helping to establish contact with building occupants and understanding their needs / hearing their ideas. Capstone Project Partnerships Beginning in 2015, collaborations between the academic department of Applied Engineering Sciences and Infrastructure Planning & Facilities were initiated as part of the College of Engineering “Capstone Design Project” program. As part of this, the following projects were carried out relating to improvements in energy efficiency and sustainability: 2015 – The Calculation and Application of Energy Conservation Measures on MSU Campus 2016 – Determination of Filtration Effectiveness (won Sustainability Award) 2017 – District Energy Optimization (co-sponsored with Johnson Controls, Inc. (JCI)) Designing a D3E Proposal for MSU’s Campus Design of a Decentralized Decarbonized District Energy Strategy 2018a – Analysis of Current Operation of the Regional Chilled Water Plant (co-sponsored with JCI) 2018b – Develop Business Case for Campus-wide Temperature Control Guideline

Water Management and Benchmarking 

Of the institution's uncertified building space, what percentage of floor area is maintained in accordance with a water management or benchmarking program? (0-100):

A brief description of the water management or benchmarking program:
As MSU is a water supplier – it has two aspects to water management. One is provided the supply of water for the use, monitoring and assuring the best quality and availability to meet the demand. The second is the measurement and monitoring of use, or the demand. Source [supply] monitoring - The water we provide to our buildings for consumption, meets or exceeds all State of Michigan and EPA standards.  We partner with other MSU organizations, such as the Institute of Water Research, to establish water tracking measures that help ensure the safest and smartest use of our water resources. https://ipf.msu.edu/environment/water/drinking-water. MSU has taken measures to double its water storage capacity and improve the water quality flowing through its distribution system with the construction of a new water treatment plant and storage tank. It is estimated to save nearly $150,000 in annual pumping costs. The MSU Water Quality Report – 2017 documents the monitoring and assessment of water quality for the university. https://ipf.msu.edu/sites/default/files/2019-04/MSU_Water_Report_6_26_2018.pdf. Water Usage [demand] and Conservation - Overall, Water conservation helps improve the environment and safeguard water resources for the community. MSU is working to ensure a balanced and sustainable approach to water consumption. Water meters for buildings on campus are tied into the Central Control system that connects to the Power Plant. Reports can be accessed through the EBS reporting web. Some examples of MSU’s on-campus water conservation measures include installing drip irrigation systems to target plant root systems so less water is wasted and replacing high-water-use fixtures with fixtures that use less. As new build construction standards comport with LEED standards, low flow fixtures and overall water consumption practices are incorporated in the design and build of new systems. Water meters on buildings are tied into the Central Control hub and Building Automation System. Thus, as with energy demand, monitoring is electronic with alarms, and the complaint/service reporting system is also used for water as defined in Manual of Business Procedures for Infrastructure Planning, Section 260. https://ipf.msu.edu/manual-business-procedures-infrastructure-planning-and-facilities-section-260 and service request system .https://intra.pplant.msu.edu/apps/sroipf/request?Token=FAE2CD42F313C27EFB67DA81577006D6 A specific example of conservation goals and monitoring is demonstrated through the Residential and Hospitality Services strategic plan. The RHS Strategic Plan https://rhs.msu.edu/sites/default/files/RHS-2013-Strategic-Plan.pdf identifies sustainable practices as a guiding principle, integrating sustainable practice into all facets of the program including purchasing, operations, design and construction, and facility management. Water conservation strategies include: As we renovate, consider and support conservation strategies for low flow fixtures, sub-metering dining areas and water conserving equipment. Be aware of renovations and sustainability impacts with regard to water use. Consider how water use affects energy use. . Residential and Hospitality Services manages 25 % of the floor space maintained by the university, or 6.1 million sq ft. RHS accesses the data on a monthly basis and reviews monthly water usage. This data is then utilized in assessing progress in water reduction usage in accordance with their strategic plan. The most recent data indicates that usage for 2018 is below the 2011 usage rate, even with a substantial increase in sq ft in new building space, including the addition of 1855 Place.  The data usage helps to inform and justify the action plans of installation of low flow fixtures in new buildings and in retrofits that purpose with LEED standards.  RHS also looks at the residential hall water usage in relation to other facilities and compares to a national average as provided through APPA.

Optional Fields 

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.