Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 68.05
Liaison Scott Doyle
Submission Date Nov. 20, 2013
Executive Letter Download

STARS v1.2

Ithaca College
ER-16: Faculty Engaged in Sustainability Research

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 10.00 / 10.00 Marian Brown
Special Assistant to the Provost
Office of the Provost
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

The number of faculty members engaged in sustainability research:

The total number of faculty members engaged in research:

Names and department affiliations of faculty engaged in sustainability research:
Susan Allen-Gil, Environmental Studies, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/sallen/ Environmental toxicology and habitat degradation in freshwater systems. Jonathan Ablard, History, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/jablard/ Latin American History (focus on health issues and environmental impacts) Mara Alper, Documentary Studies and Production, School of Communication http://faculty.ithaca.edu/malper/ “Re-Imagining Water” documentary (http://www.maraalper.com/doc_water_1.html) Stewart Auyash, Health Policy Studies, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance http://faculty.ithaca.edu/auyash/ International health education; critical health issues Srijana Bajracharya, Health Promotion and Physical Education, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance http://faculty.ithaca.edu/sbajracharya/ “Emphasizing sustainable health and wellness in a health education curriculum.” Wellness: A Multicultural Perspective of Health and Healing Environmental Dimensions in Health Education Marlene Barken, Business Administration / Legal Studies, School of Business http://www.ithaca.edu/business/faculty/mbarken/ "Sustainability and the Business Curriculum at Ithaca College" Judith Barker, Women’s Studies, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/barker/ EcoFeminism Mo Baptiste, Latin American Studies, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/barker/ “Youth Culture, Resistance and Education” Addresses “issues of water and land conservation, community organizing and teacher education.” Mary Bentley, Health Promotion and Physical Education, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance http://faculty.ithaca.edu/mbentley/ International Health Issues, Integrated Health and Healing Rene Borgella, Biology/Environmental Studies, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/rborgella/ Terrestrial Ecology; community ecology of vertebrates, especially birds in temperate and tropical forests; statistical methods for assessing biodiversity; human's effects on ecosystems; environmental issues and public policy Alka Bramhandkar, Finance/International Business, School of Business http://faculty.ithaca.edu/abramhandkar/publications/ “Doing Good & Doing Well: An Examination of the leading Global Firms in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index” “Managerial & Legal Perspectives on the Green Building Movement.” “Investing with a Mission: An Empirical Analysis of “Socially Conscious” Mutual Funds.” “Sustainable Management Practices and Financial Performance: A Multi-Industry/Country Study.” Jake Brenner, Environmental Studies, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/jbrenner/ Human-Environment Geography Cory Brown, Writing, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/cbrown/ Poetry, especially natural writing Beth Ellen Clark Joseph, Physics, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/bclark/ Alternative Energy Engineering Kathryn Caldwell, Psychology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/kcaldwell/ Teaching and learning of systems thinking, the value of intergenerational learning, especially for solving problems of sustainable living, and the relationship between mindfulness and sustainable values and behaviors. Jeff Claus, Department of Education, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/claus/ Multicultural education and the preparation of culturally competent teachers; issues of equity, diversity and social justice in education Jodi Cohen, Communication Studies, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/cohenj/ Environmental communication; public communication and democracy John Confer, Biology/Environmental Studies, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/confer/ Regulation of species diversity and abundance; human impact on natural ecosystems Cathrene Connery, Department of Education, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/cconnery/ Multicultural teacher education; sociopolitical issues in development, learning, and education. Douglas Cross, Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, School of H.S. and H.P. http://faculty.ithaca.edu/cross/ Marine Mammal Communication Aimee Dars-Ellis, Management, School of Business http://faculty.ithaca.edu/aellis/publications/ “The impact of corporate social responsibility on employee attitudes and behaviors.” “Integrating Sustainability, Part I: Into Corporate Social Responsibility/Business Ethics Courses.” “Employee perceptions of sustainability and corporate social responsibility initiatives.” “Stories from the trenches: Reflections on integrating sustainability into CSR/BE courses.” Julie Dorsey, Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance http://faculty.ithaca.edu/jdorsey/ Green ergonomics Tim Drake, Environmental Studies and Sciences, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/tdrake/ Outdoor Education Curriculum and Advocacy Craig Duncan, Department of Philosophy and Religion, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/cduncan/ Research includes “exploring the prospects for extending dignity-based theories of morality to encompass the well-being of non-human animals.” G. Scott Erickson, Business Administration, School of Business http://www.ithaca.edu/business/faculty/gerickson/ "Sustainability and the Business Curriculum at Ithaca College” “Marketing Sustainability in Higher Education,” Ali Erkan, Computer Science, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/aerkan/ GIS mapping applications Julian Euell, Sociology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/euell/ Social Theory, Social Change, Environmental Sociology Akiko Fillinger, Chemistry, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/afillinger/ Materials for alternative energies. Amy Frith, Health Promotion and Physical Education, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance http://faculty.ithaca.edu/afrith/ Social support systems for health promotion Mike Haaf, Chemistry, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/mhaaf/ Synthesis of organometallic catalysts designed to make biodegradable polymers from non-petroleum resources. Jason Hamilton, Biology/Environmental Studies, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/jhamilton/ Plant eco-physiology; Global Change Biology & Sustainability Science Brooke Hansen, Anthropology, Native American Studies, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/kbhansen/ Applied cultural and medical anthropology, contemporary Native American culture, medical pluralism, traditional healing and ethnobotany, integrative medicine, cultural revitalization among indigenous peoples, Native American environment and land issues, and public anthropology. John Hopple, Biology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/jhopple/ Fungal systematics Janet Hunting, Chemistry, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/jhunting/ Synthesis and characterization of potential energy-saving materials Nancy Jacobson, Biology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/jacobson/ Marine science education; insect systematics Howard Kalman, Strategic Communications, School of Communications http://faculty.ithaca.edu/hkalman/ Systems thinking Leann Kanda, Biology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/lkanda/ Mammalian behavior and population dynamics; movement ecology and evolution Eileen Kelly, Management, School of Business http://faculty.ithaca.edu/kelly/publications/ “Managerial & Legal Perspectives on the Green Building Movement," Marlene Kobre, Writing, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/mkobre/ Writing about nature and environmental issues William Kolberg, Economics, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/kolberg/ Natural Resource and Environmental Economics Julia Lapp, Health Promotion and Physical Education, School of Health Science and Human Performance http://faculty.ithaca.edu/jlapp/ Food, diet and sustainability Helene Larin, Physical Therapy, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance http://faculty.ithaca.edu/hlarin/ Emotional-social Intelligence in Health Science Students and its Relations to Leadership, Caring and Moral Judgement. Anna Larsen, Chemistry, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/alarsen/ Ionic liquids, possibly an environmentally benign alternative to organic solvents used in various chemical technological processes. Elizabeth Lawson, Department of Writing, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/elawson/ Naturalist writing Granger Macy, Management, School of Business http://faculty.ithaca.edu/gmacy/publications/ "Using Environmental Paradigms to Understand and Change an Organization's Response to Stakeholders" Felicia C. Madimenos, Department of Anthropology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/fmadimenos/ Anthropology, public health, and reproductive ecology Michael Malpass, Anthropology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/malpass/ South American prehistory, ethnohistory, prehistoric agricultural systems, complex societies Peter Melcher, Biology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/pmelcher/ Strategies used by plants to optimize the distribution of water through their highly branched vascular systems; factors that increase plant performance under various drought conditions. Nancy Menning, Philosophy and Religion, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/nmenning/ Renaissance European Wunderkammern as iconic representations of the Book of Nature, narrating climate change as a rite of passage, Terry Tempest Williams and the religious ecology of Mormon Utah Jerry Mirskin, Writing, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/mirskin/ Literacy and service learning Matt Mogekwu, Journalism, School of Communication http://faculty.ithaca.edu/mmogekwu/ Sustainable development in Africa Hormoz Movassaghi, Finance and International Business, School of Business http://faculty.ithaca.edu/hormoz/publications/ “Investing with a Mission: An Empirical Analysis of ‘Socially Responsible’ Mutual Funds” “Social Responsible Investing: Does it Pay Off?” “Sustainable Management Practices and Financial Performance: A Multi-Industry/Country Study.” Jennifer Muller, Anthropology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/jlmuller/ Bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology, trauma-related morbidity and mortality, health disparities Katherine (Kit) Muma, Biology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/muma/ Neuroecology of moth/bat interactions Denise Nuttall, Anthropology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/dnuttall/ Cultural Anthropology, South Asia, Ethnomusicology Lauren