Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 70.14
Liaison Aaron Durnbaugh
Submission Date Feb. 27, 2017
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Loyola University Chicago
EN-3: Student Life

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Aaron Durnbaugh
Director of Sustainability
Office of Sustainability
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have one or more active student groups focused on sustainability?:

A brief description of active student groups focused on sustainability:
Student Environmental Alliance The Student Environmental Alliance is a campus organization dedicated to protecting and sustaining our environment. They accomplish this purpose through education and action. The group strives to educate themselves and the Loyola community about the existing instability of our world. Through action, they take this new awareness and translate it into tangible actions to stop environmental destruction and create solutions for a better future. The Student Environmental Alliance has an active membership of 30-40 students, with an email and volunteer list of over 100 students.

The website URL where information about the student groups is available (optional):
Does the institution have gardens, farms, community supported agriculture (CSA) or fishery programs, and/or urban agriculture projects where students are able to gain experience in organic agriculture and sustainable food systems?:

A brief description of the gardens, farms, community supported agriculture (CSA) or fishery programs, and/or urban agriculture projects:
Urban Agriculture is a popular program at Loyola with indoor and outdoor growing spaces as well a significant social enterprise aspect.

The website URL where information about the gardens, farms or agriculture projects is available (optional):
Does the institution have student-run enterprises that include sustainability as part of their mission statements or stated purposes (e.g. cafés through which students gain sustainable business skills)?:

A brief description of the student-run enterprises:
ChainLinks is one of four student-run enterprises at Loyola University. This particular business rents out brand new hybrid bicycles to students, faculty, and staff for the day, week, month, semester, or full year. The company employs undergraduate Loyola students, provides internship credit, and teaches students the necessary skills to run and manage a business that benefits students, faculty, staff, the surrounding community and the environment. Chainlinks is also equipped with a full-service maintenance and repair center that is open to the public as well. The ultimate goal is to continue to promote bike advocacy around campus and an enjoyable riding experience for every customer. In order to achieve this mission, employees are available to answer all biking questions as well as provide suggested bike routes to those who may not be familiar with biking in the area. Philanthropy is a priority to this company. After covering operational costs, a portion of the profits is available to the student body to host guest speakers on campus. The remaining profits go towards new business ventures, which will allow the program to expand.

The website URL where information about the student-run enterprises is available (optional):
Does the institution have sustainable investment funds, green revolving funds or sustainable microfinance initiatives through which students can develop socially, environmentally and fiscally responsible investment and financial skills?:

A brief description of the sustainable investment funds, green revolving funds or sustainable microfinance initiatives:
The Green Initiative Fund is run by 7 students with three staff advisors and oversees the dispersal of $50,000 per year. Student governed.

The website URL where information about the sustainable investment funds, green revolving funds or sustainable microfinance initiatives is available (optional):
Does the institution have conferences, speaker series, symposia or similar events related to sustainability that have students as the intended audience?:

A brief description of the conferences, speaker series, symposia or similar events related to sustainability:
Loyola University Chicago and the Institute of Environmental Sustainability (IES) are committed to the advancing an appreciation of the environment and societal understanding of our role as care-takers. In the urban setting of the Chicago metropolitan area there are many opportunities to get involved in initiatives and projects that have a real impact.

The website URL where information about the conferences, speaker series, symposia or similar events related to sustainability is available (optional):
Does the institution have cultural arts events, installations or performances related to sustainability that have students as the intended audience?:

A brief description of the cultural arts events, installations or performances related to sustainability:
Events across the year include EnergyWeek, WasteWeek, HungerWeek, WaterWeek. The choral arts and dance programs have both conducted sustainability-related programs in the past. Visual arts has hosted guest artists as well as student-led displays on environmental and social-justice topics.

The website URL where information about the cultural arts events, installations or performances is available (optional):
Does the institution have wilderness or outdoors programs (e.g. that organize hiking, backpacking, kayaking, or other outings for students) that follow Leave No Trace principles?:

A brief description of the wilderness or outdoors programs that follow Leave No Trace principles:
The Office for Outdoor Experiential Education (O.O.E.E.) serves the Loyola University Chicago community by providing integrated educational experiences designed to foster the student promise of care for self, care for others, and care for the environment. Using the outdoors as classrooms, students participate in challenging and intentional, group-based activities that provide space for reflection and leadership development. The program follows "Leave No Trace" principles. Students spend one night of the Outdoor Leadership Workshop discussing Leave Not Trace and how to apply it to programs and around campus.

The website URL where information about the wilderness or outdoors programs is available (optional):
Does the institution have sustainability-related themes chosen for themed semesters, years, or first-year experiences (e.g. choosing a sustainability-related book for common reading)?:

A brief description of the sustainability-related themes chosen for themed semesters, years, or first-year experiences:
In academic year 2011/12, the theme was 'No-Impact'. Author Colin Beavan was on-campus to speak and the entire 1st year class read his text. More recent themes have been related to undocumented student access, diversity in learning and social justice.

The website URL where information about the sustainability-related themes is available (optional):
Does the institution have programs through which students can learn sustainable life skills?:

A brief description of the programs through which students can learn sustainable life skills:
As part of the Institute of Environmental Sustainability's San Francisco Hall, a demonstration room was opened in August of 2013. This room is occupied by the GreenHouse Learning Community Assistant and is available for special events and during admissions tours. Although currently unavailable, we are working to make this an online, interactive resource. Here is a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxpcWk45MFY

The website URL where information about the sustainable life skills programs is available (optional):
Does the institution offer sustainability-focused student employment opportunities?:

A brief description of the sustainability-focused student employment opportunities offered by the institution:
Multiple student worker positions at Loyola Limited companies and with the Office of Sustainability and Institute of Environmental Sustainability.

The website URL where information about the student employment opportunities is available:
Does the institution have graduation pledges through which students pledge to consider social and environmental responsibility in future job and other decisions?:

A brief description of the graduation pledges:

The website URL where information about the graduation pledges is available (optional):

Does the institution have other co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives?:

A brief description of the other co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives:
Yes. There are co-curricular opportunities to engage around sustainability through Student Development, Campus Ministries, Alternative Break Immersions and other outlets.

The website URL where information about other co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives is available (optional):
Estimated percentage of students (full-time and part-time) that participate annually in sustainability-focused co-curricular education and outreach programs (0-100):

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.