Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 63.40
Liaison Olivia Herron
Submission Date March 2, 2016
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Miami University
PA-6: Support for Underrepresented Groups

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Susan Meikle
University News writer and editor
University Communications
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have mentoring, counseling, peer support, academic support, or other programs to support underrepresented groups on campus?:

A brief description of the programs sponsored by the institution to support underrepresented groups:
The following are activities organized by the Office of Diversity Affairs (http://www.units.muohio.edu/saf/DiversityAffairs/ ): * The Diversity Affairs Council (DAC) is one of 9 councils under the Associated Student Government (ASG). DAC is committed to enhancing the climate of respect for diversity at Miami University by fostering co-sponsorship of programming efforts and promoting the activities of other student groups and administrative offices who are interested in issues of diversity. * MADE@Miami is a three-day pre-semester program for first-year students ready to make the most out of Miami, introducing students to resources and strategies for navigating Miami and building a supportive network of friends and mentors. Open to all first year students, but students of color, international students, and Miami Access scholars strongly encourgage to attend. *"Let's Talk" Dialogues are intended to assist students in discovering the values of participating in honest, open discussion on a broad range of intellectual, socially, and emotionally relevant topics. Dialogues are open to all students and are conducted by trained facilitators. * Connection Coaches Peer Mentor Program helps Miami’s first-year students by pairing them with a trained peer Coach, or mentor, who helps new students get connected at Miami socially and academically. These Coaches will offer assistance, motivation and support to achieve student goals. * Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Services provides education, advocacy, support, and safe spaces for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, asexual, pansexual, intersex, and straight-allied students. GLBTQ Services presents educational, cultural, and social opportunities for the Miami University community to challenge intolerance and to create a more hospitable, accepting campus climate. ALSO - advising and undergraduate research support is available for members of underrepresented groups interested in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math through Miami's participation in the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP), a National Science Foundation program - and also through Miami's First Year Research Experience (FYRE) program. ALSO - for the growing international student population on campus, the International Student and Scholar Services offices helps advise, counsel, support and retain international students: http://miamioh.edu/global/international/

The website URL where more information about the support programs for underrepresented groups is available:
Does the institution have a discrimination response policy and/or team (or the equivalent) to respond to and support those who have experienced or witnessed a bias incident, act of discrimination or hate crime?:

A brief description of the institution’s discrimination response policy, program and/or team:
Policy Prohibiting Harassment and Discrimination: is stated in Miami's Policy Information Manual; the Student Handbook and the Graduate Student Handbook: http://blogs.miamioh.edu/miamipolicies/?p=161 Response Policy (also in above url): Any person who believes he/she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment (including sexual violence, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking), or retaliation may report the behavior directly to the Office of Equity and Equal Opportunity (OEEO). Reports may be filed by the victim or others on their behalf. Within 24 hours of receiving information he/she has about alleged or possible discrimination, harassment (including sexual violence, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking), or retaliation, top level directors must report the information to the Office of Equity and Equal Opportunity: http://www.units.miamioh.edu/oeeo/office-equity-equal-opportunity/oeeo-services Within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of a report, OEEO will conduct an investigation to determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe that a violation of this policy has occurred, including the extent and severity of the violation.

The website URL where more information about the institution’s discrimination response policy, program and/or team is available:
Does the institution offer housing options to accommodate the special needs of transgender and transitioning students?:

Does the institution produce a publicly accessible inventory of gender neutral bathrooms on campus?:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
http://miamioh.edu/student-life/residence-life/resources/gender-inclusive-housing/index.html http://miamioh.edu/student-life/diversity-affairs/glbtq-services/gender-neutral-restrooms/index.html

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.