O'Connell, Art History, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/oconnell/ History of Architecture and Urbanism Karryn Olson-Ramanujan, Environmental Studies, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/kolsonramanujan/ Sustainability Education and Permaculture Design Shaianne Osterreich, Economics, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/sosterreich/ Globalization, International Trade, Poverty Alleviation, Gender Tom Pfaff, Mathematics, School of Humanities and Sciences http://www.ithaca.edu/tpfaff/sustainability.htm Infusion of sustainability into applied Math, Probability & Statistics Michael "Bodhi" Rogers, Physics, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/mrogers/ Archaeogeophysics, Ground-based Remote Sensing Patricia Rodriguez, Politics, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/prodriguez/ Outcomes of protest and political interactions of land-related social movements in Latin America; indigenous politics Susan Rosenthal, Management, School of Business http://faculty.ithaca.edu/roses/publications/ “anagerial & Legal Perspectives on the Green Building Movement.” “How Green is My Building? The Coming Tsunami of Green Litigation.” Jack Rossen, Anthropology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/jrossen/ Archaeology, archaeobotany, ethnobotany, Gordon Rowland, Strategic Communication, School of Communication http://faculty.ithaca.edu/rowland/scholar/ Leading change management efforts, social systems, systems thinking Joel Savishinsky, Department of Anthropology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/savishin/ The Trial of the Hare: Environment and Stress in a Sub-Arctic Community Ron Schassburger, Exercise and Sports Sciences, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance http://faculty.ithaca.edu/rschassburger/ Wolf Behavior—Social Organization & Communication Systems; pharmacognosy & zoopharmacognosy; Universal Design Concepts and Multimodal Exhibits Zoos, Aquaria, Nature Centers & Museums Cyndy Scheibe, Psychology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/scheibe/ http://www.ithaca.edu/looksharp/ Media literacy, media construction of environmental and sustainability issues Elan Shapiro, Environmental Studies and Sciences, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/eshapiro/ Social Movements, social/environmental justice Tom Shevory, Politics, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/shevory/ Law, public policy, and popular culture, with special attention to health and environment. Co-director of Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival. Christopher Sinton, Environmental Studies and Sciences, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/csinton/ Water quality and carbon sequestration in local ecosystems Bruce Smith, Biology/Biochemistry, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/smithb/ Organismal-level biology of invertebrates, involving ecology, behavior and evolution. Michael Smith, History, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/mismith/ Environmental History and Public History Pat Spencer, Writing, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/pspencer/ Grant writing; experiential learning and civic engagement course design Sandra Steingraber, Environmental Studies and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/ssteingraber/ Environmental toxicology Maura Stephens, Journalism, School of Communication http://staff.ithaca.edu/mstephens/shortbio/ Social justice issues, hydrofracking Anne Stork Environmental Studies and Sciences, School of Humanities and Sciences Conservation Biology Susan Swensen, Biology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/sswensen/ Plant molecular systematics (use of molecular data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of plants); sustainability science projects Alicia Swords, Sociology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/aswords/ Social Movements and Social Change, movement-centered service learning Bruce Thompson, Physics, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/bthompso/ Elephant seismic signalling David Turkon, Anthropology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/dturkon/ Sociocultural anthropology, political ecology Paula Turkon, Anthropology, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/pturkon/ Mesoamerican and U.S. Southwest archaeology and paleoethnobotany Scott Ulrich, Chemistry, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/sulrich/ Synthesis of inhibitors to bacterial communication systems to produce antibacterial compounds that do not drive antibiotic resistance. Fred Wilcox, Writing, School of Humanities and Sciences http://faculty.ithaca.edu/fwilcox/ War, non-violence, environmentalism Cory L. Young, Strategic Communications, School of Communication http://www.ithaca.edu/profiles/cv/cv_clyoung.pdf Corporate social responsibility Patricia Zimmermann, Cinema, Photography & Media Arts, School of Communication http://faculty.ithaca.edu/patty/research/ Co-director, Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival

The website URL where the sustainability research inventory that includes the names and department affiliations of faculty engaged in sustainability research is posted :
A copy of the sustainability research inventory that includes the names and department affiliations of faculty engaged in sustainability research:
Brief descriptions of up to 4 recent notable accomplishments by faculty engaged in sustainability research, including names and department affiliations:

The website URL where information about sustainability research is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.