Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 56.42
Liaison Kate Witte
Submission Date May 25, 2017
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Keene State College
PA-1: Sustainability Coordination

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.00 / 1.00 Cary Gaunt
Director of Campus Sustainability
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have at least one sustainability committee?:

The charter or mission statement of the committee(s) or a brief description of each committee's purview and activities:
Mission Statement: The President’s Council for a Sustainable Future identifies initiatives and promotes activities that reinforce a culture of sustainability at Keene State College. The Council works with the Office of Sustainability, administrative leaders, and the College community to foster educational and institutional activities, including stewardship of our environment, the promotion of social justice, economic equity and well-being through local action and global thinking.

Members of each committee, including affiliations and role (e.g. staff, student, or faculty):
Members represent all sectors of KSC life: Randall Hoyt, Graphic Design Faculty Judith Reed, Education Faculty Brian Quigley, Counseling Center Rick Foley, Sustainable Product Design and Innovation Faculty Alex Wood, Residential Life Office Beverly Behrmann, Academic and Career Counselor Lara Bryant, Geography Faculty Renee Harlow, Purchasing Office Renate Gebauer, Environmental Studies Faculty Frank Mazzola, Physical Plant Director Joseph Quirinale, Sodexo Dining Services Manager Matt Bacon, Recycling Coordinator Diana Duffy, Energy Coordinator Rebecca Dixon, Campus Events Coordinator Russ Cobb, Marketing and Communications Joe Britton, Head Gardener, Grounds staff Deb Cotley, Asst. Director Center for Health and Wellness Sharon Fantl, Communication and Information Officer, Redfern Arts Center Jessica Gagne Cloutier, Coordinator of Community Services Patrick Hearn, Assistant Director of Recreational Sports Kathleen Johnson, Chair of Management Department and Faculty Mark Long, Director of Integrated Studies Program and English Department Faculty Joshua Jarvis, Assistant Director Human Resources Laura Seraichick, Director of IT Services John Lorette, Physical Plant, Information Support Technician Robin Piccard, Coordinator of Student and Community Relations Dottie Morris, Chief Officer of Diversity and Multiculturalism Bill Rymes, Supervisor of Plumbing and Heating Ralph Stuart, Campus Health and Environmental Safety Manager Student participation through Eco-Reps Alumni Representative: Nathaniel Grey

Does the institution have at least one sustainability office that includes more than 1 full-time equivalent (FTE) employee?:

A brief description of each sustainability office:
The Office of Sustainability (OS) is responsible for identifying and championing sustainable efforts on campus, for supporting members of the campus community as they initiate and develop sustainable practices/teaching on campus, and for cultivating a culture of sustainability that permeates all aspects of Keene State College. The OS is charged with developing a comprehensive sustainability management plan that encompasses our climate action plan and energy management plan. Facilitating the creation of specific policies to support plan implementation also are in the purview of the OS. Six focal points encompass the new direction for the Office of Sustainability: • Engaging faculty, staff, and students in sustainability curricula • Fostering community engagement and responsibility through research and community service • Maintaining relationships with partners external • Working with departments to improve campus sustainability policies and practices • Providing high level strategic advice to senior management and campus committees • Assessing and reporting on all College efforts related to sustainability. The OS is also responsible for the Eco-reps and ROCKS peer to peer education program and for supporting and developing student focused education and activities promoting sustainability.

Full-time equivalent (FTE) of people employed in the sustainability office(s):

Does the institution have at least one sustainability officer?:

Name and title of each sustainability officer:
Cary Gaunt, Ph.D. Director of Campus Sustainability

Does the institution have a mechanism for broad sustainability coordination for the entire institution (e.g. a campus-wide committee or an officer/office responsible for the entire campus)?:

A brief description of the activities and substantive accomplishments of the institution-wide coordinating body or officer during the previous three years:
The President's Council for a Sustainable Future meets monthly throughout the academic year to address and discuss issues, ideas and projects and provide oversight and advice to the Sustainability Office. The PCSF is currently working with the Sustainability Office to implement our college-wide sustainability planning and prioritization effort, "Green Keene." The PCSF represents all facets of campus life and guides the Sustainability Office, Eco-Reps, and ROCKS students on projects such as Sustainability Curriculum Development and outreach (e.g., how to engage with the Dining Commons to combat food waste and implement and expanded composting program). The Director of Campus Sustainability facilitates the PCSF and implements initiatives recommended by them. As well, the Director works closely with the Recycling Coordinator, Energy Coordinator, and Green Bikes Coordinator to facilitate broad-based sustainability projects from the annual Green Bikes parade to bringing clean energy to campus. The Director has dual reporting responsibilities -- to the Provost and to the Vice President of Finance and Planning, which supports coordination between facilities and curriculum. The Director also liaisons with students, faculty, staff from all parts of campus, and to the broader community and alums, to foster a culture of sustainability that results in tangible actions.

Job title of the sustainability officer position:

Job description for the sustainability officer position:

Job description for the sustainability officer position:

Job title of the sustainability officer position (2nd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (2nd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (2nd position):

Job title of the sustainability officer position (3rd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (3rd position):

Job description for the sustainability officer position (3rd position):

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.